The Ugly, Bad or Good? A Sload's Tale

by Megalomart13


I write this as a report, commentary and cautionary tale to any of my fellow former humans.

This one is S’Gosa, though that was not always my name. Like you, I have come to this land.

Whether you were fortunate enough to maintain your original form or not is pointless,

For we all share the same fate.

As playthings for our Patrons and Sponsors. You know of what I speak.

This one came to this land… so long ago. Longer now than it seems.

I have made what life in this land that I can… and I must admit, it is better than the life I had.

But to those who have entered a new Game, or will enter a Game that will no doubt follow. Read our tales.

The tales of we who came before you… because I have no doubt, that in the fullness of time…

You will be called, just as we were.

You think this a fairytale? The epics of the dog or the griffon? The misadventures of the cat-man or the cow?

The adventures of the dragon or lich? The tales of the zebra or the changeling?

The quests of the sea serpent or the timberwolf? The survival of the troll or bugbear?

The mighty golem who has survived this competition many times, or the former goddess, devoid of power?

How many more could I name? Do not delude yourselves. These are no fairytales.

And yet… they are.

Please… read on, and beware. For this one's tale is not a wholly happy one. But there are worse.

This lovely land you have come to inhabit, is not a paradise. But you can find no greener pastures.

Read and save yourself. Or, simply read and laugh.

For this is my tale… a tale I wrote as I went along… so long ago now... and I will hide nothing from you.

---S’Gosa the Sload,
Master of the College of Mysteries,
Adviser to Royalty,
Father of all Sload,
Champion of Death