//------------------------------// // Ch. 11-Waiting can be the worst // Story: Equestria Girls-Manehattan University // by Burning_Heart //------------------------------// Let's go back a few days, to the day that Sunset took Burning through the portal to Equestria. Twilight and the rest of the group make it to the Tempest Shadow house and head inside. Twilight goes up the stairs into Sunset's room to try and find the journal she uses to talk to Princess Twilight. Everyone waits downstairs in the living room and wait for Twilight. "OK now, we need some answers, what's going on," said Star Chaser. "He's right, I think it's about time we know," said Brownie Bite. Allegretto taps on both Brownie and Star, and they turn around to see him. He points the direction of Rosebud, who set on the cough, crying, being consoled by Applejack and Fluttershy. A sense of realization hit the two like a bus, in everything that happened, they remember that their friend and Rosebud's brother, Burning Heart, has been stabbed by the Shadow Man, and last they saw him, was on the verge of death and the two felt ashamed of themselves. Rarity looks at everyone and tells them, "Look, boys, we'll tell you everything but-" Suddenly, Rainbow Dash runs into the house, interrupting Rarity. "Guys, I'm back." Rarity and Pinkie Pie, along with the boys go up to her and Flash asked her, "So, what happened." Rainbow, who's existed after unlocking more of her magical powers, tells them, "Well, when we got to CHS, Sunset took Burning through the portal and-" "I FOUND IT," yelled Twilight. Twilight comes running downstairs, holding a book and goes into the living room. She places the book on the living room table and everyone gathers around and looks at the book. "I must ask Miss Sparkle, but what's so important about this book," asked Ginger Ale. "Here, let me show you. Does anyone have a pen I can use," asked Twilight? Pinkie reaches into her hair and grabs a pen, "Here you go." Twilight takes the pen, while the boys wonder how nobody's questioning how Pinkie pulled out a random pen out of her hair, and Twilight begins to write into the journal and as she writes the words glow, "Hello, this is Twilight Sparkle of the human world, if Sunset Shimmer is there, we need to talk to her." "Now we just need to wait. But in the meantime, could we go to see how Timber and Stygian are doing," said Twilight. The boys look around and see that the girls are on the edge of their seats, hoping that they hear back from someone soon. "Hey, why don't we go and look for him, you girls should wait here in case you get a reply," said Flash. "He's correct, you ladies should rest up," said Ginger. The boys agree and they had out of the house while the girls wait at the house, but before he walks outside, Flash is stopped by Twilight and she asked him, "Look, I'm sorry to ask you this, but could you explain to them about magic and everything." "Ya, sure. Not a problem," said Flash. ____________________ Since the only one who was with the group that had Timber and Stygian in it, everyone is following Ginger Ale to the destination. "I hope Burnings alright," said Brownie. "Ya, man I feel like a jerk. Here I am wanting answers about whats going on instead of worrying about my friend," said Star. "Well, Twilight did ask me to explain everything to you guys," said Flash. "That's right, you did know about them having magic beforehand," said Ginger. Allegretto looks at Flash, expressing he wants to hear the story, "Well, where should I start," said Flash. After a few minutes, Flash tells them about everything that he knows about magic and Equestria. "Wow, so Sunset is really a pony from another world," said Brownie. "If it weren't for the fact that we all saw a giant bear and the girls using powers, I'd say you were lying," said Star. "It does sound a little farfetched, but it's all true," said Flash. "Fellas, we're close so let hurry," said Ginger. The guys are running to the spot that Stygian took Timber during the fight with the possessed people they ran into earlier that day. "Stygian, where are you," yelled Flash. A rustle can be heard from close by and the boys approach the noise. The get there and they find Stygian and Timber, who has woken up, walking out of the woods and are surprised to see the group. "Hey guys, did we miss anything," asked Timber. The boys get depressed and the two could tell that something was wrong. "What's wrong and wheres Burning, I thought that he would be with you all," asked Stygian. "Burning, he's got hurt really bad," said Flash. "What happened to him," asked Timber. They look over at the guys and they see tears in their eyes and Stygian's eyes widen, "Oh no. Don't tell me he's-" "We don't know yet, we're still waiting to hear back," said Ginger. "We came out here to find you two, Twilight really worried about you Timber," said Flash. Everyone agrees to head back to the Tempest Shadow house where the girls are at. Some time has passed and they arrived and walk into the house. The girls look to see who it is and they see that it's the boys but Twilight notice that Timber is with them. She goes and runs to him, happy to see him, and hugs him. Flash looks at the rest of the girls, hoping they have heard anything yet, but nothing. ____________________ Hours have passed and it is now night time, both the girls and the boys are still at the Tempest Shadow house waiting to hear something back. After knowing how the journal works like a two-way messaging device, Rosebud stairs at the book just hoping that a message will come through with Wally sitting next to her feet. Applejack and Fluttershy stay on the cough with Rosebud in case she was to start crying and to comfort her. Rainbow and Star are playing a video game to keep their minds occupied. Pinkie, Brownie, and Ginger are in the kitchen making coffee and snacks to keep everyone awake. Rarity is fixing up Opal's fur and the rest of the group are sitting and waiting to hear something. Pinkie and Brownie step out of the kitchen with coffee and snack, "Snacks are ready," said Pinkie. Everyone gets up to grab and a cup of coffee and a snack, everyone except for Rosebud. Applejack sees that and brings a cup and a snack to her, "C'mon sugarcube, you've got to eat somethin," said Applejack. "Thanks, Jackie, but I'm not hungry," said Rosebud. She folds her legs up to her chest and holds them, "I'm too worried about Burnie to eat." Timber, who is sitting next to Twilight with Spike lying in her lap has his arm over her shoulder, decided to ask, "If you don't mind me asking. But how come you're so close to Burning. I was told he's your brother and all but-" "Timber, don't you think that's a little too personal to ask," said Twilight. "No, it's fine Sparky. I don't mind telling," said Rosebud. She unfolds her legs and gets comfy. "Burnie and I are fraternal twins, so we've been together since day one. As we've grown up, we were really close to our dad but not so much our mom." "Why's that darling," asked Rarity. "Mom has always been a career woman spending most of her time at her office, so it was mostly just the three of us. Dad was the one who thought us the importance of family and that lesson really hit hard in middle school." "Why, what happened," asked Fluttershy. "Well, it was during middle school that I realized I'm gay. I was so scared to tell my family because of all the stories I've heard about people coming out to their family. So one day, I built up the courage to tell them and when I did tell them I was the one in tears, but what Dad and Burnie told me stuck with me to this day. Burnie came up to me while I was crying and patted my head and told me 'Silly, did you think we would be mad. There's no reason to cry.' And then Dad told me 'He's right dear, your her brother and my daughter. As long as you stay who you are, we'll always love you.' I was so confused and I asked them why. Then Burnie told me 'Because we're family.' When he said that, I cried even harder and they both started hugging me, I was so happy." Rosebud looks around the room and sees that everyone is getting misty-eyed, "Wow, that's beautiful," said Pinkie. Rosebud started to smile, "Thanks," but her smile quickly turned into a frown, "But it did last long. A week later, dad died in a car accident." Wally rubs his head next to Rosebud's leg and she rubs his head, "It's okay, Wally." She stops and continues to tell the story, "About a year passed after Dad died before Mom got remarried to our step-dad and let's just say Burnie and I didn't like him one bit. After a fight Burnie had with him we went to live with our grandma and meet Sunny. But after granny died, we were forced to live with them again and we didn't get a chance to say goodbye to Sunny. "That just sounded awful, but what I don't get is why did Burning get into a fight with your step-dad," asked Star. "It turned out that our step-dad is homophobic and when he found out I'm gay, he threatened to kick me out of the house. Then Burning stepped up to defend me. So in a way, he's always been my knight in shining armor." But then, her eyes begin to fill up with tears and they began to stream down her face, "I just can't lose him, I've lost Dad and Granny. I can't lose my brother too, I don't want to be alone," cried Rosebud. A hand softly places its self on her shoulder and looks to see who it is and it's Applejack. Rosebud places her head on AJ's chest and starts to cry even harder and AJ's holds her and gently strokes her hair, trying to comfort her. Suddenly, the journal on the table starts to vibrate like a cell phone and the room turns completely silent. Everyone looks at the book, afraid to open it with the possibility of bad news. Twilight decides to take the book and opens it up to read it,"Hey guys, it's Sunset. I have fantastic news, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were able to help Burning, he's going to live." The gang all cheer after Twilight reads the line, "Isn't this great, Rosie," said Applejack. She looks over at Rosebud, who is crying tears of joy. "But he's unconscious right now and has to stay here for a couple of days so that the doctors here can keep an eye on him. I'll stay here with and keep you all updated,[/]" said Twilight. "Well, at least we know he made it. And I don't know about you all, but I'm ready to go to bed," said Rainbow. "Same here, we're happy to hear about Burning. But should be heading back to our house," said Star. The boys leave waving goodbye, but no before Timber gives Twilight a goodbye kiss and they head to their house, while the girls all get ready for bed. ____________________ A couple of days have passed since Sunset took Burning to Equestria. After waiting so long for Burning to wake up, they finally received a message from Sunset, "Hey guys, great news. Burning has woken up is ready to come home. Just come by to the statue to pick us up. BTW send us a note saying you're here. Burning and I can't wait to see you guys." After receiving the message, the girls try to figure out how to get there. "So how are all of us suppose to get there, I mean I can run there and pick them up you know," said Rainbow. "No, Bowie. I want to see Burnie the moment he comes through the portal," said Rosebud. "I think she's got you there, Dash," said Pinkie. "Maybe we could use the band bus," said Fluttershy. "Oh, that's a wonderful idea darling," said Rarity. "But the only problem is that we have fourteen people goin," said Applejack. *HONK*HONK* The sound of a vehicle can be heard from outside the house, so the girls step outside to check it out. They walk out and see a van with all the boys inside with Allegretto behind the wheel. From the passenger seat, Flash pulls himself out and set on the edge of the door and waves to the girls, "Hey, sorry to keep you all waiting," yelled Flash. The side door slides open and inside are the rest of the guys. "What's all this now," asked Applejack. "Well we all want to go see Burning when he comes home," said Brownie. "But we know that we all can't fit in your all's bus," said Star. "So Allegretto suggested that the boys should use his van to arrive there," said Ginger. Twilight looks inside the van and notices that Timber and Stygian aren't inside, "Wheres Timber," asked Twilight. "And that really small guy, Stygian," asked Pinkie. "Well, Timber has to stay so that he can get caught up with the work he's missed and Stygian said that he would stick around to help him out," said Flash. Twilight looks sad, knowing that Timber has to stay behind, "Well that stinks." "Come on, can we get going please," said Rosebud. She runs to the bus with the others following her, except for Rarity. She walks over to the driver's side door to talk to Allegretto before they head out, "Now Allegretto dear, be careful driving now." Allegretto gives her a nod and a thumbs up. Rarity goes to join the girls and she gets in the bus. The bus starts up and starts to drive off, shortly with the van following behind. "So, Flash, how long till we get there," asked Brownie. "Let's see, a few hours at the least," said Flash. "A few hours. Al, at least you have some music to play," said Star. Allegretto nods and connects his phone to the radio and plays some music and the van is filled with the sounds of a piano, "Interesting, would this happen to be Moonlight Sonata," asked Ginger with Allegretto nodding. Star growns and says, "This is going to be a long trip." A few hours passed and they all arrive at CHS. Everyone goes over to the statue in front of the school and wait. "So how are we suppose to send them a message," asked Fluttershy. Applejack comes up with an idea and walks over to Allegretto, "Heya, Al. Mind if I borrow one of your notebooks and a pen real quick." He nods and heads her a notebook and a pen. She writes something down and rips the paper out, wades it up and throws it at the statue, going throw the portal, "I'm guessin like that." A couple of minutes pass and the portal activates. Sunset and Burning both walk out from the other side. "WOW, that felt very weird," said Burning. At that moment, a flood of emotions hit Rosebud and she starts to cry. She goes running and lunges at him landing on top of him, knocking them both down, "OW, ok that hurt," said Burning. While cry after seeing her brother is alive and well, Rosebud says, "I'm so glad your back." She fills him wrapping an arm around her, hugging her, she looks up at him and he tells her and to everyone else there, "Ya, I'm back."