Batty Love

by Inactive Pone

A Bat Deserves Love Too...

Batponies. Let’s talk about that for a minute.

Due to their intimidating look, with their fangs and creepy bat wings, they weren’t really welcomed in modern Equestria, even after the humans entered their world. They were always thought as evil creatures- A species who would want to cause chaos upon the pony kingdom.

The humans even had plans to destroy them- But they never did so, for the ponies didn’t record much information about them. Searches with drone cameras were made by mankind, but they never returned. And of course, they didn’t dare to send someone to go out there physically, in fear of them getting traumatized for their life.

There’s a reason why they aren’t welcomed besides their looks- It’s also because of a conflict.

Long ago, there was a war between the two tribes. But the ponies won and accepted their enemy’s surrender. The two sides agreed that neither of them would attack each other, and their territories must be split far apart to prevent it happening. Relations have been relaxed since then, and they were believed to have moved closer, but Everypony feared that they are planning another attack. The batponies, on the other hand, were filled with hatred.

So long story short, the two types of ponies just don’t mix very well together. And the batponies are especially unfortunate since they are treated harshly by the normal pony race, and now even the human race.

But somepony is about to change that...

One lovely evening, as the sun was setting, Princess Luna was flying over the woods that lied beyond Equestria. She liked exploring when she was not on dream duty, and secretly goes out to wander around. She was just returning from a day of flying, hopefully to return before anypony finds out she’s missing.

Until she suddenly heard sobbing sounds below her.

“Huh?” She asked, looking around. “Is... Is that somepony crying?”

She tried to follow the sounds the figure out its source. After 5 minutes of searching, she flew back down as she heard the sounds getting much more noticeable. She hid behind a bush.


Turns out- The crying came from somepony she didn’t expect to see- A batpony! In the middle of the woods! Luna crawled out of her cover, tip-toed from behind, and lightly tapped the creature from behind.


“Gah! No! Don’t hurt me!” The batpony cried, turning to see the princess.

Luna gasped- She has never seen a batpony without their pack. The batpony was a mare, with a dark blue skin, a purple and black mane, and of course, navy-coloured wings. Her eyes searched the similarly light blue eyes that the young batpony had.

“Are you... Are you a batpony?” Luna asked, surprised.

The creature sighed. “Well... Technically I am a human... Just transformed into a batpony.”

“What? The Equestrian species generator... You chose this race?”

“*sobs* Yes...”

Luna felt bad for her- The Equestrian species generator was invented not too long ago, where humans get to choose what kind of race they want to transform into in the pony world anytime they please. However, it was rare for someone to pick this tribe, for it is a newly added option and humans feared that transforming into it will make them look scary.

She sat down beside her on the grass of the open area.

“What’s wrong?” Luna asked. “You can tell me, young one. Even if you’re not a pony. By the way... What’s your name?

The batpony stopped crying and sniffed before talking.

“My name is Kiki,” She said. “You’re... You’re princess Luna, right? I heard about you...”

Luna nodded. “You watch the show too, huh?”

“Yeah,” Kiki replied, then sighing. “Well... When I created my pony type, I thought it would be really cool to be a batpony, since the character I made for myself is the same race. But... Your subjects just... Shut me out immediately... *sniff* Everywhere I go, ponies are feeling scared of me... And... I don’t know why...”

The princess twitched her eyebrows. “I’m not scared of you!”

“Wait, you aren’t?”

She nodded. “I know how it feels like to be feared of. You know my story as Nightmare Moon, right? Everypony didn’t like me and were really frightened. I was so alone, even after I returned and I was purified. I didn’t know what to do- I didn’t know why Everypony had to be so afraid.”

Kiki thought for a bit. “They fear you for a reason, I suppose.”

“That’s right,” Luna said. “They never forgot what havoc I brought to Equestria. But through time, I tried to show them how much I have reflected on myself. And that’s how I got my reputation back. I changed because I chose to and I never gave up on trying. You can do it, too!”


Luna put a wing around her new friend, even though they’ve barely met. “I see you’ve separated from your pack. Well, don’t worry! Go back to them for now. I’ll stick around and keep you company whenever I have time. Don’t tell your people about this, though. Anyway, I am telling the truth, Kiki. If you choose to change for good and never give up on doing it, I believe that one day, you’ll be fine walking along the streets of our nation. And who knows? Maybe you’ll persuade your tribe too.”

Kiki smiled. “That would be great! Thank you so much, Luna!”

The princess giggled. “Anytime. Oh, I have to go now. Will you meet me here again tomorrow?”

“Sure!” Kiki replied, getting up to go back. “I’ll see you later, my friend?”

Luna grinned and winked. “Okay~ Bye!”

Since then, Kiki and Luna wold secretly hang out together at the same place, same time, and either every day or every few days, depending on whether they are busy or not. Both of them quickly accepted each other as a friend and got along fast, unexpectedly.

As they chatted more, they knew more about each other and their race. They shared many giggles and a lot of comforting hugs when they needed a shoulder to cry on. They were very content on spending time together, and Nopony really knew about it for a month.

About a month later, Luna went back to find Kiki for another chat. She was flying around, trying to find her, when somepony hugged her from behind.

“Hey, Luna!” Kiki giggled, nuzzling against Luna’s back.

“Hahaha, hey Kiki!” Luna replied as they fluttered back down for a warm hug. “Gosh, we’ve gotten closer together these days. What are you up to?”

They let go with a smile.

“You know... There’s been this one question I’ve been thinking about...”


Kiki blushed because of how shy she was. “Uhm... Would you mind if... If I come and visit your kingdom, perhaps?”

Luna was confused. “I... I thought you didn’t like ponies staring at you feeling worried.”

“No, I think I can get used to it now. Plus, I could probably change myself into a human.”

Kiki thought of the magic spell in her head, and she transformed into a normal human, with blue, long hair and the normal skin color. “See?”

Luna giggled. “You look better in pony form. Turn back!”

Kiki did as she was told. “I agree with that statement. Ponies can have any color fur they want to! Humans? They only have two types: White, or Black.”

They both laughed.

“Anyway, to answer your question,” Luna told her. “Maybe... Maybe I could! I’ll have to check with Celestia. One minute.”

She texted her sister about the request, and the chat went on for a good 15 minutes before she persuaded her to approve of the idea. Kiki just sat patiently and waited as the trees swayed to and fro.

“Ugh, Finally...” Luna said. “Geez, my sister is so stubborn.”

Kiki tittered. “Don’t say that! So... Is it good now?”

“Yes, yes. It is.”

“*giggles* Yay!” Kiki cheered happily, giving Luna a kind embrace. “When should we go? Tomorrow?”

“Of course!” Luna agreed. “But... Why are you asking this all of a sudden?”

Kiki let go and sighed.

“What’s wrong?”

“Well... The truth is...” Kiki gulped. “I... I got caught. I’m now kicked out of the tribe...”

“Wh-What!?” Luna gasped. “That’s horrible!”

Kiki sighed again. “I didn’t think it’ll happen either... But it did... So I was just planning to see if your closer subjects would agree to let me live with them.”

Luna thought for a bit- She immediately knew who to call.

“Don’t worry. I got this. Twilight Sparkle is the princess of friendship, as you probably know. I’m sure she’ll be happy to have another human friend stop by.”

“Really? That’s great!”

Luna nodded. “Hey, I won’t want to leave my friend forced back to the human world, only to get found being half-batpony, right?”

The two laughed and hugged each other.

“Thanks, Luna. I really appreciate how kind you are to me,” Kiki said.

Luna smiled and patted her friend’s back. “You too. You’re not like normal batponies I see. Probably because you’re originally human.”

So, Kiki flew with Luna back to Equestria. Kiki was a huge fan of the show and knew just about everything in my little pony. So, she would surely want to go and see the mane six first. Because of this, she went to Ponyville as her first checkpoint.

The ponies there gossiped to each other in sight of Kiki, the new batpony in town.

“I don’t think they like me here...” Kiki whispered to Luna.

“Don’t worry, just stick to me. You’ll be fine.” Luna responded.

After walking for a while around town, the two saw this unicorn in town. He had bluish-green fur, his mane was orange with a flare of blue at the tip, and his eyes were bright orange. He was strolling around the street like they were.

“Oh, why, hello,” Luna thought to herself. “It’s him, huh?”

She signaled Kiki to try and talk to the unicorn. Kiki was shy and was worried, but Luna told her to relax. He is close with her and she knows he is actually a human.

Kiki took a deep breath and walked behind him.

“Excuse me, hello?”

The pony turned around and gasped.

“Wait a minute...” He said. “That look... Why does it look so... familiar?”

Kiki gasped too. She recognized the voice.

“Wait, your voice... I remember it from somewhere...” She thought for a bit. “Are you...?”

The pony took out his phone with magic and seemed to be scrolling in his pictures. He compared a specific picture to the batpony standing in front of him.

“*gasp* Hold on!” He gasped. “Turn into a human!”

Kiki was shocked- How did he know I’m actually a human? She thought. Nevertheless, she did as she was told, revealing her human form.

The pony gasped.

“Kiki?” He asked, changing to his human form. “It’s me!”

“*gasp* Nathan!?” Kiki squeaked.

The two hugged each other tightly in their arms- They were best friends and this was their first time seeing each other in like, forever!

“Oh my Celestia, is it really you, Kiki!?” Nathan squeaked, clutching his friend tighter.

“*giggles* Yes! It’s me!” Kiki replied. “Oh, I can’t believe you’re here, right in front of me!”

Luna was shocked and ran over to them.

“Wait, you two know each other?” She asked curiously. “Nathan, you didn’t tell me that!”

They both let go as Nathan chuckled.

“Well, you didn’t tell me Kiki was going to be here, Luna!” He retorted.

“Yeah!” Kiki chuckled. “Why didn’t you tell me the pony was Nathan? He’s my best friend!”

Luna got even more confused as the two put an arm around each other.

“We met through a karaoke app a couple years ago, before the war between humans and ponies,” Nathan explained. “Our friendship has been growing so much since we first met and since we first voice chatted. We loved to sing with each other so so much! And we’ve never met before in real life, even though we have known each other for so long and we’ve seen each other’s faces already!”

“I know! I can’t believe it!” Kiki exclaimed as they embraced gladly, letting go a minute later.

“So... Luna, what’s new?” Nathan asked.

Luna cleared her throat. “Well, I met Kiki as a batpony a month ago while I was exploring. She asked me to take her to Equestria, so... Now she’s here!”

“I thought batponies aren’t really welcomed in Equestria?” Nathan pointed out. “No offense, Kiki.”

“None taken,” Kiki assured him. “And yes, you’re right, sadly.” her ears flopped down.

Nathan felt really bad for her. Then, he had an idea.

“Hey! How about you come meet my friends?” He suggested. “Then we can talk. My friends are all great, there are ponies and humans.”

“Oh, that’s a wonderful idea!”

He opened the entrance doors to Twilight’s castle.

“Wow... When I first watched the show, I never thought it was this big on the inside!” Kiki exclaimed. “How long have you been here?”

“Oh, I dunno. Years, perhaps?” Nathan answered.

The three shared a giggle. Suddenly, they ran into Twilight.

“Hey, Spark!” Nathan said, waving to her.

Twilight smiled and ran over to hug him. “*giggles* Hey! What have you been- Wait... Is that... A bat Pony? Behind you?”

Luna and Nathan moved out of the way to reveal Kiki, who turned into a batpony. She blushed.

“P-Princess Twilight!” Kiki gasped. “Please, believe me, I am just a human turned into a batpony! I’m not here to do anything bad, trust me!”

Twilight felt really curious. “Wow... I’ve never seen a real bat pony before! What’s your name?”

Kiki felt really shy, so Nathan answered it for her, an arm around her neck. “*chuckles* Her name is Kiki. She’s one of my friends before the war. It was then we lost touch.”

“Nice to meet you!”

They both shook hooves with each other.

“Where are your other friends?” Kiki looked around.

“Oh, haha, they’re just in the throne room. Follow me!”

They entered the throne room, and met up with the rest of the mane seven. They were all surprised at the sight of Kiki.

“Hey, Everypony,” She said, sheepishly coming out behind Nathan. “My name’s Kiki, and-“

“What in tarnation is this bat doing here!?” Applejack yelled from the back.

Fluttershy was a little scared, and curled into a ball. The other four didn’t mind, however. They just got off their seats and went up to her, interested to know more.

“W-Well...” Kiki said, blushing. “I’m originally a human, but I transformed into a batpony. It’s... It’s really nice to finally meet you all. I’ve known you all for a long time.”

The four all introduced themselves anyway and shook hooves with her. Twilight and Nathan went to the back.

“Fluttershy?” Twilight asked. “Are you okay?”

She shook her head no. “I- I’m scared... Remember what happened last time? I looked so scary to you all... Oh, I don’t want to look!”

“Relax. She’s a human,” Nathan comforted. “She’s also really caring. I’m sure she’ll like you.”

So the pony stopped crying and went over to introduce herself.

“H-Hi, Kiki,” She said bashfully. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m-“

“Fluttershy!” Kiki squeaked and gave her a hug without thinking. “You’re my favorite pony! I’m so glad to finally see you!”

Fluttershy just lets out an ‘eep’ and chuckled.

“Guess you’re getting a very warm welcome here,” Luna said, nudging Kiki.

They both giggled. Everypony just blankly stared at Applejack, who wasn’t that amused.

“What’s wrong with her?” Kiki curiously asked Twilight.

“*sigh* Hold on.”

They all trotted over to her.

“I’m telling y’all, there is no way I’m having another batpony trying to ruin everything like Fluttershy accidentally did last time!” Applejack huffed, letting out a hmph.

Fluttershy sighed.

“Aj, she’s only a bat pony in her Equestrian form. She’s actually a human. She just chose to be one because she likes it,” she explained.

Kiki turned into a human upon hearing the words.

“I know what happened, Applejack,” Kiki said. “But I’m not like normal bats or batponies. I’m much more caring and I don’t mean any harm. Luna showed me I didn’t have to be scared of being feared and being alone. In my pack, I was really isolated, since I’m half human and half batpony and all. I wish I could fit in with the ponies too.”

Applejack was seemingly getting loosened up a bit more.

“Y’all sure about this?” She questioned.

Nathan nodded. “I’ve known her for a long time. You can trust me.”

She sighed and gave a smile. “Alright, then. But don’t you dare go and stir up mischief among my friends!”

Kiki chuckled as she shook the cowgirl’s hoof. “That’s a promise.”

Luna nodded, feeling relieved. “Okay! So, Twilight, you still have more rooms to share, yes?”

“Uh huh!” Twilight said. “Let me guess, you want to allow Kiki to stay every time she comes to visit?”


“No problem!” Everypony agreed.

Kiki smiled and hugged Nathan. “Oh, thank you all so much! I would die if I go back to my pack!”

“Haha, anything for my pals,” He replied. “You can tell me everything between you and the bat ponies later. Right now, wanna have some fun?”

“I’m down for that!”

Since then, Kiki has been playing an important part for the ponies, and it was definitely a surprise. She kinda became an ambassador for the two races. She was accepted by her tribe again a few months later, and she started going back and forth persuading both leaders to discuss true peace with each other after a long time.

And yes, she got to see Celestia too and after being introduced by Nathan, her very loyal ally, Celestia welcomed the new batpony friend gladly.

Soon, Kiki invited her friends to go over to her tribe for a visit- It was only then they found out that the current leader of the batponies was actually a human too! Her name is Faith, a queen who joined the pack with Kiki at first. She was newly crowned and she has had plans to try easing the tension between their kind and the normal ponies for a while.

Only a short period of time after that happened, the plan worked as they saw the news.

“Hey, guys! Look!” Kiki exclaimed.

Twilight and Nathan were hanging out in the lounge of the castle with her and walked over. They were really happy to see the news- The two sides have finally reached an agreement and are no longer considering each other as an enemy race!

They were just in time to catch up to them speaking. Faith spoke first. She was a pale-yellow colored batpony, with red eyes and a black mane with a hint of purple.

“I am definitely very, very pleased that we have reached an agreement of peace,” she said. “I know my people have been feared by the ponies and I know it would take some time before our kinds can adapt to having each other around them, but this is a really good first step to our people prospering in peace. We wished we could be truly forgiven, and I’m so glad one of our kind has taken the task to negotiate with your subjects, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia nodded. “We’re really happy about this too. We can think more about the connection between our people later. For now... Let’s focus on strengthening our ties. Our tribes may have made up, but fear still plagues our subjects’ minds. We should find a way to fix this problem soon. It was tough, having a former aggression near us- No offense. But now... I think we can find peace and possibly prosper together in harmony.”

She looked at Faith, smiling.

“Kiki was a good ambassador of ours. And you should feel glad about that too, Queen Faith. For she helped our kinds find possible peace,” She continued.

Faith nodded. “We’re really proud of her too. We’re relieved to ease the tensions between us.”

The two shook each other’s hoof kindly.

“Awww, that’s cute!” Kiki said, clapping her hands.

Twilight smiled. “I’m glad we’ve made up now. I may not have seen us fighting, but... It’s good to see enemies accepting each other.”

Nathan put his arms around his head. “I wonder whether the humans will agree...”

Kiki chuckled and pulled him close. “At least our races are happy with each other now. We can worry about that later.”

“I guess so, Kiki.”

Twilight was grinning at the sight of the two bonding together. It’s been a while now since they met up again and their bond was restoring itself from being lost for so long pretty quickly. Suddenly, she got a call.

“Hello?” Twilight said, picking up her phone. She passed it to Nathan. “Oh, it’s for you, Nate.”

Nathan picked it up. “Oh, hey Faith! It’s like I talked to you yesterday, but it’s been so long! What’s been going on, bestie?”

Yes, Nathan didn’t go to visit the batponies when they got the chance since he was busy that day. Also, Faith is also one of his best friends, and they haven’t seen each other for a long time, just like Kiki.

“Oh, okay!” Nathan replied after she said something. “See you in a minute!”

Kiki tilted her head, feeling curious. “What’d she say?”

Nathan blushed.

“Just... Just meet me on the balcony tonight.”

So that evening, Nathan and Kiki went up as they saw Luna stopping by.

“Hey, Luna!” Kiki ran over to hug her.

“Haha, hey,” Luna replied as she let go. “I got a special guest with us tonight.”

She stomped her hooves on the ground twice, and the batpony queen flew over and landed swiftly.

“Nathan!” Faith said cheerfully.

The two tightly hugged each other, and Nathan started nuzzling his nose on Faith’s as she turned to a human.

“*giggles* Faith!” He squeaked, making a cute hum as he squeezed her. “Yo, wherein Equestria have you been since the war ended!?”

Faith giggled as she let go. “I was a batpony and I went to join the pack! Don’t you remember? You know, how ponies are still scared of us and all?”

All of them had a laugh. They just kinda had a casual chat while looking at the stars, since Nathan was kind to spawn in places to sit and talk. After talking for about an hour about life and stuff, he suddenly left.

“Oh! I have something to do. Be right back!”

He ran off, leaving the three mares on their own.

“Okay, good. He’s gone,” Faith said, sneering.

“What?” Luna asked in curiosity. “You think he’s annoying?”

“N-No,” Faith replied as she shook her hoof no. Then she gave Kiki an affectionate glance. “It’s just... Well... Hey, Kiki?”


She blushed and turned to Luna. “C-Can you... Give us a moment? Alone?”

“Uhhh... Okay?”

Luna left but was intrigued to know why she wasn’t allowed to stay so she hid behind the entrance to the stairway to hear the two friends chatting. She suspected it must be something personal and cheesy- And she’s right.

“Kiki? Can I confess something?”

“Sure. Hey, would you mind sitting next to me? I figured this would be personal so...”

Faith shut her friend’s mouth with a hoof.

“Why not,” She chuckled, shuffling closer along the bench right up against her side, and they changed back to pony form. She started to adorably nuzzle her head upon her sides.

“*giggles* You’re feeling really affectionate tonight,” Kiki pointed out. “You made a sin against me or something? And you want me to forgive you, right?”

Faith blushed. “Actually... That’s true.”


Faith collected her thoughts before moving on. “I... I’m sorry we kicked you out of the pack. I didn’t mean to. I was... I was persuaded by the others that... You tried to betray me. I know we’re best friends in real life and I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. The previous leader had plans to destroy Equestria. I’m so glad I took his place. I knew about you going out to the woods and crying about his plans.”

“Y-Yes,” Kiki admitted, blushing. “I did do that.”

“Don’t worry. I would never try to invade the ponies. Trust me,” Faith promised.

The two silently stared at the night sky- White shimmering stars in the vast of purple. Naturally, they unfolded a wing and pulled each other close. They even held each other’s hoof.

“Do you remember when we first met?”

“Of course. We’ve grown a lot, haven’t we?”

“Definitely,” Faith said. “We’ve gotten closer and closer to each other. Haha, I even called you my sweetie, for that matter. And it’s all because of our interest in ponies. And singing, of course. Basically... That’s why I didn’t want to attack this place. It’s why we bonded together. You would be so mad at me if I did...”

Kiki smiled. “Aw, that’s so sweet of you! Putting your friends in front of your own desires. You even went against your kind... For me?”

Faith nodded. Then they locked eyes, holding each other’s hooves.

“What can I say?” She said. “I love you, sweety.”

Kiki chuckled. She used to say that to her a lot. But tonight, it was different.

“No, Kiki,” Faith giggled. “I’m serious this time. I love you.”

The blue batpony gasped, and her cheeks turned red. She saw the same thing happen to Faith.

“Awww...” Kiki squeaked. “I love you too, sweety!”

They exchanged a caring hug, cuddling each other in comfort under the stars. They forgot about their other friends- Because the only friend they need is right in front of them. As they giggled and pressed their heads together, Kiki winked at her friend and licked her lips.

“O-Oh...” Faith covered her mouth. “B-But... We’re both girls... Wouldn’t it be weird?”

Kiki rolled her eyes. “Come on. Nathan told me Twilight and her friend Frisk kissed as well and they’re both girls, so... Who’s to say we can’t?”

They blankly stared at each other, nuzzling their muzzles.

“Okay,” Faith said in a squeaky voice. Kiki grinned.

The two looked away for just one second, and put a hoof in front of each other’s heart, not leaving their embrace. They closed their eyes and naturally allowed their muzzles to draw closer, feeling the scent of their best friend. After a blissful sigh, they really wanted to kiss each other.

At least, they tried to. Until Luna teleported in.

“Hey! No!” Luna retorted, pulling and squeezing Kiki. “She’s mine!”

The two growled and laughed playfully. “Oh come on!”

“And I was so looking forward to it too!” Faith said.

Kiki chuckled. “Don’t tell me you heard everything...”

Luna blushed and nodded. The two gasped.


They stared at her with narrowed eyes. But then, the princess remembered something.

“Oh! Right!” She said, then whispering something to Faith. She nodded.

“Ahhhh, I almost forgot!” Faith said. “Kiki, follow us!”

Kiki was blindfolded and was led to the lounge of the castle by Faith and Luna.

“*excited squeal* Where are you taking me, guys? I’m so excited!!”

Luna giggled. “Almost...”

She was pushed to about the center of the room and felt something being put on her head. Kiki tried to feel what it was.

“Wait... Is this a hat?” She touched the hat. “It’s like a cone... Wait a minute!”

Faith smiled. Darn it, she figured it out! But she still took it off anyway, and the sounds of party horns ringed around her.

“Surprise, Kiki!”

What the batpony saw was unexpected- She saw all of her friends, there were cakes, party balloons, decorations everywhere... It was her birthday!

“*laughs* Happy birthday, bestie!” Nathan hugged her.

Kiki was surprised- Their hangout was a diversion for them to get ready! It was all a setup, and Faith was also a part of it! Nonetheless, she was still thankful for everything. And they partied throughout the night, having fun with games and of course having the food. The humans had something to do and couldn’t come that night, but even just the ponies was enough for her. She had so much fun.

And near the end of the party, when Everypony was completely exhausted from the games, she decided to just have a good chat with her friends.

“*sniff* You did all of this for me?” Kiki asked Faith.

“Haha, I was surprised it took you that long to find out! But if you’re wondering who came up with the plan, it was Luna. She told me beforehand. That’s why I came.”

Luna came over and winked with a chuckle.

“Oh, thank you, Luna,” Kiki gave her a hug.

“You’re so very welcome. I wanted to be a part of the party too before my work- Because I never get to eat cake! Tia just steals it all!” Luna laughed.

Everyone burst out into laughter- And Nathan laughed so hard he spit out all of the soda he was drinking at that moment.

“*hysterical laugh* Oh my freaking gosh, Luna!” He couldn’t stop laughing to finish his words. “Tell me next time when you’re going to tell a joke like that!”

They all had to calm down with a chill pill from how funny it was.

“But, seriously...” Kiki said. “Thanks, you guys. It’s so nice to be around friends after being isolated in the batpony tribes. It means a lot. Luna, you’ve been with me from the start till now. Thank you for your kindness throughout everything. And Nathan, thanks for helping me open up to Everypony. It’s so nice of you.”

The two stood beside her, smiling.

“It’s what we do,” They said at the same time, kissing Kiki on her cheeks. She blushed so badly, her face was the color of a red rose.

“*giggles* Aww, shucks,” Kiki sheepishly giggled, then walking to her best friend. “But, there’s one thing that I’m grateful for.”

The two stood at the back, gossiped a little and chuckled as Kiki and Faith pulled their best friend close. The two went out of the room and Nathan gave them a playful wink and stuck his tongue out before closing the door.

“I’m just glad to have you back as a friend, Faith,” Kiki said, smiling.

Faith winked. “You too, Kiki.”

Seeing no one else in the room, they both locked eyes. Finally, in their pony form, they kissed each other blissfully.