Rakadi & Ahe'eyo - The Language Barrier

by JazzyWaffles

Side A: Meeting Rakadi

Rarity stood perfectly still. The towering figure in the doorway blocked her only exit from the strange wattle-and-daub hovel she had awoken in. To make matters worse, she doubted she could outrun the creature regardless, thanks to her injuries. She would have to thank whoever patched her up later.

Rarity's eyes darted left and right, looking for something to use to escape, but came up short. The furless giant moved closer. Tears filled her eyes as she realized this might be the end for her. Closing her eyes, she began to make peace wi-

"Ne bidweo, ihayo ekwabon palua. Ne o'skyodo tyue. Eso aimeenka."


Well, that was unexpected. Rarity opened her eyes again to see the large creature kneeled down in front of her, looking down at her with what could be described as concern. It was difficult to tell on such a strange visage, and the creature's beady, small eyes certainly didn't help its lack of expressiveness. Was it... sorry for scaring her?


The creature held out its... paw? No, that wasn't the right word. It was like the forelimbs of a minotaur or centaur. Hands, were they called? Rarity thought that sounded right.

Rarity studied the outheld hand for a moment. Tilting her head a bit and raising a hoof, she spoke. "Do you... want something? I'm afraid I don't have anything for you."

The creature grasped her raised hoof, causing Rarity to flinch, and, before Rarity could protest, gave it a quick shake.


A... hoofshake? Or would that be a handshake? Rarity hadn't quite thought that was what the creature was after when its hand shot out like that. Perhaps, despite its... primitive living conditions, it was civilized as well as intelligent?

"Eye-men-kass... is that your name, darling?"

The creature smiled, putting its hand on its chest.


The creature tilted his head and held his hand out, one finger pointing at Rarity.

"Kyun tyuaye noma?"

Rarity stared back at him for a few moments. He clearly wanted to communicate something, but she, for the life of her, couldn't understand what. The creature repeated the motions and words once again, and then it clicked.

"Oh! Your name is Rakadee?"

Though Rakadi likely couldn't understand her, he nodded anyway at hearing his own name said in a questioning tone. Rarity put her hoof on her own chest, mimicking Rakadi.


Rakadi smiled.

"Rereti... tyuaye noma esiki kyasa."

Aside from a slight mispronunciation of her name, Rarity didn't understand him, but Rakadi's cordial nature certainly helped her relax. For the first time since waking up, she found herself actually examining her own injuries, many of which had different plants or bits of cloth strapped to them with what Rarity could only assume was plant fibers of some kind.

"Did you tend to my wounds?"

She pointed to Rakadi, then to one of her leaf-covered cuts. Understanding the gestures and questioning tone, Rakadi nodded and smiled.

"Hai. Tyue wa'skyodenke, mo wa'yawo."

Rarity smiled. This creature, Rakadi, had cared for her when she was injured. In addition to his friendly demeanor, she couldn't help but thank him.

"Thank you."

As Rakadi smiled back at her, Rarity couldn't help but think she made a new friend.