4 Minds, 1 Body

by Silver Butcher

In the Kennel

They awoke with a Start, they weren't in a Wagon anymore, they were in a Kennel.
Winona: "No! I'm a Good Girl, No Cage!"
Fluttershy: "Spike..."
Spike: "Yeah, Yeah...Language."
"Where are we?" Luna asked as she took control of the body "This place smells awful." she said as they looked around the room. "And empty, where the..." Luna stopped when a Door across from them opened, a Very Familiar pony walked through the door and looked down at them. All of them but Winona spoke in unison
"Shining?" They asked as they looked up at him, he looked worse for wear, but otherwise the same.
"She's small, looks young, she seems well fed to." Shining looked back at the Colt who had picked them off the street "You didn't steal her from some nobility, did you? Cause we have enough trouble without Blueblood whining in my ears about his fucking dog."
"No Sir, found her running around on the side of the road, no tags, no chips."
"I like chips," Winona thought as Shining Looked into Luna's eyes.
"Hm...Intelligent eyes, maybe trained before hoof..." Shining thought for a second "Sit." Instantly Winona took control and sat happily.
"I like this game," She said. Shining thought again
"Attack" he tried pointing at the Colt who had picked them off the road. Instantly Spike took over
"GLADLY!!!" Spike roared and attacked the cage, even in his dog body, Spike still had dragon spirit, Shining jumped back as Spike began trying to get out.
"Whoa!" Shining said as the Dog tried to get out "Relax." Fluttershy took over
"Spike, we talked about this." She said as she sat down "Your better than this." Spike muttered
"He's the one that asked for it." Shining looked impressed.
"Very well trained, you don't look like an attack dog, but you act like one." Shining smiled "I hope your ready little doggy, your gonna help us win this war." Shining said as he turned to the colt "Alright, I in how much do you want for her?"
"65 Bits"
"65...thats almost triple your usual price!" Shining complained as the two left the room. Luna took control of the dog and watched them leave.
"War? Where the Fuck are we?"
"I don't know, But Shining didn't look that much older, we can't be that far into the future."
"OH! so Luna can swear but I can't!?" Spike complained, "That's fair!" He looked around, "you know...this pace seems...Off." Spike shook his head "Don't know what it is tho." Luna sighed as she took a deep breath, "Lets just portal out of here before...She stopped when the colt walked back in holding a muzzle and with his horn lit.
"Oh shit," Spike said as he hit them with another Sleeping spell.