Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Workin' Out Better

The ride back to Spicy's house (also the shop, of course), was just as short as the ride out, and in no time the pair were walking up the steps and slipping into the apartment Spicy shared with Sonata. "Go gentle with me, okay? This is my first time." Spicy slipped his shirt off, stepped out of his boxers and shorts, and strode with complete confidence toward the small shower in its own side room.

Rainbow Dash was caught staring for a second, watching the ass she had admired on several occasions. "Are you sure you're up to this? I mean, I'm cool if you don't want to, or—"

"We're both going to encounter parts of the other's body that we are unsure about. I'm the top, which means I have to lead by example. Get your clothes off and get in here." Spicy had never had to urge someone to a shared shower with quite that argument before. He half turned, letting Rainbow Dash catch sight of his penis.

Parts low in Rainbow Dash's belly clenched at the sight of Spicy's maleness. A hunger she had been putting off for half an hour leapt through her body and sank its teeth into her brain. Even the parasite in her head concurred. She wanted to have sex with Spicy.

Shucking out of her top, sports bra, shorts, and a g-string, Rainbow Dash left the clothes laying on the floor. She was only ten steps from Spicy, and she saw him looking up and down her body—hungrily. The tightness in her clenched like a fist at the look in Spicy Hot's eyes. She realized he had never just looked like this at all of her. "What's different, Master?" The last word had tumbled from her lips and mind both, but Rainbow Didn't deny that she meant it.

"Your breasts felt a lot bigger than that last time, I guess I was paying too much attention to them. Come in here and let me feel you." Spicy backed into the small shower stall, turning the water to just the right settings. To his delight, Rainbow Dash did as she was told, and though she was slim for a girl, she still had to press against him.

Spicy Hot was the first to admit he was gay, flamboyant even, and now he was in a shower pressed against a girl. A living, breathing girl. And it didn't feel terrible. Stretching his hands out he closed them on Rainbow's shoulders and turned her so she was facing away from him. "You'll let me touch where I want. Tell me if it feels wrong, otherwise you can squirm as much as you like, Pet."

The feel of Spicy Hot's hands on her tummy, after those words, made Rainbow Dash squirm. She wouldn't have, of course, if he hadn't told her she could. One hand started to rub slow circles there, while the other started to trace upwards. His hand found Rainbow's left breast, and she trembled at the touch.

The soft flesh still didn't feel great to Spicy, not with his brain shouting the word breast as loudly as it could in his head, but he liked how it made Rainbow Dash move when he gave a light squeeze. "Does my pet have any restrictions tonight?"

Each time Rainbow Dash tried to reply, Spicy would give another rolling squeeze to her breast. Ten times she tried to talk before words finally got past the gasps his touch caused. "P-Penetration is okay. Really okay. C-Condom if you're going to go—"

"I wouldn't dare do otherwise. Good girl for thinking about it, Pet." Spicy nipped at Rainbow Dash's ear, earning a low moan from her.

When her heartbeat showed no sign of lowering, Rainbow Dash realized she would have to continue without him slowing down. "I want you to use me, Master. Bind me. Play with me." They were things that had filled her fantasies at night, she hoped they might fill her reality from now on.

"Of course I'll do that. Would you like to learn a new trick tonight?" When Rainbow Dash managed a nod, Spicy continued. "Then you will tell me at the time if it's too much. Do you want to play with safe words?" A shake this time; Spicy approved of her choice. "Then you can just ask me at any time, and we can stop. Until then, until I am done with you: you are mine."

Trembling in pleasure, Rainbow Dash relaxed against Spicy Hot, the words alone nearly driving her to orgasm. She could feel his hard shaft against her rump, but it was at the wrong angle to enter her—pointing down. She shimmied just a little, and felt him wedge between her tight ass.

Massaging Rainbow Dash had turned to something more than just feeling her. Spicy Hot touched, squeezed, and gently pinched Rainbow Dash to show her he could, to prove to the girl that he would do anything he wanted. She did nothing to resist, too busy squirming, just like he told her.

Feeling the moment was right, Spicy traced his hand down from Rainbow Dash's breast, passing the one still planted on her belly, and down between her legs. She was soft there, too, but when his fingers brushed along Rainbow's folds, he felt her start to tremble and heard her whimper.

The sound of her voice, lost in the feelings he was giving her, surprised Spicy with how good it felt. It was good to make her feel things, to force her to feel what she otherwise wouldn't. The dominant side of Spicy Hot was purring like a big cat in his head, drowning out the tiny but fabulous voice that kept screaming: "But she's a girl!"

"Now keep quiet, and hold still. I am going to test you, Pet." Spicy Hot didn't have to prepare himself as much as he would have thought. He curled one finger and pressed it into Rainbow Dash. Soft. Wet. Electric. There were words Spicy could have used to describe the inside of Rainbow's vulva, but that was a means to an end, and the end was her trembling like she was freezing to death and huffing like she was running a marathon.

The more Spicy Hot was willing to do, pressing his finger in and gently feeling around inside Rainbow Dash, stroking her inner folds, her virginal threshold, and ending with a soft touch to the firm base of her clitoris. "Don't make a sound, don't move." He sped up, moving that exploring finger more, and even traced his other hand up to her chest. She didn't more a muscle. But when Spicy Squeezed Rainbow Dash's breast, he defeated her resolve.

The orgasm was born only part in the sensation of Spicy Hot exploring her body, it was his commands that had built Rainbow Dash's desire high enough for her to climax at a light squeeze. She whimpered, groaned, and screamed at last as her body struggled. Spicy closed his arms around her, holding her tight against him so that she wouldn't fall. Also so that she couldn't get away.

Huffing, whimpering, and still making little gasps when an aftershock sparked off between her legs, Rainbow Dash pressed as much of herself as she could against Spicy.

"Do you like what I do to you?" Spicy grabbed up the washcloth and started working at Rainbow Dash's body. A little body-wash was added, and he started working on making her presentable. When he hadn't gotten a word from her, he bucked his hips. His shaft had no chance of penetration, but it slid between her wet rump pleasingly. "Answer me, Pet."

Rainbow Dash reached behind her and slipped her hand between their bodies. Tracing down, she found where he was nestled in her own butt crack. "It was great, Master. You were okay doing all that?"

Deciding the truth wouldn't hurt, Spicy drew his hips back a little to let Rainbow Dash find him easier. He let out a happy sigh when her hand closed around him. "Controlling you, teaching you that pleasure is something I am in control of, was my reward. I will make you scream like that again and again tonight. Short Track said you would be weak tomorrow, I am going to make sure you can't walk."

Spicy made sure the rest of their shower involved actual washing, with even Rainbow's grip on his shaft progressing no further. Everything was about control, and denying her more play while they were both very accessible to each other was its own restriction.

Nipping at Rainbow Dash's ear, Spicy gave her rump a push to get her out of the shower. "Find something to wear, Pet, we're getting you something to hold you still."

The little bathroom that held the shower was bereft of everything but towels. Rainbow Dash grabbed one and started drying herself off. She heard Spicy Hot leave the shower behind her, and deliberately bent down to dry her feet off.

"Don't you flash that at me unless you intend me to do something about it." Laughing, Spicy Hot gave Rainbow Dash an open-palmed smack on the rear. Her squeal was music to his ears. "And we need to both get intimately clean." Reaching for a second towel, Spicy worked on drying himself off, too.

Opening the bathroom door, Spicy took a step out into his apartment and lifted a hand to wave at Sonata. "How was the take today?"

Ignoring Spicy's lack of clothes, or Rainbow Dash's when she left the bathroom in his wake, Sonata was stretching out on the couch. On her belly (she was laying on her back) was a plate containing two, large tacos, and the third was in her hand—mostly, some was in her mouth.

Gulping down her food, Sonata Dusk tilted her head to look at Rainbow Dash. "Oh, just as you predicted. Sales are up a little." When she watched Rainbow Dash bend to pick up some clothing, she couldn't help herself. "Nice ass. You two in a scene?" She caught Spicy's tight nod. "I swear, if your pet had only a little lesbian in her, it would be my fingers. She blushes nicely, too."

Sensing Rainbow Dash's discomfort, Spicy reached out and pulled her against him. "Not unless you're okay with it, and even then I don't know if I could." His words were a trigger that had Rainbow Dash hugged against him tightly. "I'm in control, and I'm telling you that you don't have to worry about that."

Spicy was thankful for Sonata's prompting, it helped him push his control around Rainbow Dash more as a blanket. Anyone would pull a warm blanket around themselves, but not always the control of a dominant. "Store's closed, which means you don't need to get dressed."

Rainbow Dash felt excited at the prospect of shopping for more fun things, and doing it naked only enhanced her excitement. She quickly trotted along behind Spicy, her heart thudding like she was back on the treadmill.

"I don't want to hurt your wings when they grow, so nothing with straps down the back." Spicy Hot showed not an ounce of modesty as he walked around his shop naked. "Do you want to squirm, or do you want to strain?"

A little less bold than Spicy, Rainbow Dash walked slowly down the first aisle, looking at various vibrators. "W-What's the difference, Master?"

"If you want to squirm and move, but feel the bindings, they need to be loose. Cuffs. Binders. Ropes. But if my pet wants to be held unable to move, that is something different. Maybe a strait-jacket, some special pants to secure your legs." Browsing through his rope area, Spicy Hot lifted out a roll of soft, hemp bondage rope.

"I want to…" Rainbow Dash trailed off, her chest thudding. "C-Can we do one today, and then the other another time?" Silence made Rainbow Dash nervous, and she stood up straight to look over the top of the shelves for Spicy.

At that exact moment, Spicy Hot grabbed one of Rainbow Dash's arms, pulling it behind her back. Rainbow squealed, but didn't fight him. "M-Master?"

"Tight, tonight. Too much squirming might just hurt your well-used muscles, anyway." Spicy worked the rope in his hands, quickly starting off a simple set of knot-work. "Let me teach you a wonderful starter binding. These are called Dragonfly Sleeves."

Rainbow Dash moved with Spicy, letting him direct her. He slid two loops of rope up her arms, behind her back, and over her shoulders. The rope was soft and Rainbow Dash found herself enjoying the feel of it against her skin. Spicy said something, but she missed it in her distraction. A sharp slap met her rump, and she jumped in place.

"I said, 'Is this too tight?'" Spicy Hot held a finger under the ropes around Rainbow Dash's shoulders—there was "tight" and then there was "hurting someone because it's too tight"—Spicy only wanted the former.

"N-No, Master." As soon as she replied, another two loops of rope found Rainbow Dash's arms, and as Spicy pulled those tight, he asked again. Twice more Rainbow Dash had to respond, until she felt her wrists touch behind her back. "M-Master?"

Spicy was tying the loose ends of the rope off with a careful, easy-to-undo knot. "Yes, Pet?"

"Thank you!" Only with her arms restrained did Rainbow Dash fully appreciate the situation she was in. Spicy knew what he was doing, he had tied people up before, and she was letting him practice that skill on her. "This is so awesome!"

"Enthusiasm like this is everything, Pet. Try to move your arms. Turn around and hug me." Knowing how Rainbow Dash was likely to respond, Spicy Hot held out his arms for her inevitable tripping—and caught her, pulling the girl into him for a hug.

About to fall, Rainbow Dash instead felt Spicy's strong arms catch her, and she crashed against him. She was helpless, mostly, and loved feeling his strong arms holding her.

Spicy rewarded Rainbow Dash's "Good girl. Now what did you learn, Pet?"

"Move slowly when I'm tied up?" A hand groped Rainbow Dash's breast when she answered. It was a reward, plain and simple, and she reveled in the simple delight of being touched in a pleasurable way. When Spicy stopped, and looked at her, Rainbow Dash realized there was more. "Uh… I—I can't think of another, Master."

"Pet, lean away from me." Spicy looked into Rainbow Dash's eyes, and he smiled when she started to lean backwards—if he let go, she would crash to the ground. "You have already learned this lesson, I think."

The penny dropped, and Rainbow Dash laughed. "Trust! You know so much more about this than I do, I figured trusting your word was the smart thing to do." She stayed there, hanging in Spicy's arms, at his whim as to whether she was safe or about to fall. She didn't fall. "And the fun thing to do."

Pulling Rainbow upright, Spicy kissed her—hungrily. He shoved his tongue past her barely parted lips, and pressed her own down firmly. The kiss didn't last long, one moment he was there, the next he pulled her against his side. "Time to get clean and think what to do next. You remember how this bit goes?"

Rainbow Dash had to force herself to look away from Spicy Hot, to examine where they were headed: the bathroom. "That cold water jet."

Keeping Rainbow Dash from falling wasn't hard, she was all lean muscle and bones. Spicy Guided her along and into the bathroom. "That's the one. You've been shaving, I noticed. Good girl."

Being told she was good, like a dog, tingled all the good places in Rainbow Dash's head. She moved as Spicy bid her, letting him swing and shove, directing her down onto the toilet. Quickly voiding herself, she let the overpowered bidet do its thing, giving her an impromptu douching. Then Rainbow Dash watched as Spicy performed the same ritual.

An urge struck her. Rainbow Dash had to be careful with her arms bound, but she managed to fold her legs one after the other, bending them and sitting on her calves. She looked up at Spicy Hot, an accomplished grin on her face.

The parasite, now with the ability to affect its host beyond simple chemical stimulation, reinforced pathways, strengthened the patterns of thought that led her to this moment. She was feeding it nearly constantly, causing the parasite to go into overdrive producing eggs. So far as the parasite was concerned, this was now Rainbow Dash's sole aim in life, and she was performing it well.

It didn't care that it had made its host smarter, more capable of mind than Rainbow Dash had ever been before in her life—that was all evolutionary advantage, the parasite enhancing its host for survival. It rewarded its host, and its host fed it. The parasite was complete.

"This is so awesome. You're the best." Rainbow Dash felt so right. This was different to school, and racing, and sport, and even the gymnasium. This was an intensely personal experience for Rainbow, and it helped to make her more complete.

Spicy Hot finished emptying himself out, and reached up to pull the chain on the toilet. Standing up put his groin roughly at Rainbow Dash's face. He wondered how long until she got the hint. "I was thinking some nice leather straps to secure your legs. Wouldn't that be—" He stopped speaking the moment his shaft came under attack.

Without her arms to balance, Rainbow Dash had a hard time keeping her balance so she could take care of Spicy. She pushed her bound arms back as far as she could and leaned forward just enough to lick at the growing shaft. There was something so exciting about just pleasing him that scratched all of Rainbow Dash's itches. When his hand came down on her hair—just stroking slowly—she warmed to her task. And promptly started to fall.

Dropping to a crouch, Spicy Hot caught Rainbow Dash before she fell down. "Good girl, but you need to work on your balance a little. Come on, let's get the rest of what I need." Putting his hands under Rainbow Dash's arms, Spicy lifted her to her feet.

When Spicy wrapped a strong arm around her shoulders, Rainbow Dash was pulled against him. She let herself be led, guided through the store.

"I can't put these on until we get back into the living room." Spicy Hot reached down and picked up a pair of what amounted to wide, stiff rubber belts. "And that will do for tonight. Start simple, learn what you enjoy."

"What about what you enjoy?" The question came quickly to Rainbow Dash's lips, sped there by her thoughts.

Spicy almost broke from character. The truth was while he was getting his dominant fix playing with Rainbow Dash, he hadn't found a shred of switch in the girl. He needed a strong, dominant partner for himself. "Let me worry about me."

Rainbow Dash wasn't content with the answer, and was about to try to delve further when Spicy suddenly pulled her along under his arm. She had nowhere to go but with him, and grew more excited by the second as they walked back into his apartment.

Looking up from her book, Sonata peered at Rainbow Dash. She could well recognize the pose Rainbow was forced into—chest pushed forward a little, arms pulled back. "Which couch do you want?"

Still naked—except for the ropes binding her—Rainbow Dash blushed at Sonata. She could practically feel Sonata's eyes crawling all over her, and just as she was starting to get uncomfortable she felt Spicy squeeze her shoulders. His promise from earlier came back. She had her safe word, but ultimately she also had Spicy.

Spicy's attention turned entirely to Rainbow Dash—she was nuzzling against his neck. He leaned over her, pressed his mouth to her ear and whispered, "You're mine. I play with you, not her. If anyone else tries, it isn't a game." His words earned a sigh from Rainbow Dash, and Spicy knew he had said the right things when her ears moved, migrating to the top of her head where they became pointed. "Still mine."

"You're too awesome for words, Master." As Rainbow Dash spoke, Spicy pulled her over to the free couch and guided her down with one hand. She fell slowly, controlled the whole time, and felt the soft cushions of the old couch under her back.

Looking down at Rainbow Dash, Spicy was acutely aware of the feminine aspects of her: breasts and vulva, but while it didn't really turn him off those parts of her didn't do anything for him. What he understood—now—was that they did things for her.

"Tonight is a new lesson for you, Pet." Spicy crouched down beside the couch and bent Rainbow Dash's left leg (the closest to him) back so that her calf pressed into her thigh. "But you're the only person who can make the choice about it."

The rubber strap pulled around Rainbow's shin and thigh and she felt Spicy Hot pull the length through the buckle. Tilting her head, she watched as he fastened the strap so that the buckle was out of reach of her restrained hands. She tried to unfold the leg, fighting the tight rubber—she lost the fight.

Watching Rainbow Dash's muscles tense, Spicy Hot rubbed down the front of her thigh, then back up. He stopped when Rainbow let out a gasp, his hand pressed against her crotch, just beside her slit. "You're a good girl, Pet." As he spoke her in-character name, Spicy ran his finger along her folds just once, and watched the girl arch her back.

Rainbow Dash had never expected Spicy to touch her burning hot labia, it just hadn't seemed something he would do. When his finger had run down her, Rainbow Dash lost her senses and bucked. Whining, she trembled for a few moments and then settled again. The game had changed now.

"Sensitive? Good." Spicy Hot pulled Rainbow Dash's other leg, folded it the same way as the first, and fitted the second strap. This time, he ran his finger down her thigh, then back up, but he stopped just before reaching her folds. "You're a good girl, but not every time will be a reward."

Whining in need, Rainbow Dash realized she sounded just like a dog that hadn't gotten the surprise it had been expecting. The thought thrilled her; she really was Spicy's pet.