//------------------------------// // SUDDENLY, MEERKATS! // Story: The Amazing Adventures of Butter Knife! (& Friends!) // by TheMajorTechie //------------------------------// Anon stared at the conveniently placed bag of conveniency, as did Butter Knife and the rest. SUDDENLY, MEERKATS. An unending swarm of the tiny creatures poured from the bag, flooding the entire vacation hut... thing. "AGCHF!" Butter Knife screeched, "THEY IN MAH MOUF!" Ego Boost shrugged as she was crowned the queen of the meerkats and Ugandan Knuckles alike. "'Dunno about that, hottie. They sure do seem cute!" "DONTH CAAO ME HOTTHIE!" In a frantic whoosh, Anon grabbed both Butter Knife and Ego Boost by the scruffs of their necks, and rode away into the sunset on LawnPo. As for the vacation house, it remains to this day the domain of the meerkats.