A Better Fall Formal

by Flameboy

The Other Side Part 1 (Short)

Spike and Ember, the King and Queen of the dragons, were ready. Spike looks to the left side of him while Ember looks to the right side of her. "Okay, Discord! Coast is clear! You and the gang can come in now!" Spike shouted as he held his left hand to his face.

Discord came in by teleporting him and his twin brother Storm. Discord had his costume on from the series of The Mask. All orange, too.

Storm King,-

You know what, guys and gals? If you want, I can just call the storm king "Storm" rather than his full name. You know what? I'll do just that. -FLAMEBOY

Storm had the same thing that his brother was wearing, but it was colored yellow since he's part monkey, baboon, and proboscis monkey, too. Like they love bananas.

"Ohhh, this is gonna be good," Discord said as he held his lion paw in the air and snapped his middle finger and his thumb together. And poofed up a necklace that looks like the one that the Mane6 were wearing along with Starlight Glimmer, Trixie and Sunburst.


See the next chapter after I get it done.