Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Hardly Workin'

Rainbow Dash woke to soreness. Not really pain, but as anyone who has pushed their body really hard can attest, waking up the next day can literally be the worst. Her bed was a little lumpy, too, which didn't help. She shimmied around a little, making little groans at each movement, until she found a hand.

The hand felt strong, with defined and precise digits, but it wasn't her hand. Rainbow Dash froze in place, and very slowly turned her head. Through bleary eyes she spotted Spicy Hot laying in the bed beside her, still sound asleep.

For a fascinating few minutes, Rainbow Dash studied Spicy's face. Relaxed, the human face looks different than when the person is awake. All the muscles are resting, and on Spicy's face there was a pair of dimples that were not visible usually. Rainbow giggled softly, and reached one finger up, almost getting to touch one before Spicy moved.

His hands reached for her. Rainbow Dash felt strong fingers curl around her back and pull. She was suddenly pressed to Spicy's body, hugged tight against it, and he bent his face toward hers—and kissed her on the bridge of the nose.

The feel of hardness where, in his dream, Spicy Hot expected soft, startled him from sleep. He pulled his head back from Rainbow Dash's face and couldn't help giggling.

Rainbow Dash noted he hadn't let go of her, which was to her liking, but Spicy's giggles were getting a bit much. "What?"

Spicy Hot giggled a little more until Rainbow Dash repeated her question. Finally, he managed to get his answer out. "I expected somebody taller." At which point he lost his composure. Still giggling, he kissed Rainbow Dash properly.

The kiss was just how Rainbow Dash always expected such a thing. Their lips touched, and it was not only nice to feel his touch, but Rainbow found it comfortable and relaxing. Reaching up and over his shoulder, Rainbow pulled herself more firmly against Spicy.

Nature's needs surpassed Rainbow Dash's desire to be in Spicy's arms all morning, however. She pulled back from him as far as she could. "Let go. I need to—" Spicy's arms released her mid sentence, and Rainbow Dash pulled back from him as quickly as she could.

"The bathroom in the store will be open." Spicy watched Rainbow Dash, her wings out, ears perked forward, just jump from his loft. Crawling quickly to the edge of the bed, he could see her running—naked—for the door. "Damn. She's good on her feet."

"What was that?" Sonata Dusk's voice was gravelly, as it was every morning. She groped with the covers of her bed that, as usual, seemed inclined to bind around her as if she rolled around in her bed.

"Rainbow Dash. Whose turn is it to make breakfast?" Though he asked, Spicy Hot knew the answer. It was technically Sonata's turn, but she had made him and Rainbow some excellent supper the previous evening.

Sonata just groaned. Mornings were not her strong suit—not now, and not a thousand years ago—and the only thing that had made them worth being awake for was when Rarity came over early. "Gimme a second. You okay with breakfast burritos?"

"Relax. It's my turn. You made snacks last night, remember?" Spicy climbed out of bed clad in the boxer shorts he had slept in. "I really appreciate that, you know. Wow she got deep into her submissive side."

"Next time, try to go easier. See if you can get her to have fun without ponying up." Sonata, now awake despite her best efforts, was thinking over the problem. "I don't know why, but I think that might be part of it."

Spicy climbed down the ladder from the upper loft and raised an eyebrow at Sonata, or at least what he could see of her. Tucked under her covers, only Sonata's head was visible. "You think so? I guess it could be a fun game in itself. A slower build up, and cool her jets before she goes too fast." He turned and made his way to the kitchen bench along one wall of the apartment.

By the time a very relieved Rainbow Dash walked back into the apartment, Spicy Hot and Sonata were sitting on the couch watching morning cartoons on a battered old television set. She was a little confused at what had happened, but as her mind worked away at the morning's problems (and at the parasite's encouragement) she found two hungers swelling within her.

Spicy held his bowl of porridge up to show Rainbow Dash. "Here she is. Hungry?" His memory chose then to remind Spicy Hot of how Rainbow Dash had described her day—her very sexually active day.

"Horny and hungry. More of the first than the second. What'cha watching?" Settling on the couch beside Spicy, Rainbow Dash leaned against him and slowly ran her hand down from his chest, to his belly, and started to work under his shorts.

Watching Rainbow Dash's completely unreserved antics, Sonata Dusk's eyes danced with merriment. "You two are terrible, you know that? I see you both getting it on, and neither will play with me." She set her bottom lip in a pout.

"Give Rarity a call. If you're right with your whole sleep-then-sex thing, she will be as horny as I am." Finishing just as she pressed her lips to Spicy's chest in a kiss, Rainbow Dash followed the line of his pectoral muscle to one of his tiny nipples.

Actually jumping a little at the nip to a sensitive spot, Spicy Hot gathered a spoonful of porridge and shoved it toward Rainbow Dash's mouth. "Bite this instead." His voice shifted as her questing hand slipped under his boxer shorts' waistband and found his flaccid shaft.

Sonata just let out a groan and turned to watch the cartoons. "You mentioned a smart friend who could work all this out. Are you going to ask her today?"

Munching on the sweet, creamy oats, Rainbow Dash was sure this wasn't exactly how relationships were meant to go, but it was working for her so far. She gulped down her mouthful of food and started slowly stroking with her busy hand. "I'll talk to Twi on Monday. We have the big concert tomorrow night, and I don't want to put anyone off their game."

Relaxing in his seat, Spicy alternated between a mouthful of food for himself, and one for Rainbow Dash. Her hand stroked him to full hardness quickly, but he was managing to keep himself under control—somewhat. When the bowl was empty, he leaned down to Rainbow Dash and whispered to her, "Get in the shower, we'll have a little fun before you go."

Still naked, Rainbow Dash stood up and stretched. She knew two pairs of eyes were glued to her as she moved her athletic body. "I'll warm the shower up."