//------------------------------// // Chapter 17: Allies // Story: Ace Combat: Wings of Unity // by PolishValsion //------------------------------// Dire news await our heroines, But are they real or just rumors? When faced with the upcoming trials The ponies seek assistance... Chapter 17 Allies September 4th, 2021 2100 hrs The Crystal Empire, Throne Room Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack, accompanied by the pegasi from Mirage Squadron, made it back to the Crystal Empire without any problems. Just as they entered the Throne Room, they saw the three princesses: Celestia, Luna and Cadance, already waiting for them. “Princess Celestia! We came as fast as we could,” said Twilight while bowing briefly as they trotted inside. “Thank you, Twilight. Thank you all,” Celestia replied upon seeing that her apprentice arrived along with her friends. “Ah, our guests of honor have finally arrived,” a third voice, not belonging to Cadance or Luna, sounded from the side. A male voice. An adult earth pony with a cobalt coat and a smooth, dark purple mane walked into the sight. Twilight and the others were surprised to see him, but the Princesses showed no such reaction. It appeared as if he had been here for quite some time. It was probably the messenger of which Princess Celestia spoke of when Gale told Firefly’s team to return to the Crystal Empire. “You certainly took your time… and mine, as well,” said the individual with a harsh tone. “Who’s this guy?” Cloud Kicker wondered aloud. Firefly glimpsed at the symbol on the earth pony’s vest. A red sun surrounded by three stars. “That mark! He’s one of the Exiles!” She was about to tackle him, but Celestia’s voice stopped her in her tracks. “Calm yourself down, Firefly! He is here under our permission… right, Luna?” “Aye… begrudgingly as it may be,” Luna confirmed. “What’s going on here?! How did that sleaze get here?” Firefly snorted. The messenger coughed loudly. “Really now… Are all mares your age so devoid of manners?” Firefly looked at him, dumbfounded. “Uhh…?” “I’ll have you know, my name isn’t sleaze. I am Purple Prose and I have been chosen by Lady Aurora to act as a messenger. I assure you, I did not come here to fight.” Medley asked him something that she really wanted to know. “And how did you get here exactly?” “Well,” Purple Prose started, “seeing how the location of the Crystal Empire remained unknown to me… and the Exiles, for that matter, until just recently… Lady Aurora instructed me to head to the farthest point her army managed to reach: the Crystal Mountains.” “Winterbliss Fields…” Lightning Bolt put it together. “Precisely. And if I may add…” Purple Prose turned to Celestia and Luna. “That area is still quite messy after your, let’s say, ‘performance,’ Your Majesties.” Celestia acknowledged it without a word. Luna, however, seemed agitated. Celestia glanced at her and spoke to her, using telepathy. “Remain calm, Luna. Everything is under control.” “Calm? How can you be so calm, Sister?” Luna asked. “Are you not worried that he will report the location of the Crystal Empire to Aurora as soon as this meeting is concluded?” “No. I have complete confidence that he will not,” Celestia assured her. “What makes you so certain?” “You’ll see. For now, let’s hear him…” Purple Prose was unaware of the Royal Sisters having a conversation in their thoughts. He carried on with his explanation. “Back to the subject… I was brought here by a patrol of Equestrian Allied Forces, and Princess Celestia heard my request to deliver Lady Aurora’s message. I would’ve done it right after arriving, but she insisted I wait for you, since apparently, this message concerns all of you.” He pointed at Twilight, Firefly and the others. They looked at each other, wondering what he could mean. “If that’s the case, I assume you all know a certain… Rainbow Dash.” A collective gasp escaped the ponies’ throats. “You know where she is?! What happened to her?!” Medley exclaimed. “… Do you really want to know?” No pony said a word, but their expressions told Purple Prose they did want to. A smirk formed on his lips as he resumed. “Very well, then. I’ll tell you. Around a week ago, the Reaper Squadron reported back to Canterlot, saying they encountered and defeated Rainbow Dash, aka Mirage 1. Lady Aurora was naturally very pleased to hear that, but she asked them for a proof. So, Deathwing and Shockwave flew back to where they shot Rainbow Dash down to find her body… And, sure enough, they did.” As he told his story, others looked at him in disbelief. “Once the two brought her to Canterlot, Lady Aurora sought to get as much information about the Allied Forces from her as she could. Sadly, Rainbow Dash was already in a very bad condition when the Reapers found her… broken bones and wings, brain damage, numerous lacerations and bruises… I only saw her briefly, but it wasn’t a pretty sight. Lady Aurora eventually realized that Rainbow was apparently too loyal to the Allied Forces to spill anything… so she decided to put her out of her misery.” As he finished the last sentence, his smirk grew almost to a grin. “She… executed her?” Fluttershy squeaked. “No! You’re lying!” Firefly shouted. A small uproar ensued among the ponies. Celestia qualmed it by raising her right hoof, saying just a few words aftermath. “Everypony, calm down. Let him speak.” Purple Prose turned to Celestia and, for the first time, a shade of respect briefly appeared on his face. “Thank you, Your Majesty. It’s good to see some do not let their emotions bring out the worst in them. Still…” He turned to Firefly and her friends. “I do not blame you for your reactions. Also, Lady Aurora warned me that words alone will not be enough to convince you. That is why… I brought some proofs with me.” He took three pictures out of the bag he carried with him and put them on the table. “If you wish to know the truth, take a look at these.” One by one, the ponies walked closer to examine the pictures. One had an image of a bound and wounded Rainbow Dash, with several bruises all over her body. The second and third showed her lying on the floor, limp with blood seeping out of her throat, eyes wide open, her expression showing disbelief and terror. Firefly recoiled in shock. “NO!” Fluttershy covered her mouth. “Oh my… goodness…” A whisper escaped Twilight’s mouth. “Rainbow… no…” Applejack covered her face with her hat, unable to bear those images. Pinkie Pie just stared at the pictures with her mouth agape. “Pretty shocking, isn’t it?” Purple Prose broke the silence. “At the very least, her death was swift, and it rid her of more pain…” Lightning Bolt glimpsed at the images herself and furrowed her eyebrows. “I find those pictures unconvincing.” “Pardon?” Purple Prose asked, genuinely surprised. “How do we know these pictures are real? How do we know that this is really Rainbow Dash? What guarantee is there that these pictures were not made to show what we are supposed to see?” Lightning Bolt bombarded him with questions. “They could have been easily fabricated or edited.” “You think so?” Cloud Kicker wondered. “Of course. With today’s technology, it’s easy to take pictures with your camera and later edit them in a computer program. They can be altered however you see fit, even to the point where they are completely different from the picture you took with a camera.” “Wow… I didn’t know that.” Lightning Bolt turned to Purple Prose. “How do we know this isn’t all just a ruse… mister?” “…Very good,” he replied with praise. “So you admit they are fake?!” Lightning exclaimed. “Not exactly… Don’t get me wrong, what you are saying is true. Pictures can be easily altered these days. I was given these pictures here by Lady Aurora. She only said that I should show them to those who doubt Rainbow’s fate. I do not believe she was trying to manipulate me or anyone else, though… she always wants the best for us, after all.” Medley turned to Derpy and whispered to her: “The guy sounds like he’s in denial, don’t you think?” “Maybe he doesn’t know Aurora that well…” Still, Purple Prose seemed undaunted. He was willing to continue his way of thinking. ”Oh well, that’s all right. I came prepared for that, too. If my testimony and these pictures are not enough to convince you… I have more proof.” Having said that, he pulled out a black, plastic item, resembling a small box with a few buttons, from his bag and put it before Lightning Bolt. “If you are so tech-savvy, would you mind telling me what this is?” “... It’s an audio recorder. It can record conversations on a tape, which can later be played back for all to hear,” Lightning anwsered. “Exactly. And this particular recorder contains all you need to know what happened in Canterlot Castle roughly two days ago. … Would you like me to play it for you?” Without waiting for any approval, he pressed “Play.” For the first few seconds, there was absolute silence. Then, faint breathing sounds and whimpering could be heard from the speakers. They followed by a sound of door opening. “Lady Aurora…” Deathwing’s voice sounded. Hoofsteps echoed through the dungeon hall. At the same time, the whimpering became a bit louder and more desperate. “So many of my operations jeopardized…” Aurora spoke slowly, “so many of my soldiers dead… Because of you and your companions. You will be the first… Is there anything you wish to say… Rainbow Dash?” More whimpering and fast urgent breathing. A squeaky, female voice groaned in pain. “M-Mercy… Please… H-Have m-mercy… I... “ “Mercy…?” Several seconds of terrifying silence. Then, all of a sudden, a sound of a solid, pointy object, puncturing soft flesh and a terrified gasp. Most ponies jolted back or grimaced. “None for you,” Aurora proclaimed. “This is the only punishment you deserve for your crimes against the Exiles!” Another horrible sound echoed in the speakers as she pulled her horn out of the prisoner’s throat. Gurgling was drowned by the sound of dripping blood. The struggle soon stopped. Only the droplets were heard. “Woah…” Havoc blurted out. “Shockwave,” Aurora called the purple pegasus to her. A brief sounds of hoofsteps as he came closer. “The pulse is gone… can’t hear her heartbeat… no reaction. She is dead, in every sense of the word,” he concluded after a quick examination. “Good. That is one less problem to worry about,” Aurora remarked. “What do you want us to do with her, Lady Aurora? Shall we dispose of the body?” Deathwing asked. “No… I want you to put it on display at Canterlot’s main square, for all to see. Our people will rejoice, while the citizens will sink into despair when they will see their so-called heroine dead.” Trickster’s cackle echoed through the dungeon’s hall. “Great plan, Lady Aurora. But, uh… can I take some pictures first? I want to savor this monumental success!” “You have my permission, Trickster. In fact… I’d like a copy of those pictures for myself. I believe they can be used in some way…” Purple Prose then stopped the recording by pressing a button. “That’s all there is to it.” Most ponies were shocked at what they heard... except for Spitfire, who looked very angry, glaring at Purple Prose the whole time. He didn’t pay attention. He seemed confident that now they heard the recording, they would have no more doubt. “I understand that it will take you some time to fully accept what you just saw and heard. Sadly, I’m afraid I have wasted enough time already. Now that I have completed my mission, I will return to Lady Aurora and report the results. By your leave.” Celestia glanced at Spitfire. She noticed it and stepped forward, blocking Purple Prose’s way to the door. “Not so fast… mister. You’re not going anywhere.” “Excuse me?” “You’re trying to pull some dirty tricks on us, but don’t think we’re going to be fooled by your lies!” Spitfire accused him. “... You still deny the truth? These proofs aren’t enough for you?” Purple Prose asked in disbelief. “I will not believe that Rainbow Dash is dead unless I’ll see her body with my own eyes! If you are so confident that you captured and killed her, why didn’t you brought her body with you, so we could examine it and know for certain that it is her?” Purple Prose had no clear answer for that. Sweat began to form on his forehead. He didn’t looked so confident anymore. “I… I didn’t… think… I have no time for this. Out of my way!” “The only place you’ll go to is prison. It’s the right place for lying scum like you!” She shoved him back. “... You dare threaten me? Mind your tongue! I’m an emissary! I am protected by diplomatic immunity and I will not hear anymore of your—” Before Purple Prose could finish, Spitfire kicked him in the face, knocking him out cold on the floor. The others looked at her in surprise. “Your immunity has just been revoked,” Spitfire quipped. Then she turned to other ponies. “Girls, you know Rainbow Dash well, right?” They remained silent, looking at each other. “Listen, I may not know Rainbow as well as some of you do… But, I’ve been around her for a while. I watched her. And if there’s anything I learned about her is that she never gives up… and she would never, EVER beg for mercy! I could recall any practice, drill training or performance we had. Not once did she ask me to take a break, even when she was exhausted. She wouldn’t rest until she did her part or until we were done. I don’t know who is on that recording, but that is NOT Rainbow Dash!” Nopony said anything to that. Yet, Firefly remembered the time when Rainbow actually begged her for mercy — when Firefly was tickling her to make her get out of the bed. If she would mention that to anyone… She smiled dimly and said: “Spitfire’s right.” “So, this is all a ruse?” Cloud Kicker asked. “Most definitely,” said Spitfire, then she turned to Celestia. “Princess, they are taking advantage of our ignorance about what really happened to Rainbow Dash. They are playing with our emotions to try to make us lose our will to fight. We can’t let them do that.” “... No, we can’t,” Celestia agreed. “I believe it’s time for some decisive action. Spitfire…” “Right… I’m sorry about this outburst. I will take this scum to his cell, then I’m going to write the report—” Celestia interrupted her. “No, that won’t be necessary. Instead, I want you to come see me after you place Purple Prose in his cell. I have a mission for you.” “... A mission? For me?” Spitfire asked. “Yes, a very important one. And I know I can trust you with it.” Spitfire nodded and saluted, then took Purple Prose’s tail in her mouth and dragged him out of the room. The other ponies turned to Celestia as well. “What about us, Princess?” Firefly asked. “What do we do now?” “Firefly… I need you and your team to gather as many ponies at the main square. I must address them.” “Should we go too, Yer Majesty?” Applejack asked. “Yes, Applejack. You, Pinkie Pie and Rarity should help them as well. As for you, Twilight…” she turned to the purple unicorn. “Yes, Princess?” “I ask you to analyze those pictures and that audio recording further. I believe we are missing something here… Perhaps a throughout analysis will help us,” Celestia concluded. “You can count on me.” “And us, too. All right, girls, let’s move!” Firefly ordered them. As the ponies left the room, Celestia and Luna remained in the chamber alone. “So… you’re actually going to do it,” said Luna. Celestia did not respond. “Are you sure it’s the right way, Sister?” “... No, Luna,” Celestia said quietly. “To be honest with you, I do not see the right way in this situation. No matter which choice I make… somepony is going to suffer. But it is something I will have to live with. There will be time for regrets later… now, we must act.” “But, Sister…” “I know what you want to say, but… Sometimes, when there is no right way, you must choose the lesser of two evils. We, of all ponies, should know that best.” Luna didn’t respond to Celestia's words at first, but as they sunk in on her, she looked at Celestia. “All right. I will stand by you, Sister. I won’t turn on you ever again… nor will I doubt your decision. Like you said… there will be time for regrets later.” Celestia acknowledged her reply with a dim smile. “Thank you for understanding…” ----------------- 2 hours later Many ponies have gathered at the Crystal Castle’s courtyard. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna emerged from the balcony to address them. Celestia began with a somber tone: “Citizens of Equestria, ponies of the Crystal Empire! With great sadness, I must inform you that Rainbow Dash… has fallen.” As she predicted, these words caused the ponies to break into an uproar. Many were shouting, crying and screaming, refusing to believe it. It looked like bedlam was about to break out... Suddenly, Celestia shot a beam at the sky above the ponies, creating a dusty image of a cloud. The ponies ceased the uproar. Luna then followed by shooting a different beam, forming a lightning bolt that pierced the cloud — the symbol of Rainbow’s cutie mark. It then dissipated into dust and fell onto other ponies, who were completely silent now. “Rainbow Dash may be gone…” Celestia continued, “but her spirit, her courage, her determination… they live in all of you. It is a great loss for us… but now is not the time to grieve. Our war with the Exiles continues. To this day, we’ve been fighting our adversaries by ourselves. Not anymore.” The ponies exchanged several curious whispers. “I have sent Captain Spitfire of the Wonderbolts to the capital city of Gryphus, for an audience to King Valdar, ruler of the Griffin Kingdom. I do not expect an immediate answer, but within the next few days… I believe our forces will receive some much needed help.” More whispers followed this news, some of them very anxious, some of relief. Could the griffins truly help in this war? Or will they only add to the casualties? Then, Luna herself spoke, using her booming voice to keep the ponies’ attention on her. “Over the past few weeks, we have all witnessed terrible tragedies happening around us: Our land invaded, the blood of good ponies spilled as they tried to protect our lives… our future. We cannot forget their sacrifice… However! We also cannot allow the Exiles to cause further destruction! It is time we take the fight to them!” Celestia carried on, her voice now being louder than usual. “We will do what it takes to drive the Exiles from Equestria. First, we liberate our land, then we find Aurora’s stronghold and bring it down! We realize this will be a difficult task… but we ask for your support.” After several seconds of silence, Firefly rose her hoof and lifted off the ground, hovering above other ponies using her wings. “Yes, Firefly?” Celestia encouraged her. “Rainbow Dash… she was somepony important to me. Almost like a twin sister… Her loss hurts me greatly…” Firefly paused briefly, looking like she was regaining her composure and trying not to cry. When she resumed, her voice grew louder and determined. “But I’m not going to grieve now. And I won’t stop fighting either! Rainbow Dash would never forgive me if I backed away. After everything she’s done for me… it is only fair that I return the favor by carrying on the fight! My team… Mirage Squadron will continue to fight against any and all threats to Equestria!” The other Mirage ponies also flew up. They surrounded Firefly, as a sign of unity. Firefly looked down on the ponies below her and shouted: “Who among will help me avenge Rainbow Dash?!” A cacophony of roars, screams, neighs and stomping hooves rumbled across the square. The ponies had made their decision. They will continue their fight against the Exiles, now with a new resolve and reason… and perhaps, even new allies. As Celestia and Luna observed the scene, Luna looked at Celestia. “This is a dangerous game you are playing, Sister,” she warned her telepathically. “I know… but it must be done. If we won’t stop Aurora’s conquest… who will?” ========== September 5th, 2021 0800 hrs Gryphus, The Royal Palace It was quiet in Gryphus, the capital city of the Griffin Kingdom. The palace walls were filled with sounds of griffon workers repairing the damages caused by the Neue Belka uprising, and the city itself was undergoing a massive repair effort. Everyone was working hard so their capital city could shine anew. Valdar was pacing in his study, his beak buried in the recent repair reports that came from the supervisors. He was interrupted when a knock was heard from the door. “Come in,” he said before the door gently swung open, letting the griffon Kestrel, a seasoned female soldier, who fought during The Equestrian War in Cloudsdale and who was a part of the Aquila Squadron, the kingdom’s ace team, to enter the office. “Colonel? What brings you here?” “Your Highness,” Kestrel bowed, “I came with the report from Sudentor.” “Ah, put it over there, colonel,” he motioned, in which Kestrel nodded and put the stack of parchments on top of the other reports. “I expect Wonderfalke is quite busy with the restoration effort? He didn’t show up at  yesterday’s meeting.” “He apologized for his absence, Your Highness,” Kestrel spoke. “But he had an urgent call from General Resources on one of his tech. But he promised he will supervise with the restoration effort in the coming days.” “I see,” Valdar said with a nod, grabbing a cup of coffee from his table. Kestrel watched him taking his probably 100th sip before the griffon king felt her green eyes upon him. “Is something wrong, colonel?” he asked. “Your Highness…” she began, “I know we haven’t finished our kingdom’s restoration effort, but… shouldn’t we…?” “I know what you’re going to say, colonel,” Valdar sighed as he put the cup back on the table. “Equestria is currently facing a crisis, and as much I wanted to lend a helping claw, I’m afraid our forces aren’t sufficient enough to help them.” “But sir…!” Kestrel interjected, but Valdar raised his right wing. “Northwind Squadron is currently down to their last two members, Rod and Archer,” Valdar spoke as he raised his first claw, then the second. “Southwind Squadron is also suffering the same lack of wingpower… and despite what Ronin believed, her, Butterclaw and Gilda’s skills are not enough to compensate the whole squadron. The other squadrons and teams are currently stretched out to help with the relief and restoration effort.” Valdar turned with his back facing Kestrel. “Our kingdom is in a very vulnerable state, colonel.” he said. “But when the time comes, and the princesses require our support,” Kestrel began, “would we still be able to help them?” “I have already devised a plan if such a time comes…” Valdar answered. “If only he was still around…” Kestrel averted her gaze. Her heart ached, but nothing will change the reality. Black Star was gone, and all search efforts just offshore of Stalliongrad had proved fruitless. Since the final battle with the forces of Neue Belka, she tried to readjust her life. Most of the time, Kestrel remained either around the new recruits, showing off her rigorous and humorless side, hoping it would help her forget the pain, but it did not. When she was alone with the other member of the Aquila Squadron, the young snow-feathered griffon codenamed Kite, Kestrel did found some solace and understanding. Kite always treated Black Star with respect, despite him knowing of the terrible things he did before he was assigned to Aquilla. He never stopped believing that the black griffon survived the destruction of Valkyrie and would one day return... Just as Kestrel was about to pardon herself from the office, another knock came from the door. “Yes?” Valdar responded. The door opened again, revealing the green-feathered male griffon, codenamed Jet. Like Kestrel, he was also a veteran of The Equestrian War and tangled with Mirage Squadron in Shimerwood, where his team was sent to establish a base. Due to the ponies’ intervention, their mission failed. Over the course of war, Jet continued to lead him team and used his wits to survive. “Johann, what brings you here?”, Valdar asked. “Your Highness…” Jet saw Kestrel standing just in front of him. “Colonel… I have some urgent news. Spitfire of the Wonderbolts is on her way here.” “What brings her here?” Valdar questioned, slightly worried by this sudden development. “She requests an audience with you, Your Highness…” Jet answered. “Damn… already…?” Valdar cursed. It seemed that the griffon’s call to aid Equestria came sooner than he expected. “Very well. I shall meet her in the throne room. Assemble all available squadron leaders and higher ups as well.” “Yes sir!” Jet nodded before he turned and left the room. Valdar then turned towards Kestrel. “Colonel, inform Kite as well.” “Sir,” Kestrel answered with a nod, but before she left the room, she stopped and asked, “Should I inform Wonderfalke as well?” “No. He’s already has enough in his mind. Just leave him be for now,” Valdar answered. “Alright,” Kestrel nodded as she left the room, leaving Valdar alone again. ----------------- Upon entering the throne room and briefly informing King Valdar of the current affairs in Equestria, Spitfire went on to tell him about the exact reason why she was sent here. It took her several minutes to sum everything up, but no one dared to interrupt her. “... and that’s what has happened, Your Majesty,” Upon hearing Spitfire’s news, several griffons were shocked. Rainbow Dash… the Princess of the Skies… dead? “Impossible…” Ronin muttered in disbelief. “It can’t be,” Archer shook her head as Rod just stood with a scowl on his beak. “No way… no! That can’t be it for her…!” Kite said in frustration.  Kestrel was simply in a loss of words. Many reacted in their own ways, but the one who took the news hardest was Gilda. The once cocky griffoness clenched her claws hard. She and Dash had talked to each other just before these wretched Exiles came knocking on Equestria’s door, and now her friend was dead. “Order!” Valdar boomed to calm the assembled crowd. “This news no doubt has shocked us all with the sudden death of Equestria’s ace of aces, but let me ask you this my fellow brothers and sisters: does this information hold truth? Or is this nothing more than enemy propaganda created from lies to be used to break the EAF’s spirit?” The assembled crowd was silent as Valdar continued. “Spitfire has said that this information came from the enemy themselves… but it’s certainly a bold move for the Exiles to just announce Rainbow’s death. In wars, troop morality is key to an effective military unit. Even an effective soldier will be reduced to nothing without morale.” Valdar paused for a second. “Rainbow Dash’s death surely came as a shock to our Equestrian comrades, and no doubt they are struggling to regain their morale. The question as to whether this information holds true or not does not matter, my fellow griffons. What matters now is our willingness to help the EAF and drive the Exiles out so we can bring back peace to our allies!” Though some of the griffons present nodded at Valdar’s words, others were not so interested in getting into another war. “My brothers and sisters,” Valdar spoke again. “Some of you might not want to be involved on another war… but to those of you who wish to defend our allies… I’d like you to step forward. Remember, I respect your choice…” Following those words, the griffons were hesitant to step forward.. Most of the military griffons assembled were already assigned to repair Gryphus, with some of them bringing relief effort in and out of Gryphus. The most complicated situation was for the griffons who wanted to fight, but could not speak for their loved ones who would not let them throw their lives away to avenge the death of Rainbow Dash. “Count me in!” The griffons turned and saw that Gilda had stepped forward. “Rainbow Dash is my friend… and those Exile bastards’ gonna pay for what they did!” she yelled with rage . “If she’s alive or dead, doesn’t matter for me. Those fuckers are dead for messing with Dash!” “Count me in too!” Kite yelled. “I’ve been reading some letters sent from Quox and her sister. They’re in for a tough time… and I can’t stand here doing nothing while they’re over there throwing their lives on the line!” “Hawksforth…” Kestrel began, sucking out all the confidence Kite had during his speech “May I remind you that you still need my approval if you want to be sent to the front lines.” “But ma’am…” Kite protested, but Kestrel raised her index claw. “I wasn’t finished…” she simply spoke. “As I was saying, you’ll need my approval if you want to fight in the front lines… and I allow it.” “W-What?” Kite stammered as Kestrel nodded with a smile. “You have my clearance… and I shall fight beside you as well.” Kite could not believe what Kestrel had told him. Gilda just chuckled at the cheetah griffon’s moment of relief. Soon after hearing the three’s determined voices, more griffons were willing to step up and voiced their willingness to fight. “I’m in too,” Rod, leader of the Northwind Squadron, said confidently. Valdar, however, was concerned. “Rod… your mate, you told me she was expecting soon,” he interjected. “If her time comes, she will need you to be there to support her.” “I know, sire… but there must be something Northwind Squadron can do to help,” Rod said. “Well,” Valdar suddenly spoke again. “I could place Northwind in a support unit, therefore you won’t need to fight the Exiles head on… and you can still support the EAF by delivering weapons and supplies in and out of Gryphus.” “Any chance to support those in the battlefield is good enough for me, sir,” Rod smiled. “Thank you.” Valdar then turned towards the rest of the griffon squad leads. “For the rest of you, you shall be assigned to various support units. Although your previous assignments on the restoration project are still in effect,” he said. “But worry not for those of you who want to fight. Your squadron will be called to service if the time comes. Either it will be to fill a spot or just to add extra wingpower.” “So essentially there’s gonna be shifts, right?” Jet asked in a thoughtful tone. “If one squad can’t make it, another can go in and cover for that squadron’s absence.” “Indeed,” Valdar nodded. “Although I must remind you all that our military structure is still on its last legs. So if you really want to fight, you must make sure your squadron is fit for battle. We can’t risk extending our troops like last time…” Several squadron leaders nodded in response. Due to the final battle against the Valkyrie, the griffon squadrons had been pretty much exhausted to their very last members. Some squadrons only had two members left. “You looked troubled, Gilda,” Valdar said as he saw the griffoness talking with Ronin. “What? No sir, I’m just—” “No need to tell me, I know,” Valdar spoke up. “You’re eager to fight, but I recall that your squadron is still on suspension due to a lack of members.” “We’re still uncertain about our next move, Your Highness,” Ronin nodded. “My son is still not ready to be a full time soldier, and Butterclaw had to take a leave to help with the restoration of Sudentor.” “I see,” Valdar said, placing his index talon on the tip of his beak. He remembered Ronin’s performance during the conflict with Neue Belka and how she managed to teach Gilda some much needed discipline when the brash griffoness was assigned to her Southwind Squadron. Now he had another idea in mind on how their skills could be put to work. “Well, I have a proposal in mind for the two of you.” “Sir?” Ronin said with Gilda raising her eyebrow. “Gilda, would you mind if I temporarily put you as a member of Aquila Squadron?” That news hit Gilda like a freight train. “What?” she only spoke. “Ronin already mentioned a report on you all the way back when she decided to suspend her squadron,” Valdar explained. “Your performance had exceeded her expectations.” Gilda turned towards Ronin, who just smiled, giving her a glance. “You had indeed proved your service to the kingdom well, Gilda. So consider this your reward,” Valdar said as he patted Gilda’s shoulder. “I… I don’t know what to say, sir…” Gilda spoke at last. “Action speaks louder than words, Gilda,” Valdar smirked before he left Gilda back with Ronin. “Hmph,” the griffoness smirked as her cockiness returned. “I’ll do my best to make those Exiles beg for mercy...” “Gilda,” Ronin began. “Remember to stay calm. Don’t let anger consume you, and don’t make me regret my decision.” “Right… right,” Gilda sighed. Ronin patted Gilda’s back and smiled. “Now go. May the winds from the south send you to victory,” Ronin said. Gilda turned and gave her now former flight lead a thumbs up before she approached Kestrel and Kite. The latter gave her an open arm with smile. “Welcome to the squad, G!” he chuckled, ready to give Gilda a greeting hug. “Don’t bet on it, dweeb,” she said, completely ignoring Kite as she went immediately to Kestrel. “Welcome,” the pastel griffoness began. “I’ve heard you’ll be joining us.” “Yeah,” Gilda spoke. “I’m still taking all this in. I mean, Aquila is basically the top squadron of the kingdom.” “Relax, no pressure!” Kite suddenly zipped beside her. “As long you fight well, you’ll be just fine.” “He’s right,” Kestrel nodded. “Aquila Squadron is maybe the top squadron in the kingdom’s military, but we don’t pressure you for results.” Kestrel then extended her talon. “We only expect you to work together with us, as a team.” Gilda stared at Kestrel’s talon for a moment before she chuckled and shook it. “I’ll try to be a team player with the dweeb…” “Hey!” Kite snapped, but Gilda just ignored him. ----------------- Meanwhile Valdar was also considering sending another squadron to Equestria to provide Aquila with backup: Rex Squadron, the king’s personal vanguard of elite griffons, with skills on par with Aquila Squadron. Seeing that Valdar had chosen each member himself, the team showed a lot of promise of becoming the kingdom’s next ace squadron, but they were yet to truly prove themselves in a real battle. Valdar thought maybe this was the best time to do it. He was currently discussing with Spitfire about the liability of the Exile messenger along with the message he had delivered. Valdar knew that Rainbow Dash isn’t the type to just beg for mercy without a fight. This fact alone made the orange griffon suspect that the information was just a lie. Nothing more than a propaganda to lower the EAF’s morale. “Who would’ve thought they would try something this low to gain advantage over you,” Valdar said out loud. “Ever since I saw that creep entering the Headquarters, I immediately knew there was something fishy about him,” said Spitfire. “I’ve seen that kind of false info trick being pulled off several times in my career.” Their conversation was soon interrupted when a mysterious pegasus suddenly swooped in from the open door, landing just in front of the griffon king and the Wonderbolt. Such audacity didn’t go unnoticed by the ever present Royal Guards who brought up their spears at the intruder. “You dare fly in here without permission!?” The guard named White Tip snapped, nearly grabbing her bow and putting an arrow on it. “Identify yourself, equine!” Another guard yelled. The pegasus just waved his right hoof, trying to ease the situation. He had a dark, gray coat and many scars on his body. “Easy… I’m not looking for a fight,” he said with his low, grating voice. “Then state your identity and purpose!” White Tip barked, until Valdar patted her shoulder. “Calm down…” he said as he glared the newcomer. “If you’re not looking for a fight, then what is your purpose here?” The gray pegasus shrugged. “I’m here just to tell that the Exiles are spewing bullshit as usual.” There was a clamour amongst the griffons. “Wow, language, much…” Kite raised his eyebrow. “And tell me, why would you assume such things?” Valdar questioned. “Heh… it’s because that’s what Aurora wants,” the gray pegasus began. “She knows that with the Princess of the Skies deader than a doorknob, the EAF… especially her closest friends will mount an all-out strike just for petty revenge…” “Hey, watch your words!” Gilda snapped. “Dashie’s my friend!” “I don’t care,” the stranger responded casually, earning a glare from Gilda. “Now where was I? Oh yes… the strike. With the princess’ soldiers expected to mount an all-out attack, Aurora will be waiting with an even bigger troop force… including her draconic allies and two oversized submarines.” “The Scinfaxi-class submarines…” Valdar mused, scratching his lower beak. “So it is indeed true they possess such weaponry. Still, I thought they had only one...” The clamour grew. “So basically, you Equestrians and Griffons will be heading for a trap… and die for nothing,” the gray pegasus finished with a sharp tone. This information surely gave the griffons a new perspective on how the Exiles use their propaganda. If this strange pegasus spoke the truth, then the griffon air force will be wiped out in no time in their state. However, some were skeptical about this information. “Your words surely stirred the minds of my subjects,” Valdar stated. “What is your name?” “I’m just a ghost of war long past…” the pegasus said dismissively. “Your tone tells me that you believe my words… and yet you still cast some doubt.” “As much as I am happy that somepony else shared my hunch... but I’m afraid that must question the validity of your information,” Valdar said. “If you’re telling the truth… then where’s the evidence!?” Rod suddenly called out, causing more griffons to question the same thing. “My subjects are right, stranger,” Valdar sighed. “Do you have any proof of this?” “Oh, I’m sure another ghost can back my words,” the gray pegasus said before he let out a loud whistle. There were surprised gasps when a shadow suddenly swooped into the hall and landed near where the first intruder stood. Once again, the guards raised their spears at this hooded figure. “Oh, come on…” White Tip breathed in annoyance. “Is there somebody else that’s gonna come uninvited?” “No,” the hooded figure said as he raised his claws in the air. “I’m the last one.” Valdar, Kite and Kestrel noted that his voice was familiar… “And who are you might be, stranger?” Valdar asked at last. The figure pulled his hood, revealing himself. “Blake Schwartz…or Black Star if you guys are more comfortable to that.” the figure said. This revelation earned several gasps from the griffons to the point that White Tip motioned the other guards to lower their spears immediately. Even Valdar looked surprised, but Kestrel was the only person in there that was more affected. Kite was about to lose his composure until Blake just nodded and motioned him to shut his beak for now. Kite quickly nodded as Blake spoke up again. “This guy’s right,” he motioned to the gray pegasus. “The Exiles are indeed setting up a trap big enough to wipe the entire EAF and griffon forces. I’ve seen it. It’s not something we can take on, like the Valkyrie…” “Hmm…” Valdar nodded thoughtfully. “And you can? You clearly survived the encounter with Valkyrie…” “If it hadn’t been for this pegasus, I would’ve died…” Blake admitted. “He founded me before I could’ve… I…” Blake paused, the pegasus quickly leaned to him. “You alright, kid?” he asked. “Yeah, I’m fine… I just… it’s still hard remembering that,” Blake answered. “I’m alright now.” The gray pegasus raised his eyebrows and leaned back. Blake turned to Valdar and spoke again, “The reason of my absence is... I had to recover… The crash left me a little broken back here,” he chuckled while motioning his wings. “Aside from that, I had to make other amends… straighten things up with everything I’ve done wrong in my life.” The black griffon took a quick breath. “After that I parted ways with my… uh, dashing white knight who rescued me,” Blake said, to which the mysterious pegasus just chuckled while rolling his eyes. “Until fate decides it’s funny to reunite us.” Blake paused again. “And it led me back here.” Kestrel slowly approached him, with Kite right behind her. Her face was mixed, and Blake could not read what she had in mind right now. “Hey, Marie-” Blake was promptly cut off when Kestrel punched him hard. As Blake shook his head from the blow, Kestrel suddenly barked, “That’s for making me worry!” “I’m sorr-” He was cut off again when Kestrel gave him another punch. “That’s for being a reckless asshole!” “Yeah, I deserved that-” He was cut off the third time when Kestrel hit him the final time, though this time her punch did not feel as hard as the first two. “And that’s for making us think you’re dead… and being a damn hero of the Griffin Kingdom.” This time, Kestrel pulled him into her embrace. “Welcome back, you suicidal bastard,” she said, holding her tears. Blake just returned the gesture. He saw Kite and Gilda just watching the scene with pure awkwardness. Soon, Blake found himself being greeted by the griffons who survived the Neue Belka hell with him. Needless to say, almost all them were relieved that Blake was alive… well, except one. “I’m still not sure that you’re the real Blake…” Jet said skeptically. “What, you think I’m an impostor?” Blake responded. Jet just crossed his talons. “Prove it, then. Show me that you’re not an impostor,” he said sharply. “Alright... you asked for it,” Blake said with a small smirk. “Back during the academy… Jet accidentally used a feather shampoo that made his feathers turn-” “STOP!! Stop… it is you,” Jet interrupted with a slightly panicked voice, before any damage was done to his reputation. Silently, Valdar approached Blake and pat his shoulder. The young king smiled and spoke: “Welcome back.” “Yeah,” Blake smiled slightly. “Forgive me if I came in at a bad moment.” “No, you didn’t,” Valdar turned towards the gray pegasus. “I believe your words can back up what your rescuer here has been telling us.” He just chuckled at Valdar’s remark. “But, I cannot fully trust his words for the safety of my troops…unless he told me who he is,” Valdar said sternly, earning a glare from the scarred flier. Blake decided that this one mystery should be revealed. “He will tell you his name when he feels like it. But, know this, Your Majesty, and all of you gathered here - before you stands The Demon Lord of the Round Table.” The gray pegasus smiled dimly. It’s been a while since anyone addressed him this way...