Taking in a deep breath of fresh air, you write the final sentence and set your quill back in it’s ink pot, warm and dignified in the face of your achievement. Your body groans again for rest, but you resolutely ignore it, stretch your hooves out, and wipe the gunk out that’s built up in the corner of your eye. If only your body was on the same track as your brain. You lift the paper up to your view, scanning it up and down, ready to read the words that will shake the magic community to its core.
Only… something’s wrong.
The words are all there, and so too is the information. Every increment and measurement was accounted for. Every possible variable was considered. Everything was formatted, spelled correctly, and neatly laid out in an easy-to-read medium that even held what you found to be--no, what surely was--an entertaining personality in the narration. It all should be perfect, but it’s just… not.
>Read through the piece, word for word, to see if you can find the mistake that’s setting you off.
>Set the page down and take a breather, then carefully proofread and probe for mistakes.
>Once more try to refine the conclusion sentence.