Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

A revenge plot

Chapter 14

Greg fell back laughing, his blunt falling out of his mouth.

Weedy sat on the ground, still puffing his blunt.

Greg sat up and put his half burnt blunt back into his mouth and smiled lazily, "Damn Weedy! That's your fifth one, do you ever stop?"

Weedy smiled and shook his head.

Greg nodded and looked at their surroundings. Ponyville, or to be more specific, out side the entrance to Sugar Cube Corner. "Weedy, how did we get here? I though we was just walking around the corner, not to... that town... I can't remember."

Weedy shrugged and spat out the blunt, now just a stub.

Greg tilted his head, deep in... well a sort of thought. He smiled crazily. "Weedy, I just remembered something. Lance said he had that one white pony make you something. Its at... at.... the... somewhere? Oh yeah! Library!"

Greg began staggering down the street towards the library, followed by a staggering Weedy.

Upon arriving at the library, he noticed that the door was unlocked.

Weedy walked up beside him and nodded.

Greg looked down and smiled, "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Weedy looked up and smirked. He pointed at Greg's saddlebag.

Greg pulled one out and lit it, then placing it in Weedy's mouth, "Not what I mean. I mean... I forget... never mind. Lets just get the things we came for."

They walked in and looked around. Same old place from... Wait! A box with Weedy's name on it. That must be it.

Greg popped the lid off and smiled, "That's pure awesomeness right there."

He pulled out a hat, or known on earth as a fedora, then a black scarf, followed by sun glasses, and lastly a black jacket with many pockets.

Greg smiled, "Lance sure knows what we like huh Weedy?"

Weedy barked.

Greg placed the fedora on Weedy's head, the sun glasses on his eyes, the scarf around his neck, and then put the jacket on him.

He stepped back to take a look, "Damn Weedy! You look pimp dude!"

Weedy nodded, looking awesome in his new duds.

He walked over to a mirror and nodded happily.

Greg walked to the door, "Come on Weedy, lets go get some bitches."

Weedy ran up behind him, blunt still firmly placed in his mouth.

They walked down the street, getting looks from all the ponies. Greg smiled, loving the attention. Weedy just nodded and puffed on his blunt.

After walking for a while, Greg begin to notice that a certain pink pony was following them, trying to stay out of sight.

Greg looked down at Weedy, "Dude, I think that one pony is following us. You know, the totally awesome one."

Suddenly, a pink pony jumped in front of them, stopping them in their tracks.

"Hey there! I've never seen you before! Ow who's this? Why is he wearing those super duper clothes?! I like them, I want some like that! Ow ow, whats that in your mouth? It smells funny. But I kinda like it! The smoke coming off it makes my head go, whoa whoa!" She said as she spun her head around and around.

Greg smiled and nodded lazily, "Wow bitch, you talk fast. I can barely keep track of your words."

Pinkie Pie continued to bounce in place, smile never leaving her face, "Whats a bitch? I've never heard of one of those before. OW! I know, is it a place? A pony? Wait I know, its a party decoration. A super secret party decoration!"

Greg's head began to spin from the marijuana. But he was loving the vibe this pink pony was giving off. "Party! Man I love parties, I could party all day long. As long as there's plenty of alcohol and bitches!"

Pinkie's eyes went wide, even wider than they was a second ago, "Party! We must have a party!"

Greg smiled crazily, "Do it! Like right now, as of this moment! Get it set up now. I want to party my fucking ass off!"

Pinkie Pie began to shake with excitement, "Yeah! That's the spirit! We will party all day and all night!"

Greg grabbed her hoof, "What are we waiting for! Lets get this party started!"

Pinkie Pie giggled, "Silly, we have to set it up first."

Greg frowned, "Fine but lets hurry!"

Weedy shook his head, he needed another blunt. And it looked like it was going to be a while before he could get another one.


Malbatorus smiled. Things had turned out pretty well for him over the last month. Him and Fluttershy was great friends. The ponies was no longer scared of him. And best of all, he can go any where he wants now.

He looked down at Fluttershy, who was busy feeding animals. He had to admit, she was pretty cute and sweet. The kind of girl he always wanted back on earth but could never get due to the popular kids taking all of them.

Well, that can't happen here. Right?

Fluttershy looked up at him, "Ready to go Malbatorus?"

He smiled down at her, "Sure am Fluttershy."

She smiled up sweetly to him, "I'm so happy your here to help. It use to take me so long to bring all the food from Ponyville all the way here."

Malbatorus patted his muscles, "Yeah, I'm just that strong."

She laughed in her little voice, "You sure are. Lets get going, the animals really want their food."

"Lead the way." Malbatorus said as he started walking towards Ponyville.


The music! It was awesome!

That DJ is awesome, she can really make a beat.

Greg smiled to him self as he staggered to a small chair. Tired and sore from the hard dancing he had been doing.

Weedy walked out of the back room, followed by another small dog.

Greg smiled and waited for Weedy to come over to him. The music and strobe like lights in the background.

Weedy came over to him and sat down, a smile planted on his face.

Greg laughed, "Did you get any dude?"

Weedy looked his way and smirked.

Greg held up his hoof, "Way to go! I knew you could get the bitches!"

Weedy bumped his paw against Greg's hoof.


David sat back, a big smile on his face, "Great job Leonardo, I knew you could do it." He said as he looked at his pup.

Leonardo barked happily and beat the drums again.

David smiled, he loved this dog. It could play the drums like a pro, and easily draw small pictures.

Soon, he will be able to get a band set up, just him and Leonardo. All he had to do was learn how to play an instrument of his own and they're set.

"Okay Leonardo, from the top."

Leonardo nodded and raised his paws.


Cody looked down at Ponyville, directly at a building with music and lights flooding from it.

Cody wasn't a brony, he hadn't chosen this world just because he liked it, he was on a mission. He was a green Pegasus, with a blood red mane and tail.

He grinned to himself, "I wonder if Lance is down there? I've looked everywhere, and thanks to a few unlucky ponies, I now know he lives in this town."

Cody and Lance may not know each other, but they met once. On an unlucky night in New York.

Lance may not know this, but he ruined Cody's life. It could have been an accident, but Cody would remember that day for the rest of his life. You don't forget the guy who pretty much killed your whole family!

It was New Years Eve, 2011. Cody had come to New York City to see his dieing aunt, who want him to come to her and pick up his inheritances, over fifty thousand dollars.

His family was poor, couldn't even pay the bills. This forced his father to look for a job, which was hard for a high school drop out. So his father did the next best thing, he started his own business. Selling car parts.

The only problem was his father didn't have the money to start a business. So, he asked a local loan shark for a loan of sixty thousand dollars, and pay back sixty five thousand once his business started.

After months of no sells, the dead line neared. The loan shark told his father he had one month left before they took action.

So, Cody called his aunt, who had cancer, and asked if she could give it to him now. She agreed, and Cody left his home country of Cuba to the United States of America, to the great city of New York.

After he had visited his dieing aunt, he had left for the hotel he was staying at. A check for fifty thousand dollars in his coat pocket. It wasn't enough for the full dept, but it would be enough to buy his father more time.

He walked down the streets, the sun already down and the night sky over head. Only a few more blocks and he would be back at the hotel.

But, as he pasted an ally, a sound came from with in. Cody stopped and looked down the ally, surprised to see a man holding a teenager at gun point.

Cody had two choices, run or save the teen. He chose to save him, which now he wishes he would have let him die.

Cody had ran towards the man, surprising him. After a brief struggle, the man had knocked Cody off him, and ripped off his jacket. The man had ran off into the night, never to be seen again.

The teen stood up shakily, "Thank you! I thought I was going to die."

Cody looked at him, dazed, "No problem," He held out his hand, "Names Cody Benson."

The teen reached out and shook his hand, "Lance Greenfield." Lance looked at his watch, "Sorry man, but I have to run. I was suppose to be home an hour ago. Thanks again for saving me."

Lance ran out of the ally, waving back. A smile on his face.

Cody smiled and rubbed his shoulder. He went to check the pocket of his jacket for the check. But his jacket wasn't on him, the man had torn it off him.

Cody, full of rage, punched the wall. Breaking two of his knuckles. Thanks to his kindness, he just killed his parents. No, he didn't kill them. That kid Lance is the one to blame.

He will pay for this.

Cody shook his head, new found rage filled his head as he thought of that night.

His father was found dead in his car, out side his failing business. A single hole in his head.

He was going to enjoy watching Lance suffer. It is going to be a slow and painful death for him.

Cody laughed, a horrible laugh that sent chills through the ponies below who heard it.