Reichtangle and Belgiumball

by Russian Bank Teller

I lied

Meanwhile on Earthball.....

"Russia? Polan? Belgium? Germany? Son? Anyone? M8s, I need my plumber! Damn. Well, it seems I have all of Europe to myself. Hehehhehehehhehe" Said UKBall as he started to laugh manically.

"No, I am here UK!" Said Franceball

"Shut up wanker! I'm pretending everyone left!"

"They of did"

"oh. what happened?"

"Polan found out he actually did go to space and then everyone around him disappeared."

"WOT?!??!?! Plumber DID into space????"



And then UKball exploded.

And France took over all of Europe minus germany.

And Jewcube took over Germany

And Baltics stronk

And finland stabbed sweden and norway

Then finland became börk

and then everyone died

The End