//------------------------------// // Relationships 101 // Story: Silent Love - Part One // by Sagami //------------------------------// “Like this?” “No no, dear, more like this: palm facing your ear, then under your chin.” “...” “Here you go! You’re a fast learner!” Octavia smiled at the old woman sitting in front of her. She had been home for an hour now, and after finishing a few mathematics exercises, she had called Dana to continue learning the basics of sign language. She was now sitting on her bed, legs crossed, facing the older woman, who had taken the desk’s chair. The staff chief never got too comfortable in a room, in case of anyone needing her. Octavia had taken off her jacket and shoes, but leaving her bowtie on as well as her shirt buttoned up. The black tights, along with the grey pleated skirt, gave her an elegance and a charm even she wasn’t aware of. “Thank you, Dana, I’m trying my best!” “And it’s starting to pay off dear: in only two days, you’ve made huge progress!” “I must say I have a good teacher.” “Don’t try to flatter me, that won’t get you extra cake for dinner. And I’m sure your friend will be amazed at your improvement as well.” Octavia’s train of thoughts abruptly stopped, leaving her to wonder about what the old lady had just said. Was she really that great of a friend? She didn’t “hang out” with Vinyl and the others, she brought her father’s wrath upon them, she was shy, fragile and stuck-up. Her friends had proven time and time again that they didn’t care about these flaws of her, that they understood her situation and her way of thinking things. Still, she feared that the huge cultural gap between her and the rest of the world might leave her beyond help at some point. She didn’t understand half of the other student’s vocabulary, she didn’t know any famous movie, or singer, she didn’t watch or listen to the news. She was like a little child who needed explanations for every small detail, and her friends could only babysit her for so long. She also knew her physical appearance was an issue. It didn’t take much effort to realize that her look wasn’t really conventional. She liked her outfit, sure, but she was perfectly aware that it wasn’t the kind of thing you wore when you’re a sixteen-year-old sophomore. To top it all, Vinyl’s recent comments regarding her... body had left her with quite a few questions in mind. She took a deep breath and turned towards Dana: “Dana, could I ask you a question of… personal… feminine matter?” she asked, blushing at the temerity of such a request. The old woman smiled at the girl’s obvious discomfort. “Well of course! I’m here for that too you know! Especially for that, dare I to say since your mother and sister are so often away.” “I was wondering… Is breast size really important for a woman?” Dana’s smile widened, both because of the question and the look of pure shame on the girl’s face. “Oh sweetie, there’s nothing to be ashamed of! At your age, it’s perfectly normal to think about this sort of questions! It proves that you care about your look, and that’s a great thing!” “Is… Is it?” “Of course! Now tell me, where does your sudden interest on this come from? Knowing you, it’s not a question out of nowhere, right?” “It is not… In fact, it’s Vinyl who commented on that. She said something along the lines of “a lot of girls wants to have... breasts as large as yours”... We were in the locker room just before gym class, and it was so confusing, all these other girls wearing nothing but their underwear, some of them even noth-” “Calm down dear, I think I have a good idea of what’s going on in your head.” “You do?” “Yes: you’re not used to being in situations like this, thus you’re not used to this kind of comment. But trust me, it was a compliment.” “Was it really?” “Of course! I’ve been young like you, you know; and even then girls were jealous of the ones with more… distinct features. There’s no “right” and “wrong”, it depends solely on you, and the importance you attach to these parts of your look.” “But I don’t… attach any importance to this!” “That’s where the other’s point of view kicks in, dear: nowadays, people with good-looking bodies are often more appreciated. It’s neither a good or a bad thing, everyone has its tastes, but trust me, you have the chance to have a beautiful body, you got that from your grandmother, so enjoy the compliments! The size of your chest has the importance you give it, no more, no less.” “I guess I’m just a little confused… From what I understood, the size of… these has always been important for men, right? Why would Vinyl have such… precise views on this topic?” “Maybe she just admires you, maybe she wishes she was the same… Maybe it was just a compliment she thought you’d like. Or maybe-” “Yes. Yes, it was probably just that. She thought I’d like the compliment.” As Octavia pronounced those words, the scene of Vinyl and Lyra kissing in the locker room came back in her mind like a politician after “retiring from politics” a few years prior. “Or maybe what?” “No, nothing dear, it is not important.” “...” “...” “Dana?” “Yes, sweetie?” “Have you ever seen… two women kissing?” The old woman’s eyes went wide in surprise. She obviously wasn’t expecting this question from Octavia. From every other person on Earth yes, but not from Octavia. “Well, I have to say this is quite the unexpected question you have here dear. Not that I mind, but what is your sudden interest in this topic?” She took a second to look deep into the young girl’s eyes, with a grin of both amusement and concern: “Did you…” “No! No, no, no, no! Are you out of your mind? I would never, ever do this! Is it even allowed? Isn’t it… abnormal?” She tried to cover her crimson cheeks by holding tight on her white pillow. She had never felt so uneasy and stupid, especially in front of the only person in this house who cared about her well-being. “It’s just that I’ve seen… two girls… kissing in the… hallway. I didn’t know who they were though… Are they in trouble?” Dana gave a suspicious smile, which the girl didn’t notice, crossed her legs despite her long skirt, and laid her back against the chair. “No Octavia, it isn’t “abnormal”, it’s perfectly fine, normal even. Some women like the company of men, and others like other women more, that’s all! Young people of your age want to experience things, to discover what their lives should be like; and love is part of that. That may surprise you, but it’s a question a lot of young women ask themselves during their teenage years!” “Well, I’ve never asked myself this question, and I don’t really want to! It is already so awkward for me to look at a boy and a girl in an open relationship on the school grounds, but I’ve never seen two girls together before…” “That’s also normal dear: even though a lot of girls question their preferences, the vast majority of them tend to prefer boys, and that is not something anyone can explain. But nowadays, there are a lot more than you can imagine. Back when I was your age, women… interested in other women weren’t a common thing at all. I had a friend like this at the time, and people in general, well… they were not too understanding with her. But now everything’s changed, you know, and despite what… some people may have told you, there is not a single thing wrong with two women kissing. It’s just love! What could be more normal?” Before Octavia could say anything, Dana’s phone rang in her pocket. “Yes? Of course, I’m coming down. Sorry dear, looks like your parents are having guests this evening, and I need to start making dinner. Don’t worry, I’ll prepare a plate just for you.” “That’s really sweet, Dana. Thank you. For everything.” “I’m here for that. And I’m glad you’ve grown up enough for us to have these kinds of discussions. Now get some rest, young girl!” The old woman stood up, put the chair back behind the desk, and kissed Octavia on the forehead before leaving the room, closing the massive wooden door behind her. Octavia stayed seated for a few seconds, eyes gazing into the emptiness of the wall in front of her. Then she laid on her back, her head hanging upside down on the side of the thick mattress. Love… That worst echoed in Octavia’s head during what seemed like hours. She knew nothing about that. Romantic love of course… Well, now that she was thinking about it, she didn’t get a lot of parental love either. She didn’t understand: were Vinyl and Lyra in love? Why else would they kiss? “They had been friends for years, maybe there is no more to it. Vinyl and Lyra obviously have a really... personal way of displaying affection, that’s probably part of it.” Despite Dana’s explanations, she still couldn’t figure out why two girls would be together. Not that she understood romantic relationships between a man and a woman (and her parent’s relationship was so empty that she never had any quality example), but wasn’t it supposed to lead to… having children and all? What was the point then? How would they even… She surprised herself, thinking about matters she had never thought she would think about one day. What happened to her? Why did she ask such questions to Dana? And more importantly, why was she feeling so gloomy about Vinyl and Lyra being together? }--oO0Oo--{ Crescendo Notes was driving his car down Hoofington Boulevard, as a slight classical music came out of the hands-free phone kit placed over the radio. It was his wife, Golden Gaze, calling him most likely about the dinner they had tonight with Filthy Rich and his wife. “Yes, dear?” “Good afternoon, Crescendo. There’s something we need to discuss.” “Can this wait? I am currently driving to the manor.” “No, this cannot wait. And why in the name of God are you driving yourself?” “That’s a matter I’m going to fix as soon as I arrive.” “You have your hands-free kit?” “Of course.” “Perfect. Let’s talk then. About Octavia.” “I thought I told you: I already talked to her about her recent misbehaviour. She will not see those people anymore.” “How can you be so sure?” “Because I’m her father, and she will do as I say. As we say.” “I’m afraid that won’t be enough. Have you noticed she’s spending more and more time in her bedroom, but not as much time practicing the cello.” “How could you know?” “The butler told me. She comes back to her room as usual, but he can’t hear any music.” “Maybe she is just working. What else could she be doing?” “I don’t know. Maybe she just sleeps too much, maybe she wastes her times, or even worse, maybe she fantasizes about some low-class high school boy.” “That is a possibility.” “So, what are you going to do about this?” “Me? I am going to attend that urgent matter I told you about, and then I’ll prepare everything for tonight’s dinner. You are my wife, and that gives you every right and duty towards Octavia. Put her back on the right path, and if she continues to drift, we’ll set things right once and for all.” “...Fine. But I expect you to take every measure necessary.” “Anything for our daughter’s well-being.” }--oO0Oo--{ “Listen, Mr. Tryer…” “Uhm… It’s Tire.” “Probably. Listen, Mr. Tire, I think the most important thing in an employer-employee relationship is honesty. Wouldn’t you agree?” “Well… Of course sir!” The driver answered, with a drop of sweat rolling down his neck. “Perfect! Then I’ll be honest: whatever is said during this conversation, know that your position will be terminated.” The man emitted a short chuckle that was both one of surprise and confusion. “W… What?” “Well of course! You didn’t think that after today’s events you could just continue your job like nothing ever happened. Should I remind you that you lost a limousine? No, no, no, let me rephrase this. You lost my limousine! Lost! Just like that! Do you have any idea of how many people like you I could pay with only the price of this very limousine?! And now it’s gone, probably stolen by some street thugs!” “...” “And for what? Attending a pitiful police questioning about an accident you’ve never even heard of?!” “But, sir, my contract stipulated that I could use the car during the day, as long as you didn’t need my services…” “Do not try to find an excuse! This is not how this works! But if you care so much about what your contract said, let me read it for you.” As Crescendo Notes pronounced these words, he grabbed a few pages happening to be exactly on top of the pile of documents placed on the left side of his oak desk. “Let’s see… Ah, here it is: Any damages done to the attributed vehicle that does not result from a natural disaster, an armed attack, or any conditions that would endanger the safety of the undersigned as well as the integrity of the vehicle, are the responsibility of the undersigned. Which is, in case you didn’t figure it out, you.” “But… But sir, I…” “No! Do not say anything! You’ve proven yourself to be incapable of such a basic task, I simply cannot believe I was stupid enough to ask you to watch over my younger daughter! This was a mistake I surely will not make again.” Octavia’s father was angry, but he also was the kind of man who knew how to hide his negative feelings. After all, he was an educated rich gentleman, and could not afford such unholy manners. He had barely raised his voice during the conversation, and his breath was slow and silent. But not for long. The landline on the desk rang, shaking both the pencils laying on the wood and the driver’s entire body in surprise. Crescendo notes sighed, nodded towards Light Tire to apologize for the inconvenient, and picked up the black phone. “Yes. Crescendo Notes here.” “Yes, hello Mr. Notes, this is the Canterlot Police Department. You’re the person who filed a complaint regarding the disappearance of one black T-301 limousine?” “That is correct, yes.” “Well, I’m afraid I have bad news for you, sir. Your vehicle was found crashed and abandoned in a junkyard in Griffon Street. Seems like whoever stole it had a problem and crashed into a bunch of rusted beams.” The pianist stayed completely motionless and emotionless during that description, the only unusual movement being the one of his hands trembling. “So, I’m very sorry about your car, sir, but you’re gonna have to come here and make a few declarations for us. You told us you weren’t the one in charge of the car when it was stolen? Could we possibly speak with the driver?” “I’m afraid…” Crescendo Notes uttered slowly and with a vivid hate in his voice “That the said driver doesn’t work for me anymore…” “Oh, oh that’s a shame. Well, come to us as soon as you get the time, okay sir?” “I sure will…” He hanged up calmly and walked back towards the driver even more calmly. Standing in front of him, desperately trying to keep his hands from shaking with rage, he pronounced slowly: “If you do not get out of this property in the following two minutes, I can assure you I will use every resource in my disposition to transform your pitiful life into a living hell…” Light Tire didn’t say a word. He didn’t need to, and his basic survival instincts were telling him it was for the best. He stood up, avoiding any eye contact, opened the door and got out without looking behind him. Crescendo Notes was tired. And he still had a whole dinner to plan. And now he had to go to the CPD station in the next few days, and all this, because a stupid driver couldn’t watch over his car during a mere police questioning! “Wait a second… That questioning, with that CPD agent…” In a swift move of the right arm, he took back the phone in hand, dialled the police number, and waited for the small ringing sound to cease: “Yes, Canterlot Police Department, how can I help you?” “Yes. Hello. This is Mr. Notes again.” “Oh, the man who got his car crashed, right?” “...Right. Tell me, apparently during the stealing of the limousine, my driver was having an interview with one of your man concerning an accident in the neighbourhood.” “What? Wait a second, lemme check…. No, we don’t have any records of any accident during the last week in this part of the city, nor do we have anything about an agent tasked with questioning civilians.” “You don’t?” “No, sir. And honestly, if you have further information concerning this, it’d be very practical to share and-” “Thank you, this was all the information I needed.”