[Displaced] A Forced Hero (OLD)

by DisplacedWriter

Grim Realizations.

The sound of a weak groan escaped the hylian’s mouth as he felt being tapped by something blunt. Opening his eyes, he slowly sat up from his temporary bed and blinked his confusion out of his vision, ignoring the blunt touch on his self that didn’t abate. “...Did I black out?” Link asked himself as he glanced around the room, where he realized he was in some sort of infirmary.

“You did.” Said an annoyed feminine voice coming from a lower level than him, and as Link turned to the source of the voice saw a pale pink unicorn mare with a nurse outfit - red cross included for some reason as she went on her business checking on the bandaging on Link’s left arm with her telekinesis. “Once the shock of having an arrow stuck into your arm went through, you passed out mister.”

“I hope this isn’t going to affect my performance in my shield bearing?” Link asked with concern as he moved his good arm to hold himself up and not apply pressure with the left arm.

“If you stop wigglin’ like a worm you’ll be fine in a few days, sir.” The nurse replied curtly, glaring at Link until he stopped squirming to test his body. “The bandages have both a potion and an enchantment to promote and accelerate healing - a scar will remain, though. For more information, there is the doctor overseeing your case whom you can ask questions when checking on your state.”

Link laid himself back down. He looks toward the ceiling as ill memories from the previous serious injury resurfaced in his mind.

Seeing him frown, the nurse misinterpreted the meaning and added in a softer tone, “If anything, sir… you did good in doing your job. You should feel proud of that.” Before making her way out, closing the door and leaving Link to his own thoughts..

‘The longer I live in this world, the complicated things get.’ Link mused to himself quietly. ‘First my paranoia of being judged by the locals, and now there are monsters and ponies after Trinity and me?’

This caused him to groan… only to glance at his immobilized left arm.The hylian went silent even further as he wrestled with his thoughts. ‘I know no one got hurt, but that arrow could of been aimed at someone else… and I didn’t brought my shield or equipment with me.’ Link thought before he started feeling remorse about going lightly on his duties….

‘I got too confident, too relaxed - that must change, unless I die next time - and there are no fairies to save me or others in this world!’ only for his face to frown more. ‘What if they had hurt Trinity and Cadance? Or killed us all? This is bad - I don’t know how to deal with this kind of situations. This kind of situation never happened before in my life… I only fought monsters of this world, not-not this!’

Link was so focused on his inner self-deprecation that he didn’t notice someone suddenly blocking the sunlight entering from the window, until a gentle clearing of throat and pastel colors floating in Links’ sight drew his attention to the owner of the multi-colored mane. The hylian’s head jerked up to see Celestia herself standing before him.

“Oh! Princess C-Celestia...” Link said with a nervous stutter.

“Hello, Link… how’re you doing?” She asked him, eyeing for a moment the immobilized arm before turning her gentle eyes to him.

“Uh-fine, I suppose...” Link said as he tried to calm his mind while inwardly he was all but screaming ‘Oh no, please don’t tell me to pack and leave! I’ll do better for next time!’.

“I wanted to thank you for dealing with the assailants of last night, but I must inquire… why didn’t you take with you your gear? I was led to believe that you never parted with it.” She asked him gently as she placed herself at Link’s side, a wing over his shoulder to calm the now shivering man.

“It's just… it was so peaceful around canterlot the past few days I stayed here, I thought maybe I didn’t need it for just that one day...” Link explained.

The wing-hug tightened a bit, before Celestia asked him: “Link? May I ask if you have experience in protecting people… at hoof?”

The hylian went into a complete silent before he spoke up.. “...None.. The only thing I’ve done was just deal with whatever was causing trouble, much like slaying a beast that refused to leave or a dragon that didn’t listen to reasoning...” he explained while fighting down the wish to get eaten by the ground.

Celestia said nothing… only to nuzzle Link’s hair, to his surprise. “Well, now I see the wisdom in having you undergo training, Link - too much time alone has left you with no experience in these regards.” Only to add mischievously “and while we’re at it, I think I’d like to hear your version of what transpired yesterday evening, if you’d be so kind.”

Her speaking voice did help him calm his heart down, but the second half made him question her. Link raised his head to look at her. “W-well.. It was going smoothly, other than somepony bumping into me whether it was on purpose or by accident I don’t know. The end of the way we were attacked by a group of Stalfos, those creatures should not even exist here…” He said unsure. “And when we dealt with them, I managed to catch a glimpse of a group of ponies running away - who repelled the guards coming to them with strong magic.”

Link looked upon Celestia’s face, and realized that her expression was locked down - leaving him unable to tell what was going on within her mind.

“It seems that my choice to employ an outsider is already making waves, Link. Why bother otherwise with doing such an overt act?” She asked rhetorically before releasing him from her wing-hug. “Thank you for doing your best, Link - but it seems that bad times are nearby. It’ll be for the best that you’re ready for when it comes.”

“Assuming I don’t die before then..” Link mumbled bitterly, causing her to stop mid-step.

Link rose his eyes and saw something he immediately realized didn’t want to see in the future: a hurt look in Celestia’s face, before she schooled it back into a serious one.

“Link? I know this is much to ask, but I am not naive enough to not consider that out there are monsters that masquerade as ponies or sapients - will you only fight against non-thinking creatures bound by instinct? Or will you learn, and fight to curtail those that seek to hurt others for their own benefit?” She locked eyes with him, and closing in briefly she asked him in the ear through a whisper: “Will you let others suffer at the hoofs of wicked beings while you cower in fear? That is not the being I see in you…” At this point she retreated and started walking towards the door… only to add in the end: “I can only hope that one day you’ll be honest enough to find out the same.”

The hylian was silent was more as he let out a slow sigh. “..I..I-I…. I have no choice but to do so... Only I know what they are and how to beat them.”

Celestia smiled wanly at that. “I know, and am certain that the Royal Guard will benefit from such knowledge - if you wish to share it, that is.” She then stopped for a moment as her horn glowed, and added “Link? Sometimes being a hero involves sacrificing what one wants in order to do what is right… but it is still a choice - the hardest choices being those that involve you personally and what you want.”

She turned to walk out, and added softly as she moved, voice grim as she uttered, “Trust me… I know what it is like.” Before leaving and closing the door behind her.

Nothing but silence filled the room and the sounds of others things in the room. Slowly but steadily, he raises his hand to stare at it, he saw the triangle glowing as a mocking reminder of how he ended up here. “... Triforce of courage, the piece of Farore.. If this thing actual follows what the original does, then what  is it doing inside of me? What is it binding itself to, and not moving on to a better host? The only courageous thing I did was survive and face this… world?” he asked himself rhetorically. The poor hylian sounded so confused. “Farore... i-if you’re out there, please guide me...”

“You’ve got a visitor, sir.” The same nurse from earlier stated as she opened the door to Link’s room, and was shortly followed by Cadance and Trinity and a couple of guards in full gear - one of them that Link recognized as Brick Wall, who remained outside with the fellow guard.

“How’re you doing, Mister Link?” Trinity asked while swishing her tail.

“Hello, Link. I do hope that you’re not the needle-fearing kind like Triny here!” Cadance teased, causing the filly to pout at her in response.

The hylian gave Cadance a joking deadpan expression. “I’ve had them plenty of time in my life, I doubt the next would be any different.” Link said to the pink pony before looking over to Trinity. “I’m doing fine other than having a mental reminder.”

The filly just ‘ohh’d’ in reply as her ears splayed on her skull, looking at Link like a kicked puppy. “Thank you for getting rid of the meanies, Mister Link” before eyeing the immobilized left arm in bandages, “I-I can only hope that I can learn to be as tough as auntie Celestia in less time…”

Cadance approached her, placing a wing on the filly before saying softly to Link “She’s somehow blaming herself for what happened yesterday. And Triny?” She asked in the end, causing the filly to look at her - still in that position. “You’re not at fault here, my lil’ filly! Let those meany pants choke on bitter lemons if that’s how they like it, they’re not the ones who get to pick who lives and who does not! Nopony has that right!”

“I don’t think calling them mean pants would come close to it, they were willing to take on lives just to get to Trinity, it's just they weren’t expecting to have any sort of power, they probably thought I was incapable of magic...” Link explained as he shook his head. “I need to be more prepared incase they do it again, maybe I could ask Celestia if she could place extra nightguards on duty.”

“Triny? Would you be so kind as to give me a minute to ask him something private? I won’t take long - and you’ll get to be in the company of Wall and Buckler! What do you say?” Cadance asked Trinity while nuzzling her forehead, causing the filly to ‘eep’.

Trinity nodded and went out of the room - and somehow feeling that her presence wasn’t required at the moment, the nurse left the room as well. Her hoofsteps went slightly too quickly when passing in front of the two guards - faces stony as they took places next to the filly.

Horn glowing in light blue, the door closed up and a bubble surrounded Link and Cadance - who asked him in disbelief: “Link? What the buck was that for? She’s just a filly, for crying out loud! She didn’t need to know that!”

“It was either that or tell the truth. If those ponies or whoever is hell-bent on hurting her are going to keep at it - then she’s going to end up scarred from their efforts sooner or later, even getting really hurt if I screw up even once. I believe the future will hold things far worse than what I just said.” Link replied to her as he lowered his head. “I’m sorry for what I said, but I just couldn’t sugarcoat it for her sake if they were to return... Just be glad that blood was not shed yesterday…”

“And what about yours!? Isn’t your blood worth even mention?” Cadance pointed out while pointing with a wing to his left arm before adding slightly exasperated. “While I get your intention, it wasn’t the right way - she’s a filly, she should be worrying more about foalish things! Instead, we get some jerks trying to get rid of her for reasons unknown - and she feels herself as the odd pony out!! Please, all I just ask is this: please try to not cause her more anxiety - she’s regressing to her fearful state from that kidnapping attempt… please.” She asked him, a meeker tone at the end as her withers drooped along with her ears and wings.

The first thing that came out of Link was a quick, mirthless and choked chuckle that escaped his mouth before he cleared his throat and looked at her with an unreadable expression. “Sometimes I feel we’re both the odd ones here.” Link stated softly as he placed his hands onto his stomach. “There’s a mystery that surrounds her, mostly that mirror on her back and her similarities to a wolf, I’ve seen them before and I’ve yet to understand why she looks the way she is...” he said while reaching up to hold onto his howling stone necklace with his free hand. “Sorry… my mind is still a little hectic from yesterday. I have so many questions but no answers...” Link’s eyes moved up to look at Cadance. “Tell me... Has Celestia told you anything about her?”

Cadance sighed sufferingly before glaring a bit at Link. “She’s adopted, just like me - however, auntie Celestia does look after us as if we were her own. I hope that answers your question - and, if you excuse me, I have a filly to calm down.”

WIth a nod, Cadance cleared out the bubble and left the room - not without letting Link see the hopeless and sad look on Trinity’s face as she nuzzled the filly and nodded to the two guards, who stepped into place as they moved out.

“I suppose being alone for too long messed me over. Hylia damnit..” Link said, allowing his head to fall back onto the pillow. Now he has even more on his mind than earlier in this day.

Later on that day, approaching the afternoon - Link received an unexpected guest in his room while the medic looking over his case was checking on the sutures keeping the wound closed for healing.

“Brick Wall?” Link asked surprised and puzzlement.

“Hello, Mister Link.” Brick Wall said curtly before closing the door behind her - where Link could see a guard posted, keeping watch over his room.

Casting a bubble once more, she relaxed a little and asked him, “How’s your foreleg holding up?”

“My forel-... It’s called an arm.” Link answered her before looking at Brick Wall with a questioning look. “I know there are some species out who don’t call it a foreleg.”

“You’re in Canterlot, so we speak like ponies - if you were in Griffinstone you’d get foreclaw, and in minotaur territories you’d get the whole gig: arm; forearm, hand and fingers, the works.” Brick Wall replied to Link smugly, a smirk drawing onto her face as she looked at Link’s frown. “It is convenience, mostly - and I personally like to ruffle the feathers of my coworkers in good will and all that.”

“I suppose that makes sense.” Link said as he stroked his chin, feeling some stubble at his fingertips. Now that was something Link hadn’t felt since the very day he touched that golden triangle.

Brick Wall straightened herself, brushing her mane with one hoof as she directed at him a shrewd look and a smirk. “Now, I’d love to say I’m here for your majestic presence and sexual magnetism alone, I’m going to disappoint you and ask - in a straightforward fashion, mind you: What were those two spells you flung around yesterday? And how they didn’t freeze, then roast us on accident!?”

“Now hold up…” Link said while holding his good arm towards the unicorn. “Majestic and sex magnet? We’re too different species, why that comment? Second, those two spells were channeled from my two medallions Bombos and Ether.” he explained.

Brick Wall only nodded, before giving Link a strawberry with her tongue and say with a grin, “As if! I prefer a good, furry pony any day over you, baldy colt! And besides, I was only teasing you - I guess I’ll have to appeal to foals’ humour if you’re gonna be like that!”

Link let out an amused snort as he crossed his good arm and turned his face to a side to show her how displeased he was.

“Besides, I prefer a nuzzle over that flat thing you’ve got on your face. How can you even smell with that tiny thing, only Celestia knows.” Brick Wall snorted in a mock serious tone, trying and failing to keep her grin from showing at Link’s deepening frown at the jokes made at his expense.

Link waved his hand. “I’m the first and last hylian you’ll see in this world anyhow.”

“Oh well, more’s the pity - I bet that someday you’ll catch the attention of a good mare… or stallion, if you’re into that. Only thing, keep the sob story for when drinking with a mare, we usually are saps for sob stories. Stallions… even more so.” Brick replied to him with a shit-eating grin at this point.

“...I think you’ve proved your point, Brick.” Link said with a sigh.

“Of course I have. I’ve learned from the best when keeping tabs on Princess Cadance.” Brick Wall replied smoothly to him.

“Look, as much as I would like a relationship in the near future… I feel it will be in vain if I try with the Equestrians - I just prefer my own kind, just like you prefer your own.”  Link said, his tone of voice changing a little bitter.

Brick Wall just looked at him as if he had grown a second head, and replied to that, “Oookay, mister Sourpuss - I was just teasing ya, but you’re too serious to take the bait. Oh well, perhaps another time… and some glitter for you to brighten our days!” She added before dispelling the bubble and saying to him, “Mister Puss? Take these two days to recover, since you’ll be in need of rest for the rest of the week per Princess Celestia’s instructions!”

Link made no further comment as the mare left the room - and him - to his own thoughts. He pondered at that moment of time - shaking his head to distract himself, or rubbing his own face with his free hand to dispel several negative thoughts now surfacing inside him. “...I serious need to learn to lighten up, I’ve forgotten it was like to even have friends...” he questioned himself before snorting some air through his nose. “First things first: How in Nayru’s love did those ponies get their han-hoofs on Stalfos, they’re from Hyrule… I wonder if this has anything to do with that multiverse tidbit Sans explained to me...”

He didn’t get too much rest from bad dreams, while the laughter of the Nightmare echoed in its backstage…