Death's Final Verdict

by Jaycren

The Prosecution Presents It's Case.

Rarity watched as Spike sent the last of the letters. No, not Spike, this well-muscled dragon in the bed next to her had taken a new name. A name fitting for the Crown Prince of Nothing. This was Crucible. She snuggled in tighter, as she remembered how she became involved in this charade.


Rarity ran, the words of the letter racing through her head.

"Rarity, please come to the station. I need help. I can't do it on my own anymore. I've met someone that can help, but I need you at my side. Please Come. I'll be unconscious when you get here. But he'll explain everything, his name is Onyx Nightshade, he holds all the secrets."

The letter then cut off, causing the Element of Generosity to sprint to the station, not pausing as she pushed others out of the way, only stopping as a tall stallion motioned to her. Strangely, as he moved the crowd parted, but no other reaction was given. Rarity felt as if she and this stallion had stepped away from the herd, into the world beside our own. Following him to the rear car, he gestured for her to enter. Entering the car, she saw Spike, slumped in his seat, she quickly moved to his side.

"If you've hurt him, I do not care who you are, I've not a care what you are, I'll make you pay in ways that only a Lady can. Spike is, always has been, my dearest friend."

"Only a friend, Lady Rarity? Or something more?' A deep baritone echoed forth.

Rarity sighed, "He 's a minor, I've no idea the situation is where you're from, but such a relationship is harmful and inappropriate. As I said, he's my Dearest Friend, I'd never hurt him in such a way."

The Stallion chuckled, "An answer that's no answer, neither conformation nor admittance. I understand why he feels the way he does. You are indeed a Lady"

Rarity turned, her temper flaring, her horn lighting. A wave of his hand, and her gathered energy dispersed. Staggering back, her eyes widened in fear.

"Peace, Lady Rarity, It was meant as a complement. But I think some updating is needed, as well as a lesson in dragon biology. Look again upon 'Spike'."

She turned and saw. Gone, was the chubby cheeks, the baby fat, in its place, lithe muscle and toned form. The ridge that had been his namesake, no longer appeared to big for him, and had flattened, hardening into the protective armor it was always meant to be. His tail appearing more crocodilian that it'd ever been. His features, once merely cute, had sharpened, giving him a lean handsomeness. Blushing, she realized, he'd somehow gone from a child to somewhere around her own age overnight.


"Dragons age as they become more powerful, not just from greed. A horde is more then just Gems and gold. It can be knowledge and loved ones. Arcane power, over physical. He was in an Impossible situation and won. But the struggle exhausted him. He needs you, they both do."


A female pony appeared, this newcomer dressed in cargo pants and a blue t-shirt, a vest with many pockets completing the ensemble. She bowed, "I am Aegis Scholar, Sublimati Companion to He that was Spike and is now Crucible in his adulthood, sworn to his assistance and protection, as well as yours."


The stallion interjected. "Indeed, He needs your help more then any other. Aegis is only a newborn spirit, it is difficult for her to do more then her duty. He loves and is devoted to you. So she's bound to your protection as well. I need you to look after them. Aegis will listen to you. Please, don't to leave his side, remain as close to him as possible. Do you understand what it is that I'm asking? It may include that which is considered unladylike."

"He is mine. He's always been mine. What a Lady does with that which is hers, is no business of others. I'll get him to the hospital so that he can be properly cared for. So that he can rest. We have forced him to be strong alone too long. That will be rectified."

"Then I leave them both in your capable hands. When he awakens, he'll fill you in with what he knows, I've told him to tell all to you. Thank you Lady Rarity, The King on the Iron Throne, owes you a debt." Green mist gathered to the Stallion, then he was gone.

She smiled again as Crucible pulled her tight, placing a kiss upon her head. Doctor Suture entered the room and soon Aegis Scholar stood in his place.

"Mistress Rarity, Master Crucible, all has been prepared." bowing she faded from view.

Rarity rose, joined by Crucible. His arm around her, they walked into the waiting room as the Heartsong faded. Their friends and family shocked upon the changes between them. Letting go of his beloved, Crucible stepped forward.

"Peace, We are waiting for a few more." the force of his will, silencing the room.

It was then that Thorax, Cadance, carrying Flurry Heat, Sunburst and Starlight entered the room. Shocked Celestia turned to them.

"How did all of you know to come? It shames me, but I didn't send word, I was going to do so, once I had more information."

Cadance answered, "It was Nobodies Business that told us........ FUCK!!!!!"

Crucible's deep laugh echoed through the room. "We'll be needed back at Canterlot, loved ones."

Luna turned to the dragon she'd once known as Spike, "What's happening back in Canterlot?"

Rarity answered, "Several Things, Lady Luna. A Final Verdict will be found, and then Three weddings."

Crucible's laugh echoed out again, "Indeed, My Lady. No more questions, we must make haste. Can't very well be late for Court or a wedding, now, can we, let alone three?"

Still in shock, everyone followed the Dragon and his Lady.