Shadow insecticide

by MoonshadowLuna330

Chapter 3: Union

As Fast’s and Discord’s voices trailed off, Moonshadow sat sobbing, tears rolling down her face and pooled on the ground at her hooves. Standing up, she ignites her horn. A shiver runs through her, and a black figure splits from her.

"Ah! 't’s valorous to beest out!” the figure turned into a sin black alicorn with feathered-bat wings. It's cat-like icy electric blue eyes with sea green flames glowed in the dim light.

“Shadowedmoon, we need to talk.” Moonshadow demanded, as she looked at the dark alicorn, her cheek fur still wet with tears. Shadowedmoon walked over to one of the crystals and drained its power.

“What about?” her muscles flexed like cords of iron, as the magic from the crystal strengthened her. Moonshadow snorted and glared at her other half.

“You know exactly what!” Moonshadow growled. Shadowedmoon rolled her eyes.

“Tis only Sombra. Our mothers can defeat him instantly!” she smiled, revealing her serrated teeth. Moonshadow faced-hoofed herself.

“It's not just Sombra! It's Chrysalis too! Mother has been cocooned. Celestia, Cadence, and Shining, have all been turned against us. I don't know what has happened to the main six; but, I'm sure they, as well, have been turned,” Moonshadow huffed out her final words. Shadowedmoon's ears had gone back and her eyes were wide in shock.

“Well then. What doth thou suggest we do?” the black mare questioned. Moonshadow sighed, looking down she mumbled.

“We must work together.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

"What wast yond?” Shadowedmoon cocked her head.

“I said, we have to work together,” Moonshadow lifted her head and looked at those glowing eyes of her demonic half.

“wherefore doth thou and us hath to? We can defeat both of those folk within seconds!" Shadowedmoon said with triumph.

“No, you can't!” Moonshadow snapped. Shadowedmoon looked at her and was going to say a scathing retort, but was cut off by Moonshadow. “Just think. Sombra can manipulate you and drain you of your power. Chrissy can as well⎯with both of them doing it at the same time. You will be drained of your magic and killed.”  Moonshadow looked at Shadowedmoon, with pleading eyes. Shadowedmoon pondered what Moonshadow had just said and nodded in agreement.

"Thou art right. We shalt becometh one and worketh together.” The two alicorns straightened up and ignited their horns. A bright sea green aura lit the room as they combined their magic. As the light receded, a tall Egyptian blue alicorn stood in the place of the two alicorns, with electric blue eyes that glowed with sea-green flames.

“By the way, Fast Track and Discord are with us,” Moonshadow said in her head to Shadowedmoon.
"Purrfect! Anon, did let me giveth us some power!" Shadowedmoon made them rear, their hooves clattered the ground. She set their horn ablaze. Black magic from all the crystals in the Solar Empire filled their every muscle. As Sombra's magic was drained from them, Discord and Fast looked at the magic in horror, then followed it to the room. What they saw horrified them.

In the Lunar Empire, the citizens ran rapidly as they were being imprisoned and then drained of their love. King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis laughed at them, as they were powerless of their forces. Sombra all of a sudden gasped, and took a step back. His eyes turned purple.

“What's wrong?” Chrysalis asked him, looking concerned. But Sombra's face split into a devilish smile.

“It's, Her,” his eyes turned back to normal. “Moonshadow has taken my bait at the Solar Empire. She drained all the crystals there.” Sombra looked at the insect with approval.

“Well, looks like our plan is working!” The queen purred. She looked up to the cocooned moon queen, who was watching her subjects run in terror. She had a pleading look on her face; she wished to help her subjects. Her face cringed as she heard the words of Chrysalis.

“You have no idea who you will be up against when you face my daughter,” she said, her voice flat. The black and sickening green insect looked at Sombra; they both erupted in laughter.

“Your daughter has fallen into my trap! I know exactly what we are dealing with, since I am connected to the crystals. I know now she just drained the ones from your sister's empire,” Sombra’s deep voice echoed with his laughter. Luna seethed and try to move and break free of the cocoon.

“Thou shall not touch our daughter!” the cocoon shook, as Luna used the royal canterlot voice. The insectile guards put their hooves over their ears, even in the thick cophen. The power of the royal canterlot voice could be heard  through the thick walls. Both the king and queen looked at each other smiling.

“And what are you going to do about it, Auntie Lulu? “ Chrysalis giggled, her smile getting even wider. Luna glared at the queen but said nothing. “That's what I thought! Now be a good girl and let us do our job,” Chrissy said seductively. She looked at Sombra with approval.

“After her daughter gets here, what are we going to do with him?” Sombra asked, pointing to the still hypnotized Nightspell.

“I’m thinking of using his magic and yours to create the ultimate hybrid! Part changeling, part alicorn. And with your dark magic, plus the Shadow's magic, plus changeling magic, we'll have the most powerful creature of the universe!” The queen erupted in a joy-filled cackle.

“Sounds lovely! But, who's gonna be the mother?” Sombra looked at her with his head cocked

“I was thinking Moonshadow would be the best mother. Then we'll have the Nightmare as well,”  Queen Chrysalis got this gleam in her eyes that almost scared Sombra.

“As long as she is my queen still, then I'll be okay with that,”  Sombra looked at her, his eyes flashing.

“Of course! I never said she wouldn't be,” The insect’s wings buzzed, as she walked over to the window. “As our plan comes together, NOTHING will stand in our way! We shall conquer all of Equestria!” The Queen stood at her full height and looked at Sombra madly.