What If...? Screwball Had A Harley Quinn Complex

by No1MporXant


Eventually Discord & Screwball started a family and had a bunch of children who were Ponies with various other Animal Parts for their own Body Parts like their Dad and Spiral Eyes like their Mom, and they all had Chaos Powers like their Parents, so growing up they pretty much drove Discord & Screwball even crazier than they already were.

As they got older, Discord & Screwball's children began helping out with the family business of running the Chaotic Kingdom Amusement Park.

Eventually their children grew-up, fell in love with others who were willing to accept them for Who they are and not What they are or What they Look like, got married and started some families of their very own, who later did the same thing and started families of their own, who later started families of their own, who started families of their own, and so on and so forth.

And since Discord, Screwball and all of their Descendants were immortals, Discord & Screwball were able to see their Descendants for eons worth of generations to come.

Many of said Descendants decided to move to other planets and/or dimensions to settle down and raise families of their own, and bring the wonders of the Chaotic Kingdom to other life forms across the galaxy & beyond.

Of course their extremely extensive Family would all gather together for the holidays & stuff, using the Chaotic Kingdom as a means of convergence no matter where they were.

So honestly this is pretty much a never ending story that will go on & on for all eternity, but seeing as how I don't wish to continue telling this story forever, I'm going to end it right here and right now, so without further adu...

THE END, Nuff Said.