//------------------------------// // I Haven’t Forgotten the Friendship With ‘Myself’, Part 1 // Story: Letters from an Irritated Princess // by Tired Old Man //------------------------------// Dear Principal Celestia, I have a problem, and I think she found her way over to your world. It’s Luna. She’s had this unusually ecstatic glint in her eye ever since she heard of the incredible power of some “fack-el-tee” lot when Sunset came by our world earlier, and now I can’t find her. I’m worried she may have crossed the border into your world to learn about whatever that is supposed to be, and I also worry about her intentions for the use of such a power. I continue to search on my side for her. If you happen to see our world’s Luna on your side, I ask that you discreetly report it to me and/or find a way to send her back before she makes any kind of scene. And for sake of clarity, please explain what this lot is to me when you have a chance. If it’s as dangerous as some of our Equestrian artifacts, it is imperative this situation is handled as quickly as possible. Regards, Princess Celestia ~~~ Dear Princess Celestia, Oh, you mean you didn't send one of your problems through on purpose? That's a first. I was beginning to think your lot thought of our world as a dumpster. Ugh, my apologies. Today’s been a long day. She’s here alright, still power-tripping over the faculty lot’s ‘mythical power’, which is also the first I’ve heard of this. I want to say it’s impossible, but at the same time one of your world’s relics was reportedly buried in our school garden. At this point if I heard of a flashy red magic gemstone hidden in a school toilet’s water tank, I would believe it without question. Anyway, I have her locked in my office. She’s not getting out, but not for lack of trying. She has yet to learn how to work a door handle. Or fingertips. I take that back, she’s figured out pointing... I think. That looks more like a handshake gesture. She’s just asked who I’m writing to. I told her it’s you, and now she’s— TIA GET ME OUT OF HERE THIS EVIL LOOKALIKE OF YOURS HAS IMPRISONED ME HURRY THIS PLACE SMELLS AND TASTES LIKE NASTY LEMONS I DON’T HAVE MUCH TIME BEFORE SHE Sorry, she’s very unhinged right now. And also slobbered all over my desk trying to write that. I’m trying to calm her down, but she’s having none of it. Oh great, now she’s trying to break down the door. Hah, good luck to her. Ever since Sunset blasted the entire schoolfront, I’ve taken some liberties with improving my door strength. Heck, at this point it’s stronger than my walls! ...OH DEAR GODS, SHE SMASHED THROUGH THE WALL! This is going to be a loooong day. But it’s fine. Don’t worry. At least my Luna hasn’t learned about this yet— Correction. She has just learned about this, kind of, judging from the shouting of “WHY is there rubble in the halls again?! Pinkie, I’ve had it up to HERE with your homemade party poppers!” If only it was those poppers. If only. But I’ll try to sort things out. It’ll be fine. I’ll just… manage this on my own. Alone. Somehow. HINT HINT. Regards, Principal Celestia P.S. Seriously, what is it with the whole writing with the mouth thing? Sunset did that for the whole first week of her freshman year before someone in English class finally taught her how to actually use hands instead of teeth. I can’t recall who did this, but by the gods are they a saint for doing so.