Lyra's Discovery

by Thunder Brony

Researching a theory

The next day Lyra and Bon-Bon boarded a train to Canterlot when they arrived they went to the castle as they approached the throne room entrance they saw 2 unicorn guards standing in front of a set of double doors.

One of the guards said “greetings Lyra, Bon-Bon the princess is expecting you” the doors glowed white and opened.

They entered the throne room and saw Celestia sitting on her throne she smiled came down from the throne “greetings my little ponies it is good to see you again.

They bowed Lyra asked “you wanted to see me your highness?”

Celestia nodded then noticed Bon-Bon’s leg in a sling “how was your trip and what happened to you?”

They went into an audience room sat down on some cushions as Lyra and Bon-Bon told about the shrine and the encounter with the Saracnoid.

Celestia said “I’m glad you made it out of there safely and in one piece, I recently received a letter from Twilight she sent it via express mail. The letter stated that the society of preservation of historical accuracies hideaway has been found. The Canterlot Bureau of Law is working on infiltrating the group and hopefully retrieving the lost artifacts.I will tell you more details as they become available" she smiled again "what did you find during your expedition?”

Lyra told her what they discovered and what they learned so far based on what they read in the pyramid’s library.”

Celestia asked “did it say what happened to them?”

Lyra shook her head “no we were exploring outside and found a shrine dedicated to a deity when we were ambushed by as Saracnoid.”

Celestia looked over at Bon-Bon and nodded.

Lyra asked “I was wondering if we could use the Canterlot library?”

Celestia said “yes the library is yours to use.”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon stood and bowed Lyra said “thank you your majesty.”

Celestia smiled “good luck with your research.”

Lyra and Bon-Bon went to the library and found the section Ancient Deities and Pantheons.

The section was rather large they split up and taking one end of the section after searching more books than either of them cared to think about Bon-Bon said “I found something” and brought the book down from a shelf.

Lyra walked over as Bon-Bon placed the book on a table the book was light brown with black text was black text written in fancy letters Dictionary of Ancient Equestrian Deities. Bon-Bon opened the book to the index page she found S page 42 turning to the page she said “Simphilo, Sovighia, ahh Sugreeva.” She began to read “Sugreeva was a deity from the ancient unicorn pantheon that was worshiped from between 4,500-3,200 BCL. Sugreeva was the lord of dark magic, chaos and destruction unicorns would make offerings to access to dark magic. Shrines were created and soon they reined chaos and destruction down on their enemies. After the unification of the pony tribes the shrines were abandoned and destroyed.”

Lyra asked “is that all?”

Bon-Bon flipped a few pages and said “it appears to be so” she looked up “I’ve never heard of Sugreeva aside from that shrine in the Forbidden Jungle.”

Lyra said “maybe the princess would know.”

They returned to Celestia and Lyra asked “princess we found a name in the library. It’s the same as the one we found on one of the shrines near the pyramid have you heard of a deity named Sugreeva?”

Celestia frowned and looked as if she had seen a ghost and shook her head sadly “now that is a name I have not heard in a long time.”

Bon-Bon said “the book said Sugreeva was the lord of dark magic.”

Celestia sighed “yes sit down, what I am going to tell you is not written in any book this is something that I witnessed.” She took in a deep breath “during the dark age I heard stories about a group of renegade unicorns. They called themselves Selle Nurghlethwhich means the lords chaos and decay. They worshiped a deity known as Sugreeva the lord of dark magic shrines were built across the land.” She closed her eyes and continued “t-they made sacrificial offerings at the shines in return Sugreeva would grant them access to dark magic.”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon reeled in revulsion.

Celestia shook her head sadly “there were rumors of foals disappearing during the night some said it was the Selle Nurghleth taking them to use in their sacrifices to Sugreeva. I cannot say if that’s true or not I think it was an old mare’s tale what was true was the Selle Nurghleth used their dark powers to concur and enslave the neighboring tribes. Not only unicorns were enslaved but pegesi and Earth ponies as well.” She shook her head again “some escaped from enslavement and put their differences aside and banded together to form a rebellious faction. They called themselves the Vapaus Vapauden they commenced raids on the various concord villages and freed some ponies. This went on for 12.5 moons the Selle Nurghleth declared war on the Vapaus Vapauden the war lasted for 95 moons. One night I was in the Everfree forest normally I would fly over the forest but this night there was an electrical storm raging above. If I were to try to fly over trees I would have been struck by lightning. I walked around as the storm began to subside. I was about to take flight and go home when I saw a campsite curious I approached it. When I got close I realized it was a Selle Nurghleth camp I heard stories about them so out of Curiosity I approached the camp. Not wanting to be noticed I cast an invisibility spell and moved close enough to see them. Their coats were jet black their horns a dull grey. The most disturbing thing was their eyes. They were lite crimson red with black dragon like pupils. “She shuttered I-I saw a stallion turn and look in my direction I think he could see me through the invisibility spell. As if to confirm this he smiled wickedly then his eyes flashed crimson for a moment I panicked and ran away as fast as I could. I was so scared I ran 47 meters before remembering I could fly” she shivered “after all these years those eyes still gives me chills.”

Bon-Bon asked “what happened to them?”

Celestia said “The Selle Nurghleth were defeated and the Sugreeva shrines were destroyed” she sighed “sadly peace only lasted for 47 moons as the pony tribes resumed their petty squabbles.” She smiled softly “I hope this information is useful.”

Lyra and Bon-Bon bowed Lyra said “yes your majesty it was.”

After they finished with Celestia they left the castle and stopped by a small café as they sat down a unicorn waiter came up to them and said “good afternoon ladies would you like the daily special? Daffodil sandwiches and spicy cucumber strips.”

Lyra said “I would like that and ice tea sweet and a lemon wedge.”

Bon-bon said “I’ll have the same and lemonade.”

The waiter nodded and placed the order a short time later he returned levitating a tray with 4 plates 2 with daffodil sandwiches and 2 with sliced cucumbers cut lengthwise. With a side of dipping sauce and their drinks. He placed them in front of them smiled and said “bioapatite if you need anything let me know.”

As the waiter left Lyra said to Bon-Bon “have you decided who you want to hire for your candy store?”

Bon-Bon said “I hired a few fillies and colts to make the candies but I still need a manager, and accountant.”

Lyra smiled “I have some ideas of who you can hire.”

Bon-Bon asked “who?”

Lyra smiled “a few old friends from magic school Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine and Minuitte.”

Bon-Bon said “weren’t they at your graduation?”

Lyra nodded “yup.”

Bon-Bon said “I would like to meet them.”

After they finished eating and paid the bill leaving a tip on the table as they walked past a small candy shop when suddenly the doors violently flew open and causing the pair to jump back. A forest green unicorn stallion with a 3 gumdrop cutie mark one red one blue and the other yellow. The pony flew through the doors landing on his haunches followed by a pair of saddlebags hitting him in the face and knocking him over on his back. A voice could be heard from inside the shop “YOU’RE FIRED!”

The stallion stood up and snorted “how undignified” he looked over at Lyra and Bon-Bon and shook his head and began to walk away.

Bon-Bon said “wait.”

The stallion stopped and turned his head “I'm sorry you had to see that.”

Bon-Bon trotted up and said with a smile “it’s ok what happened? By the way I’m Bon-Bon and that’s Lyra.”

The stallion said with a smile “I’m Galloping Gumdrops you can call me Gallie.”

As Bon-Bon talked to Callie Lyra went inside the store.

Bon-Bon asked “what did you get fired for?”

Gallie sat down “I’ve been working there for about 45 moons over time I noticed the inventory was coming up short I inventoried 242 peanut butter fudge cookies, 127 peppermint sticks and other assorted candies. The next day we would run out of inventory this began after we hired a pegasus named Sunshine Rose.” Suspicious I enchanted the candies with a hidden glow spell. Any pony that touches the candy will be enchanted with the spell It casts an aura around the pony that touches the candy it’s a relatively easy spell to cast. Any unicorn can see the aura if they cast a light detection spell they will see several small yellow orbs rising from the pony. He gritted his teeth “also she and the manager were a little too friendly.” He sighed “I went to the manager’s office and was about to knock when I heard sounds coming from the other side.” He lowered his head and muttered” sounds and words I dare not repeat in public” he raised is head slightly that was a violation of company policy. The policy states all non-work related activities are to be performed off company grounds. We all signed this agreement when we were hired I tried to bringing this contractual violation to the attention of the owner but he didn’t listen. He told me to gather evidence I couldn’t use the spell as evidence because the manager was a pegasus and the owner was an Earth pony. When you passed by I was arguing with Sunshine over the missing iventory. She hinted she was going to take my job and grinned wickedly called the manager. Who came trotting in she told him she saw me taking candies and said to check my saddlebags. In them were the missing candies he shook his head sadly “after all this time of loyal service this is what I get.”

Bon-Bon said “that’s awful.

Gallie nodded “when your unicorn friend returns ask her to perform a light detection spell on sunshine that should confirm what I’m saying.”

Just then Lyra came out of the store and “I went inside and talked to the mare behind the counter and asked what happened to Gallie. She said something about sending troublemakers on vacation the look she gave me made me shiver.”

Gallie told Lyra to cast a light detection spell on the mare behind the counter and what to look for Lyra was confused.

Bon-Bon said “I’ll explain later.

Lyra nodded went back inside to not arouse any suspicions she ordered some candy when Sunshine turned her back Lyra cast the spell as saw yellow orbs. After paying for the candy she left the store and went to where Bon-Bon and Gallie were standing she nodded “I saw the orbs" Gallie smiled softly.

Bon-Bon smiled “I’m opening a candy store in Ponyville maybe you could come work for me.”

Gallie said “that would be wonderful.”

Bon-Bon said “were waiting for supplies to be delivered from Trottingham they should arrive in a few weeks” she reached into her saddlebags and pulled out a business card with the text Little House of Bon’s. On the reverse were 3 wrapped candies.

Gallie placed the card in his saddlebags and nodded “when you’re ready I’ll be here in Canterlot” he reached into his saddlebags and pulled out a pencil and paper and wrote something on it “this is where I live look me up.”

Bon-Bon smiled and placed the paper in her saddlebags.

As Gallie left Bon-Bon nuzzled Lyra and said “let’s go home.”

After returning home Lyra sat on the couch and levitated over her lyre and began to play a soft melody.

Bon-Bon laid on her back placing her head on Lyra’s lap looking at her bandaged ankle then up up at Lyra “I feel kind of foalish if I hadn’t tripped we could still be exploring the pyramid and surrounding jungle.” She paused “I’m curious about what else we could find.”

Lyra stopped playing placed her lyre on the table and ran a hoof over Bon-Bon’s chest and smiled softly “don’t worry about it, your safety and wellbeing is more important than an expedition. Besides we don’t have to go to the pyramid we could explore Rambling Rock Ridge instead considering you’re in no condition to run from monsters.”

Bon-Bon smiled and placed a hoof on Lyra’s cheek and stroked it gently Lyra smiled softly then asked “how do we get there? While we were in Canterlot we did not request the dirigible.”

Lyra said “we could use the balloons here in town Rambling Rock Ridge is about the same distance from here as Canterlot and there are no monsters.”

The next day they packed their saddlebags and went to the Ponyville balloon vendor and rented a balloon for the day as the balloon ascended they could see the town below ponies moving about. As the balloon moved to the east passing over the Everfree forest.

Bon-Bon looked down and said “I’m glad were not walking through that.”

Lyra nodded “me too.”

Soon they came to Rambling Rock ridge on the eastern side Lyra saw what looked like a small cave she said “there” her horn glowed and the balloon descended when they landed Lyra found a large nearby rock and placed it in the basket.

As they approached the cave entrance Lyra noticed the entrance and asked Bon-Bon for the tape measure as she levitated it she said “2.5 cm wide and121cm high.”

Bon-Bon said “those are the same measurements as in the Badlands and the pyramid” she looked at the cave “look there are tool marks.”

Lyra said “these are the same tool marks similar to the caves in the Badlands” she levitated out her camera and took pictures.

As they entered the cave Lyra noticed writing on the walls her horn glowed as she translated the text “welcome to the Equarian sanctuary.”

They walked 6 meters into the cave came upon a large pile of rocks.

Lyra said “looks like a cave in.”

Bon-Bon asked “what caused this?”

Lyra said “an earthquake perhaps” she paused “I wonder if this region is on a major fault line when I was researching history at Canterlot University I read about an earthquake that shook this region about 2,200 moons ago.”

Bon-Bon asked “that caused the cave in?”

Lyra nodded “possibly we should ask a seismologist first also the rocks have to be moved and I will need your help with that” she looked at Bon-Bon’s bandaged hoof in a sling “your still recovering.”

They returned to Ponyville and the balloon to the vendor and went to the train station and bought 2 tickets to Canterlot as they sat on the train watching the scenery pass by Bon-Bon asked “what do you think we will find in the cave?”

Lyra thought for a moment then said with a smile “lost treasure plundered from the griffin empire or a horde of precious jewels from a dragon’s cave.”

Bon-Bon smiled and envisioned precious gems and gold coins she imagined herself covered from hoof to flank in golden crowns and precious jewels and smiled softly.

When they arrived in Canterlot they went to the university and met with Anton Lyra asked “is there a seismologist on campus we can talk to?”

Anton said “I think so Kamen Stalwart is head of the seismology department and may be able to help you he just finished a lecture about 45 minutes ago and should still be in his office.” He paused “by the way we sent a second expedition to the Horseshoe Sea and found more of the same rocks from before and more nano diamonds. We dated them to the same age as the iron rock between 5,000 - 5,300 years.”

They thanked Anton and traveled to the 4th floor and the seismology department they soon found the departments main office. They entered and at a desk sat a unicorn stallion reading some papers he had a light blue coat and a teal mane and tail. He had what looked like ground separating for a cutie mark.

Lyra entered “excuse me I’m looking for Kamen Stalwart.”

The unicorn looked up “that’s me how can I help you?”

Lyra introduced herself and Bon-Bon and said “were looking for a map of Equestrian seismic zones.”

Kamen said “the topographical library has all sorts of maps” standing up he said “follow me.”

They walked down the hall and into another room the sign above read Equestrian topographical libraryKamen walked over to a rack and looked around then said “ah here it is.” He levitated over a map and unfurled it placing weights on each corner he asked “any specific location?”

Lyra said “Rambling Rock Ridge.”

Lyra looked at the map and saw 4 white lines and a shape next to each line there were lines along the Celestial sea, the Crystal Mountains, the Dragon lands and Rambling Rock Ridge. Each regions line had a different shape. The Celestial sea line had a green triangle next to it the Dragon lands had a red square and Rambling Rock Ridge had a brown circle. Each shape was connected from one point of the fault to the other with short horizontal lines along it.

Lyra looked at the legend in the bottom left corner of the map and it read white star compression fault, blue triangle spreading fault, brown underground fault and red square subduction zone. She thought to herself that explains why the Dragon lands are volcanic.She saw a brown line starting beginning from the Macintosh hills through to the Foal Mountain’s to Neighagra falls.

Kamen walked to a bookshelf and levitated a book EquestrianSeismological Records he opened it and turned to a page. “The Rambling Rock Ridge fault zone moves at a rate of 2.5 cm every 1.15 moons. The fault slips every 2,500 moons the last time the fault slipped was 1,500 moons ago.”

Lyra asked “does it say how powerful it was?”

Karmen read the quote from the book “no but it says the ground shook violently every pony was knocked off their feet and the ground moved like ripples in a pond” he looked up “that sounds like a 8.5 on the Rickmare scale.” He thought for a moment “45 moons ago I did an excavation in the Crystal Mountains they had a similar seismological record. We dug some trenches and could see the layers of past earthquakes in the region. The fault moves about 2.3 cm every 1.35 moons we found evidence of one that measured 6.2 on the Rickmare scale the last earthquake was 1,328 moons ago.”

Lyra asked “what’s the strongest one you found?”

Karmen thought for a moment then said “there was one in the Dragon Lands 8,220 years ago excavations revealed it measured 8.8 on the Rickmare scale.”

Lyra just shook her head “wow.”

Bon-Bon asked “how bad is that?”

Karmen with a sly smile said “let’s just say you would not be able to stand for the duration of the quake.”

They thanked Karmen and left as they walked down the hall “Lyra said “I wonder if we could employ more ponies to help to move the rocks in the cave.”

Bon-Bon asked “what if we move the rocks and there’s another cave in?”

Lyra thought for a moment “we will need a geologists opinion I wonder if Maude Pie could help.”

They went back to Anton and explained the situation.

Anton said “I hope Maude is available our campus geologist is on vacation in Los Pegasus.”

Lyra said “when we return to Ponyville we’ll see if we can find her.”

After leaving Canterlot they returned to Ponyville and met with Pinkie and asked if Maude was in town.

Pinkie nodded “yup she just got back from Vanhoover stop by the rock farm tomorrow.”

The next day they stopped by the Pie rock farm Lyra knocked on the door Maude answered the door “hi Lyra Bon-Bon Pinkie said you would be stopping by come in.

They went into the living room and sat down Maude said “Pinkie said you needed my help.”

Lyra nodded “were here to ask about the inside of a cave that has caved in due to an earthquake we are considering moving the rocks but are worried about triggering another cave in. We would like to ask for your expertise in assessing the risk.”

Maude replied “that depends on the rocks I would have to see them to give an opinion, what cave are you taking about?”

Lyra said “Rambling rock ridge.”

Maude said “I will gather my equipment meet me in Ponyville in an hour.”

Lyra said “meet us by Crystal Sunshine’s hot air stand.”

Lyra and Bon-Bon thanked Maude and returned to Ponyville and waited by Crystal Sunshine’s stand when they saw Maude approaching.

Maude came up to them “I’m ready.”

They boarded the balloon and traveled to Rambling Rock Ridge as they entered the cave Maude looked around as they came to the cave in site.

Maude looked at the rocks and poked them with a hoof “this is Rapakivi granite a very brittle kind of rock.”

Bon-Bon asked “can we move these rocks and not have it cave in?”

Maude said “I believe so moving these rocks won’t cause another cave in it would take another earthquake to shake them loose so removing them should be safe.”

They returned to Ponyville and thanked Maude for her insight as she left Bon-Bon asked “what do we do now?”

Lyra said “not much we can do your still injured and I’m not sure if the university is going to spare the resources to clear the cave.”

Bon-Bon said “I doubt the university will spare resources just for an obscure theory.”

Lyra nodded “it’s true we lack hard evidence” she grumbled “or rather we do now” she sighed “for now we should focus on Little House of Bon’s at least until you can walk on all fours again.”

Bon-Bon nodded “you have a point when we get home I need to send a list of supplies to the Trotsalot Supply Company in Trotingham.” When they got home she wrote the list of items she would need and placed it into an envelope. Then turning to Lyra she asked “what do we do now?”

Lyra thought for a moment “I’m not sure.”

Bon-Bon smiled and gently nuzzled Lyra and said “maybe you should take a break from field research go to Canterlot and look into legends and mythologies. I will stay here and work on the getting the candy store ready” she looked down at her leg in the sling “or as best I can.”

Lyra smiled and nodded “good idea.”

The next day Lyra traveled to Canterlot and went to the library she remembered what Celestia said about Equestrian history being lost she also remembered what Twilight told her. Taking this into consideration she decided to try looking into the pre history of the non Equestrian races. She started with the Dragons after looking around she found a book Dragon Mythology she opened to the table of contents and saw Dragon sky deities’ page 23. Turning to the page she found the name Bai-UlgentheDraconian sky god. It read Bai-Ulgen was worshiped between 6670-2215 BCL. One day Bai went before the Ouroborus and described the state of the dragon rulers they abandoned their code of nobility in favor of depravity and corruption. The Ouroborus gave Bai-Ulgen permission to take away the sun until they learned their lesson.

Writing this down she put the book back on the shelf and found another book Griffin Mythology opening tot the table of contents she found Griffin sky god page 44. She turned to the page and read Teiwaz was god of the sky and was worshiped between 7220-3287 BCL. Teiwaz used gold to power the sun one day the Griffin gold mines were exhausted offerings dwindled and eventually stopped without a supply of gold to power the sun the sky went dark.

Lyra wrote the information down below the dragon record she placed the book back on the shelf and found another book Zebra Mythology. She opened the table of contents Zebra sky god page 26 she turned to the page and read. Sabazios was god of the sky and was worshiped between 7247-2241 BCL. Zebras were trained in the art of alchemy by Sabazios provided they use their skills be used for good. But rulers began useing the craft for conquest when Sabazios learned of this hid away the sun.

Lyra wrote this down under the Griffin record then placed the book back on the shelf then looked around soon she found the last book Minotaur Mythology.Opening tot the table of contents she found Minotaur sky god page 17.Zhinü was god of the sky and was worshiped between 6454-2674 BCL. Zhinü taught the Minotaurrace agriculture. The method they used produced a surplus the exes was stored away and sold to neighboring nations. After many moons of abundance they grew lazy and greedy and refused to share their bounties. They began exploiting their neighbors as a result the kingdom began to suffer. When Zhinü learned of this punished them by taking away the sun and would only give it back when they learned their lesson.

Lyra wrote the information down and smiled looking it over she thought there is a pattern here all mentioned the sun being stolen around the time of the asteroid impact. Looking out the window she saw the sun was low in the sky she gathered up her notes and returned to Ponyville. Whe n she arrived she went home as she entered she said “Bon-Bon I’m home.”

Bon-Bon came out of the kitchen “hi Lyra I was just making dinner.”

Lyra smiled “what’s for dinner?”

Bon-Bon said “tofu burgers and hay fries.”

Lyra smiled and her horn glowed as she levitated 2 sodas from the refrigeration box gently placing them on the table.

Bon-Bon came to the table with 2 plates on her back placing them on the table and sat down Lyra sat down followed by Bon-Bon and they ate their dinner. As they ate Lyra said “I found a common theme from the other lands and told her what she discovered.

Bon-Bon said “wow that should lend weight to your theory.”

Lyra nodded “yes the pieces are coming together all we need now are more finds like the ones from the Badlands.”

After they finished dinner Bon-Bon said with a smile “I made dessert” as she got up from the table Lyra levitated the dishes over into the sink.

Bon-Bon said “sit on the sofa and I’ll bring dessert.”

Lyra sat on the sofa as Bon-Bon came with a plate of fudge on her back she placed the plate on the table near the sofa Lyra levitated a square from the plate and took a bite.

Bon-Bon picked up a square took a bite and smiled.

Lyra said “m-m-m-m these are good.”

Bon-Bon said “I’m considering selling these in the candy store.”

Lyra nodded “you should I think they would be your best selling item.”

Bon-Bon smiled slyly and took a cube in her mouth and lay down on Lyra’s lap holding the cube Lyra smiled bend down and bit half the fudge at the same time moved her lips touching Bon-Bon’s gently she smiled and lifted her head. She smiled she saw the same smile on her marefriend’s face.

Later that evening Lyra wrote down all the evidence she had so far in support of her theory at the same time Bon-Bon decided to try something she placed her bandaged hoof on the floor and tried applying weight to it. She felt a slight pain but nothing too severe. Placing it back in the sling she went to the room where Lyra was writing some things on some paper.

She sat down next to Lyra facing her sideways Lyra looked up and over “oh hey Bon-Bon I’m just preparing some notes for Anton tomorrow.”

Bon-Bon said “on the way to Canterlot can we make a stop at the Ponyville clinic? I think I may be able to walk on my ankle again”

Lyra asked “are you sure?”

Bon-Bon nodded “I tried putting some weight on it and it hurts a little but I think I can walk on it but I want to be sure.”

Lyra smiled “alright.”

Bon-Bon smiled nuzzled Lyra and kissed her on the cheek “I’m going to bed.”

Lyra smiled “I’ll join you soon.”

The next day they went to the Ponyville clinic and met nurse Redheart they were led to a room Redheart asked Bon-Bon to lay down the table. As she lay down said “I twisted my ankle I was wondering if could you check it and see if I can walk on it?”

Redheart asked “have you tried walking on it?”

Bon-Bon said “yes I put weight on it yesterday it hurt a little but I wanted to be sure.”

Redheart nodded and sat on a stool and said “extend your leg.”

Bon-Bon stretched her leg out as Redheart touched her ankle as she did so she asked “does this hurt?” Bob-Bon shook her head. Redheart said “looks like you ankle has healed well. You can walk on it but don’t do anything too strenuous for the next few days.”

Bon-Bon nodded as she got off the table placing her hoof down and place weight on it.

Redheart asked “how does that feel does it hurt?”

Bon-Bon said “a little I was told it would in the hospital heal in a few weeks.”

Redheart asked “who was the doctor?”

Bon-Bon said “Dr. Hoofsteps.”

Redheart asked “I’ve heard of him hes a unicorn right?”

Bon-Bon nodded.

Redheart said with a smile “you should be fully recovered in a few days” she smiled softly “a little known fact about Earth ponies is fast healing. This fact is not generally known by unicorn or pegesi doctors and is generally not listed in medical journals.”

Bon-Bon thought for a moment “yes I remember hearing that when I was a filly.”

After Lyra and Bon-Bon left the Ponyville clinic they took a train to Canterlot and went to the University and met with Anton Lyra presented the notes she gathered.

Anton looked at the notes “hmm this is fascinating you believe there is something significant at Rambling Rock Ridge?”

Lyra nodded “I do I hope to find at the least some petroglyphs like what we found in the Badlands.”

Anton nodded “I have a tool to assist in the removal of the rubble wait here a moment.” He left the room a moment later he returned with a necklace. A blue diamond shaped crystal encased in a gold necklace “this is a magic augmentation crystal from the Crystal Empire it doubles a unicorn’s levitation magic. Bring it back when you are finished it’s a very rare crystal” he smiled in amusement “not to mention if I lost it princess Cadence would hang me by my tail.”

Lyra smiled as she placed it in her saddlebags thanked him he said “oh before I forget princess Celestia wishes to see you.”

Lyra nodded she and Bon-Bon went to see Celestia she they went to the palace and met with Celestia they bowed Lyra said “you wanted to see us your highness?”.

Celestia smiled “yes, I have good news my little ponies I just got a letter from Twilight and her friends in Vanhoover and the Canterlot Bureau of Investigation.”

Lyra smiled “good news I hope.”

Celestia smiled “yes the thieves who have been stealing the artifacts are now in custody and the artifacts are in the C.B.I’s possession and the suspects are being interrogated as we speak. The artifacts should be arriving here in Canterlot a few days I will hold them for you.”

Lyra smiled widely “that’s great news and thank you.”

Celestia said “I will contact you when the artifacts arrive.”

Lyra and Bon-Bon bowed and returned to the university and met with Anton and told him what Celestia told them. He nodded and said “when the artifacts are returned I want you to present your findings to everypony.”

Lyra asked “are you sure?”

Anton said “yes so far we have enough evidence to draw a strong conclusion we can use the skull mold you made to create a face for it” we don’t know what or if they have hair on their heads or what color it would be.”

Lyra said “I would be glad to present my findings I hope to find more evidence in Rambling Rock Ridge as for hair based on the petroglyphs in the Badlands they had hair but I don't know what color.”

Anton asked “what have you found so far in Rambling Rock Ridge?

Lyra said “so far some Equarian writing that said it was a sanctuary.”

Anton said “that’s promising let me know if you find anything.”

Lyra nodded “I will.”