Sharing the Table

by TRIBOT 4000

Table for One

Tribot sat in the restaurant where he had met his best friend. The very friend that had taken him over so many adventures across Equestria. The very friend that helped hi discover harmony. He learned how to laugh, trust, and believe from that one friend who was there for him always. Now that friend was gone.

Tribot remembered the message he was given. It told him everything he'd ever need to know. He kept it close to his heart. It was a part of the soul that was possibly standing by him telling him that he should get up and do something already.

He smiled. He was going to smile whenever he thought of something pleasant, and One was that pleasant thing in his life. Feel your emotions and show them to the world. That's all he needed.

Tribot stood up and went outside. He could see Celestias sun begin it's descent. Night time was soon to come. Tribot continued walking until he came to one of the many churches in the little city. There he found a grave. He read the words aloud.

A son, a cousin, a friend.

The One and the Only:
"Keep making jokes,
Know when to be serious.
I care about you,
Because you are my friend.
You are my friend forever.

"You're my friend forever."