//------------------------------// // The double Rainglow Dash // Story: Chrysalis revenge // by Multithread //------------------------------// Third Chapter, i rewrote this part a bit after I read the comments, hope I haven't made it worse than it was. ---------------------------------------- A Pony entered the library. She was a bit uncertain because of the chaos in it. "Twilight are you okay?", she asked while she looked worried at the dazed Twilight. "I I think so, just give me a second to arrange my thoughts.", she shook her head a bit:"Well, what can I do for you?", she staggered a bit while she walked. Meanwhile in midair somewhere over Ponyville. "That is my plan, any questions?" Rainbow Dash finished. "No, but some suggestions for improvement.", Chrysalis answered nervous, she wasn't sure if this was a good idea or how Dash would react about it. There was more than just one moment of silence, Chrysalis feared she'd done a fatal error. "Sure, let hear."she responded, Chrysalis was relieved, she felt her own heart beating heavily. Chrysalis started to explain some things to Rainbow Dash who listened more or less carefully. After they set up the "new" plan they went to bed. Dash prepared in her house in Cloudsdale a guest bed for Chrysalis so they hadn't to sleep in one bed, they had to do some preparations tomorrow before the stallion guards arrive. Chrysalis was nervous about this and about how Dash would change her chance of a good feed. The bed was to unpleasant, it was far too soft, normally Changelings sleep on the floor but this wouldn't help this time, cloud houses are everywhere soft so she laid down in her bed and tried to get at least a bit of rest, it was a really long day for her. When she woke up in the morning, Dash was still sleeping and the sun had not risen yet. Her head hurt, she had to drink some water, fortunately Dash house was not big so finding the kitchen was easy. She drank water, a lot of water but her headache didn't improve. Was she getting sick now? For a Pony a headache was just something small, but for a Changeling a headache could be the first sign of an illness and sometimes just a migraine, if she really got one of these bad headaches she wouldn't be able to stand up for over a week and in this time she would be completely helpless. She let herself fall to the floor, trying to ignore the headache. "Next time try to tramp less, you woke me up." yawned Dash out of her bedroom. But she know that this was just an excuse, if you tramp on clouds you make no noises so that wasn't what had woken her up. Dash slowly walked into the kitchen, her eyes still closed:"Shall we first do the preparations or shall we first take a nap?" Amazing, she just woke up and she already thinks about taking a nap:”Well I think we did all the necessary preparations yesterday when you prepared the second bed.” “So, napping.”, Dash answered and let herself fall to the floor, and even before she touched the ground she was fallen asleep again. Cloud houses Chrysalis thought and laid next to Dash to take a nap too, her headache was mostly gone by now so it was nothing to worry about, just a stupid harmless headache and for her joy the floor was a bit harder than the bed and she fell asleep fast. Chrysalis was shook awake by Dash. “Hurry up, they arrive in 5 minutes”, Dash whispered in a hurry and before Chrysalis could answer, a raincloud discharged by Dash's command, exactly over her and the water was cold and wet. Chrysalis stood up, she was mad at Dash, she took a deep breath for shouting but before she started shouting Dash said:”Catch me if you can”, ran out of her house and jumped down from the cloud like a diver and Chrysalis jumped after her, realizing to late that her wings were wet. In midair her wings dried fast so she didn't hit the ground, Dash sat on a cloud, watching the floor. Chrysalis sat next to her, she was still angry but she had herself now under control again. “There are the two”, Dash pointed with her hoof at two strong stallions in front of the town hall, they looked impressive, most stallions these days weren't so good looking. “The guest is already in, so lets get started, are you ready?”, Dash asked. Chrysalis didn't want to say something risky or wrong so she only nodded at Dash. They landed in front of the two stallions, Dash on the right side, Chrysalis on the left and they both where a bit nervous. The two guards rolled their eyes as if they knew what would come next, if that was not just a feeling it would make the whole think more difficult, it seems that they don't like Dash much, but that didn't interest Chrysalis now, if she could get one of them, she would be able to eat love, probably more than just a bit and satisfy her hunger for several days. Dash and Chrysalis stood in front of the two stallions, as close as their noses nearly touched:”I think we meet before, didn't we.” Dash and Chrysalis said simultaneously:”What are two so strong and handsome stallions doing here in Ponyville?”, they let their tails wander under the chin's and around the neck's of the two stallions. Chrysalis felt how the two had effort not to stir and that they liked Dash a bit, she smelt the small amount of love that the two gave, maybe there was just a bit more needed. Chrysalis and Dash stood now opposite and their noses nearly touched. Dash said:”What do you think, shall we invite them for 8 PM over town hall?” Chrysalis knew they wouldn't come, not jet, but maybe if Dash deals right with what she will do next, she wants to eat, her body thirsted for love, no matter what she had to do for it. Chrysalis had seen in the past how stallions react to lesbian actions, with shine in their eyes and desire from her hearts. It was worth a try, therefore she kissed Dash for a short time and let go slowly:”So, see you two at 8 pm over the town hall?”, and then Dash and Chrysalis took off, not waiting for an answer. Ten minutes later the royal left the house and looked at the armor of one of the guards:”I think you two got a date with two young, good looking mares.”, he picked some colored hair out of the armor and the stallion got a red cheek:”want you go after theme?” “Sir, were supposed to provide your safety as long as were are outside of Canterlot.” the red cheek stallion answered with a strong voice. “I'm sure nothing will happen to me, you are free to go. But I would like to leave in 4 hours, so be back in time.” “Sir, we won't let you back unprotected.”, the two answered with sense of duty. “I'm much, but I am not unprotected. Go, NOW and have your fun, I'll be safe.”, this was more a command than a please. The stallions looked at each other and then they took of grumbling, flying higher and higher while looking around for the Dash's, they where now angry at Nexus. “They are so stubborn.” “I'm sure Rainbow Dash can handle them.” Twilight responded. Meanwhile, a little further up: “Sorry for the kiss.”, Chrysalis apologized. “Nothing to worry about, I kissed mares before, it's always good to distract someone, but actually this one was the strangest one, somehow kissing myself, and I think it helped us catch them, most stallions like lesbians.” Dash still thought that she is a clone of her, well, it was good this way. “Hey, they're already coming, didn't thought they would come at all.” Dash interrupted her thoughts:”Lets see whether they are good enough for us.” Was this really necessary? Chrysalis thought, she would like to feed right now, she was hungry, violations and the massive use of magic she used to protect her, made her hunger grow and her power shrink. Dash flew in front of the two guards:”Before you can have me, us:”, she touched gently their noses:”you have to catch us.”, Dash flew up and back to Chrysalis. “What are you waiting for, an invitation Card?”, Chrysalis shouted at them, she wants to eat as fast as possible. They looked at each other and then they started hunting the two Rainbow Dash's, if Dash would like they would never catch her, especially not fully equipped as they were. After a bit of chases there was only one stallion left behind and Chrysalis asked Dash:”Where is the other, did he gave up?” “I don't think so. On my command fly as fast as you can lateral away from me for a moment.” Chrysalis had no time to ask why before she gets pushed away by Dash, and half a second later the other stallion dropped out of a cloud and if they hadn't changed direction he'd catch them. After about a quarter of an hour and a lot of tries to catch them Chrysalis still hadn't found out how Dash knew every time where the second stallion was and when he would attack. And then Dash eventually said:”They're worth it.” and she stopped in mid air. The two stallions were unsure what Dash would do next, they slowly flew in front of Dash so that their noses nearly touched, near enough to grab her, but she didn't move. “You're worth it”, Dash said to the stallion on front of her, kissed him and with two flaps she was on top of him and he unable to generate lift so the two dropped down, exactly on a little cloud Chrysalis hadn't noticed before. “You're worth it”, Dash said again, standing over the stallion on the cloud and then she started to kiss again, and from above it looked more like wrestling than like two ponies in love, they rolled over the cloud, some times Dash was on the top and some times the stallion. Chrysalis and the other watched this for some minutes, it was really interesting and spectacular what they two did. Chrysalis flew next to the stallion and when she looked at him he turned scarlet. Oh come on, you done so much to get me, and now you're to shy to kiss me? Chrysalis thought and took his hoof, drawing him on the nearest cloud. She smelt the love and started to eat while they kissed, not with so much action as Dash does but still not just laying there. On the floor, after the two guards left: “I'm sure Rainbow Dash can handle them.” Twilight said while she walked to the royal:”So the Princess would like me to join a royal dinner, is that correct Nexus?” “Yes, there will be about 20 royals, the two princesses and a show master for the entertainment, everypony hoof chosen by the princesses. They do this irregular, often there is far more than a year between them.” “But I'm not a royal, so why am I invited?” “Well, Celestia want's you to join, and that is the only thing what count's for this dinner and not if you're blue blooded or not.” Both looked up, one of the guards was hidden under a cloud and waiting for the two Dash's to pass. “Will they catch her?” nexus asked. “Only if Dash wants to get caught.” and in this moment the guard dashed up with the effects that two Rainbow Dash's flew in two different directions and a Twilight had to grin. They talked a bit more about what happened in Canterlot since the Changelings attack on the way to the library and about how Luna was doing. They finally reached the library and Twilight said while she opened the door: “So, you told me that you need three books about advanced spells, so you didn't have them in the Canterlot library?” “They are in the archives, and you may know how difficult it can be to get a book from there.” “Sure, wait a moment, I just go downstairs ant take them up.” “You got a basement in your tree?” “Yes, I got so many books, there was not enough place up here.” Twilight was already back with the three books. “Is it okay if I gave you the books back at the dinner?” “Of course it is, I've never had to lend these books before. We got two ours left, would you like to visit a bit more of the town?” They left the library and took a walk through Town. After about an hour the guards joined them, manes completely wild and a little grin on their faces. But there was no sign of a Rainbow Dash all over the sky. “It seems like they treated you right.” Nexus said and the guards went scarlet.”Well, lets go home, see you at the dinner Twilight, when ever it will be.” The guards were already clamped in and when nexus stepped on the carriage they took off. “What do you think, shall we perform a Sonic Rainboom to say goodby?”, Dash asked after she saw how they took off. “If you can keep up with me.” Chrysalis answered and dashed off, it was the best think to imitate the pony she represents at the moment and Dash often does things without thinking before. And her ego is nearly as high above floor as Cloudsdale was. “Yeah, that's my clone” Dash answered and caught up with her. Chrysalis already flapped as fast as she could but Dash went faster and faster, she had to use magic to keep up with her. There was the feeling of flying against a wall, with every bit of speed it gets harder to keep the speed up, she grabbed Dash's forelegs to not fall back. Suddenly she heard a bang and the resistance was gone. After they passed the carriage Dash simply stopped in midair, Chrysalis however crashed into the floor, not with full speed, but it still hurt a lot. Chrysalis looked at herself, some blue stains but nothing important. She was glowing, why was she still glowing, she didn't use any magic at the moment. So where did this glow come from? “Wow, I've never before glowed after a Sonic Rainboom.” Dash told her, she glowed too:”But it's absolutely awesome.” “Hi Dashie, are you jobbing as a bulb now?” Pinkie Pie asked while she grinning hopped by.