A Stressed Spike

by JordanOlson

Chapter 1: The Dragons Frustrations

Spike gazes at the building currently within his sight, a clothing store, a boutique, a structure that could be described as artistic beauty, but looks can be deceiving, and he'd realized that as soon as he'd opened the door.

"Dear Celestia, this place is a complete mess. What could Rarity have possibly been doing in here to create this?" Spike says out loud as he glances around the room. Cloths and fabrics littered practically every inch of the place and he only just entered the shop!

"Wonderful. I can't wait to see what the rest of this place looks like if this is only the first area that needs cleaning" Spike grumbles as he practically has to waddle through a sea of fabric to reach Rarity's inspiration room.

Once reaching his destination, he could only stare in shock. "This room is possibly even worse then the first" Spike yells as he takes in the disastrous sight.

Not only was this room also filled with tons of fabric but there was crumpled paper all over the place! If that wasn't bad enough, there are possibly DOZENS of empty ice cream tubs littered throughout the room.

Spike can only sigh as he comes to an important conclusion "Well... if I don't start with this room then I may never get around to cleaning it at all.

one hour later and only one room spotless

As Spike exites the now (somehow) sparkling room he can only think about how cleaning a foals room would be easier then what he just cleaned. He may be a dragon but that doesn't mean stepping on needles is going to be painless, which he had ended up doing on multiple occasions.

"How can Sweetie Belle put up with this? How can Rarity work like this?" Spike's mind is almost shouting at him to think of how creating such a mess is possible.

"When Twilight was younger her parents always made sure she didn't make TOO much of a mess. I wonder if Ratity's parents did the same when she was younger. They've probably never seen her place like this before." Spike mumbled his thoughts out loud as he went to the main room and continued to separate and place all the fabric in certain groups.

Then a thought entered his scaled head which made him pause all movement "Did I ever make messes when I was a baby?"

He stared into space for about ten seconds before fully processing his thoughts. "I must have, I mean, all babies make lots of messes without really thinking about it. Though why can't I remember? Has Twilight even mentioned much about my hatchling days....."

Spike rolled this thought in his head for a moment before a frown appeard "on his face "she has only really mentioned a few small things. I'm almost positive. No. I'm absolutely sure about that."

"Why doesn't she ever tell me about what I was like when I was younger?" He almost whispers to himself.

"Why have I never seen many pictures of when I was an a baby?" Spike asked himself in a quiet, but slightly louder whisper.

"Why has Twilight never told me any funny stories about what I had done as a hatchling?" He says in a low voice with his eyes looking fiery.

"Does she even remember? Does any pony remember?" He asks in an much louder and much sadder voice.

"Does she even care?! Does any pony care?!" He then shouts with tears in his eyes.

"No. No, she doesn't, no pony does!" Spike then finally breaks. He then lowers his head into the nearest fabric pile to muffle the sounds of his crying and yelling.

"why. Why. WHY! Why am I ALWAYS forgotten?! Why am I always used as a tool?! Why was I even born?! To be a slave?! To suffer for others gain?! WHY?! He shrieks as tears cascade down his scaly face, soaking the fabric his head currently resides in.

He continues to sob for a awhile as his head try's (and fails) to boot all of the depression from his mind. He even try's to continue cleaning to get all the pain to go away, and while the pain never left, he did finish cleaning up the boutique.

Then as suddenly as his tears came, they vanished. Spike's face had taken on an expressionless mask, in fact, the only way to tell he was even crying in the first place would've been by looking at the large stained tear streaks shown from under both his eyes.

No, I won't cry. I'm a big dragon not a baby." Spikes' thought rang through his head like a bell.

Though I'd probably love being a baby. It would be a much better life then the life of a slave. A simple, almost desperate thought went throughout Spike's mind.

The thought of being a baby sounded better each time he thought about it."No pony expects anything from you as a foal. Instead of the adults depending on foals, the foals depend on the adults, like all children should. The way it's supposed to be.

Maybe I could whip up some kind of potion to regress me or trick Twilight into regressing me on "accident". He thought with a tactical smirk on his face.

However his smirk immediately vanished with his next thoughts. "No. No, that would be stupid. The last thing I'd want would be having the girls get involved, they could start asking questions if I made a potion like that and even if I could miraculously trick Twilight into casting a spell like that, there could be a chance of the spell malfunctioning in some way."

"That being said, I need to keep as many ponies out of any plan I make if possible. If even a single pony got suspicious, I could end up being discovered and that can NOT happen." Spike continued to think as he started pacing around the boutique.

"I suppose the best plan for the situation I'm in would be to buy diapers here in Ponyville. I just have to come up with a lie to tell the pony selling the diapers if they ask about it, even a suspicious look will require a lie to keep that pony or ponies quiet. Maybe I could–" Spike then cuts off his thoughts with a face claw.

"Hold on, what the buck am I doing? Am I seriously thinking about actually getting diapers?" Spike silently asks himself with an appalled look an his face.

"That's insane. There's gotta be SOMETHING wrong with me to even consider something like this. There MUST be something wrong with me, why else would I have such weird thoughts in my head." He then continues to berate himself in his mind.

"I can't actually consider doing this. It's sick. Disgusting. Twisted. Wrong. The worst part is, I actually LIKED what I was thinking. I swear I must be a freak." As he continued to attempt to discourage these thoughts, he couldn't help but remember the feelings of weightlessness and desperation he had felt while he imagined the possibility of being a "baby" again.

"Ugh, I can't be thinking of things like this." Spike said loudly. I just need to finish up my chores for today, then go home and rest. I've gotta be having these thoughts because I'm tired. Yeah that's definitely the case.

As he walked out the door of the boutique and started walking to the cottage where a certain Demon Angel Bunny lived, he continued to have the thoughts he was desperately trying to make himself believe were "sick and twisted" running rampantly through his mind....