Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Workin' In Great

"Now, the new thing for you isn't the bondage, that is something you asked me for. You get to find out if you like eating ass." Spicy reached up and stroked his hand down one of Rainbow Dash's breasts, but it didn't earn him the reaction he had hoped. Covering his unfamiliarity with the female body, he brushed his hand down and then back up. Closing his fingers around her small mound, Spicy Hot squeezed.

Arching her back again, Rainbow Dash pushed her chest upward, her body given to Spicy Hot. Her wings fluffed a little, then flapped, and suddenly she couldn't stop them—it felt too good.

Squeezing rhythmically, Spicy Hot was surprised by how Rainbow Dash reacted. He controlled her through her erogenous zones, only he was going to need to learn where they all were. Easing his grip, Spicy trailed his hand down and set it flat on Rainbow's belly. "It will be entirely up to you, Pet, but I want you to smell and taste around the outside of me first. If you stick your tongue right in the first time, I will be very cross."

Words and meaning didn't connect up in Rainbow Dash's head too well. Each time Spicy played with her, her body would spasm and squirm, and she would be thrust into delirious pleasure. She worked her mind over the words again, but lacking the wherewithal to actually build a reply, she solemnly nodded to him.

Rainbow Dash stared upward as Spicy Hot climbed onto the couch. He held himself above her, and she barely had any warning before he lowered himself down. His shaft nestled down between Rainbow Dash's breasts (not that there would be any cleavage there for him to use) which left her staring at his open thighs, perineum, and his ass crack.

Panic filled Rainbow Dash at first. There was an undeniable sense of this not being where mouths go, but just as she was preparing to ask Spicy to move, she felt his lips kiss a line from the bottom of her vulva to her anus.

Pushing forward, upward, Rainbow Dash nuzzled against the underside of Spicy's scrotum. The smell of his more intimate parts was pungent, but not completely unpleasant. She nuzzled against him, making soft sounds as Spicy Hot lapped around her own crack. She had, as he asked, kept shaved and waxed, and the feel of him caressing the surprisingly tender skin there made her inhale deeply.

The aroma of musky flesh filled Rainbow Dash's olfactory sense. She started licking as well as nuzzling. She didn't even think about what she was doing until her tongue rolled over Spicy's pucker.

More surprised than turned off, Rainbow Dash just closed her eyes and licked again. The intrusion of Spicy Hot's tongue into her own tail-hole almost pushed Rainbow Dash to reciprocate, but she remembered his command. She wanted to wrap her arms around him, her legs too, and cling to him while they played, but the bindings kept her completely passive. Surrendering to her master's expertise, Rainbow Dash just kept licking.

Each stroke of Rainbow Dash's tongue against his anus was teasing bliss. Spicy Hot almost lost himself completely to the sensation. He wanted to tell her to go as far as she wanted. Heck, he wanted to order Rainbow Dash to eat him out, but that would violate his ethics.

Spicy, reluctantly, pulled his tongue from Rainbow Dash and arched his back. Turning his head left, he looked down himself to the girl between his legs. "You can go further if you want, now." Nothing changed for a while, Rainbow Dash kept licking him, but Spicy felt her tongue pressing at his rear a little more each time.

Wanting nothing more than to rush ahead, Rainbow Dash knew what Spicy would want: slow. She backed off after teasing his anal ring for a while, changing her style into long, slow licks from his scrotum to the edge of his pucker. She had permission, but she wanted to be sure she was okay with it.

With a deep breath, Rainbow Dash took in as much of Spicy Hot's scent as she could, and ran her tongue up to the edge and pressed down on his first sphincter. Her ears easily picked up the groan Spicy made, and she caught his enthusiasm.

Leaning back down, Spicy buried his head between Rainbow Dash's bound legs, and started back on her. He mirrored her motions with his own, with the exception that Rainbow Dash's tail-hole was already loose for him. Then she spitted him.

Spicy groaned in delight and kissed down against her anus. He pushed his own tongue in further than Rainbow Dash did hers, but when she started to copy him he lost himself to the sensation. It had been too long for Spicy, and he loved the feeling Rainbow Dash was giving him, working her tongue in and out of him now.

The smell was musky, which Rainbow Dash didn't just like, but found herself adoring at the moment. The taste was even stranger: pungent, strong, but not what she was expecting. All Rainbow Dash knew was that it wasn't nearly as bad as she would have thought, and it was kinda fun to hear Spicy groaning against her body while she poked her tongue around inside him.

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash's tongue was pulled free by Spicy moving, and by the time she got her eyes open Spicy Hot's mouth was on hers. She couldn't fight, struggle, or even hold Spicy. She felt his strong arms close around her, and fluttered her eyes closed again. His tongue shoved into her mouth with all the ferocity it had into her ass, and Rainbow Dash was surprised at the same pungent taste from her own body.

Pulling back from the kiss, Spicy felt his shaft brush against Rainbow Dash's belly, hard and ready for her body. "I'm going to roll you over now. You won't be able to get away from me, and I'm going to stuff a lot more than my tongue in your ass."

Rainbow Dash's heart beat faster. She had been with Thunderbolt several times now, and he was a focused lover, but Spicy was different. She could only nod to him mutely, not trusting her voice to say words rather than just moaning.

Climbing off the couch, Spicy Hot turned to walk to the cabinet where he kept his own toys. Rather than open it, he just pulled a drawer out, grabbed a condom and a tube of lube, and turned back. Rainbow Dash was still bound on the couch, watching him. There was something mesmerizing about the girl, something that called to him in a way he hadn't felt with another lover.

Watching as Spicy walked closer, Rainbow Dash longed to reach out, to welcome him with a hug and a kiss, maybe even caress his rigid erection. But she was bound firmly. He rolled her, his strong arms heaving her around. On her belly, Rainbow Dash couldn't look back and see what was happening, but Spicy braced her folded legs under her.

With Rainbow Dash effectively propped on her knees, Spicy had her ready to go. Putting the condom on, Spicy squeezed a little lube onto his fingers, and started rubbing around Rainbow Dash's loose rear. His prep work had paid off, and her rings of muscle were not tight. More lube, more massage of her ass, and now his clad penis. "Tell me if you want me to stop."

Rainbow Dash's ears had been splayed out to the sides, and her body was singing with anticipation, when she heard Spicy's question. She nodded at first, but then cleared her throat enough to say, "I want you."

Up until now, the only thing Rainbow Dash had had inside her was her vibrators, Thunderbolt (both in her vagina), and Spicy Hot's tongue in her ass. The tip of Spicy's penis pressed against her lubed, relaxed anus, and she felt a swelling, stretching feeling as he rubbed it just inside. But no further.

Spicy wasn't going to ram himself into her, it would ruin anal sex for the rest of the girl's days. Instead, he took his time. Breaching her entrance, he didn't go further, though his hips longed to thrust hard. But he was dominant now, he was in control. Spicy held as steady as he could, fighting his lust and desire, and slowly started pushing deeper into Rainbow Dash.

The feeling of Spicy pushing into her was both like Thunderbolt taking her and completely unlike it. A swelling pressure stretched her rear, and despite the slight discomfort, Rainbow Dash felt she liked the fullness. When Spicy's hips met her rear, Rainbow trembled in actual pleasure. The feel of him all the way inside her was like a switch that turned "enjoyable" to "amazing."

Rubbing at Rainbow Dash's thigh, Spicy Hot gave the girl some time to get used to him. It was less of a fight now, although his body wanted nothing more than to pound her hard and fast. "Still okay with this?"

"A-Are you kidding? This is awesome!" With the stretching, swelling feeling now taking so much of her focus, Rainbow Dash had trouble keeping in character. She flapped her wings—weakly—a few times, but when she opened her mouth to tell Spicy to keep going, he did before she got a word out.

The dance began, and Spicy pulled back, only to thrust back in. He had done his work well, and Rainbow Dash's body was slick and in perfect condition to take him. Dominance, power, and the care that always underlay both were foremost in his mind, but Spicy Hot's mind was barely in control. Lust had a tight grip on him, and it steered his hips to shove deep into Rainbow Dash over and over, the slapping of his groin against her ass a perfect backing for both their cries.

Rainbow Dash had been ready for pain. She had done a little research on anal sex, and everything pointed to it being a, "Put up with the pain and it will start to feel good," thing. This was far from it. The stretching feeling had been strange at first, but now that Spicy was humping her, using her, she was on top of the world.

In her head, Rainbow Dash was being rewarded for following the adjustments the parasite had made to her brain. She surrendered herself to Spicy Hot's pleasure, and in doing so ensured her own pleasure. Flooded in a soup of its favorite food, the parasite only sought to reinforce the present behavior further.

Spicy wanted to check in on Rainbow Dash, to make sure she was doing okay, but the repeated clenching of her muscles around him was driving all possible speech from his head. In short, Rainbow Dash was literally the best novice ass he had ever had. He took it as read she was still on-board, and stepped up his pace.

Arching her spine, flapping her wings weakly, Rainbow Dash inadvertently gave Spicy an even better angle, and felt him go deeper than before. His thrusts were not only speeding up, but also becoming more erratic.

His body started to tremble, but not due to weakness. Spicy felt a tingle run from somewhere just inside his asshole up through his prostate and down his shaft. It was a precursor to the orgasm that built inside him. Spicy Hot's hips speared him forward as a hot rush of pleasure started swelling through his groin. Grabbing at Rainbow Dash's hips with one hand, what neurons in his brain were managing to keep their function guided his hand under her hip, and he started rubbing at her.

The suddenness of Spicy's actions shocked Rainbow Dash, but the feel of her top shoving into her for the final time, and his fingers stroking along her, didn't push her into an orgasm. She was close, really close, but something different gripped her. She was his. She belonged entirely to Spicy, and in that moment he not just proved it, but claimed ownership. Her mind went wild with the fantasy, and dove into it as deep as she had ever been.

Imagining a hot rush of fluid inside her rear, Rainbow Dash shuddered and whined, whimpering like a beast as her master fulfilled his need in her. She didn't care that there was no climax to be had, all that mattered was that Spicy got off.

"Holy crap…" Spicy Hot was still inside Rainbow Dash, though he was softening rapidly. He groaned, and slowly started to pull back from her.

"Would Master like to use Pet more?" Rainbow Dash was so pleased with herself, but she was hoping for two things. The first was to be told she was good, and the second was to be used by her master again.

The words tipped Spicy off that something had happened. "I think so, Pet." Spicy barely trusted his legs, but managed to climb off the couch, circle around, and sit down before Rainbow Dash's other end. He brushed at Rainbow's hair with one hand, and looked down at the bound girl. "You're completely mine, aren't you?"

Rainbow Dash tried to push her head up into the petting as much as possible. "Of course, Master."

"She's in pretty deep, Spicy. This is going to be an ongoing thing with her, I think." Sonata Dusk, being quiet the whole time Rainbow Dash and Spicy Hot played, flipped a page in her book and started onto it.

"I'm not a monster. But she is quite eager, aren't you, my good girl?" Spicy turned his attention to Rainbow Dash as he spoke, and he watched her face light up at being told she was good. "I don't suppose, Sonata, you could get me that big throw blanket? Maybe something to eat, too?"

"I know just the thing." Sonata put down the book, and jumped to her feet.

Spicy Hot reached out to the rope on Rainbow Dash's back, and found the right ends. A tug, and the whole set of knots started coming apart like dominoes. "We can't do this if you're like that."

Rainbow Dash needed no further urging. Her arms were a little stiff, but not sore. She pulled her body forward, and sank to Spicy Hot's lap.

Rubbing Rainbow Dash's hair with one hand, Spicy Hot felt her slowly ease the condom off of him. A slurping sound drew his attention, and he looked down to see Rainbow had cleaned the condom, first. Then, before he could think to say anything, her mouth came down on his flaccid member.

The hand rubbing her head was all the encouragement Rainbow Dash needed to continue. She slurped and licked, sucked and felt Spicy Hot start to react to her touch. Tickled pink at getting to pleasure him a second time, she started bobbing her head on him.

Sonata busied herself making cheese toasted sandwiches and a pair of hot chocolates. She could hear the sounds of a male being pleasured, and a female making a good show of pleasuring him, but kept her back to Spicy Hot and Rainbow Dash. When the cheese snacks were done, and the chocolate cooling a little, she climbed up to Spicy's loft to get the throw rug he had showed her just that afternoon.

Rainbow Dash was surprised when something soft wrapped around her. She looked up, only to see Sonata handing her a drink. Confusion set in at first, but then Spicy wrapped her in a hug. "Thank you, Master." She felt Sonata doing something to her legs, and was soon free of the straps that had bound her.

"You're welcome, Rainbow Dash. Are you going to come back to me now? We're done with the games for tonight." Spicy saw the look of confusion on Rainbow Dash's face, but it started to clear.

Realizing how deep she had gone, Rainbow Dash clung to Spicy Hot as tight as she could, and sipped the warm mug of chocolate in her hands. In her mind, the waking world started to replace the absolute devotion she had built up for Spicy. She looked at him, but still saw the powerful master that had owned her. "Will it always be like this?"

Hugging Rainbow Dash to his body, Spicy made sure there was blanket between their flesh. "Sometimes, maybe. If you keep throwing yourself into it, it will probably keep happening. How was it?"

"Amazing." Rainbow Dash's personality was strong enough to assert itself over the simpering slave-girl. She focused on who and what she was, and built herself back up. Having the biggest ego in Canterlot helped. "I was really yours. I mean, I believed it. There was nothing as important as pleasing you." She felt Spicy shudder, and realized her confession was arousing him. Rainbow Dash smiled. "And then my master made me suck him clean. Oh! Oh! And when you told me I was good? Literally the best thing ever."

Spicy Hot relaxed a little more at Rainbow Dash's more animated words. "Talking helps?"

Nodding, Rainbow Dash still felt a little of that girl that just wanted to please Spicy. "It does, but being like that is wild-fun. Like, what would happen if we did that for a whole weekend? I'd just be your slave-girl, and you could do whatever you wanted with me?"

Choosing his words carefully, Spicy Hot had to smile at Rainbow Dash's enthusiasm. "First I would say it sounds like fun. Second, I am flattered you trust me to bring you back from that state. Thirdly, I would say we should go slow. This was your first time in bondage, how was it?"

"The best bit is wanting to move, trying to move, and not being able to. That, and just knowing that you can do whatever you want to me." Rainbow Dash's mind rushed from topic to topic. "I thought it was supposed to hurt?"

"It didn't? I mean, it normally does. Sure did for me…" Spicy Hot sipped his own chocolate drink.

"Well duh." Sonata, with her own toasted sandwich, flopped down on the other couch. She nibbled at her sandwich for a moment before she realized both Spicy and Rainbow were staring at her. "Like you haven't noticed?" More blank stares. "There is some kind of sex-craze sickness going around and you wonder why sex feels so good? I mean, hello?"

Spicy stared still, but Rainbow Dash found her voice. "Sonata. What are you talkin' about?"

"You got sick and passed out for two days, right?" Sonata waited for Rainbow Dash to nod. "Then you started getting more and more horny, right?"

"Not exactly. It was kinda…" As the gears in Rainbow Dash's head started ticking over, her eyes widened. "Whoa! Hold on. Are you saying this isn't normal? I mean, I looked it up online, and it said girls my age would start getting more sexually active."

Sonata smiled and looked right at Spicy Hot. "You know what's the best bit about being away from my sisters? Getting to be the 'clever one'. Okay, so how often do you get horny in a day?"

Rainbow Dash pointed to her own chest, and when Sonata nodded, thought about her recent activities. "Well, I get a good reaming in each morning. And if I do that before a shower I might have some fun there. Then I usually get off some time over lunch, late afternoon if I am really feeling it, and then night-time fun."

Spicy looked between Rainbow Dash and Sonata Dusk. The latter of the two girls just raised one eyebrow. "That… Listen. I'm a bit of a horn-dog. I'll rub one out two or three times a day, even after something like this."

"So? I'm just really active. It's fine once you get into it. I love getting horny all the time." Rainbow Dash considered the topic pretty much done, and waved a hand in dismissal.

"And Rarity masturbating several times a day, after her multi-day sleep?" Sonata looked right at Spicy Hot. "And you said she got a vibrator for her friend, who also slept extra-long, and was so horny she couldn't walk up the stairs."

"It does sound kinda odd." Spicy Hot shrugged. "But, I mean, what could do that to someone?"

Seeing a little bit of a connection now, Rainbow Dash met Sonata's eyes more seriously. "I know just the pervert who will want to know all about this, and be able to work out what's doing it."