Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: Tales of the Rainbooms

by PonyJoel

Hell on Earth!

Now that the winter break is over, the rainbooms can go back to school except for Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Due to their antics with Anon-A-Miss, they were expelled from school. With all the other high schools in the area, they will not accept either of the two to join in the school, therefore, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle will be homeschooled for the remaining of their high school life. Teachers from Canterlot High will be making trips to the houses from time-to-time to help their grades grow higher.

It is now 7:25 in the morning. The Rainbooms had 20 minutes left before classes started.

"Well, here we are in the new year." Applejack said.

"Yea..." Rainbow agreed, "new year means new beginnings."

"Then why doesn't it feel new?" Pinkie asked.

"It's because of us darling. We messed up with Sunset Shimmer. I messed up my little sister. Because of me...Sweetie Belle is on suicide watch. I ignored her cries for attention and kicked her out of my room when we had that amazing slumber party. I tossed her away right after she helped make it perfect for us. I can see why she feels neglected."

"I hear you Rarity. I tossed Apple Bloom away to hang out with you gals. I excluded my family when they needed me to help. Because of me, I made Apple Bloom go into insanity. She created Anon-A-Miss so have one more sisterly bonding time. Now, she's losing her mind."

"Anon-A-Miss cause a lot of trauma in our school. Anon-A-Miss pushed the toughest, meanest, cruel students in our school to become arsonists but murderers as well. Such a heavy burden." Pinkie stated.

"Yea and Scootaloo suffered the most. She lost her father in the war and her mother due to Anon-A-Miss. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle went into a deeper darker depression when they realized that things went too far. Can't say but if we would have made time for them, then all of this wouldn't be happening. I wish I spend a bit more time with Scootaloo. I knew that she was not alright but I took our friendship more seriously than her health. Scootaloo went through hard times and all she wanted was for me to...take her home and hang with her. I couldn't even do that. What a friend I am."

"We all made mistakes with the CMC but our biggest regret is ignoring Sunset Shimmer when she needed us the most. We all quickly turn on her because of her sins in the past. Who are we to judge on that? We're supposed to take Twilight's task and build a friendship with Sunset Shimmer. Now, look at us. We lost a friend because we were all blinded by the truth. Sunset was right and we hurt her physically and mentally. I don't blame her for not wanting to come back. I also don't blame Twilight for sealing the portal for good. We don't deserve it. We're not good friends." Fluttershy said with tears in her eyes.

"Apple Bloom told me and gave me a valid reason why Sunset would be the prime suspect. She even told me the truth about an Apple betraying another Apple. I wish I saw the exact truth from her eyes. I should have listened to Sunset Shimmer."

"Sweetie Belle gave me a valid reason as well. She convinced me that Sunset is the only one capable of manipulations around here."

"Scoots straight up told me that Sunset is the one behind Anon-A-Miss due to her blackmailing throughout the years here. I did slap Scootaloo for calling me stupid but she was in a depression. Took me long enough to see the sadness dwelling in Scootaloo."

"Harsh, shame on you Dashie for slapping her." Pinkie said.

"I know I know! Things weren't easy that week for any of us and now look. Our school is now the most hated place to be. It's going to take years to recover."

"Not only our school Dash but my family and Rarity's family. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle took things to another level. We're lucky that Chrysalis didn't take them away and lock them up for committing serious crimes of the state. We're lucky that we still have each other. If this Princess Celestia came instead of Twi, we would never be talking about this right now. She would have scorched all life here as we know it."

"Yea...luck. Luck that our school's internet has changed. The wifi here sucks. We're being watched by our every move here in the school. It feels like we're in prison! I can't even participate on the soccer team! I received a punishment of a lifetime. Also, I now have a flip phone instead of my smartphone!" Rainbow shouted.

"We all do and in a way, we deserved it. If you think you got it bad then guess what, I can show you the scars from Granny's Bamboo Belt! I can't even enjoy sitting down and relaxing for the next 6 months!" Applejack stated.

"My career has been put to a halt for the rest of the school year. I have to wait until next school year to resume. What's worse, I can't even spend the time to design anything new. My workshop closed. I won't be able to make my money or impress anyone. I too have to suffer Dash. It isn't about you! Rarity shouted.

"Girls calm down. We don't need to get into a heated argument here. We can't afford to lose another friend in a crisis like this." Fluttershy said.

"I'll have to agree with Fluttershy on this one. How much more are we going to lose?" Pinkie asked.

"A lot more! Didn't your parents forbade you from eating any sugary treats?!" Rainbow questioned.

"Yea... they came home drunk after losing money gambling. The family punishment no matter how its given is final. No, take backs whatsoever. Also, I am not allowed to help the Cakes. That's a real kick in the teeth if you ask me..." Pinkie said lowering her head.

"Angel bunny was taken to the zoo. If I can't trust a real friend in need then how can I trust someone who is the opposite of that? I trusted more ruthless people in my life than to listen to Sunset Shimmer. I'll get to have Angel back when summertime comes."

"Lucky you Fluttershy, you got the least punishment out of the rest of us here," Rainbow said in a bit of jealousy.

The girls sighed as the bell rang signaling them that class is about to start in 5 minutes. The girls went to their classes in the school. Around this time, one teacher went to the Apple Bloom's house and the other to Sweetie Belle's house. Ms.Cheerlie will be tutoring Sweetie Belle and Cranky Doodle will be at Apple Bloom's house. Every 3 days, the two teachers will switch houses as they teach everything necessary to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

Lunch break came and everyone in school wasn't talking as much as they used too. Several students are and they're doing something else to enlighten the school. The Rainbooms sat at their usual table talking among themselves.

"Today is longer than any other day. It feels like forever after my first 3 classes." Rainbow complained.

"I know, it doesn't feel right like it used to be." Applejack stated.

"Well, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle did bring tons of damages to our school. From Applejack to Flash Sentry to all of us...the girls really did a number on us along with most of the students in the school. Then the heavy burden of Chrysalis and her Changelings put fear in us. Then the very next day, the Nation Guards came to our school. That's terrifying enough, to say the least. Can't really expect anyone to feel any sort of joy and happiness knowing our school went down south over a case of cyberbullying." Pinkie stated.

"Please don't bring Chrysalis in this conversation Pinkie. I have nightmares of her taking Sweetie Belle away from me."

"She is quite terrifying when she needs to be. I don't think anyone would last 10 seconds in a fight against her." Fluttershy said.

"Well, Commander Sombra's presence made Chrysalis quiver in fear a little. I think he's the only one who could last 10 seconds against Chrysalis." Rainbow said.

"Speaking on Commander Sombra, Dash, were you able to get a hold of him about Scootaloo?" Applejack questioned.

"No, he placed a restraining order on me. Apparently, Scoots told him that I slapped her and ignored her during her depression so after all, I have done, he told me not to come within 50 yards. I can't even make a phone call or send an email to Scoots. I deserved it after leaving her hanging for a lot of reasons. There is a chance that I can still join the Equestrian Air Force but now I have to rethink my choices and decisions."

The girls sighed. Around this time, Apple Bloom and Cranky Doodle had a hard time with each other. Apple Bloom basically cursed out Cranky every time she got something wrong. Everything that Apple Bloom has done in her life leading up to today, she's done nothing but wrong. She messed up her sister's life, friendship, and the bond between family. She screwed up Scootaloo's family and house. She messed up everyone at school mentally. A voice clicked in her mind and never left her. Apple Bloom's new voice is demotic. It tells her no matter what she can do to fix something, it'll be a waste of time. She also has the scars to prove it. Sweetie Belle was far worse than Apple Bloom's situation. Not only did Ms.Cheerlie was present but an officer was there to make sure that Sweetie Belle doesn't commit suicide after her recent attempts. She feels that Rarity doesn't really love her and how everyone seems to hate her. Sweetie Belle's loneliness made her life difficult to bear with. All she wanted was her sister to spend time with, now Rarity is forced to do it as a punishment. Sweetie Belle can't look at Rarity the same knowing she messed up her sister's life, friendship and trust. Sweetie Belle feels she should just end everything knowing what she's done was passed. The guilt riding up. She doesn't deserve any happiness. She doesn't deserve Rarity's love nor her parents love. Just let her be and end everything so that way, she doesn't become a burden for anyone to worry. Ms.Cheerlie tried to make Sweetie Belle's education a bit more fun to get her going but it didn't work out like she had hoped. It'll take a bit more time due to Sweetie Belle's condition.

The day went by slow and the students of Canterlot High were free to go home. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie headed to Sugarcube Corner to try and ease themselves from a depressing first day back in school in the new year. Applejack and Rarity headed back home. Big Mac came to pick up Applejack in his truck. He even handed a list of chores for Applejack to do for the day before driving off. Hondo came in his car and picked up Rarity. As Big Mac and Hondo drove back to their homes, silence reigned. No one dared to speak after all that was happening in their family.

Big Mac dropped off Applejack behind the barn. She has to repaint the barn then pick out the apples in the southern orchard since Big Mac already picked from the northern, western, and eastern orchards. Big Mac went inside the Apple house to see Apple Bloom and Cranky Doodle. Cranky gave Big Mac a documentation on how Apple Bloom was behaving towards him then Cranky left to go home. Big Mac examines the document and saw Apple Bloom cursing Cranky out for everything she had wrong. Big Mac sighed and went to check on Apple Bloom.

"Apple Bloom, we need to talk."

"Go away asshole!" Apple Bloom shouted.

Big Mac can only sigh and he approached his little sister who is laying on her bed with another pack of ice on her bottom.

"Language young lady. Now please tell me from your perspective why you curse on Cranky Doodle. I know he can be a headache but that should not be a reason to curse at him."

"Everything I do is wrong! Everything! I can never do something right without feeling a bit happy! There now get the hell out of my room!"

"Apple Bloom I won't leave until I can find a way to..." Big Mac was cut off by taking a jab in his left eye by Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom is in no condition to reason with so he left Apple Bloom be. Big Mac headed towards the living room and relaxed for a bit.

Around that time, Ms.Cheerlie gave Hondo and Cookie a documentation on Sweetie Belle's behavior. She wished that Sweetie Belle wasn't suicidal so she can focus on her studies. Ms.Cheerlie left. The officer left as well. His shift is over now that the family is all here. Rarity went to Sweetie Belle's room to check on her.

"Sweetie Belle...I'm back...Can I come in?"

There was only silence but Rarity came in and was horrified. Sweetie Belle was hanging on a noose. Choking herself to death with shoelaces. Rarity quickly got under Sweetie Belle. Saving her from death.

"Mom! Dad! Get in here quick!"

Hondo and Cookie came in quickly and they were horrified to see Sweetie Belle on a noose made from shoelaces. Hondo cut the ties from the noose and Sweetie Belle is back to breathing once more.

"Why won't you let me die already?!" Sweetie Belle shouted.

"Sweetie Belle look at me! Look at us!" Rarity shouted back. "We love you and we're here for you. Killing yourself is not the way to go."

"It is. I messed up your life and mine. It's only deserving that I should end it, after all, I helped Anon-A-Miss kill Scootaloo's mom. I'm part of the cause."

Rarity hugged Sweetie Belle tightly. Crying and not letting her go.

"Hondo! How long do we have to wait goddammit!" Cookie demanded.

Hondo sighs. "Another 3 days honey. Zecora won't be back until her Everfree camping trip is over."

Cookie sighed. She and Hondo hugged Sweetie Belle letting her know that they truly care about her.

A few hours later, Applejack finished her chores for the day. She's tired and exhausted from today's work and school day. Applejack saw Big Mac with an eyepatch on the couch with Granny Smith.

"Did Apple Bloom hurt you, Big Mac?"

"Eeyup." Big Mac said with his arms crossed.

Applejack sighed. "I'll go see if there is something I can do."

"Good luck."

Applejack is now at the door of Apple Bloom's room. She knocked on it.

"Apple Bloom, we need to talk."

"Leave me alone asshole!" Apple Bloom shouted.

Applejack went inside the room anyway.

"You were bummed out that you wanted to spend time with me now you want to stay away from me. I know what you've done is all wrong but you do deserve a second chance in life. Please don't toss it away."

"Why bother, all you have done was tossed me aside. Now that I'm messed up like this, you want to be part of my life. You doing this out of pity. I don't want your pity bitch. I want you to leave me alone. All I can do is mess up. I screwed up my friend's life and yours by taking Sunset Shimmer away. You've taken me for granted and now look. I created Anon-A-Miss. I brought chaos in school. Because of me Applejack, Chrysalis showed up and even the National Guard. I'm a monster. Why pity a monster?"

"I made my mistakes Apple Bloom. I did toss you away to be with my friends and I'm sorry. All I can do now is fix my wrongdoings and make things right for the better. If I can do that then so can you."

"Get out of my room."

"I ain't leaving my little sis."

"You've done it once, you can do it again."

Applejack took it hard. She did leave Apple Bloom riding in the dust for months. Due to her actions, Apple Bloom listened to the darkness and the consequences have played out. Applejack kissed Apple Bloom on the head and left the room. She headed downstairs to talk with Granny and Big Mac.

"I saw something on tv last night. A commercial about helping Apple Bloom. There is a psychologist named Zecora. I believe she can help Apple Bloom in more ways that we can."

"How much it's going to cost us Applejack?" Granny asked.

"I don't know but it can really help Apple Bloom. We can't let her be like this forever."

"I'll make some calls tomorrow and see if we can find a right date for Zecora to see Apple Bloom."

"Thanks, Big Mac."

"No problem Applejack. Now if you excuse me," he flipped the channel "I have to watch Wrestling Federation tonight."

Applejack went to her room and fell asleep. Rarity slept in her sister's room. She's making sure that Sweetie Belle won't make another attempt to commit suicide. Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Pinkie all had a difficult time sleeping. The pain stood by them.

Tomorrow everyone hopes it can be a better day. The Apple family and Rarity's family hope that Zecora can be a blessing for both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Unknown to all of them, something else did happen in school today. A group of students who are trying to make a change in Canterlot High and so far with them, things are going in the right direction.