Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Party crasher

Chapter 15

I sat down, the party around me in full swing. All the ponies dancing and having a good time.

All the bronies I've found are here, Greg, Zane, Louie, but not David or Malbatorus. David had stayed home with his dog Leonardo. Malbatorus was at Fluttershy's last I heard.

Zane was new, well new to me. David said they've known him for a few weeks now. Zane was a nice guy, always polite, but also fun to be around.

I have to admit, this place just keeps getting better and better.

I looked across the room at Greg and his dog, weedy. I think its hilarious how his dog smokes like him, but its also kinda weird.

Louie gave me one of his pups also, but I can't remember where he ran off to. I haven't even named him yet.

Zane walked over to me, "Lance, I need your help."

I glanced over at him, "With what?"

He reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a card, "Could you sign this so I can enter the palace? I want to talk to the Princess."

I pulled out a pen from my saddlebag and signed the card, "There ya go."

Zane put the card back in his saddlebag and smiled, "Thank you Lance." He turned and headed for the door.

I put the pen back in my saddlebag, and looked towards Zane.

Zane walked up to the door and opened it, but as he was starting to walk out, a green Pegasus with a dark red mane pushed past him. Zane looked at him angrily, but continued out the door.

Strange, I didn't know the ponies here could be so rude. I shrugged and looked over at Twilight, who was talking to Applejack.

I walked over and smiled, "Hey you two, enjoying the party?"

Applejack looked at me and smiled, "Sure am. Pinkie Pie throws the best parties, but ah heard she had help from your friend Greg."

I nodded, "I don't know Greg to well, but he seems to know how to throw a party."

Twilight smiled, "He sure does. I need to get to know him better."

I patted her back, "Go talk to him, he doesn't bite."

She smiled and turned towards Greg, who was lighting a blunt for his dog. I stifled a laugh at the sight.

Applejack tapped my shoulder, I turned to her, "Yes?"

She looked uneasy, "Sugarcube, have you noticed Twilight's belly is kinda, bigger?"

Oh shit, shes already starting to show. "Umm, yeah. Why?"

"Cause, ah have a hunch that sees pregnant. By you."

Now I was uneasy, "Ummm... well..."

Applejack laughed, "Don't ya worry. Ah'm not judgin you or anything. Ah think its great you two are together and have a filly on the way."

I smiled, relieved, "Thanks. We have been..." A hoof tapped my shoulder.

I turned to see the green Pegasus who had knocked Zane out of the way.

"Are you Lance?"

"Yes, why?"

He smiled, a sort of disturbed smiled. "Great, I need to speak to you. Privately."

His voice had a sort of accent to it, but I couldn't place it, "Sure."

He nodded, looking pleased, "Follow me." He turned and headed for the door that lead outside.

I followed. Who is he and what does he want?


Aaron edged his way towards the DJ, Vinyl Scratch. He was nervous, very nervous.

Aaron was a brony. Just arriving in Ponyville in search of one pony, Vinyl. A pony he admired as a human, but now that he's here, he was determined to meet her.

Aaron was a black coated Pegasus with a red mane. Brown eyes and a blue snot.

He gulped when he neared her DJ booth. "Uhhh, hey hows it going."

Vinyl looked over at him, her head bouncing up and down to the beat of the music.

Aaron blushed, now clearly embarrassed, "I love the beat."

She just smiled and continued to bounce her head to the beat.

Aaron rubbed the back of his neck, "I love the way you... uhhh... The way you... ummmm... Oh, play the music."

She chuckled to her self, continuing to bounce her head.

Aaron took a step back, but tripped over a wire coming from the DJ booth. He fell back on his flank.

Vinyl started laughing and hit a switch on her Mixing table. She took off her head phones and walked over to him, "Smooth one." She said while grinning and holding out a hoof.

Aaron blushed and grabbed her hoof and stood, "Thanks."

She nodded, "No problem." She looked him over, "Names Vinyl Scratch, a.k.a DJ PON-3. And you are?"

Aaron smiled, happy to be talking to the pony hes always wanted to meet, "I love the name. Mines Aar... I mean Nightwing ."

Vinyl smiled, a smile that made Aaron feel dizzy, "I like the name. Fits you perfectly."

Aaron nodded, a furious blush on his face, easily seen due to his black coat.

She smiled again, causing Aaron's blush to intensify, "I can tell you want to ask me something. So, what is it?"

Aaron's body felt weak and his mind wasn't working properly. Everything seemed to slow down around them as Aaron started to ask the question he had been practicing over and over in his head for the past two months, "Ummm." He gulped, loudly, "Would you like to go on... on a... on..."

She finished his sentence, "On a date?"

He nodded furiously, mind spinning out of control. A feeling of nausea swept over his body.

She put a hoof to her face, a kind of fake thinking, "Where would we go on this date?"

He looked around for an idea, "There's a Cafe down the street. We could go there tomorrow."

She smiled, "Then its a date. Meet me there at noon."

Aaron smiled, almost jumping with excitement, "Awesome! I mean, I can't wait."

Vinyl smiled and turned started walking back to her DJ booth, still spilling out a steady beat, "I can tell."

As she sat back down and put on her head phones, she could see Nightwing beaming with joy.

Aaron walked around the party, a stupid smile on his face. Life was good.


I walked out of the building, right behind the green Pegasus who needed me.

I was curious at why he needed me, "So, what do you need."

The Pegasus stopped, not facing me. "Your life."

What does that mean? Before I could ask, he reared back and bucked me in face. Not a very strong hit, but enough to crack the right lens in my goggles and chip a tooth.

I staggered back, blood coming out of my mouth, "What the hell?!"

The Pegasus ran at me and head butted me in the face.

What the hell is wrong with him? I held a hoof to my nose and held it out. Blood.

I'm not much of a fighter, but it looks like I'm going to have today.

I twisted around and bucked backwards. But my hoofs hit air. Where did he go?

A pair of hoofs hit the side of my head, hard.

That hit hurt. I can't see straight.

Again, I felt a hard impact on my side. Sending me to the ground.

I looked up at the Pegasus, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

He smiled, a horrible smile. His eyes where full of hatred, "What? Can I not get revenge on the guy who killed my family!"

What is he talking about, "I haven't killed anyone!"

"Yes you did. One year ago, I saved you from being shot. And for that, I lost everything."

A year ago? Can this be the boy from the ally? "Cody? Cody Benson?"

He nodded, "The very same."

But, I did nothing in that ally, "How did I kill your family? I don't even know you."

"You was being mugged, I helped. I was robbed by your mugger. He stole the very thing that would save my family!"

"Its still not my fault that they died! You chose to save me, so its your fault."

His face twisted into anger, "SHUT UP!" He shouted at the top of his voice.

Cody raised his hoofs and brought them down on my stomach, knocking the wind out of me.

I quickly recovered and jumped to my feet, "Think about what your doing!"

He smiled evilly, "I have for the past year. I've craved this moment." He jumped forwards and headbutted me again.

Damn, this guy is mad. I don't want to fight him, but if I don't, I could die.

I stood my ground, "Cody, don't do this. Let it go, don't let hatred rule your life."

He slammed into me and slammed me into the door that lead back into the building. "But the hatred keeps me warm."

This guy is scaring the hell out of me, "Damn it Cody! I don't want to fight you."

He laughed, holding me against the door, "Good, more fun for me."

He raised a hoof and slammed it into my face, over and over again.

With each punch, everything blurred. Those punches may not be that strong, but damn they hurt.

He jumped off me and turned around. I was to dazed to move. He slammed his back hoofs into me, sending me through the door. The door breaking in half.

I slide across the floor, face covered in blood.

Damn, he has some power in those legs.

I heard the ponies that was at the party gasp. The music stopped.

I looked at the door, Cody on the other side grinning, evil in his eyes.

Cody walked in and laughed, "Now, you can have a crowd watch you die!"

I stood up, shakily, "You don't have to do this Cody. Just let it go and move on."

He shook his head, "I can not stop. I've let evil control my heart and I'm going to use it to make you suffer."

Cody galloped forward.

Seconds before he reached me, a dull green pony jumped on him.

I looked down at the two struggling ponies and smiled. Greg was on top of Cody, holding down his hoofs, "Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?"

Cody tilted his head, "So, I take it as your his bitch."

Greg sneered in anger, "I'm no ones bitch!" He said as he stood up, "Come on, fight me."

Cody stood, smiling, "You sure are stupid aren't ya?"

Greg smiled, "Come over here and find out."

"My pleasure."

Cody flew forward, slamming his head into Greg's jaw.

Greg took a step back and rotated his jaw, "That the best you got?" He twisted and bucked Cody in the face.

Cody's head snapped back, blood seeping from a cut under his right eye. "You bitch!"

Greg laughed, bad move.

Cody slammed into Greg, sending both of them across the floor.

They stopped, Cody pinning Greg to the floor. "Now what?"

Greg smiled.

"What the hell are you smiling about?"

Greg slammed his head upward, impaling Cody in the chest with his horn.

Cody's eyes widened in shock and he fell off Greg. He brought his hoofs to his chest, "Why? I can't die, I haven't... haven't had my revenge." He closed his eyes and went limp.

I stumbled over, "Greg, why did you have to kill him?"

Greg smiled, "Who said I killed him? I used a spell I learned and put him in a shut down state."

"Okay, but why did you stab him with your horn."

"I was pissed." Greg answered causally.

I patted his back, "Thanks for not killing him, I want to have a word with him."

Greg slumped down on to his flank, "Whoa I'm tired. Your going to have to wait a while. I put all I had into that spell. May be days before he can talk again."

I sat down, "That's great."

The ponies around us were still looking at us in shock. This was obviously the first violent act they've ever seen.

The first to recover was Twilight, "What just happened?"

I looked over at her, felling tired from the brief fight, "I'll tell you later."

She nodded.

I laid back on the hard floor, "Hey Greg."

"Yea man?"

"I need a vacation from all this excitement."

He laughed, "What? This is the first thing to happen to you that even qualifies as excitement."

I smiled, "You don't know the half of it dude."

Twilight walked up and looked down at me, pain in her eyes, "Lance, your hurt."

I smiled and waved her off, "Its fine. Just a few cuts and bruises. I'll live."

I felt my self being lifted in the air. I looked at Twilight to see her horn glowing, "No, your hurt. I'm taking you to the library to heal and rest."

I laughed, "When did you become my mom?"

She shook her head, "The moment you busted through the door."

I shook my head laughing, "Just put me down, I'll be fine."

She started walking towards the door, holding me in front of her with her magic, "No."

I looked back at Greg, "A little help here man?"

He laughed, "Your on your own."

I hung my head, "Fine."

As she walked us to the library, I pulled off my goggles.

The crack in them went all the way up the right lens. The red lens looked off, but still held. I hope Rarity can fix those.

I felt my face, which sent a searing pain with every touch.

Damn it, why my face? I need this you know.

Well, at least Cody's down and out, but not dead. I must speak with him, I have to convince him to drop his grudge against me.

I let my muscles relax. Now to just let Twilight take care of me. A smile crossed my face.