Displaced Frisk and Flowey

by black night sun

Hi Dark pony...

Frisk kick her legs as she rode on the train humming with the main six towards the Crystal Empire. Flowey was in a pot, back in flower form on her lap to gather energy for later.

Frisk looked out the window and saw that it was a blizzard outside. “If that smiley trashbag was here, he'd probably make a pun about being ‘chilled to the bone’,” Flowey dryly commented.

“Oh don't be so ‘cold’ flowey.” Frisk said with a grin.

Pinkie, who sat across from them, smiled. “Yeah Flowey, that wasn't very ice!” she said.

“Yeah you should be 20% COOL-er like Dash!” Frisk said grinning unrepentantly.

“Do you two want some friendliness pellets?” Flowey asked with a false cheerful smile. “Because your on the way to pellet land.”

“Awww, don't be a stick-in-the-mud!” Frisk said with a grin. Flowey went into the dirt of his pot.

*Flowey has lolnoped out of this terrible situation. Leaf the poor flower alone.*

“ I guess he didn't find me very punny!” Frisk said towards Pinkie.

“Aww… guess he couldn't stem to hear our jokes!” Pinkie said bubbly, giggling. Vines now covered the top of the pot.

“You should stop before he petals us with pellets!” Frisk says keeping up the plant puns with a grin.

Before the puns could continue, a vine wrapped around both their mouths. Welp that's rude. And this was the moment in which Twilight Sparkle came in on when she came to retrieve the pink party pony and the human.

“What… is going on here?” She questioned, looking at the two gagged females.

Flowey came out of his pot, deadpan. “They wouldn't stop punning.” He said simply. Surprisingly, Twilights response was to sagely nod at this. Frisk only pouts in response crossing her arms adorably.

Flowey set the twos mouths free, looking up at Frisk. “I won't be doing this again. Enjoy carrying me like this while you can,” He informed the child.

Frisk nods her head before hugging the flower pot close to her. Flowey sent a vine out, giving a little hug back.

Frisk follows Twilight out of the train clutching the flowerpot closer to her due to the sheer coldness and the uneasy feeling she was getting.

Flowey, surprisingly, cast a flame spell and made a orb of fire that orbited the determination child and kept her, and consequently him, warm. Frisky bits soon tunes everyone else out as Shining Armor shows up or concentrated on watching out for whatever was giving her this feeling. It felt like a certain hand speaking man… but different and a lot more evil.

“Bad guy incoming!” Flowey helpfully shouted to the group of dumbasses and Frisk. Frisk immediately started putting a shield around them as they started running for the empire.

Flowey noticed Frisk sweating, and curled around them. “It'll be alright, you got this,” The flower whispered, using its body to more efficiently guide Frisks magic and make it easier on her. Suddenly something slammed hard against Frisks shield cracking it before it mended quickly.

“Idiots, run!” Flowey shouted at the gawking morons. They started running faster as the Dark Cloud continue to slam into Frisks Shield repeatedly

Flowey noticed Frisk had a bloody nose and hissed. “Stop hurting yourself, I'm taking over!” He exclaimed. He glew, going to his humanoid Omega form and now carrying Frisk in one arm while bitch slapping the fog away with the other.

Frisk Let The Shield fall and breathe heavily exhausted from using so much of her power and HP to keep it up.

Just in time to go through another, entering the Crystal Empire.

Flowey hisses at the smoke outside of the shield, cradling Frisk protectively. The smoke was lucky she wasn't hurt-or else he'd take a page from smiley trashbags book and dish out a very BaD tIme.

“What was that shield?” Shining Armour asked, looking at the group.

“That was my DETERMINATION Shield…” Frisk said Breathing heavily as she brought up her menu and checked her HP and saw it was at 1.

Flowey fixed that swiftly, large vine arm sending green healing straight into her. “I don't understand. How was that shield so strong? Before you could barely block a pebble,” Twilight said, looking at the child in the Tv flowers arms.

“Um… I may or may not have put my life forced into it or HP as I call it.” Frisk said embarrassedly, lowering her head.

This was met by a resounding ‘WHAT' from all ponies present.

“B-But flowey fixed it and my life force is filled!” Frisk said quickly trying to reassure them.

This only seemed to give Twilight permission to rant and rave at her about how you shouldn't use your life force into a spell and how close she came to dying if it wasn't for a certain flower. That last part was almost begrudgingly said.

“Come on, I've been through worse and have had lower HP than that.” Frisk said referring to a certain fight with a god of hyperdeath. And what she said was true to an extent.

“What?! When?! How do you have less then one HP?!” Twilight exclaimed, thoroughly confused at this point.

“Decimals” Frisk said in answer.

Flowey interrupted the idiotic conversation. “We should focus on finding that Crystal or whatever to get that edgelord dealt with,” He said, annoyed at the time wasting ponies. Frisk can just load to get it back, but still!

“Yeah let's focus on finding the crystal thing” Frisk said before quickly thinking ‘and not on me’.

Having to concede to his point, and not wanting to anger the OP flower, they soon were headed towards the center of the empire.

Frisk quickly followed them as she look around at the Empire on their way. It wasn't actually made of crystals, or at least didn't look it. Thank god for that, or else it'd look gaudy as hell. Who would want that?

Frisk was a little disappointed that it wasn't made out of real crystals, she really wanted to see an Empire made out of real crystals.

If only to laugh at the stupidity of it… in Flowey's opinion anyway. The walking flower kinda zoned out for a bit, not really paying attention as they made it to the throne room, chatted, searched for info, and went back to the throne room with Twilight, Spike, and Frisk only for the first to launch a beam and for them to go down some stairs.

When they finally got to the bottom Frisk was examining the door not touching it but examining it knowing that it would move if it was touched.

Twilight did a very dumb thing and activated a trap, which sent a beam at her and Frisk. And thus Sombra was doomed.