Silver's New Beginning

by Silver The Hedgepony

Chapter 6: Hard Work Pays Off

"It's fine... it's fine." Silver said picking up the scattered books around him.
"Allow me to help you with that friend." Big Mac said picking up 2 of the books and placing them carefully on Silvers back. "Pardon me for askin' this. But your new here arntcha?" He said.
"Yes I am Big Mac. Now if you will excuse me I have to find a job and perhaps a place to sleep for the night..." Big Mac smiled at this. "Do ya mind what kind of work ya'll do?"
"No. I just need a job that will pay fairly well." Silver replied quickly.
"Well if ya need a place 'ta sleep and a job ta pay we would be happy to have extra hooves around." Big Mac said with a firm voice. Silver pondered for a moment. "Working at a farm?.... Hmm.... I suppose it's better than nothing...."
Silver looked at Big Mac and nodded "Very well I will lend a..... hoof." Big Mac smiled again. "Come over here and help me out with this cart then will ya?" He said.

Silver nodded and walked with Mac to the front of the cart and Mac strapped the cart onto Silver taking his books to hold onto them for him. Mac must have thought Silver was pretty well build if he gave him the cart to pull. Silver saw how many apples were in the cart and suggested it would have been the heaviest thing ever to pull for a pony.

He was thankful he was wrong. That or he must have been stronger due to being an alicorn. He didn't want to question it. He felt happy being able to help and not have much trouble pulling it.
"So Silver. If you don't mind me asking. Where did ya'll come from? Ahm afraid I have never seen an alicorn around here beside the princesses. And even so the princesses don't have a horn such as yourself. Quite a sight to see."
Silver proceeded to tell Big Mac the same story he told Twilight. While Big Mac just walked along quietly listening. "Really now?" He said. "Ahm mighty sorry to hear that. I do hope that your memory comes back. And you can remember everything before." He said with sympathy in his voice.
"Hey Big Mac.... where are we headed anyway?" Silver said looking down a dirt road they were walking along some ways out of the town. "Were walking down 'ta the farm partner. Sweet Apple Acres. That's where you'll be staying and working. You'll also be able to meet mah dear sisters Applebloom and Applejack." Silver nodded and a question popped into his head. "Also.... If you don't mind me asking... These marks... what are they for?" Gesturing to his own and Macs flanks.
"Well golly how much of yer memory did ya lose?" Big Mac laughed. "Their cutie marks friend. their something that everypony has when they find their special talent. As you can see mines an apple. Mah whole family has cutie marks related to apples. Well almost all of em. Applebloom is till trying ta find her special talent. she's what ya wanna call a blank flank." Silver nodded at how informative and helpful Big Mac was.

"Your cutie mark has me puzzled pardner... What is it?" Mac said staring at his cutie mark.
Silver shrugged. "I guess I dont really remember...."
"Ahm sure it'll come back to ya eventually" Big Mac replied cheerfully. "Ah. Here we are. Sweet Apple Acres."

It was quite a sight to see. Apple trees as far as the eye could see. They were beautiful. They were an amazing green with rich and plump looking apples. They looked delicious and Silver could feel his stomach growling. There was much land almost all of it filled with amazingly green and healthy grass. There was also dirt that looked as though it had recently been plowed and looked very level. There had also been what looked like a shed and a large house nearby. Silver never thought he would see a place as lovely as this. This one area was so strange from the destroyed future he was from.
"This farm.... It's amazing Mac.... Beautiful even!" Big Mac laughed. "Generations of ponies friend." He said "Anyway. Let's get you settled in." He said as they walked through a large gate. Big Mac had taken the harness off of Silver and given him back the books. "Go inside and talk to mah sister Applejack. She'll get ya'll settled in." He said as he took the cart down to the shed.

Silver had wandered down to the house and knocked on the door unsure what to expect. And just as he was about to look through a window he saw the door open and a orange pony with a yellow mane and tail both looking as though they have been tied opened the door.

"Well howdy sugar cube! What brings ya'll down to these parts? Golly I ain't never seen your type around here. Come on in! Mah names Applejack!"