My Little Ponies (Literally!)

by Inactive Pone

It Was Like Magic!

I’m pretty sure you all lovers of My Little Pony: Friendship is magic would love to meet the actual ponies of the show. Most particularly, the mane six.

The six friends, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle are all very close and I’m sure I’m not the only one who has fallen for their cuteness and how adorable they are from fanart. What’s more, their personalities are so funny and interesting. I liked them a lot and I really wish I could meet them in real life- And become friends with them.

And frankly, that happened to me, out of all the people in the world.

Let me explain some things before we dive into the story. I am Nathan, a 23-year-old YouTuber. I am a gaming/vlogging YouTuber and even though I’ve only made this channel a few years back, and I even had a hiatus from school, I managed to pump in millions of followers and I get a ton of views on my videos. I never got a real job because Youtube IS my career. I like doing it and I’m earning a lot from this ‘job’ so I’ll just stick to it and see where it takes me.

From time to time, I typically show how much I love My Little Pony. It’s my favorite show for a long time, and at present time, the series I was watching has ended years ago, but the six ponies remained on my mind- I still loved them even after the new version came out.

Back to the story.

I was driving in my car one evening, after I had went out to do something at my old school. I was invited to perform in their talent show a while back, so I went. After the show, I can tell most of them liked it- And I will admit, I sing alright. However, I overheard some of the students trash talking about how badly I sang on stage. When I asked them why they think that way, they didn’t really have a reason- They just said so because one of their teachers did the trash talking first.

I realized- Some of my old schoolmates, who bullied me the whole time I was in High School, actually returned to teach there, and they bit me in the dust.

As I was driving, I just put on a gloomy face as the car sped on the road.

“Am I not good enough?” I asked myself. “No, that can’t be. They must be lying; Sure, I wasn’t perfect, but...”

I sighed. Then, I heard a sound from the backseat. It sounded like... A pop? A magic poof sound effect? I don’t know. My instincts told me to turn to see if anyone was trying to be funny and mess me up, but I looked at the rear window above me- Nothing. And I wanted to keep my eyes on the road. But as I drove, I couldn’t help it, but I swear I heard voices from behind. It sounded really familiar.

So what I did, was when I left the highway and back into the neighborhood, I pulled over to get a good position to stop at. Then I looked back.

And I had the biggest gasp ever.

“*gasp* Awwwww!!” I squeaked, my face breaking into a smile.

At the back, I saw them- Six little ponies, lying on the backseat of the car. The colourful ponies were sleeping soundly, and I guess they’ve been like that for the whole time I was driving, so probably around 10 minutes. I saw Pinkie curled up into a ball and so did Fluttershy, while Rarity lied against the back of the seat, Applejack draped herself over everypony, and Twilight and Rainbow were right up against each other’s backs. How cute.

“Wh-Whoa...” I gasped, covering my mouth slowly. “How did you girls get in here?”

Twilight let out a cute yawn and merely opened her eyes.

“Girls!” She whispered. “Wake up!”

Everypony woke up and saw me. I smiled to them as I restarted the engine.

“You’re coming with me,” I said, grinning. “Don’t worry, I’m not a bad guy. Trust me.”

Everypony looked at each other.

“You sure about this, Twi?” Applejack asked.

“Of course I’m sure! He even said so!”

“Darling,” Rarity noted. “You can never tell when somepony’s lying, no?”

I interuppted their chat. “Hey, chill. Really, I mean no harm. In fact... I know all of you well.”

“Huh?” They all said at the same time.

I chuckled, as I turned to them at a red light.

“I’ll tell you more when I get home. You girls are gonna love it,” I said. “Long story short: There used to be a cartoon show that stars all of you in a pony world named Equestria, and you all met because of an attack by Nightmare Moon who wants to plunge Equestria in eternal night so you girls set out on a quest to find the elements of harmony, and together, you all became friends and formed the mane six.”

Everypony went numb.

“Need me say more?” I asked, winking.

They all shook their heads.

“Well, it’s a much bigger story how I know all of you...” I explained. “Basically-“


“Wah!” Everypony jumped up at the same time.

I frantically pushed the pedal to drive forward. “Oops! Sorry! Forgot we’re on the road. You girls alright back there?”

I couldn’t see it- But Everypony was now holding one another and squeezed together at the back. So that’s why they had to sleep in such awkward positions. I continued to introduce myself as we went on.

I carefully parked my car into the garage of my big home. It was a relatively big house for a YouTuber- One of the biggest on the block. Two stories tall, and there’s a big area at the back of the house as well. I got out of the car and opened the door for the ponies to come out.

“Okay! We’re here, girls!” I said, smiling.

It was then I found Everypony squeezed together at the back, some snuggling.

“Haha, awww,” I giggled. “You girls stuck? Let me help.”

One by one, I decided to just carry them out. They weren’t that big, about 3 feet tall, so it wasn’t hard for me to carry them. After that’s done, I went back to the front door and unlocked it to get inside. I could’ve used the door from the garage but who cares.

Everypony gasped as they saw the interior- It was massive and spacious! The big living room was on their left and right on the first floor, where they gladly went to relax a little, before I spoke.

“*giggles* Welcome, Everypony,” I said. “Don’t worry, feel free to-“

Before I could even finish my words, Everypony went dashing away to look around. I should’ve known that will happen. Fluttershy must be in the front yard looking for possible creatures. Applejack and Pinkie was at the big kitchen area, which was only right opposite the left living room. I bet they’re trying to see what kind of food in the world I have on my hooves that they’ve never seen.

I found Twilight at the Lounge on the second floor. And of course she’s reading books. As soon as I peeked through the door, she was already comfortably snuggling on the huge beanbag pillow of herself. I blushed.

“Hehe, hey, Twilight,” I said, sheepishly coming through the door.

I sat down on another big beanbag pillow, which was blue.

“Oh, Hey,” Twilight replied. “I bet you definitely guessed that I would be here?”

“Yep,” I answered. “You sure love books.”


She used magic and put the book she was reading back on the shelf, even though she only started, so she doesn’t feel like she’s impolite by not speaking to others.

“Nathan, right?” She asked.

“Yes, that’s me. Actually... could you tell me how in the flipping world you guys came along?” I asked them. “You girls just suddenly... appeared at the back of my car. Out of all the places you could’ve been coming from!”

Twilight laughed. “It’s not my fault we teleported in such an awkward place...”

“Wait, you teleported here?”

“Yeah!” Twilight nodded.

I sat close to her, but she didn’t seem to have a problem, so I’ll just roll with it. “Tell me more, princess.”

“Well,” Twilight began, “Princess Celestia has heard about the human world for a long time and I’ve been there too, as you may know. However, the portal has only ever taken me to Canterlot High. I wondered if she could take us somewhere New in the human world. So what she did, was she promised us to teleport us anywhere in the human world, to experience what it’s like to live among humans.”

“You will have to go back, right?” I asked.

Twilight sighed. “Yes, we will. Once the night is over, we’ll have to go back. It’s like a vacation thing.”

“I see. Well, it’s really nice to see you all, princess Twilight. I kinda live alone so I am pretty lonely sometimes,” I said. “You girls gave me so much hope and happiness from the show. I’m just sad it ended now. How’s Equestria?”

“Still doing great,” She replied, smiling. “Nothing much changed. I’m still teaching at the school of Friendship, the rulers didn’t change, our friendly tribes are still doing awesome and we even established friendships with some of them officially.”

“That’s great to hear!”

The princess nodded. “Equestria has actually been thinking of having other tribes as friends for a while. Surprisingly, the school of Friendship was super beneficial to it, even I was surprised!”

“Let me guess, Chancellor Neighsay got his bu-“ I stopped. “I mean, he got his plot kicked, huh?”

We both shared a laugh. Typical pony stuff only ponies know. We continued to chat happily for a while about life and what we do in our free time.

“What are Dash and Rarity doing?” I asked 20 minutes after the conversation started. “I don’t see them anywhere!”

“Rarity is in the room next door. I think it was your bedroom?”

I gasped. “Oh, you’re kidding me...”

I left the room in a hurry and went to my bedroom, and saw a dozen of clothes plopped onto the king-sized bed and I saw Rarity frantically taking stuff out from my wardrobe and looking at them.

“Uhhh, Rarity?”

She turned. “Oh! Why, hi, darling. Your style of clothing is very different from ours, I’d say. It isn’t like the garments we wear in the pony world.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, because we’re humans? We look different, you know.”

We both had a light chuckle.

“I’ll put them back in a minute,” She said as she folded some of the clothes. “I’m busy admiring them and getting possible fashion ideas.”

I nodded. “Well, I’ll leave you to it. Make sure you tidy up everything, though. I don’t like when it’s messy.”

I closed the door when I walked out, and immediately I heard video game sounds buzzing from my recording room, filled with all my fancy recording setup and my PC and game consoles too. I knew who it was and I opened the door with no hesitation.


She turned with a grin. “Yeah, Nathan? I’m just checking out whatever this thing is,” She said, pointing to my Switch console. “This game is so cool!”

I was shocked.

“How the hay are you dominating at Mario Kart when you are using stubby hooves to press the tiny controls???” I asked.

“Dunno,” She responded as she continued her game. She was sitting on my “recording couch”, next to my gaming setup. And then she won another race.

“Well, this game does suit you. I’ll leave you to it, it isn’t that late yet.”

But as soon as I left the room, yet again somepony grabs my attention.

“There’s a pool in this house!?!?” It was obviously Pinkie.

I slid downstairs on the rail of the stairs to get to her. “Yep! Back over here, behind the dining room,” I explained as I opened the glass doors. “My number one favorite part of-“

Pinkie just dashed and proceeded to dive straight into the pool.

“This place is amazing!” She said cheerfully. “Do you have parties here often!?”

I crossed my arms and grinned. She really is a funny pony, isn’t she? “Well, I typically only have parties with YouTube friends and they don’t come often. I do sometimes swim, though. And whenever I have a friend coming over, I would possibly record a video of us doing a challenge here.”

“Awesome!” Pinkie said as she swam to a side. Then she started pushing and flicking the water in my face from a far distance, about 10 meters away.

I just blocked it with my magic.

“Wait, you have magic too!?” Pinkie asked.

I shrugged and clasped my hands together and formed a magic shield or some sort. “I don’t know how I got these powers, but I did.”

I turned to find the other five all looking at me, surprised.

“Oh, hey girls!” I said, disabling my magic and waving.

There was a bit of awkward silence.


Everypony started laughing. We all decided to have some good time chatting to one another, and the six asked me a ton about how my world works. So I basically told them a bunch of human stuff and history that only Twilight understood. And in return, they told me a lot about their world too, things I’ve never known. Besides that, we told stories and even had a karaoke moment where we all sang random songs that come to our mind.

In short, we just had a lot of fun.

We talked and laughed until it was about eleven at night. I started yawning a bit and so did the others. So, I went for a quick shower and did my nighttime routine before I went to bed. Turns out, the six already decided to plop themselves onto my big bed.

And I blushed as I entered my room.

“Nice choice for your blankets,” Twilight giggled.

“Yeah, you really love us, don’t you?” Rainbow followed.

I giggled nervously. “Haha, yeah. It’s a my little pony themed blanket with all of you on it.”

Fluttershy pointed to a nearby shelf, filled with all my plush toys. “What are those over there? They look just like us!”

“Those are the plush toys of you girls I got,” I explained. “It’s like a miniature doll version of you all. I typically cuddle them in my sleep if I feel like it.”

Everypony started giggling. They didn’t think a 23-year-old would be so passionate about them.

“Well, I don’t need them tonight,” I said happily. “Say, who wants to snuggle in sleep tonight?”

Everypony got off and came up close to my face, nudging and pushing each other.

“Haha, alright, alright.” I said, calming them down. “You all love snuggling too?”

“Of course we do!” Pinkie squeaked, almost proceeding to cling onto me in a hug. “It’s the best thing ever!”

Rarity flipped her mane. “It makes us messy, but I usually make a pass for it since it’s so comfortable.”

Applejack agreed. “Trust me, sugarcube, I used to snuggle with my little sis when she was young.”

I smiled and threw myself on the bed, then supporting my head with a hand.

“Who wants to be first?” I winked.

The six looked back and forth to each other. They knew- There wasn’t enough space for all of them to cuddle me at the same time. They started to argue over who gets to hug me first, and had pretty naive reasons why. I just giggled at their playful quarrel for a few minutes.

“Hey, calm down, Everypony,” I said as I split Applejack and Rainbow Dash apart. “I have a better idea.”

I used my magic, and did an age spell- Something even Twilight couldn’t do. I turned back their age, and soon they became adorable fillies! I was about to squeak in cheer as I saw them from the bed.

“We’re so tiny!” Pinkie giggled.

Fluttershy nodded gladly. “I know! We’re so cute!”

I smiled as I kicked my legs back and forth.

“Wait, now we can all snuggle with him now!” Dash said.


Everypony proceeded to come over and hug me from the sides.

“*laughing* Awwww,” I said. “Can you guys give me one sec? I’m gonna go to a better position on the bed. There. Now, how do you girls want to do this?”

Everypony just purred and snuggled harder, nuzzling against my sides and tickling me a bit.

“Hahaha, Geez! Not my soft spot!” I giggled. “Dash, please stop! It’s so ticklish!”

She got off where my belly was and slid down. “But it’s so comfortable to sleep on you!”

I laughed and played along. Fluttershy nudged closer to try and nuzzle my cheek. I responded by doing the same to her muzzle with my nose. She squeaked and blushed.

“*giggles* You’re a sweet human friend,” She said kindly.

Rarity sighed blissfully. “I couldn’t agree more, Fluttershy.”

I really wanted to sit back up, but Pinkie wouldn’t let me- She pulled my hair with her mane. I didn’t mind, though.

“Hey!” Pinkie giggled. “Don’t you leave us without our cuddles!”

I rolled my eyes. “I wouldn’t, I pinkie promise.”

Applejack nudged me from my left. “So... ya gonna return the hugs, or...?”

I beamed. “I will. But, please let me sit up, Kay?”

Everypony let go and I managed to sit up straight against the back frame of the bed, with my half a dozen of white, fluffy pillows. Since they were so small and so light, I just wrapped all six of them at the same time and cuddled them in my arms, squeezing them to my heart.

All of us were dying of laughter and bliss.

“*blissful sigh* You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this for,” I said.

“What?” Everypony asked.

I had a big smile. “I’ve always wanted to snuggle all of you in my arms. Not the plushies, but the real deal; Because you are all so adorable!!”

They all went “awwwww” in cheer. When I let go, they all kissed me on different places- Two on the hand, two on my cheek and two on my forehead. I covered my face, blushing like a juicy red apple.

“You know... I really love you all,” I confessed. “So much, I went to the extent of writing stories of you girls and your fellow pony friends too.”

“That’s so cool!” Twilight clapped her hooves. “Can you share one of them to us? Pleaseee?”

They all looked at me with cute puppy eyes. If I didn’t say yes, I would be dead. So I did, and I grabbed my “Chest of Fan Fictions” next to my bed, under a table.

“So, what type of story do you girls want?” I asked.

They all looked to one another.

“Let’s do adventure!” Rainbow said excitedly.

Twilight shook her head no. “Come on, we’re all tired. Shouldn’t we have something more restful to listen to?”

“Uhm, I stand by Twi on this one,” Fluttershy said, going over to her side.

Pinkie made a silly sound saying that she didn’t agree. “Pfft, come on! Adventures are great!”

Applejack nodded. “Totally agree with that, sugarcube!”

But Rarity joined Twilight and Fluttershy. “It’s supposed to be a bedtime story, girls. Adventure isn’t the best genre for the occasion, now is it? I think we should do something more... silly, in my opinion. Like comedy.”

I looked back and forth between the two sides as I continued looking for a good one to tell.

“Comedy!” Twilight said.

Rainbow shook her head. “No, adventure!”

They started to push heads a little as I finally found the one I was looking for.

“Found it!” I said triumphantly. “I write a lot of cuddlefics and stories about shipping. Since they’re all so short, I made them into one book! See?”

Everypony looked at the cover of my series- “Cuddle Train”. They immediately knew what they’re getting into.

“Romance!” They all said their answer out loud.

I snapped my fingers. “Very good. Interested? We have time for one.”

They all nodded.

“Okay, don’t say I didn’t warn you girls,” I said, flipping through the pages to get a good story. “Let me see... Aha! This one is a good one. *giggling* But Twilight, you might want to keep open open mind about this one.”

“O-Okay?” She said, tilting her head in curiosity.

“Who’s it about?” Fluttershy asked.

I chuckled. “Well... You know Tempest? The pony you all defeated at the festival of friendship?”

They all remembered. Then, Twilight started blushing.

“Wait...” She said. “Nathan... Don’t tell me you-“

“Yes, I did.”

“What!? Hey! Why would you do that to-“

I shut her mouth with a finger and laughed. “Come on, Twi. Don’t ruin the moment,” I said as I started reading. Everypony snuggled close to me as I read the story.

By the end of it, Everypony was laughing their literal plots off except Twilight, who crossed her arms and blushed heavily.

“Oh my Celestia, that is so hilarious!” Rainbow commented.

Pinkie couldn’t stop her laughter. “That was awesome, Nathan!”

They all told me how great that story was, and I was really amused by that. Twilight wasn’t, though.

“Hmph! Why would you do that, Nathan?” She asked me. “Sure, I’m friends with Tempest, but not like that!”

I giggled when I saw her face. “It’s meant to be a joke, Twilight. There’ve been loads of people who wrote this sort of thing, not just for you, but for everypony here.”

They all stopped laughing and went numb.

“Say what now?” Applejack asked.

I shrugged. “You all know the term shipping, right?”

Rarity shook her head. “What is it, darling? Is it something like delivery on a ship or something?”

“No, not that. Figuretively, I mean,” I explained. “In a fandom, shipping is the act of pairing two characters together and portraying them in a relationship, regardless of their age, relations or even gender. I wrote quite a lot of stories that ship somepony with one of you, me included. *giggles* I know, I’m weird.”

Twilight smirked and nudged me from my right. “Did you ship yourself with me?”

Blushing, I nodded.

“*chuckles* Aww, that’s cute!” She threw her hooves around me.

I returned the embrace. “Too bad it’s so late now that I couldn’t tell you all about it. It’s really long.”

Fluttershy’s face dropped. “Aw, And I was looking forward to hearing it too...”

“Fluttershy!” Twilight giggled and nudged her.

“Who else do you ship?” Pinkie asked.

I started blushing. I know what’s coming from them. “Just a heads up: Currently, out of the six of you, I haven’t written a shipfic including Pinkie, Applejack and Rarity. So you three can relax. Rest of you, keep an open mind.”

The three sighed in relief.

“I once wrote a story about Dash pranking Fluttershy through some very interesting technology that allows you to recreate things from the virtual gaming world into reality. In the end, you both make up and started cuddling together.”

Both of them, sitting next to each other, blushed really hard and squeezed their muzzles together as they turned to look at each other.

“Uhhhhh...” Fluttershy was too shy to say anything.

Dash was really shy too. “Uh, Flutters?”


“If you have a crush on me, just tell me,” She said. “Before I play a prank on you and make us quarrel.”

Fluttershy smiled and threw her hooves around her best friend. “*giggles* Don’t worry, because I already do.”

As the two hugged and snuggled, Twilight was at a side, smiling.

“Awwww, that’s cute!” She clapped her hooves. “Who else?”

“I once also shipped Celestia and Luna,” I said, laughing. “It was really interesting to write about.”

Rarity gasped. “You portrayed the two royal sisters in a relationship!?”

I nodded, and shrugged.

“Uhhh....” Applejack stuttered. “Let’s just move on. I don’t want to accidentally bring it up to them.”

I rolled my eyes. “Alright. Now, Twilight... Please don’t kill me...”

“Huh?” She asked. “Wh-Who did you ship me with?”

I blushed, and whispered to her.

“You and Trixie,” I giggled.

Twilight gasped and felt her face blowing up in red.

“You shipped me with Trixie!?” She yelled, blushing. “What!?”

Pinkie just started dying of laughter.

“Oh my Celestia, If Starlight was here, she will be sooooooo mad!” She tittered.

I smiled innocently and hugged Twilight.

“I’m sorry, Twi,” I said. “I just-“

Twilight squeezed herself close to me.

“Hehe, no worries, Nate,” She told me. I blushed- Did she just call me by a nickname? Moving on, She said, “I’m actually starting to like her, too. Of course, we still haven’t completely made up, we still quarrel and fight a bit whenever we meet, but I’m working on making amends with her.”

“Good to know,” I said, patting her head.

“But Nathan,” Twilight advised, touching my cheek. “Think about what you’re making the character get into next time before you ship them with somepony else. Not Everypony would agree on your ship. Who knows? Maybe best friends hate each other whenever you don’t see them in daily life.”

I thought for a bit, and nodded.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I said. “Thank you. But, still... I’ve expressed how much I love the show, but the one thing I love the most, is you, Twi. You are my favorite pony out of all. You’ve always been. Why? Because you are such an easygoing pony, you are a great buddy to have, and you’re just so gosh darn cute sometimes.”

Twilight smiled. “Awww...”

Before I could say more, she surprisingly pushed her lips on mine for a kiss. Everypony gasped as they saw it. I put some force into the contact, humming in bliss. When she let go, I was surprised- But so happy I could’ve fainted.

“You okay?” She asked.

I shook my head frantically to get back into condition. “Yeah, I’m fine. Wow... Did you just do that?”

“Mhmm, Just a little gift for your hospitality.”

Everypony laughed.

“Oh, god. It’s like, Midnight now. We really should sleep,” I advised.

Fluttershy let out a cute yawn. “I agree, let’s all go to bed.”

As I was sleeping, the six slept beside me, all looking at me with something they desperately wanted.

“Yes?” I asked.

They all winked, and Dash made a few smooching sounds too.

“Oh, Uh....” I stuttered, but I giggled anyway. “Alright, just for you girls.”

One by one, I kissed them all on their little foreheads. They were very amused and purred in their sleep. I gave Twilight an extra long one- To return the favor. I put my arms around Twilight and Fluttershy, who gladly snuggled up next to them.

“Good night, my little ponies,” I whispered happily, as they all cuddled me in cheer.

The next morning, I woke up- But they’re all gone.

The bed was empty, I was the only one sleeping in it, and it was like if nothing happened the night before. I woke up and scracthed my eye.

“*yawn* Was... Was it a dream?” I asked myself.

But it can’t be- For there was a letter on my table next to th bed. It had a white envelope. I took the letter out, and read it out loud.

Dear human friend, Nathan,

I just wanted to send you this letter, since I’m about to go. Once you are reading this, we have already returned to Equestria. It was sad for us to leave, considering you were such a good friend and our time together was too short for us to know more. We were all very sad.

On a brighter note, we’ll be talking to princess Celestia about how our stay with you was when we get home. To be honest, we had a lot of fun with you, chatting and hugging and whatnot. It’s one of our first encounters with humans, and Celestia wanted to know more about you guys, so we’ll be telling her a lot of things. I have you to thank for all that knowledge! :)

If she allows us, we might come and visit you soon. When that happens, will you meet me at your house? Or, if my friends are okay... Will you spend more quality time with me, Nathan? After we met, I am very interested in you. Not that I love you or anything, just... I want us to be best friends.

If you want to tell us anything, just write to us. It’s easy, write the letter, the address, and go outside and say my name. The magic will bring your words to me. :)

Take care, okay? Thanks for spending time with us yesterday!

Your friend,
Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“It wasn’t a dream...” I said to myself.

I went to the balcony, a few steps from the bed on my left. I looked out- Twilight was somewhere out there. And knowing she might return, I couldn’t be any more happier.

I grabbed my lifesize plush of her nearby and cuddled it.

“You’ll come back to see me again,” I said. “Won’t you?”

And I know she had her answer.

“*giggles* Of course, my friend.”