The Mayor's Berry

by Storm butt


It had been a long and tiring day for Mayor Stallion. The sort of day that even though the sky outside was only just beginning to turn to a twilight orange he felt as if he had stayed up a dozen hours past his bedtime. He rubbed at his tired eyes and yawned. His hooves mindlessly rifled through paperwork he had been gathering on his desk since this morning. Dozens of requests and complaints he had dealt with and had to still work through.

The tired stallion laid his head onto his desk and let out a long, exhausted whinny. His eyes felt heavy, and for just a moment he allowed them to close.

He wasn’t positive just how long his eyes had been shut, only that it felt like mere seconds, when he heard a loud knock on his door that startled him back to an upright position. His heartbeat was racing as he adjusted his glasses and his assistant, Coco Pummel, entered the room.

“Y-Yes, Coco?” Mayor Stallion said quickly.

“Your next client is here,” Coco said. “Last one for the day, Mayor.”

“R-Right, right, send them in,” Mayor Stallion said with a wave of his hoof. His assistant nodded their head and stepped aside. Just as the Mayor was cleaning his glasses and looking up he caught a glimpse of bright pink colors belonging to possibly the most recognizable stallion in all of Ponyville.

“Howdy do, Mr. Mayor!” Bubble Berry said in a sickeningly sweet voice as he half walked half skipped into the room. There was a rope tied around his waist that drug a large but brightly colored cannon behind him on a cart. “Ohmigosh it’s so good to see you again!”

“Yes, Yes, Berry, it’s good to see you too,” Mayor Stallion said as he put on his official smile. Though it was true Berry had a tendency to put a smile on just about any pony in the town, the Mayor was exhausted and not positive just how much of his “Berry-ness” he would be able to put up with. “You requested a meeting with me today? What is it for?”

“Oh oh oh!” Berry said quickly in his squeaky but excited voice. “You see it’s my bestest friend, Blitz’s, Birthaversary. I obviously can’t just throw ANY party for him. I mean, duh! He’s like my bestest of bestest friends in the whole wide world! No! I need to go bigger! Better!”

With each word Berry seemed to get louder and more lively. He seemed very close to jumping right onto the mayor’s desk as he approached and slapped both of his forelegs onto it.

“So! I have an idea that is gonna totally rock your socks! If you were wearing socks, that is!”

Berry giggled, and from seemingly nowhere managed to produce a table that seemed to be a miniature version of all of Ponyville. It was complete down to the details of the houses in the town square and the mayor’s office where the two currently resided. Mayor Stallion got up out of his seat to get a better look.

“What exactly are you proposing to do?” Mayor Stallion asked.

“Well, obviously I’m asking if I can have Town Square for the day,” Bubble Berry said. “I need someplace big and open where all of Ponyville can come and have a ton of fun! But, also, I need a place where I can set up the bestest cannon ever!”

“Canon?” Mayor Stallion pressed. “Berry, is that…”

“It’ll be full of the gooiest and bestest creamy cheesy frosting you’ve ever tasted in your entire life! It’ll explode and drench all of the mares and stallions in all that sweet goodness!”

Without another word Bubble Berry reached his hoof under the table and pulled at a long string. Mayor Stallion didn’t notice it before, but in the town square of the miniature town there was a canon set up. Bubble Berry’s mouth opened wide as globs of frosting shot out of the mini canon.

However… there seemed to be quite a lot. So much so that Mayor Stallion fell right back into his chair as several bits landed on himself. He felt it land on his cheeks and chest as he gasped, and watched as it covered Bubble Berry’s body in frosting. The entire stallion was soon a mess, as was the miniature town.

“Oops!” Berry said with an uncontrollable giggle. “I think I accidently loaded it with way too much frosting. Sorry, Mayor.”

“I-It’s fine, Berry,” Mayor Stallion said as he wiped some of the frosting off of his glasses. “Just be a bit more careful when the whole thing is set up, alright? I don’t want ponies houses covered in frosting.”

It seemed as though Berry was hardly listening to him. He had already begun work of licking off the frosting that had covered his body from the mess of the canon. Mayor Stallion watched, opening his mouth to speak but then realizing he had become distracted. The white frosting on Berry’s body was starting to run and look a bit liquidy in a way that seemed very… unlike frosting. It was a sudden and honestly dirty place for his mind to go but still the thought popped into his head. He found his eyes widening.

“Man, this stuff is good, though,” Berry said. He licked at his shoulder slowly. Mayor Stallion felt his chest tighten as he watched Berry’s tongue slowly move up his foreleg. Truth be told he had heard many rumors about Berry’s tongue-work. How it was the best in town, especially for a stallion. Mayor Stallion had never had a chance to confirm these rumors for himself. He found his hind legs closing instinctively due to the sudden sensation of tingling between his legs. He was suddenly very grateful for the desk that hid his bottom half from Berry.

“Um… B-Berry,” Mayor Stallion said. “Your presentation is nice, and I think the party would be a fun idea…”

“Oh!” Berry said quickly. “Mayor! You have frosting on you?”

“I what?” Mayor Stallion asked, almost forgetting that his cheeks and chest were covered in globs of the frosting. Before he could think he saw Berry trotting along to the back of his desk. Instantly alarm bells went off in the back of the mayor’s mind. His hind legs were still squeezed together hiding the dirty thoughts he should have never had as Berry approached. The pink stallion was giggling adorable as he drew near and pressed his tongue teasingly to the Mayor’s cheek and gave it a slow lick that nearly sent shivers down Mayor Stallion’s entire body.

“B-Berry,” The mayor said with a hint of a stutter.

Berry’s eyes cast down to the hardened member Mayor Stallion had been attempting to hide for the past several minutes. There was a moment of silence where it felt as though the whole world had frozen just for the sake of drawing out the mayor’s torment.

“Ohoho!” Berry said in his delightfully cheery voice. “Somepony is excited! Wowie that’s a big cock!”

“I-I apologize that you had to see that, I just…”

“Do you want me to suck it?” Berry asked. His eyes were far too wide and far too dazzling for such a question to come out, yet Mayor Stallion still heard it. He blinked and found himself staring at Berry.

“Excuse me?” The mayor questioned.

“Do ya do ya do ya?” Berry asked. He was hopping back and forth between both sets of his legs.

“I-If you think sucking my… cock will make it so I approve your plan you’re out of your mind, Berry,” The Mayor said as he continued to keep his legs squeezed shut. His cock by now was far too hard to really hide such a thing, and the shaft was easily visible. “I do have standards and doing that could cost me my…”

“Oh, silly!” Berry said with a giggle. “You just looked like you wanted your cock sucked! You look reaalllly pent up!”

“Mmm,” The mayor made a noise without realizing it. His chest was beginning to pound at a million miles an hour. “You want to… suck it? Just because?”

“Uh huh!” Berry said with a nod so intense his curly pink mane began to bounce.

Mayor Stallion shifted in place and pursed his lips. He swiveled back and forth in his chair for a moment as he stared at his door. He wondered briefly if it was thick enough where his assistant wouldn’t hear his… noises.

“Perhaps… just for a little bit,” Mayor Stallion said just under his breath. “If you… want to, that is.”

“Hehe, course I wanna!” Berry said. “Now gimmie gimmie!”

Almost as if he were about to be presented with a delectable treat Berry was licking his lips and rubbing his hooves together. Mayor Stallion gave one final glance to his door before turning his chair and finally unclenching the legs he had been keeping tightly together. His cock in all its glory revealed itself fully hard. The length was average, but already the head was moist with pre-cum from too much shifting when it was trapped between his thighs. Berry’s eyes widened again as the mayor felt his heartbeat grow intense.

“Mmmm!” Berry said as he grabbed the cock eagerly with both of his hooves. “It looks super yummy.”

Without another word Berry put his mouth to work. He collapsed to the ground so his mouth was just in front of the mayor’s hard cock before he put his lips to the head. He made a sound of delight right before he opened his mouth and allowed his tongue to slowly drag itself up the head. He moved his lips over the head of the cock and down. Mayor Stallion bit his lip and gripped both sides of his chair. His breathing began to grow erratic and quick. Already it was difficult to stay in place with the talented work of Berry’s tongue grazing over the shaft of his sensitive cock.

“O-Oh Celestia!” Mayor Stallion gasped. “My goodness my goodness my goodness…”

Mayor Stallion tugged at the tie around his neck out of almost instinct. The sensations rocketing through his body were things he had not felt in a very long time, and never to this extreme level. The rumors did not compare in the slightest to just how talented Berry’s tongue was. As it slid up and down his shaft he occasionally stopped sucking just to bury his muzzle into the base right where his balls were. His tongue would lap at the hanging fruit slowly as his curly mane tickled the mayor’s lengthy member. Finally he started to properly suck it. He was moving his head back and forth with ease like a knife gliding through butter.

Then he heard a knock on his door. The mayor gasped but Berry kept sucking furiously.

“A-Ahhh!” The Mayor cried out half in pleasure and half because Bubble Berry was forcing out some seriously dangerous noises out of his mouth. “H-Hold… o-o-o…”

Before he could finish telling the person on the other end of the door to wait a moment it was opening. The Mayor forced himself to sit up straight. He realized that Berry was invisible sitting behind his desk.

“C-C-Coco!” Mayor Stallion cried out to hide the fact that Berry was sucking so expertly on his cock. His assistant stared at him.

“Your next client is going to be an hour late,” Coco said. He glanced around the room curiously. “Where did Bubble Berry go? I didn’t see him leave.”

“H-He’s… Uh… Off to get supplies!” The Mayor said. He was resisting the urge to cry out in helpless moans more and more. Berry was getting him closer and closer to orgasm and wasn’t slowing down in the slightest.

“Right,” Coco said with a slight frown, but then shrugged. “Anyway, Mayor, that was it.”

It took an agonizing ten seconds for Coco to exit the room and shut the door behind him. The moment it was closed he slapped both hooves over his mouth and let out the longest moan of his life.

“C-Celestia,” Mayor Stallion whimpered. His hind legs were starting to tremble now with the intensity of the sensations in his cock. He didn’t realize it in his horror but Berry was already bringing him close. “Oh gosh…”

“Mmmm!” Berry whined with glee as he continued to suck.

“Ah… Ah, Bubble Berry, I think I’m…”

Without even a hint of another warning the mayor felt his cock go past a point of no return. An orgasm hit him like a carriage. He bit his lip just to hold back the sheer intensity of pleasure rocketing through his body and flowing cum into Berry’s mouth. When it became clear he was going to moan regardless he buried his hooves against his muzzle to muffle the sounds.

“MMMMFFF!” Mayor Stallion cried out helplessly as he came right along Berry’s tongue.

By the time Berry unlatched his mouth from around the mayor’s cock he had a dopey yet starstruck look on his face as he licked cum from his lips. He looked up at the mayor with a big goofy smile and began to giggle.

“Wowie Mayor,” Bubble Berry said with a cheerful giggle. “Your cum tastes super sweet!”

“Celestia, Berry, that felt great,” Mayor Stallion said as he dabbed the sweat off his forehead with a nearby handkerchief. “I heard the rumors about your work but… my goodness!”

“Hehe, looks like you’re not done yet!” Berry said in a sing-song tone.

Mayor Stallion glanced down to just what Berry was talking about. The pink stallion was still touching his cock and running his hooves along the length. The mayor was still visibly hard, and when Berry touched it sensations still rippled through Mayor Stallion’s body. He was already ready to go again, if that were even possible.

“My word,” Mayor Stallion mumbled under his breath.

“Wanna go again?” Berry asked with a glee in his tone. “We can do whatevvveeer you want!”

“Then…”  The Mayor hesitated. He could feel the hints of a blush creep up to tint his cheeks in a rosey pink. “Would you mind if you… licked… my er…”

The Mayor felt himself sink into his chair. Embarrassment was flooding his system.

“M-My butthole?” He asked with a whisper. “I just… hear that feels good.”

“WHAT?” Berry almost screamed. He was so loud it startled the mayor and sent his heart pounding. “You’ve NEVER been rimmed? Oh my sweet chocolate covered goodness!”

“D-Don’t be so loud,” The Mayor whined. He found himself standing up from his chair to check on the door again. Either Coco didn’t hear Berry scream or he just didn’t bother to check. He bit his lip and glanced at the table covered in paper. He plopped his body on top of it and forced up his tail as he glanced over his shoulder back to Bubble Berry.

“Er… Does this look fine?”

“Wowie your butt is as cute as your cock!” Berry said with a delighted squee. The mayor wasn’t positive if that was a compliment, or something he should feel embarrassed over. Berry stood up from his seat on the floor and immediately placed both of his hooves on Mayor Stallion’s flanks. He pulled apart slowly. The Mayor felt his body tense.

“Don’t be nervous!” Berry said. “I’ve done this, with like, a million stallions!”

“A million?” Mayor Stallion asked in disbelief.

“Well, maybe not that many,” Berry said with a laugh. “But I haven’t gotten a single complaint in like forever!”

Mayor Stallion bit his lip to hold back his nerves. He couldn’t recall the last time he had been in such a compromising position sexually. He truly was giving all of his trust to Bubble Berry in this moment. He felt hooves gently massage and kneed his bottom cheeks. Berry was good at teasing, if that was what he was doing intentionally. He could occasionally hear the pink stallion giggle with excitement.

Then, he finally felt Berry’s tongue touch his hole.

It was magical.

“A-Ah!” Mayor Stallion cried out without thinking before clamping hooves over his mouth. Berry’s tongue was beginning to graze at his hole. It was slow and delicate in a way the mayor did not expect. Instantly he felt waves of pleasure wash over his body.

“Oh my goodness oh my goodness,” Mayor Stallion whispered over and over again as he reached his hooves forward to grip the edge of his desk just for SOMETHING to hold onto. He bit his lip harder and whimpered with pure pleasure as Berry’s tongue traced the outline of his hole before grazing against the entire thing. The mayor began to pant helplessly. It was even worse as Berry’s hooves absent from his sensitive hole were running up and down the length of his still hard shaft which hung precariously just over the bottom edge of his desk. Near uncontrollably Mayor Stallion felt his hips sway back and forth trying to get the tongue to push deeper.

“Goodness,” The mayor whispered under his breath. He bit his hoof and whimpered louder. Berry’s tongue was running down now toward his balls and taint. It tingled and tickled and sent more of those delightful tingles throughout the stallion’s body. Berry gently nuzzles the bottom of his hanging balls before running his tongue up back to between his tight slightly chubby cheeks. As he dug in his muzzle the mayor couldn’t help but feel his head start to spin.

“Wait!” The Mayor gasped.

Berry pulled out, and before he could even ask what was wrong Mayor Stallion climbed right up onto his desk and rolled onto his back. He looked down at Berry through his spread legs which he held back with his forelegs.

“L-like this,” The Mayor said. “I-I wanna feel it like this!”

“Hehe,” Berry giggled. “Okie-Dokie, Mayor!”

Bubble Berry went straight back to rimming the sensitive stallion’s hole. This time the stallion reached down and with both hooves began to pleasure his own cock. The desk creaked with the full of his weight as he instinctively pushed his bottom into Berry’ tongue. The talented work of Berry was overwhelming him and pushing his mind to a place where he cared only for the pleasure the pink stallion gave to him. He wanted nothing but to feel this pleasure go on and on. Even as Berry nipped and nibbled at the insides of his thighs between licks those little breaks were enough to make him lust for more pleasure.

“You like it, Mayor?” Bubble Berry asked when he finally pulled his head away. His tongue was out slightly, and quite frankly he looked adorable.

“Heavens yes,” Mayor Stallion said with a gasp. “Goodness you’re… s-so good at all of that.”

“Hehe, that’s what all my friends tell me!” Bubble Berry said. “You know, there is onnneee other thing I’m told I’m super good at. I bet you can’t guess what it is!”

Mayor Stallion was still fighting off his daze from before. To feel anything greater than the pleasure of that rimjob was hard to think of.

“Is it… fucking stallions?” The Mayor asked.

“Ding ding ding!” Berry said with a slight bounce in place. “That’s right!”

“Do you… want to fuck me, Berry?” Mayor Stallion found himself asking. His face grew hotter.

“Duhhhh!” Berry replied. “I wanna fuck you real good, Mr. Mayor!”

Though his face was heated like lava and his chest was pounding like a drum Mayor Stallion felt a rush of excitement go through his system. Even as Berry drew closer to him and hopped himself up on the desk the mayor found himself giggling nervously. Berry’s cock was already out, and very hard. It laid right on top of Mayor Stallion’s own perhaps just an inch longer.

“I’m afraid I don’t have any, er… lube, Berry,” The Mayor said.

“Don’t worry!” Berry said. He reached  behind him and pulled out a bottle from Celestia knows where. “I never EVER leave home without my handy dandy bottle of lube! Who knows when I’ll get a chance to fuck a cute stallion like you!”

Bubble Berry got to work quickly in getting out a glob of the lube. In one hoof he began to run it up and down the length of his hardened shaft and with the other he massaged Mayor Stallion’s freshly rimmed hole. The mayor was forced yet again to bite his cheek given how sensitive it had become after all of Berry’s tongue teasing.

“Okie dokie!” Berry said once he had finished. His cock was glistening and wet with lube. “I’m gonna fuck your brains out now, Mr. Mayor!”

“A-Alright,” Mayor Stallion found himself just slightly dumbstruck by how happy Bubble Berry had said those words.

Berry leaned forward overy the mayor’s body. His hooves were on either side of the older stallion while the head of his cock pressed lightly against his hole. Berry was giggling and leaned his head down to give the mayor a long solid lick against his belly and chest.

“It might hurt a little at first,” Berry said. “But I can make it feel gooooooood!”

Mayor Stallion nodded his head and prepared himself. Berry pushed, slowly, and the moment his cock-head went into the hole the mayor gasped. He gripped at the desk edges and whined as Berry slowly pushed himself in.

“Goodness,” Mayor Stallion gasped through gritted teeth. “You’re… a-awfully large.”

“Just tell me if it hurts!” Berry said. He leaned his head down and nipped lightly at the mayor’s neck, who burst out into nervous giggles in response before lips connected. He felt pleased at every inch of his body as Berry finally became balls deep.

“Please, Berry, just fuck me already,” The Mayor pleaded. “I can’t take it anymore.”

“Roger that, Mr. Mayor!”

Berry was quick to please. Already he was pushing and pulling his cock in and out of the Mayor’s sensitive hole. It was becoming harder and harder to resist the moans and whimpers from escaping his mouth. He felt his back arch slightly every time Berry’s balls slapped against his body.

It felt like electricity was running through Mayor Stallion’s body. Berry was now laying on top of him still pumping his cock in and out, but he was licking and nibbling bits on his chest. The Mayor covered his mouth with his hooves to resist the whining and gasps of pleasure. Berry reached up and pulled his hoof away.

“I wanna, hear you make sound!” Berry said through a gasp. “You sound super duper cute!”

Again Mayor Stallion’s face was a heated blush. It grew worse as Berry pressed harder. He was no longer laying on the mayor but sitting up and pressing his cock in roughly with each pound. His curly pink mane bounced as sweat formed on his body.

“Aahhh!” Mayor Stallion moaned out. He threw his head back over the edge of the desk. “Fuck me!”

He could feel a hoof touch his cock. It wrapped around the member and began to pump in rhythm to the pounding. Up and down sensations sent the mayor crazy. He began to gasp and moan louder and louder at Berry’s command. He wanted to feel that cock in him relentlessly pound. He wanted to scream Berry’s name as loud as he could. The pain now was entirely gone as Berry continued to hit with near perfect precision his sweet spot again and again.

“I-I think I might cum if you don’t slow down,” Mayor Stallion said through a gasp.

“Hehe, good!” Berry said. “Cause I’m about to cum too!”

Mayor Stallion shut his mouth at that comment. He felt heat build and build in his cock. A pleasure that came in waves that made his whole body uncontrollably squirm. Every time Berry’s cock hit that sweet spot inside him it felt closer and closer. He threw his head back.

“Berry!” He cried out just as he came. It felt like hot electrified fire  pleasuring and coursing through his cock and rocketing through every inch of his body. He tensed and loosened and felt his eyes roll back slightly. His back arched as he grabbed the sides of his desk and cried out Berry’s name.

Cum flooded out of his cock and dirted his entire chest and belly. The orgasm was so intense that he hardly noticed Berry’s own body tensing up. Though, he did instantly feel the warm sticky sensation of cum flowing his insides and leaking out of his hole.

Berry had cum inside of him, and now it dripped from his used hole like a leaky faucet. The pink stallion leaned down and forced his cock in as far as it would go as he came. He squeezed Mayor Stallion’s body tightly as he filled him with his warm seed. Their chests pressed together and intermingled the mayor’s messy chest covered in cum with Berry’s own. Berry made a few noises, but none nearly as intense as the mayor’s own.

Berry pulled out, and already the mayor was well aware that his hole was dripping with cum.

“Ah… Ahh…” The Mayor whined. Exhaustion was creeping up on him.

“Hehe!” Berry said as he hopped from the desk. “That was super duper fun! Oh man we need to do that again sometime!”

“Y-Yes,” The Mayor said. He was finding it difficult to move more than the slight twitching of his legs. “Please, let’s do it again.”

“Hehe, I guess I can come back later for an official spot in the center of town. You just make sure you can walk the next time I see you!”

The Mayor closed his eyes. Now that he had cum twice an exhaustion unlike any other was settling onto him. He heard the slight creek of the door, and opened his eyes only to see his assistant staring at him. Fully drenched in cum and spread out on top of his desk. Coco’s eyes widened and mouth dropped agape.

“Hehe, He might need some time to recover before his next client!” Berry said. “Don’t starrre! It’s rude to walk in on somepony after sex!”

And with that, Bubble Berry shut the door and left the mayor still exhausted, and still soaked in cum.