Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged


"I'm never going to sleep again." Rainbow Dash, stuck in the back seat of a Volkswagen Beetle with Rarity, was almost bouncing in place. "It was so amazing!" She turned and looked at Rarity. Just seeing her friend with an actual unicorn horn was pretty amazing, but the truly odd thing was fur. Rainbow Dash herself was covered in it now. It was everywhere.

"Well. I think it was quite stunning, but I will be relieved when I pony back down. Fur is all well and good, but can you imagine how many hours I will need to spend brushing all of this?!" Rarity gestured at herself, and when no one immediately responded to her with anything but a giggle, she groaned. "Maybe I will have to order my little slave siren to brush me?"

At mention of herself, especially as a siren, Sonata reached a hand up to her chest and touched the red stone that pressed to her flesh. She had wings again, she had teeth and even some of her fins, but it was the gem that she most despised about being a siren.

Sonata was so wrapped up in herself that she jumped when Rarity's hand found her shoulder. The moment she turned her head and looked at the white, fuzzy fingers she relaxed again. "S-Sorry."

"What's the matter?" Rarity leaned forward and pressed herself to the back of Sonata's seat. She breathed into Sonata's hair, she wrapped both arms over and around Sonata's chest. When Sonata suddenly went rigid, when Rarity felt the gem that was nestled between Sonata's breasts, she could guess at the problem. "We'll talk later. This doesn't change us." Her voice was barely a whisper, but she was sure Spicy and Rainbow likely heard it.

Trying to ignore the elephant in the car—though she had no idea exactly what the issue was Rarity mentioned—Rainbow Dash tapped Spicy on the shoulder. "Can you drop me off at my place? Fluttershy was coming around and—" She suddenly stopped talking. Spicy might know what she did with Thunderbolt, but Rainbow Dash didn't want to tell all her friends about him.

"Watching a movie, I take it? No problems." His mind racing at the thoughts of what Rainbow Dash also liked to do, Spicy Hot relaxed a little. In a crazy, strange way, Thunderbolt was for Rainbow what Spicy couldn't be.

Rainbow Dash leaned forward a little and learned why a muzzle was an extra-awesome thing to have: nuzzling was a lot more effective. "Your wings are pretty cool. Next time Twilight—the other Twilight—is in town we'll have to talk to her about all this."

"Driving down familiar roads again, Spicy Hot made his way to Rainbow Dash's house. "Speaking of which, all this wears off, right? Just like yours does?" He ruffled his leathery wings for emphasis. "It'd be cool to keep them, but I think some of my regular customers might freak out."

"Ha!" Rainbow licked Spicy's neck, tracing the edge of his mane with her tongue. "I bet some would be into it."

Spicy pondered that for a moment—as he turned into Rainbow Dash's street. "Some would. I wonder if I could use this to my advantage? Are you going to be like this each time you get into things now? Because I know a guy who knows a guy who could probably get me a bridle to fit you."

"A bridle?" About to scoff, Rainbow Dash's thoughts ran over the idea and found it more exciting than funny. A shiver ran down her spine at the thought of being Spicy's pony girl. "I think my master should wait and see before spending too much, but if this is a new look…?" Running one of her hands down Spicy's side, between the door and Spicy's seat, Rainbow Dash reached between his legs and cupped what she could feel there. "Then I would say my master can dress his filly how he pleases."

"Your stop!" Spicy had already been struggling not to get a hard-on, but now it was inevitable. Talk of bondage, groping, and his wild imagination were just too much for him to handle. "But first I want a goodnight kiss."

Rainbow Dash climbed out of the back of the beetle, closed her door and walked up to Spicy's window. When he rolled his window down, she turned around and presented her butt to him. "Kissy kiss—" She yelped.

Spicy, his hand still under Rainbow Dash's dress, had hefted the skirts up and pulled at the panties she wore under them. His lips met the soft, fuzzy rump of his girlfriend's, and he made a slobbery, kissing sound.

Her initial shock wore down, and Rainbow Dash knew she was tempting fate by holding still. Sure enough, a firm smack connected with her rear. Jerking forward, her dress fell down to maintain her modesty. "You're a lech, Spicy Hot!"

"Takes one to know one. Pull your panties up and get inside, pet." Spicy put some bite into his words, and had the pleasure of seeing Rainbow Dash grab for the errant panties. Rather than pull them up, however, he froze as she stepped out of them and flung them at him. "You know I'll sell these, right? Magical girl panties? Used?!"

Laughing, Rainbow Dash walked away from her pervert of a lover and reached into her bag to pull out her keys. Unlocking and opening the door, Rainbow Dash was greeted by a huge weight that landed on her shoulders.

Thunderbolt had been restraining himself, which was unusual for him. Rather than trot through the neighborhood and find a bitch to sate himself on, he had waited for his mistress, his bitch. With her secured by his paws, he started making sure she knew how much he was happy to see her by licking her face.

"Get off you beast!" Rainbow Dash tried to hide her face from the hot tongue (literally, thermally) that played over her face. She shoved at his paws and pushed him down to the floor. "Soon, buddy. I promised Fluttershy she could watch again, and you know what happens when Fluttershy gets upset, right?"

As if her words were completely understood, Rainbow Dash had merely an excited pet again, rather than an overly horny one. The threat of an upset Fluttershy was universal. "Come on. Food first and then we fuck, okay?"

Understanding more of his mistress' words than he had any right to, Thunderbolt could recognize the priority order, and appreciated it. Food then sex was a great plan to his way of thinking. Trotting after Rainbow Dash, wagging his heavier than normal tail, he lunged at the bowl of canned food the moment it was on the floor.

Every time Rainbow Dash fed Thunderbolt, since the night she had eaten beside him, she remembered how it felt to be completely at his mercy. She stood there, watching him, and ruffled her wings a little.

The doorbell rang and snapped Rainbow Dash out of her submissive fantasy. "Coming!" She walked to the front door with a clip-clop sound that had her giggling. She didn't need to look to know who it was. Opening the door, Rainbow Dash beheld Fluttershy's blushing face. "Come on in, Fluttershy."

"I-I'm not too late, am I?" Fluttershy stepped through the door, her ears perking this way and that until they locked on to the sound of Thunderbolt eating.

"We were in Spicy's car, remember? Like that was going to beat you home by enough to—" Rainbow Dash cut herself short. "Never mind. We should get undressed. Much as it would be cool to let him rip it off me, Rarity would rip me apart for it."

Managing a giggle, Fluttershy felt more relaxed in Rainbow Dash's home than anywhere but her own caravan. "I still can't believe what happened. This is…" Fluttershy ran a hand up and down one of her arms, and blushed. "A dream."

Rainbow Dash froze at the wistful tone in her friend's voice. She summoned all her fortitude. "Okay. While he's eating, let's do something Rarity mentioned." Working as quickly as she could, Rainbow Dash hefted her dress off and walked into the laundry in her bra. "Good boy. Don't wolf it all down too quick." She gave Thunderbolt a pet, which had him look up from his food at her.

Smiling at her fuzzy lover, Rainbow Dash grabbed up the hand-fitting dog brush she used on him and returned to the living room. When she reached the room, Fluttershy was sitting on the couch wearing nothing but her panties and bra. "Sit on the floor, 'Shy, with your back to the couch."

Despite there being no hint of dominance or command in Rainbow Dash's voice, Fluttershy felt it was the perfect excuse to do exactly as her friend said. She slid off the couch, blush coloring her cheeks, and sat down on the floor. Unwilling to say anything, lest she break the spell she found herself in, Fluttershy waited while Rainbow Dash got seated on the couch behind her.

When the first stroke of the pet brush ran down her pink mane, Fluttershy actually let out a soft sigh of pleasure. Then another stroke, and another, and she practically slumped in place.

Biting her tongue as Rainbow Dash took hold of her hair, Fluttershy tried not to whimper in delight as the brushing continued. She barely even noticed when Thunderbolt came into the room, but when he stuffed his snout between her breasts she gasped.

"Hey! You're my dog, not hers." Rainbow Dash patted at the couch beside her to invite Thunderbolt to swap his attention.

"We can stop if you—" Fluttershy's words died in her throat as the brush started again. Her eyes closed, and she was taken away to a magical land where she was just a fuzzy animal for someone to care for. She had no clue how long her fantasy lasted, nor how long she had been passively sitting on the floor with Rainbow brushing her.

Thunderbolt liked the idea of having two bitches to himself. Normally, when he mounted one, any others nearby would leave the area. Crawling along the couch, careful not to shred the cushions with his claws, he leaned over his bitch's thigh and stuffed his nose into her crotch.

Rainbow Dash parted her legs a little. Spicy had her panties, which meant Thunderbolt's hot tongue was not impeded. The first lick was enough to melt through the stress of the day. The second lick pressed down on Rainbow's mental faculties and shoved her, willingly, into a very submissive state. Further licks just drew small whimpers from her, as she felt need build.

Slowly, Fluttershy started to realize something important was going on behind her back. The brush in her mane had slowed enough that she could function, and she turned her head slowly. "Oh my…" Her words broke the fantasy she had been immersed in, but a new one swelled up. Rainbow Dash was a substitute for herself, the stand in that would do things Fluttershy never would—never could. She stared in continued arousal as Rainbow Dash was serviced by Thunderbolt's long tongue.

Realizing her task with Fluttershy was at an end, Rainbow Dash pulled her arms back and tucked them behind her back. Slumping into the couch, she let Thunderbolt had all the access he wished—he was her master after all.

"I-I-I'll get my camera." Fluttershy bustled over to where her handbag lay. She reached in and pulled out the expensive camera she used for bird-watching. When she turned back to the couch, she was already pressing record. She wasn't silly; the camera Fluttershy had could record video.

Barely able to focus on Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash looked down at what Thunderbolt was doing to her. His muzzle was pressed firmly against her fuzzy vulva, and he was busy trying to shove his tongue deep into her. Something odd registered in her submissive brain, and it took her a good ten licks of Thunderbolt's tongue before she realized her vulva was a different shape than usual.

"D-D-Do you want me to present myself?" Rainbow Dash had no idea how she knew it, but Thunderbolt seemed to understand her enough that he pulled his head back and nodded. Realization that she had been given a command swelled Rainbow's delight, and she leaned down and kissed Thunderbolt's nose. "Thank you, Master."

Fluttershy's wings were rigid and spread out. She stared through the viewfinder of the camera as Rainbow Dash took off her bra and slid from the couch to the floor. Circling around her friend, Fluttershy reached out a hand and lifted Rainbow's tail. "O-Oh my!" The camera zoomed in, Fluttershy's fingers guiding it to zoom in on the equine vulva that sat below Rainbow's tail.

Curious about how their bodies seemed to have changed, Fluttershy examined Rainbow Dash's position. Rainbow's arms were shaped just like they always had been, but her legs were different. Bending like a horse's, Rainbow Dash wasn't actually kneeling on the floor but standing—her legs crouched under her.

Seeing the two bitches interact, Thunderbolt didn't rush. He liked to watch both of them explore each other. Something was different about them, but as far as he cared his bitch still had a hole. Reaching a paw out, he slid off the couch like a predator. It only took two steps to bring him behind not his bitch, but the one inspecting her.

Like his bitch, this one had that different look to her, even through the covering she wore over her holes. She was so distracted playing with his bitch that she didn't even notice what he was doing until Thunderbolt licked. His tongue stroked aside the bitch's panties, and he laid his hot tongue along her folds.

Eyes snapping open, Fluttershy squealed when Thunderbolt licked her. She jerked upright, but not before he managed to get another flick of his tongue over her. Spinning around, she could have sworn the dog-hybrid was smiling. "Th-Th-That wasn't—" He let out a soft growl, cutting her off. "I'm not your bitch…"

"Master?" Rainbow Dash looked over her shoulder. She had been offering herself, but he still hadn't covered her. She tried to make sense of the indignant expression on her best friend's face, or the grin on her master's, but it was hard to think. Instead of applying her mind, Rainbow just waggled her rump from side to side.

Movement yanked Thunderbolt's attention back to his bitch. He could see her rump swaying and could deduce what his bitch wanted: him. There was something vastly satisfying to Thunderbolt, that she would want him to take her. It filled a need that burned white hot inside; that no other bitch had ever touched. He lunged forward.

Watching through the camera again, Fluttershy tried to ignore the memories of how Thunderbolt's tongue felt while she filmed. He was atop Rainbow Dash now, and she watched him shove himself forward, pulling Rainbow back with each hump.

Rainbow Dash's entire world was swamped in pleasure. Thunderbolt shoved himself forward and impaled her on his thick shaft. Her wings spread out to each side, and she braced herself for what she knew was coming. A strange new sensation, of his weight pressing into the fur on her back, tickled at Rainbow Dash's mind. She suddenly wanted to know if being petted along that fur would feel good.

Thunderbolt loved his bitch—his mistress. She took care of him, fed him, and recently proved that though she could stop him, she would let him breed her. His bitch had also done something else for him that Thunderbolt didn't fully understand: she had made him able to realize all of it. He loved her in his own way, but right now all those fancy new thoughts and ideas meant nothing. His need was inside a bitch, and Thunderbolt was going to breed her.

Each shove Thunderbolt delivered rocked Rainbow Dash in place. She braced her arms forward, she had her legs parted, and her master was giving her what she needed. The heat radiating from Thunderbolt—his belly, his neck, and his shaft—did nothing but fire Rainbow Dash's lust further.

In Rainbow's head, the parasite let its host indulge her desires, her fetish for submission. The parasite had no concept of such things, it merely existed to encourage behavior that got it fed and its host a mate. That it had succeeded at securing Rainbow two mates mattered little beyond being a very good situation for it. Its growth was done, her sub-arachnoid space was completely filled by interconnective tissue.

The parasite took food from its host and repaid her with an enhanced intelligence. It gave her faster recall, more accurate memory, and also a desire to be the perfect mate for both her chosen lovers. But there was a little more to come. The parasite itself had cognition, focus. It was intimately connected to Rainbow Dash's brain and had reached the point where it deemed it wise to give itself to her completely.

In her lust-filled haze of wet sounds and large shapes shoving, Rainbow Dash didn't even start to realize the final changes that happened in her own head. All she cared was that she wanted Thunderbolt to tie her, to breed her, to swell her womb with his pups. She wanted to feel the dog on her, in her, to take every part of her.

Fluttershy couldn't look away. One hand held the camera as steady as she could while the other had slipped beneath the band of her underwear. She stroked herself. She stared at Rainbow Dash, at Thunderbolt, even at the bright red shaft that her camera's zoom had found when she kneeled down to get a better angle.

In her mind, Fluttershy imagined Rainbow Dash, more or less fully a pony, running wild with Thunderbolt as her dog—she as his bitch. The two were nothing but animals together in perfect harmony. She could imagine Rainbow's hips widening, preparing her for motherhood. She kicked off her panties as being more trouble than they were worth.

Registering when Thunderbolt's shaft started to swell, Rainbow Dash felt power flood her body. He grew inside her, each thrust returning all of him, until his knot sealed her entrance. Flapping her wings, Rainbow felt heat on her back and, suddenly, was over the edge.

Tilting her head back, arching her spine, Rainbow Dash squealed in bliss as her body spasmed. She clutched down over and over at the huge shape inside her, milking and squeezing it, wanting her master to bless her body. Then he did.

Power flooded Thunderbolt's body. He could hear his bitch howling in pleasure (something that caused his ego to swell), as well as the other bitch too. A symphony of bliss and power swelled, and he felt himself change again.

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened as Thunderbolt got bigger inside her. Bigger and stranger. She flapped her wings as her orgasm seemed to control her muscles. All she could do was make whimpering moans and squeals. The pressure grew inside, from Thunderbolt's heat, and though she had experienced it many times now Rainbow Dash still got a massive thrill out of the power Thunderbolt displayed.

With two fingers sliding in and out of her vulva, Fluttershy was kneeling on the floor and staring at Thunderbolt's body. He radiated power, dominance, and something more. He had already shown himself to be some kind of hybrid, but now he was more so.

Scales covered most of Thunderbolt's body now. His head now had a foot of neck separating it from his body. A pair of small horns protruded from the top of the dog's head, and his ears had spread back into fins. What was the most shocking change in the dog, however, was the wings that adorned his back.

Thunderbolt was done. He had bred his bitch, his mistress—Rainbow Dash—as best he could. She had been the perfect mate for him. Leaning more firmly over Rainbow, Thunderbolt nuzzled at the back of her neck, and started licking her.

Feeling almost split in half, Rainbow Dash tried to lean up into her bath Thunderbolt's hot tongue was giving her neck. She didn't care how scratched up she might be, or how sore she was going to be later, she was in her happy place.

Fluttershy waited for the pair to disengage. It normally took almost twenty minutes, but this time wasn't normal. At the thirty minute mark, Fluttershy was starting to get worried. She crawled on her knees around to Rainbow Dash and Thunderbolt's heads, and looked at them both. "A-Are you going to hop off her now?"

Rainbow Dash couldn't work up the willpower to reply to Fluttershy, but she heard Thunderbolt grumble something.

"Oh my. Well, I don't think I'll let you. I already have a special someone." Realizing how this sounded, while she was kneeling before the dragon-dog hybrid (it was obvious to Fluttershy what Thunderbolt was changing into), Fluttershy nonetheless had a line in the sand. "So hop off her and I can see what happened. You got bigger."

Not liking getting commands from Fluttershy, Thunderbolt nonetheless saw reason in the idea. Pulling back, he felt something give inside Rainbow Dash, and jerked completely free of her.

Collapsing to her belly, Rainbow Dash didn't care if she was making a mess on the carpet. She was spent in ways she had never been before. She lay, passive, and hoped Fluttershy could take care of her.

When Thunderbolt pulled back, Fluttershy could see why Rainbow Dash had been stuck. "Oh my!" Even at a shout Fluttershy wasn't a loud girl, but seeing a pair of penises hanging under Thunderbolt had shocked her. They still had small knots at the base, but it was clear that wasn't what had anchored them. The tip of each hemipene was a bubble of swollen flesh, and each had a spray of tiny spines on it.

"Thunderbolt, come here right now." Fluttershy's tone brooked no argument, not even with a half-dragon. When Thunderbolt walked over to her, she gestured on the floor and gave him the best stare she could.

Staring down at Thunderbolt's bared belly, Fluttershy reached down and started examining those strange, new lengths. The first touch reassured her one thing: the spines were soft. She squeezed and checked over one of the lengths, and found it, if nothing else, not likely to have been a danger to Rainbow Dash.

"You need to be careful with those. That's a—a lot of—of…" It was a lot harder for Fluttershy to say the word out loud than it was for her to touch them. "Penises." She didn't even realize the camera was back in her hand until she was zooming in on the spines. "Fascinating…"

Folding her wings slowly to her back, Rainbow Dash's brain sparked a few times, catapulting its owner back into conscious thought. Words were too much, but she could see what had been inside her. Her mouth watered. Crawling on hands and kicking slowly with her pony legs, Rainbow Dash turned and lay across Thunderbolt's scaled belly.

Thunderbolt smelled more musky than ever. His seed combined with her own fluids in coated his shafts, and Rainbow Dash was determined to clean it all up for him. Sticking her tongue out, she started lapping at the first hemipene and was delighted at how long her tongue was. She discovered she really liked being able to curl her tongue around his shaft, and the way Thunderbolt let out happy whines told her he liked it too.

Fluttershy kept filming while Rainbow nuzzled and started licking at one of Thunderbolt's penises. A tiny voice inside her head said she could be down there too, nuzzling the second one, but she couldn't. She had Bridget waiting at home. The thought of her special friend made Fluttershy's heart swell with happiness. "I-I-I'll just be going."

Tilting her head a little, Rainbow Dash couldn't really think straight enough to stop licking at the shaft to say goodbye to her friend. Her muzzle was short, but it was long enough that when she opened her mouth, she could sink down on one of Thunderbolt's lengths a lot more than normal. Her sensitive mouth and throat took ownership of one shaft, then the other, cleaning him off.

Fluttershy pulled the dress back on and made it out the door before she realized she had left her panties behind.

Snuggling up against Rainbow Dash, Thunderbolt curled his tail around her, and spread a wing over her naked body. She cared for him, now he would care for her.