The mad mare of choice

by OnASeaOfDreams

One in the bottle, equals two in the cork.......

The three mares Cherrlee, Carrot Top, and Berry Punch left the restaurant almost a hour later. With a botched shuffling canter, Berry stumbled forward though the door, her own inertia flung the mares body forward and she wheeled herself into a standing position ninety degrees from her intended direction. The inebriated mare dumbstruck to her current position, decided to stammer ahead to catch up to her friends.

"Abut augther pony, I'mmmm surrre day weeent this wayyy!" Berry slurred.

"Hey idd's my Birthumday, lay off meee! Hiccup!”

The sudden outburst shocked the passing ponies, causing her two friends to wince, and double back for their intoxicated friend.

"Berry, this way now we don't want to be late!"

"NO... I'm on ah misson! You cannout run I willll getju! Hehehe...he!.... whare are e going?" Berry asked.

"Oh lord, did you have to drink that entire bottle of wine sweetie. We're going to cupcake corner for dessert, remember!"



"Aallllright! Everything is ready! This, is, going to be, the most, super spendistic surprise, eevvvverr!" The young mare sang out! "Oh hey there Mr. Author pony!”

Hey Pinkie! Oh no darn it!


"Ahha, I newwd ya mess up zoomhow!" Berry exclaimed to thin air! “You are nut thin air, you r da author pony..... Dats a silly name!... ahhaha......" the violet mare started to snicker, but was soon distracted be a low flying bird! “Ooohhhh hey little birdie. Where ya.... hiccup..... goin?”


Ok Pinkie that should distract her for a few minutes.

"Ummm, what's going on with Berry Punch Mr. Author?" Pinkie Pie asked, head half cocked and lips tight in a quizzical expression!

Well ok, so you remember when you asked me to distract Berry Punch?

"Yes I do! That was only a few hour ago silly!"

Right I guess I forgot, I've been writing this in my spare time for a couple weeks now and I'm just catching up myself! So back on topic, I kinda messed with the words that were being spoken to her, and now she can hear everything I say!

"Oh that is so cool, wecanhaveawelcometoponyvillemr.autherpony/happybirthdayberrypunchparty!!!"

No. Well sure fine, but there is a bigger issue here. Berry is drunk and freaking out; real conspiracy theory stuff!


"I caaan sill hear u! I knew Pinkie uz a purt of dis!"

Ok, well Berry! Can I call you Berry?


Good, look I'm not up to anything, I don't have a nefarious plan and I'm not here to take over anyponies brain with mind control powers! I am just writing a story!

“A likilly story, come on girz let's goo ta zuger cube coner!” The very obnoxious and inebriated pony mare said as she started to gallop off in a uncoordinated sprint.

"About Celesta given time" Carrot Top announced as she and Cherrlee chased after her.

Dodging ponies left, right, center, up, down, above, below, upside down, right side up, vertically and horizontally she made her way to the bakery. With all the coordination of the most agile new born foals, Berry Punch lunged forward into the still closed door of Sugercube Corner. Not to be detoured by the now less then prominent mussel she now sported, she quickly got back to her hooves and opened the door. In a rush she stumbled into the deserted base of operations of the cupcake creator; now turned rouge enemy agent; know as Pinkie Pie!

Shoots of surprise, with war cries of happy birthday greeted her as the bakery was suddenly illuminated. With a deft ponce, the only somewhat started Berry, lunged at the traitorous pink villain, but in her haste she forgot to move ‘the entire left side of her body!’ She toppled down onto the floor and skidded to a stop in front of the pink party pony. A shocked silence fell over the room, as Berry Punch came to the conclusion that this was a surprise party and not a terrorist block bent on ill doings!

“Can you please be quite, I have a splitting headache!” Berry asked and everypony took heed, as they watched the display with utter shock.

Well can’t say I didn’t warn you.

“It’s alright Mr. Author, I’ll take it from hear!” The Prismatically pink party pony pointed out plainly pleased by the perplexed purple Punch’s paradoxical predicament, while placing....

“Author that’s good and all but I got this.”

Oh right umm.... sorry Pinkie.

“So you may want to get up and enjoy the party. It is your extra special bombastic birthday day Berry!”

“Ah wite. Sue your not derrerists?”


“Ahkay, but ou’z da ahtor pony? Hiccup.”

I’m just a guy writing a story.

“Ya he’s just a little kooky crazy is all!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Alright Berry it’s time to party hardy!” The Party pony announced, streamers exploding out around her as if on cue!

And so the party went on for hours on end. The majority of Ponyville danced, played games and eating merrily. The two insane mares...

“Did ee dust call us imsane?” Berry asked.

Well you called me crazy!

“That was kooky crazy and it’s a perfectly acceptable term!” Shouted the pink party pony.

It’s Not where I come from!

“Oh that’s it! I’m ending the story!”

But Pinkie you can’t it’s my story!

“Oh ya, just watch me!”

The End!