Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

A New Crisis Pt1

Small talk reigned at the booth until all their food had arrived. Rainbow Dash looked around her friends, cringed a little, and opened her mouth to speak. "I don't really know how to put this. Sonata put it together, and once she did it kinda makes sense."

When Rainbow Dash didn't immediately continue, Applejack decided she had to poke the topic a bit. "What do you mean, Rainbow?" She had a sandwich for her lunch, accompanied by a shake. Figuring that Rainbow Dash would get into some in-depth talk that she could ignore after the initial prompting, she took a bite of her lunch.

"Okay. So, after Camp Everfree I passed out for two days." Rainbow Dash waited for a few of her friends to nod that they were paying attention. "And after that I felt really odd, and my—oh heck I can't believe I have to say all this—my sex drive went up. Way up.

"Like, really way up. Anyway, then Rarity got sick with whatever it is too, and she passed out for two days." Nodding to Rarity, Rainbow Dash hoped her friend would help explain the situation.

Taking a steadying breath, Rarity just nodded. When it seemed like her nod didn't accomplish the leap of comprehension she expected, she let out a little groan. "It's true that my own desires have increased."

Twilight's brain, intrigued more than she would admit, latched onto the pattern from just two people and extrapolated. "Lavender Lace…" Rarity nodded to her. "Wait. Hold on. What about your parents? Sweetie Belle?"

Rarity's face couldn't blanch, there wasn't enough color in it, but her blood ran cold. "I-I-I-I don't… Oh no!"

"Look, it's not a big deal for me. Kinda, well, used to it." Despite her downplaying of the effects, Rainbow Dash shot a sympathetic look to Rarity (who wasn't looking, her thumbs already racing over the screen of her mobile). "So I guess it was some kind of flu? Maybe something we picked up at Everfree?"

"Could be." Twilight had her phone out and was typing notes into it. "When you got back, what contact did you have with Rarity or Lavender?"

Rainbow Dash clenched her teeth for a moment. "We kissed. She… I… We…" Each pronoun failed to start the sentence Rainbow Dash wanted to say—which was anything but what she needed to. "It was how I worked out I was straight."

"I-I asked her. Honestly asked her." Rarity stared at the screen of her phone, rereading the messages. "She told me to put— Well, a young lady shouldn't say those things, but then a young woman should ask them."

"Rarity!" Almost everyone chorused the word together.

"Right. Okay. Sweetie hasn't been feeling any wild urges, she says. Mom and dad—" Her voice failed as Rarity realized how little she had seen of her parents in the last week. She could remember them coming home, and remembered them leaving for work, but the normal home-life of her parents seemed missing. "Oh no. Oh no no no!"

Roles had switched, somewhat, for Sonata. She wrapped an arm around Rarity and hugged her tightly. "It's okay. They're adults."

"They're my parents, darling!" Plucking a fan from her handbag, Rarity unfolded it and started cooling herself off.

Sunset Shimmer lifted a hand up to stop either Rainbow Dash or Twilight Sparkle from speaking—both seemed like they were about to. "So, let me get this straight. We keep ponying up more and more, we're now stuck ponied up, and there's some kind of sex-flu going around?" When no one argued, Sunset let out a sigh. "I'm contacting Princess Twilight about the magic. This is too much to have all happening at once."

It was a minor blow for Twilight, that her friend would immediately turn to Princess Twilight for advice on magic. Only minor, of course, because her brain was racing in a hundred new directions at once. A mystery new disease affecting her friends, magic going haywire, and her eighteenth birthday now just a week away had her practically buzzing with new plans. "In the, uh, meantime… Can everyone let me examine them for changes? I can try to work out what the infection is from, too."

At the stunned and worried looks around the table, Twilight was taken aback. "What's wrong?"

"My fault." Sunset Shimmer let out a sigh. "I tried to measure their magic, when they first started ponying up. Results were—"

Applejack cut in, her mouth curved into a grin. "Magical." A few laughs circled the table.

Silence reigned for a few minutes as everyone focused on eating. "If it doesn't get any worse, I'm kinda okay with it. I mean, so long as I'm not spreading it or anything. I guess I got used to it."

"Wait, what if it's contagious?" Applejack looked between Rainbow Dash and Rarity. "Ah ain't got time t' take care of that as well as everything else."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "If it was contagious by casual contact everyone would already have it. Everyone doesn't have it, so it isn't."

Twilight just stared at her friend. Rainbow Dash had never been—in Twilight Sparkle's estimation—stupid, but her intelligence actually impressed Twilight. "Assuming casual contact isn't, then—"

"And it can't be sexual contact, either." This time Rainbow Dash had the decency to blush a little.

"Ahem." Rarity looked between Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle. "I hate to be the one to bring this up, but could you dears not discuss this when some of us are eating?"

Applejack, as subtle as she could (which wasn't very), moved the topic back to something safer. "How're you going to contact Princess Twilight?"

Sunset Shimmer lifted her journal out of her bag. "The usual way, but I was going to go there and let her check me over. I don't want whatever is going on here to infect her." She made a vague gesture toward Rainbow Dash.

"Okay, so that's sorted." Twilight looked around everybody. "What about college?"

"Oh! Right!" Pinkie Pie reached into her schoolbag and pulled out a pile of pamphlets. "Principal Celestia—who didn't want me to keep calling her that—gave us all these. Science. Engineering. Art…" Reading off the titles as she tossed the pamphlets on the table, Pinkie Pie giggled as Twilight almost pounced on the science one.

Rainbow Dash barely glanced at the papers. She ignored the others grabbing for their favorite topics, but one caught her eye. There was a picture of a car on the engineering pamphlet, as well as buildings and bridges. With speed borne of magic, Rainbow Dash grabbed the engineering pamphlet and opened it.

"Well, they already offered me the exact thing I want to study, so I guess I just need to talk to them." Twilight tossed her pamphlet on science back to the table, and was surprised when Applejack grabbed it up. "Applejack?"

"Ah heard you can do two degrees at the same time. Ya think Ah might be able ta?" With a business pamphlet as well as the science one, Applejack looked up to Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle bit her lip. She really liked the offer Hurricane had given her the previous night, and didn't want to jeopardize her chances of getting in to do it, but friends were more important. "I'll tell them if you don't, I don't go."

Thoughts raced through Applejack's head. She wanted to tell Twilight not to, or that it would be alright. If it weren't the farm riding on her education, Applejack might have. "Ah'll be honest, 'cause I don't know any other way, Ah really need this. The farm ain't doin' so hot, and if'n we don't get some new ideas to put it above the rest it'll just take a bad harvest or two and we lose it."

Everyone on the table was quiet, listening to Applejack.

"So I can't really try t' talk you out of it. Ah appreciate it a lot, sugarcube." Wishing she could reach Twilight from the other end of the table, Applejack gave her the most sincere smile she could. "Business and biology."

Rainbow Dash was still looking inside the engineering pamphlet. It talked of civil engineering at the start, but then it touched on things that took her full attention: mechanical engineering. She recognized a picture in the pamphlet, a woman teaching before her class. "She was a teacher. Huh."

Fluttershy was completely ignorant of the pamphlets. Bridget was sitting beside her, resting her head in Fluttershy's lap in a rather possessive way. "I told you, I left before he could do anything. You don't need to—" She choked off as she felt Bridget's throat rumble. "Please?"

"You know I love you, right?" Pinkie Pie said.

The words hit Sunset Shimmer with their pure clarity. She turned her head toward Pinkie, noticing the goings on of their friends had paled into black and white. Only Pinkie Pie was still in color—and Sunset too.

Sunset took a deep breath and nodded. "I know, Pinkie. I just don't know how to take—how to take all of it. I don't know as I deserve it."

Pinkie Pie, with Sunset's magic in full effect, giggled. "Silly Billy. You don't get to decide that." She leaned over and kissed Sunset's cheek—just a brief thing. "You can love me back, of—" Pinkie Pie's lips were pressed to Sunset's so quickly it almost made Pinkie tremble. She reached around Sunset and pulled her closer. The table made room, as did their friends, because it was all a fantasy in Pinkie Pie's head.

Surprised at how quickly she'd moved, Sunset Shimmer pulled at Pinkie more urgently. She groaned and worked her lips against Pinkie's for all she was worth, and got similar treatment in response. Minutes, hours, and possibly years passed—time didn't matter in such a dream. It was finally time to pull from the kiss, and Sunset nearly wept. "I do love you, Pinkie Pie."

Conversation around the table bled back into Sunset and Pinkie Pie's consciousness. Sunset's lips spread at the thought of what had just happened and how right it had felt. "I love you, Pinkie."

Pinkie Pie giggled and pulled herself a little tighter to Sunset. "I love you too, Sunny."

Conversation stopped again. Everyone at the table was spellbound by Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer's little moment.

"I hate to do this, but I really need to run. I need to find a chassis for my car." Rainbow Dash still had a grip on the engineering pamphlet and didn't care if everyone could see it. "When did you want to see me about the—uh—tests?" Her gaze was directed at Twilight by the end.

"Tonight?" Twilight's heart beat fast. Not only was there a friend who needed help, but there was science to do. Lots of science. Science that potentially involved her asking all sorts of questions. "Is five okay? It shouldn't take too long." She also resolved to ask Rainbow Dash about her own plans for college.

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes and thought about her evening. "Five? How long is 'Too long'?"

"I don't think it should go later than seven." Twilight bit her lip, hoping it wouldn't be too long for Rainbow Dash.

"Alrighty. I can totally make that. Hey, AJ, still okay to help me with getting my engine home?"

Applejack climbed out of her seat to let Rainbow Dash pass. "A-course. Meet you there at nine?"

"Sure thing. Bye everyone!" Rainbow Dash made her way outside and then braced her feet against the pavement. "Last one home's a rotten e—" The wind of her own movement stole her last word.

Running didn't take as much out of Rainbow Dash as it used to. She had sprinted around town all afternoon—just barely faster than what an average human could—and didn't feel in the least worn out when she reached Twilight's parents' house.

Rather, their mansion. Two stories, with a basement, and taking up the better part of a quarter of a block, Rainbow Dash knew from growing up with parents in real estate that this building was worth serious money.

Worked up a little sexually, Rainbow Dash didn't think too much of it; after all, her last relief was a quick solo run with her vibrating friend after lunch. Lifting one hand up she pressed the doorbell button.

A little time passed, but eventually the door opened to reveal a woman in casual slacks, a light-blue shirt. Her skin tone was light gray, and she had two-tone purple and light gray hair, with the most piercing blue eyes. "Hello?" Twilight Velvet was missing the attention of the good book she'd left in the living room. "Can I help you with something?"

"Y-Yeah. I'm Rainbow Dash. Twilight—uh, your daughter—wanted me to help her with some things." There was something about Twilight Velvet that made it hard to meet her eyes and lie, not that Rainbow Dash was trying to lie. She just knew, however, that Twilight Sparkle's mother could sniff out a lie better than Applejack.

Looking at Rainbow Dash, Twilight Velvet counted off twenty seconds before she reached to the side of the door and pressed the intercom button for the basement. "Twily, dear, a Rainbow Dash is here."

Twilight Sparkle's voice sounded scratchy as it replied: "Coming!"

Taking her finger from the intercom, Twilight Velvet kept an ear out for her daughter. "Is my daughter seeing anyone?"

The question came from right field, and Rainbow Dash stammered for a few seconds before shaking her head. "Well, kinda. There was a guy at the summer camp we went to with the school. He and she—" The look in Twilight Velvet's eyes scared Rainbow Dash—she couldn't stop her mouth. "He didn't know she was underage and she was too excited to realize she needed to tell him but it's okay because Pinkie told him before anything happened and now I can't stop telling you these things help m—"

Rainbow Dash's word avalanche halted with Twilight Velvet's finger planted on her nose.

"Boop. It sounds like you care for her a lot. Thank you." Twilight Velvet removed her finger just as she heard Twilight Sparkle rounding the corner into the hallway behind her. "And here's Twily now."

"Thanks, Mom!" Twilight Sparkle reached past her mother to grab Rainbow Dash's hand. "We'll just be down in the basement if you need us."

"Okay." Watching the two girls rush past her, Twilight Velvet narrowed her eyes—both had wings, pointed ears on top of their heads, and long hair. She knew well that her daughter dabbled with magic, but she hadn't expected her to do these kinds of things. When both were gone, she sighed.

Twilight Sparkle didn't slow until Rainbow Dash was in her lab and the door was closed. She pressed her back against it and sighed. "Okay. Are you wearing anything metallic?"

About to say no, Rainbow Dash let out a sigh and nodded. "Yeah."

"Can you take them off, please?" Twilight bustled over to the first machine she had gotten ready. When she turned around to see what Rainbow Dash was doing, she was surprised to see her shaking her head. "What's wrong?"

"I can't take them off. Spicy—" Hand sliding up to her throat, Rainbow Dash touched the lock of the collar around her neck. "I don't have the keys to these."

"Your boyfriend locked a collar onto you?" As she spoke, as the meaning became clear, Twilight Sparkle's eyes widened like saucers. "So he… And you…" Now she was blushing, too.

"He does and I do. What did you need me to take metal off for?" Rainbow Dash slung her backpack on the floor and leaned back against the wall. "You can't tell me you've got an MRI down here."

"Not exactly. It's something like it. Could I at least have you hold your arms up, and then I could scan you from the shoulders down. If there's something inside you, it'll definitely be somewhere down there. There's not a lot of things that could get into your head and cause this." Twilight focused on her magic and floated a crate over and put it in the machine.

Rainbow Dash looked at the contraption Twilight had built. It looked like a shopping security scanner, with two vertical plates and an inner bit to stand (that now held a crate). "So I just stand in there?"

At Twilight's nod, Rainbow Dash stepped up on the crate and held her arms up. "How long does it—" The machine beeped.

"All done. Let's go see if there's some kind of creature doing this." Leading the way to her computer, Twilight passed a clipboard to Rainbow Dash. "And could you answer these questions for me?"

Grabbing the clipboard and a pen, Rainbow Dash started answering questions. The first page was standard stuff, but when she flipped it over she stuttered to a halt. The first page had asked if she were sexually active, the second asked her to describe her last ten sexual encounters. "I'm skipping this page."

"If this has to do with your sexual desires, I need to know everything that's going on." Twilight turned her chair around. "This is important. You need to be honest."

"I'm going to be real brief." Rainbow Dash said, getting a nod of approval from Twilight. "And you have to agree that no one ever reads this."

The stipulation made some sense, but Twilight had an objection. "But if I have to report how—"

"No. One."

"No one what?" Spike climbed out of his doggy bed and looked around the room with bleary eyes. "Oh, hi Rainbow."

"Absolutely no one. Not even Spike. Okay?" Rainbow Dash tapped the pen on the clipboard until Twilight nodded. "Okay. Last ten…"

Masturbated with vibrator

Masturbated with vibrator

Sex with dog

Sex with dog

Masturbated with vibrator

Masturbated with vibrator

Masturbated with vibrator

Sex with dog

Anal sex with male

Masturbated with vibrator

The rest of the questions, while personal, were things Rainbow Dash trusted Twilight with. "All of this is confidential, okay? If you have to write some report later, none of this goes in it."

Twilight took the clipboard back from Rainbow Dash and started reading through the answers. When she got to page two, she froze. Her eyes stared at the paper. "H-How long apart was this?"

"Uh. Top one was just after midday today." Rainbow Dash had to think. "Last one was Friday afternoon."

"A-And you're feeling now? Wouldn't you be—" Twilight gestured in the air vaguely, aware that Spike was awake and sitting, listening.

"I'm always like that. But yeah, pretty soon. I was thinking of paying Spicy a—a visit." As Rainbow Dash thought of her boyfriend, she reached for her phone—which was in her bag. "I'll text him later. What next?"

"Blood samples. I need to know what—" Twilight was cut off as her phone started to ring. Her first instinct was to just switch it off, but then she had to wonder if it might be Timber. Picking up the buzzing phone she saw it was Pinkie Pie. "It's Pinkie."

As soon as she pressed the answer button, all hell broke loose. The tiny speaker in the phone had never been built for a Pinkie Pie at full volume, but it gave its all. "Marble's been asleep all day and we can't wake her up, can you come over and take a look, I'm really worried and she looks so peaceful…!" A fraction of a second later, in a voice much quieter, Pinkie Pie added, "Please help."

Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight. "I can get you there really fast. But you have to tell your mom where we're going." Her adrenaline was already pumping, and Rainbow Dash could feel the rush of energy that would always come with a pony-up. The ears atop her head were parted by her mane now, her tail sprouted from behind her and, as she stood up, she felt her feet change to hooves.

Nodding dumbly, Twilight Sparkle could only stare as a light blue fuzz covered Rainbow Dash, and her friend grew a muzzle. "M-M-My mom? Oh! My mom!" Twilight grabbed her backpack, stuffed Spike in, and slung it on her back as she rushed up the stairs.

Empowered, with her big wings on her back again, Rainbow Dash grabbed her own bag and started after Twilight. By the time Rainbow got to the top of the stairs Twilight Sparkle was leading the way to the front door. "Bye Mrs. uh…"

"Twilight Velvet." Twilight Velvet was standing just within the doorway Rainbow Dash was walking past. For a moment she saw a girl that was more pony than she had been. "You two enjoy your sleepover!"

Rainbow Dash was out the door—slipping past Twilight Sparkle—and already psyching herself up for the silliness she was about to do. "Okay, get on my back and try not to get in the way of my wings."

"Wait." Twilight Sparkle stared at Rainbow Dash in surprise. "I thought you were going to run?"

"Not fast enough. Get on now, ask questions later." Crouching down a little, Rainbow Dash felt her friend climb on. Twilight wasn't heavy, thankfully, but it was more weight than she was used to (none). Shifting herself to and fro, Rainbow Dash spread her wings out and reached up to hold on to Twilight's arms. "Time to be awesome."

The first flap of Rainbow Dash's wings didn't impress Twilight until she realized they were thirty feet in the air. Her eyes widened, but before her pupils could finish dilating Rainbow Dash pumped her wings again. "Ahhhhh!"

Magic surged through Rainbow Dash. Pure speed and focus was the direct result, but she also felt a rush of arousal. Her eyesight narrowed like a hawk's, and somehow she could make out the Pie residence halfway across the suburb. Ten seconds later they were there.