The Rebel Son

by DrRockso


The North Carolina woods was full of life in the middle of spring as the robins pecked at the ground and the squirrels came out of their nests. In the middle of it all was a small house that held one lone occupant, his name was Andrew and he was country to the core. The tall country boy of 21 years old liked the simple life and didn’t like to get involved in the grand scheme of things but rather be secluded in nature, away from the big cities.

“Man what a nice day” I said looking out the living room window at the amazing scene around me. For so long Spring seemed like a distant memory, the last several months was cold and wet. With Winter out of the way I could actually enjoy going outside again and feeling the sunshine. Sitting down in the comfy chair that sat in the living room, I slid my brown cowboy boots over my feet and adjusted my leg of my jeans. With my boots comfortably on my feet I rose up and walked out the front door, thru the screen door and out into my yard. Readjusting the black and yellow CAT hat on my hat I strode out into the yard. Living on my own was the greatest thing in the world, I followed my own rules and I did what I wanted. What made it better was that I was currently on Spring break from college which meant lots of free time on my hands.

After walked through my yard I soon found myself deep within the woods behind my house. The amount of hardwoods behind my house extended for miles until it reached a small farm owned by an older man. Making sure that I didn’t walk onto his property I walked through the woods that I owned as I simply marveled at nature. I didn’t see the portal open up behind me between two arching trees. Hearing a strange droning noise, I turned around wide eyed at the opening in space that appeared behind me. What the hell is that thing I thought as I started backing up away from it. I started to walk away but I soon found myself unable to take another step, in fact I felt myself starting to be pulled back toward the portal. “” I yelled as I grabbed onto a large birch tree. Wrapping my arms around it did little good as the G-Force simply ripped me away from the tree truck and sent me flying into the portal. Once I entered the strange portal everything went black and I faded into unconsciousness.

Darkness covered everything in my vision and I feared that I may have died and I was about to be judged by the Divine, however light started to flow from across the space and soon colored filled it as well. All at once the darkness was replaced with the image of a forest as I bolted upright eyes full of fear. Looking around I noticed that I was in a forest, however it wasn’t the forest that I was used to back home. The forest back home was peaceful and actually beautiful; this forest was dark and scary. I was sure things were watching me even though I couldn’t see them. After checking myself for any wounds or injury, I stood up and tried to get my bearings. I then realized something was really off, the woods themselves was not only different in terms of species of tree but the texture and look was far different, almost 2D like. “Where the hell am I” I said looking around as I started to take steps back. Suddenly several shrieks and caws rang out in the dark forest along with hisses and growls. Without a gun or knife I was pretty vulnerable and there was only so much that I could do with my bare hands.

Looking around I tried to find a way out of the strange forest and a path to civilization. In the distance I could see a small light breaking through. With a sigh of relief I started for the light until I found a opening in the forest and stepped. Breathing in the fresh air, I looked out across the vast opening below me. In the distance was a large apple orchard that was surrounded by a white picket fence. Just below that in the valley sat a large red and white barn with smaller buildings surrounding it. “Thank God, civilization” I said happily as I jumped the fence and landed on the other side. Looking in the distance I watched as the sun slowly started to dip behind the hills and darkness start to come upon the land. Better get down there soon before it gets too dark I thought as I made my way down the hill. No sooner did the sun go down did the temperature start to dip and the short sleeved button up shirt did little to protect me from the cold. It wasn’t cold like winter but I could tell that it was about fall based on the colors of the trees on the hillside. In no time I was coming out of the Apple orchard and standing in front of the large barn. Looking around I didn’t see a farmhouse or even a cabin, I figured it was a few miles away, however the cold wind reminded me that I needed somewhere to stay warm. I figured the best place would be the barn. Most barns have some hay or at least something that I can cover myself with….at least it’ll keep me out of the wind.

Walking up to the large door I pulled it to the side and stepped inside before closing the door behind me. Taking in the dry air, I couldn’t help but sigh at the familiar smell of a barn. Most folks would cringe at the smell of hay and other products but I took it in with a deep breath. Back home I would work on my grandpa’s farm and I was used to that dry smell that never left the barn. Taking a few steps inside I looked around at the scene in front of me. There were stalls to the left and right with supplies inside them as well as all along the wall. A large steel plow sat to my right and next to it where the reigns. I raised an eyebrow at the image, it wasn’t a usual sight back home to see a horse drawn plow. Maybe somehow I got teleported to an Amish farm or something……..I don’t know, something doesn’t feel right. Walking ahead I saw exactly what I was looking for……a giant pile of straw that sat in-between several large bails of straw. “Perfect” I said softly as I plopped down in the straw pile.

Once I sat down I began to pile the straw on top of me until I was covered with just my feet and head poking out of the pile. Snuggled tightly into the pile I listened to the emptiness of the barn and how peaceful it sounded. About that time I heard the slow pitter patter of something hitting the roof, I realized instantly that it was raining on top of the metal roof. Ever since I was a small child I loved the sound of rain on a metal roof. The first time I ever heard it was when I was very young and I stayed the night with my mother at my Great grandmothers house which had a tin roof. When it rained that night I heard the pitter patter of raindrops hitting the roof. Breaking out of my nostalgic thoughts I continued to listen to the almost rhythmic sound of the rain as I started to fade into sleep. Before I knew what happened I was asleep in the pile of straw.