//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies Part 7 // Story: Strange Town // by general_bad //------------------------------// Strange Town 005 part 7 Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies (part7) Inside a dark abandoned warehouse in a rundown part of town I stood before a tall inhuman shape shifting bug creature in a business suit. It and two other monsters like it had lured me here to put me away in some pod that would cause me dream happy things so they could feed off my emotions... It's a thing apparently. However, I wasn't gonna let that happen so now two of them are ashes, as they combust upon death, and one remains. There was something definitely odd about the one in the suit. (Just a moment ago when I killed his allies he was practically shitting his pants, but now his calm... Even looks relieved.) I thought as I cautiously watched the suited monster only 8 or so meters away from me. (...it's a bluff, Nothing but false bravado. I know the look of fear when I see it.) Even if it was false bravado I wasn't gonna let my guard down. These creatures were naturally strong, with a tough shell like skin. Add sharp claws, wings, light beams, and whatever mystical bullshit I had yet learnt about and you had something I wouldn't want to face on my best day. ...Yet, I felt something I had been lacking recently. Excitement. Despite the dangerous situation I felt... Good? Shaking off my confused, possibly adrenaline fueled feelings I called out the monsters false calmness. "Hey! Quit acting all calm and composed. I saw you freaking out when I ripped that bugs throat apart, you know your next." With a small chuckle the suited creature looked to the ground. "your right... It was undignified of me but I lost my composure. But like I already told you, I thought that I was fated to die no matter what." "you are" I replied. Ignoring my response he continued. "it wasn't there deaths that freaked me out, it was that tool you hold, that lighter. To think one of those would still be around after all this time... But it seems I have nothing to fear." (what? He knows about the lighter. None of the other creatures I encountered knew anything about it.) I thought as I replied. "sure you should be getting cocky. The last four of you bugs that did that got squashed." "Don't compare me to those lesser abominations" he replied much more seriously before regaining his cocky attitude. "Besides, I don't have anything to fear from you. I thought you might have been more dangerous than I originally thought, but now I see your just some dumb kid who's way out of his league." (abominations?...) I curiously thought before pushing that remark aside. There was a culture and history to these creatures I didn't yet understand so for now I would ignore that. "not dangerous?... how do you figure that?" I curiously asked. "it's simple." he began to respond. "firstly, that lighter. You basically have a gun yet you swing it like a stick. You don't know what it is do you. You probably don't even know what I em since you keep calling us bugs, creatures, or monster. You probably only got involved with us by chance. If you did understand what you were up against you probably wouldn't have gotten involved, but you don't even know what you face. Thanks to that lighter you must realise there are more of us out their than us five." (I know there are more of these things than what I've encountered, People are still missing after all. But what does he mean that I'm waving my lighter around like a stick?... No, that was just a metaphor. He's saying I'm not using it properly... But how else would you use a lighter?) It annoyed me, but he was right for the most part. "the one thing I can't figure out is why you got involved." the monster continued. "I guess the lighter warned you about Mirror Match yesterday, but why were you at our hideout on Wednesday." "Mirror Match?" I questioned. "oh! You must mean that bug I squashed in the school auditorium! ...He didn't exactly give his name." After a bit of a pause I continued. "Well... long story short, Dumb Luck. ..I followed you there thinking Flash Sentry had something to do with the runaway kids. I saw him in two places he couldn't had gotten to due to distance and time so I thought it was odd. Looking for clues at sugar cube corner revealed that he purchased a bag of sugar, and so have a few other customers over the past few months. So I waited there after school to see if anyone bought a sack of sugar and when you did I followed you." "so you were trying to be a hero? That's very unlike you. And basing your hunt on who buys sugar, why would that result in anything?" he questioned me looking puzzled. "don't confuse me for a hero. I was trying to tarnish his reputation. And buying sugar from a baker is absolutely suspicious, no one buys raw ingredients like sugar from the bakery. You go to a convince store for that, although some inhuman creature like you who doesn't understand our culture and society wouldn't know that." I boasted back. "I see. It was my subordinates who first found the shop, They were attracted by the sweet smell. It was my first time buying it as I usually had one of them handle it, so I never considered it may be seen as odd as they did it all the time... But besides that little detail I have a good idea how everything else progressed to this point..." he said as he thoughtfully held his chin. "no! There's one more thing. How did you know that wasn't your mother tied to the chair? Was it a guess? It had to of been." "no! You had me fooled until I put everything together. I may not be smart but I'm clever enough to put together all the pieces you gave me" I said. He seemed curious by this claim. "there were many things that gave you away, but the biggest and simplest one of the all is this. ...You idiots don't even know my name." "What are talking about?" the suited monster questioned. "Of course we know your name... Everyone knows your name. The worst delinquent in the whole town. Cross!" With a smirk I replied. "And that's why your an idiot. My names not Cross, That's just a nickname I picked up. I don't even know if my mother knows people call me that, but one thing I do know is she's never called me by that name." There was a look of annoyance on his face at hearing that. "That can't be?... Then what about your file at school! Every student has a file containing there academic records and personal information. Why does would the school have one for Cross?" "That's a good question... But here's a better one." I began. "why is it you came for me now instead of abducting me in my sleep!" His look of annoyance intensified as I could tell he knew what I was getting at. "The School personal files should contain details like contact information, home adresses, medical information and academic records. But Crosses file probably only involves incident reports and tells you I'm a fuck up... Nothing you didn't already know. It lacks that other stuff like contact details and such since they record those things at the start of the year when we hand in enrollment forms." "so what?" he interrupted. "I don't know when it happened, but since everyone including the teachers beleive my name is Cross they added that name to the school roster and must have made a separate file for me. My actually information is under my real name... Drifting Desire!" I boasted. "...Drifting Desire..." he repeated thoughtfully. "I know that name, It was on the schools rosters. He hadn't attended a single class all year. I assumed it was a student who moved away... To think I would make a mistake as simple as that. If I had know, Shadow Boxer and Lookalike wouldn't have... No! You said there were many reasons you were suspicious. Besides the wrong name what else was there?." "Your suit" I answered. "my suit?" he questioned. "That's right, your suit. It's too clean. There's two glasses belonging to the two who stay here" I said as I motioned to the glasses filled with sugar water on the box in the center of the room. "Neither of them belong to you. This warehouse is filled with dirt yet your suit is quite clean. You don't morph your clothes on like others of your kind, so it's hard to beleive you stay here and have clothes as clean as yours." But I wasn't done there. "also, time!" I continued. "City Hall is further away than the Library and it took us almost an hour to get here. Yet my mother was here and tied to chair within the 10 to 15 minutes. There's also the fact that if you did abduct her you would be grabbing someone from Cityhall in broad Daylight. Which isn't something you can do as you please." He was frustrated but soon calmed down. "your right. Mistakes like this happen when we try to rush things... No use crying over spilt milk though." He had completely calmed down as he gained an overconfident smirk. "theoretically, let's say you did manage to somehow best me. It doesn't end there, the rest of my allies will continue where I left off, There's no escaping. Whether it be today or Tommorow. ...Your as good as dead." He had a menacing smile. He looked like he had won no matter how this played out... Which wasn't true. "No! There won't be anymore after you!" I confidently stated. His expression suddenly changing to one of shock. "don't bother trying to bluff." I continued. "your trying psychological warfare. Trying to break my spirit. But it's pointless." "why's that?" he cautiously questioned. To which I calmly replied. "Earlier you mentioned that you thought you were fated to die, That means that someone's already out for your life. That other someone being the rest of your kind. I don't understand why that is but I know it to be true due to two facts. One, when I asked why you don't settle in with another of your groups you became suddenly annoyed. And second, your current hideout. Unlike your last hideout this one lacks simple amenities. Surely you have better places to hide yet your chose this place. Your not hiding from the public your hiding from yourselfs. Once your dead I don't have anything to worry about." There was a look of defeat in his eye along with one of acceptance as he replied while looking to the ceiling. "you know, your a lot more perceptive than I gave you credit for." after a brief pause he looked back to me with a serious expression. "although none of that's gonna help you... Because you can't beat me." The mood suddenly shifted as his gaze pierced through me. My instincts began to scream at me louder than before, telling me to run to the warehouse door I had entered through and never look back. It was so intense I could feel my legs shaking a little. Never before had a felt such malicious intent come from someone. My pride said fight, but my mind kept wandering and trying to figure out ways to escape. The only way out was the way I came in... Not that I was gonna run though. The monster lightly clutched both hands and raised them. He then started lightly bouncing from back and forwards on his feet. His stance was familiar, I had seen it before. (...Boxing!... That's a boxing stance!) I thought as I recognized what he was doing, I had seen it on tv and in movies. But seeing this creature do it was odd. All the others before him had just rushed me and hoped for the best. Mainly relying on theit claws to rip me apart. He slowly edged closer to me. Unlike the others he wasn't charging me, he was taking his time. (all that big talk and his gonna approach me hesitantly. Seems he's not as confident as I gave him credit for.) I confidently thought. "Your an idiot if you think you can beat me in a fist fight" I smugly stated. "I've kicked just about everyone's ass at my highschool. I've been on a winning streak for such a long time now that anyone with a brain backs down before their face gets a chance to meet the floor." I was confident I could win, although my instincts were still telling me to run. I patiently waited as he come closer. Over the year and a half of fighting I've done I've become good at reading body language. I can usually tell when someones about to strike. My plan is to let him throw the first punch while I dodge and counter. I stood there confidently with my arms by my side, watching him carefully as he made it into striking distance. (Now!) I thought as my instincts screamed to dodge. I quickly tilted my head backwards to dodge his incomeing strike, I also began to raise my right hand to counter... Except. 'CRACK!!!' (...What!?...) Pain surged threw my face as blood splattered from my nose. All I had seen was a blur and now his fist was planted against my face. My instinct to run had taken over as a stumble backwards becomes a jump backwards. The moment my feet meet the ground I take another jump backwards, desperate to gain some distance. He hadn't bothered trying to follow up with another hit, deciding instead to just patiently stand there with his usual serious/board expression. If anything there was a bit of surprise in his expression. Now a few meters away I wiped away the blood on my face as the pain began to die down. My nose had been broken by his sudden punch. Even though I knew it was coming and I read his intend to strike correctly he was way faster than I could react too. The urge to run began to cloud my thoughts yet again. "That was kinda impressive." He mocked. "If you hadn't been moving back it would have been your neck that would've broken. good thing it didn't, I'ld rather take you alive. Can't drain your emotional energy if your dead." (The Hell! Not even those other creatures were that fast... No one I've faced is." I thought as I cautiously watched him. My confidence began to falter as I was hesitant on how to approach. Board, the creature continued. "That look you have. Your probably thinking, how can he be so fast. No ones that fast." He was pissing me off. He had read me like a book. "The answer is simple." He continued. "Tell me, before now who have you fought?... What have you done to prepare for those fights?" "What?" I replied. Waiting a moment he replied. "I'll tell you. Until now you've fought a bunch of kids, brats that don't know a thing or two about proper self-defense. And besides a few sit-ups I doubt you have had any proper training. ...But do you know what the real difference between us is?" "...Your a bug" I slowly replied. I felt like I knew where this was going but didn't want to say it. It had been on my mind for a while actually. With his serious expression he answered. "no!... The real difference is drive. I always looked for ways to improve myself. All my natural abilities my give me an edge, but compared to humans I don't stand a chance. The rest of my comrades looked down on yous... But not me. No, I look up to human's. You may be lacking in areas but you make up for that in ingenuity. You've created countless ways to kill, to overcome problems. It's because of that I strive to be more like yous everyday. That punch wasn't a result of my natural ability, It's thanks to boxing training at the gym. Unlike you I do what I can to improve." "What the Hell are you talking about!" I angrily replied. "What makes you think I'm not trying to improve!" "Because you reached your peek." he replied. "Uou did it! You became the toughest kid at school, congratulations. But how long ago was that? According to what could figure out, it was at the end of last year. So what have you done since then. You haven't been in a serious fight until recently." It annoyed me but he was right. I had slacked off, I used to work out everyday last year but this year I hadn't seen a need. Most people avoided me now, and those I once struggled with I had overcome. The old seniors at school graduated and I had become the number one bad ass. It was rare that I exercised at all now. My confidence had taken a blow, escaping was constantly on my mind. "I could take my time with you but I really do have to be getting back to work" the creature said as he raised his hands once more. "huh?... How careless of me." he suddenly stopped as he examined my blood on his hand. Dropping his stance he began un-buttoning his business suit. (huh?... What's he doing now) I thought as I cautiously watched him. Without needing to ask he answered me. "don't mind me. I just don't want to get your blood all over my work clothes." (he can't be serious... Darm him! His mocking me, that bastard!) I angrily thought as he turned to place his jacket on the crate in the center of the room. Despite my anger and his back being turned I was too hesitant to try anything. My gaze focused on the exit. (Maybe I should use this chance to get out of here?... No! I can take him... He just got a lucky hit in is all. This time I won't underestimate him.) "oh?... That's unlike you." the creature said as he finished neatly placing his business suit top on the crate. He didn't bother taking of his lower body wear, or the simple white work shirt that had been under the suit. "I thought you would had struck the moment I turned my back. What's wrong?... Scared?" I had heard him run his mouth enough. Dashing towards him I brought my fist back as I prepared to strike. I wasn't gonna give him another chance to attack. "Don't get all high and mighty just cause you got a lucky hit in! Your just like the rest of those bugs, confident until I'm painting the walls with your blood." Suddenly his mood changed, An angry scowl replacing his board expression as he suddenly raced towards me. I threw a punch only to have it blocked as he raised an arm while he thrust the other into my gut. The force of his strike winding me as I soon found myself slouching against him. My punch compared to his was too slow I needed to figure out what he was doing different if I were to stand a chance. "Don't you ever compair me to those... Abominations!" he angrily said into my ear as I slouch against him. A moment later he thrust me backwards before delivering a flurry of strikes to my gut and torso. With out blinking or taking my eyes off him I took the hit, Although I didn't really have a choice. The force sent me flying back a few meters like a rag doll before rolling a few more as soon as I touched the ground. "Sorry... I lost my composure there for a moment" he said as he retook his board expression. I slowly began to rise, propping myself up on my hands an knees before coughing up blood. "Kof! Kof!... Blah!" 'Crack!' Pain suddenly shoot through my face again. It was my nose, it had bent back into place. The lighter had finished healing it. (right!... As long as I got this lighter my body will heal. But I need a moment for these new injuries to heal. Can't let him know I'm healing, but I gotta distract him somehow.) "Hey! Bug!" I called out to him, a hand placed over my nose so he wouldn't realise I could heal. "what's your name?... Everytime I kill one of yous I don't find out your name until after. It's inconvenient since I never know what to call yous. Although given the names of your allies it's probably some thing stupid and means double or look a like. I was gonna guess Shadow Boxer but your friend had that name." "Friend?... Don't be ridiculous. They may had been my allies but I would never consider myself equals of those abominations!... And don't think that my name will be anything like theirs. They were part of the new generation and were named by the current queen... I on the other hand was part of the old queens generation. My name is Scree." (Queen?... Generation?... And what's with that name? Scree? It's nothing like the others. I don't quite get what he's talking about, But every second counts) I thought as I stayed prone. Luckily nothing else had been broken during that earlier barrage of blows. Although I'm sure that was due to him holding his punches, he was making sure not to kill me. The monster apparently named Scree began moving towards me while I was still down. "I guess were done here. If it's any consolation I hear it's quite nice in the sleep pod. Although, experiences vary from person to person." he said now standing above me with a fist raised. He brought his fist down at my head expecting me to still be dazed from his earlier attack, which I would had been if not for the lighters healing. Raising up quickly I throw myself into a backwards roll as his strike misses and hits the ground. As fast as I can I roll to my feet and kick off the ground towards him as I throw a punch aimed at his face. Due to the distance his able to move back enough to be just out side the range of my punch instead of trying to block it. But that was what I was hoping for. Unclenching my hand he had avoided, dust I had grabbed from the floor flies into his face, blinding him. Caught off guard by my underhanded move he steps back and raises his arms to defend as his now blinded. Taking advantage of the situation I throw all my weight into my next blow. Unable to see he can't block or avoid as my next punch connects with his face, knocking him onto his back. As he hits the ground I don't bother catching my breath as I sprint towards the exit. This is what I was hoping for. (This is the only chance I have. I won't get another) I desperately think as I run towards the entrance. Luckily despite how dark the warehouse is I'm able to find the door as a glint from the chain with an open padlock sits against it. I had noticed when I came in earlier. Hearing my footsteps move further away Scree calmly sits up and begins wiping the dust out of his eyes. "It doesn't matter if you try to run. Now that I know your name I can track you down." The sound of the chain that sat on the door and something closing can be heard from the entrance as he gets up finally wiping the rest of the dust from his eyes. "There's no shame in running, sticking around would have been futile. You could have never beat me" he continued to himself as he turned towards the entrance. But to his surprise I hadn't escaped. Instead I had wrapped the chain over the warehouse door and locked it with the padlock. "...Okay, wasn't expecting that" Scree said with a look of confusion on his face. "And what exactly does that accomplish?" "It's simple" I replied, it felt like a weitht had been taken off my shoulders. "Ever since I entered this warehouse I keep thinking about how I can escape. It's been distracting. But now that the option of escape has been removed, I can put all my energy into kicking your ass!" "Like that's really going to make a difference" Scree said as he dusted off his clothes. "Guess I'll just have to show you then" I replied as I made my way back to the center of the room We were both face to face with only 4-5 meters between us. "You'll regret not running" Scree said as he retook his boxing stance. "Funny. I was about to say the same thing to you" I replied as I mimicked his stance. Seeing me copy him he gave a curious look. "Don't be an idiot, This technique takes practice. You can't expect to try and match me. Without proper training your punches are too slow." "Why don't you come here and find out then. This time is gonna be different." I confidently replied. He moved towards me. Once in ranger we both strike, his punch as quick as before. Except unlike last time his punch stops midway as my fist flies past it and smashes into his face. "What!-" he mutters, stunned as he stumbles back. I give him another right straight to the face, forcing him back further. Off balance he sloppily swings at me with his left arm which I easily duck under. Raising up I deliver a left hook to his face, sending him to the ground. "Impossible? That technique... My technique... How could you figure it out so suddenly? Your just some inexperienced kid!" Scree said shocked at the sudden turn. "Inexperienced kid, Toughest bad ass of Ponyville High, Bully. Call me what ever you want. But before I was at the top of highschool I was a loser who got his ass kicked most times." I said as I looked down at Scree. "But that being said, my time as a Loser wasn't wasted. I learnt to examine my opponent closely. Back when you were kicking my ass I made sure to watch you. I noticed your technique, why your punches were faster than mine. You only tense your arm just before impact!" I stated to his surprise. "I never would have thought about doing that myself. And I definitely never would have come across that in school." "...Amazing. To think someone like you exists. Someone who can evolve so fast, to adjust to situations." a shocked Scree said as he got back to his feet. His expression suddenly becoming serious. "I thought of you as nothing more than some wannabe thug. Your very perceptive, enough to figure others out. You can adjust to a situation in a moment, and are very resourceful. You have lots of confidence yourself. But your most dangerous trait is your ability to take life without any concern." He retook his stance as he continued. "I can't afford to hold back, You have much potential. if you escape, if you get lucky, you could become a problem... No! Before that happens I must strike you down. I'm not gonna bother trying to capture you. I've decided, your far to dangerous to be allowed to live!" "Any chance you had is long gone" I replied as I copied his stance. "I'm gonna keep getting better, nothing can stop me. I tasted what it's like to win, there's no going back." I could feel it, Excitement! Even in this dangerous situation, I was enjoying myself. Only one of us was waking away from this. He moves in with a quick right hook which I'm just barley able to block by raising my left arm in defense, But pain surges through my arm. Despite blocking his hit the strength of his species isn't something to be taken lightly. While I don't think he possessed the power to lift a car it's still greater than what most people had. Despite my turning the tables earlier, it's clear he's no longer holding anything back as I'm forced to be defensive as blow after blow is just blocked. I'm thankful to have the lighter slowly healing my bruised and beaten arms, I'm certain it was the only thing keeping them from breaking. Well, that and with each strike I slowly learn his rhythm. I Soon I begin avoiding some of the strikes, allowing the lighter more time to patch me up. but at the same time I find myself being pushed back. (His got the speed and strength but his starting to become predictable, I thought he would have a better strategy than attack. In a moment I should be able to go on the offensive.) I thought as I swayed out of the way of his punch. His relentless assult began to slow, probably from fatigue. Unfortunately I was starting to feel it to. Avoiding his hits may had been less painful but it used more energy. If this fight had happened earlier in the day I wouldn't be having this problem. Finally my patience and observation pays of as I spot an opening in his slowing down assault. He falters for moment as I move in with decisive punch of my own aimed directly for his head. But to my surprise it hits earlier than expected. He had suddenly picked up his pace as he head butted my fist, he didn't even flinch. At the same time his arm suddenly flew towards my chest, fist unclenched and claws ready to stab me in the heart. They penetrate threw my jacket as I breifly feel them just slice into my skin by a centimeter or two. Luckily my reflexes kick in as I jump back to try and gain some distance. 'riiip!' As I quickly move back he clenches his claws, tearing a fist sized hole in the left breast of my jacket. I don't have much room to escape however as I slam into a pile of stacked crates the wobble in an unstable manor. "You gotta be kidding me..." I said as I look at the smug look on Scree's face as he holds a handful of my torn jacket. "You ass!... I just had that fixed!" (Shit, That was close. He played me, he slowed down on purpose. By creating a fake opening he tried to end me with a cross counter.) I thought as I examined the cuts in my chest, a small amount of blood began seeping from the wounds. (Considering how that could have gone, I got Lucky. If he stabbed my heart it would have been over. Even with the lighters healing I would of been a sitting duck while my heart was patched up. 5 small cuts is bearly anythin, I'll have this healed in no time.) but as I thought that I noticed something. The wound wasn't closing, infact I couldn't feel the healing warmth from the lighter at all. "oh!....... Shit." As I turned my attention back to Scree he unfolded the torn cloth of my jacket to reveal my grandfather's lighter. And with a smug look he said. "I'm fully aware this things been healing you up. With out it you wouldn't had lasted so long. Too bad it doesn't work for me." He then tossed the lighter to the floor behind him as he retook his boxing stance. I don't hesitate as I push myself away from the crates I've been backed up to and make a dash towards Scree. I know that unless I get the lighter back my chances of winning are slim. I lead with a flying right straight aimed for his face, making sure to telegraph my attack well before I'm in range. Seeing my attack he sidesteps to my right to avoid. (Good! Just like I was hoping you would do. Now that his out of the way I just gotta make a mad dash to my lighter." I thought as I began to pass him. However, as soon as I pass him my momentum reverses as I feel him grab the back of my jacket and pull me back. 'RIIIPPP!!' As I'm tossed to the ground where I had just come from I hear a sound I'm all to familiar with. The sound of the cross arrows emblem being torn off. "Oh come on!" I complain to myself as I get up and see him holding my jackets emblem. "Did Rarety glue this jacket together!?" I don't have much time to complain however. Scree closes in and begins throwing carefully aimed punches as I try my best to either avoid or block by raising my arms. With each hit pain surges through me as I'm once again being pushed back, the distance between me and the lighter becoming greater. (I can't take this much longer... Defending basically does nothing, I need to attack. Giving up defending should be fine, as long as I get back my lighter it doesn't matter how badly I get hurt.) And with that thought I switch from defending to attacking. I quickly go for a punch to his face which he avoids by slightly tilting his head. My next strike doesn't fare much better as he knocks it away from its intended target with his arm. I can't even consider my next move as his fist is thrust into my stomach, sending me tumbling back a few steps. Not wanting to lose momentum I quickly charge him, this time by zig-zaging to try and confuse him. But it's me who's caught off guard as he doesn't bother to wait for me. He easily read my movement and quickly steps towards me, delivering a strong punch to my ribs. I'm sent flying back a few meters into the stacked piles of crates once again as they unstabaly shack. (Shit!... This is bad). I think to myself as I leaned against the crates behind me for support. Pain was surging through most my body at this point. I look past Scree and to my lighter, it's no closer than it had been a few minutes ago. (He's way to good... I may had caught him of guard earlier but now that his serious I can't touch him. And he only let me keep up with him a little to give me a false sense of security so that he could snatch the lighter.) it was frustrating but I had to accept how bad this was going. He was just simply better with his fists "I hate to admit it... But your good... Too good." I say defeatedly as I drop my stance. Without the lighter I can't stand against him for long. "In terms of skill and form, your much better then me. You've had more time to practice and perfect your style, the difference between us is obvious. I tried to copy you but I just can't keep up... Your boxing is far superior to mine..." Scree had a satisfied smile at hearing me say that. He could clearly see I accepted that he was better. And with that he rushes towards me, determined to end this. "...Too bad this wasn't a boxing match" I continued as I kick the pile of crates behind me. Smashing a crate at the bottom off the pile, the others begin to fall towards both me and Scree. Seeing the crates falling towards him he momentarily panics, freezing up as he becomes indecisive as to if he should fight or run. I on the other hand don't have that issue. I sprint towards him as I slip my jacket off and throw it towards his face. As it gets closer to him it obstructs his view of me for a moment as swings his arm in an ark, knocking it behind him to where the lighter is. "Huh?!" Scree quickly becomes confused, With my jacket out of the way he sees I'm no longer there, only the stacks of crates falling towards him. He doesn't have to wander where I went for too long as he feels something sweep his feet, knocking him to the ground face first. While my jacket obstructed his view I slid between his legs, grabbing them as I did and sending him to the floor. And while I would have loved to stomp his head into the ground, that's what the crates were for. Quickly correcting myself, I kick off the ground as I make a mad dash to avoid the crates. Stunned from the fall, Scree doesn't have a chance to run as a mountain of crates collapses on top of him. The wooden boxes breaking as they hit the ground, leaving a mountain of broken wooden boxes. I wasn't gonna stop to catch my breath as I grabbed my lighter and jacket. I began the next phase of my plan as I sprinted towards the crate in the center of the room where he left his business suit jacket. Holding the lighter in my mouth I began tearing my jacket up, pocketing whatever valuables it held. While I'm sure the mountain of crates did some damage I wasn't taking any chances, but I also wasn't going to enter his range again. Meanwhile under the mountain of broken wood, Scree began to push his way out of the debri. "bastards..., Darm filthy miserable BASTARD!" he screamed as he began to push himself off the ground, There was at least a meter deep pile of wood pushing him down. The wood from the crates had splintered, tearing his dress shirt and pants badly. his armoured skin was cracked in places but was mostly fine. However, splintered wood had torn his wings and cut into his joints which weren't armoured. The back of his left knee inparticular was damaged badly, splintered wood had cut into it deeply. He was still rocked from the impact but began shifting through the wood on top of him. Despite his injuries he needed to get out from underneath the debri. Luckily for him he was built tough, but it proved to be a bit of a struggle with an injured leg. After a few moments he could see a patch of light, and with a bit of effort he raised a hand out of the rubble and soon pulled his upper body out. "Hey! JACK ASS!" I called from the behind him. "your still here?... You should of taken this chance to run." Scree replied as he began to turn around. "you think just cause you got Lucky you stand a ch-..." He froze mid sentence as he now face my direction. I was hoisting the large crate from the center of the room over my head. "I just wanted to let you know..." I began with a smug expressions plastered on my face. "...YOU MISSED ONE!" With that I tossed the crate with all my might into the air. After going up it began to come down, Straight on Scree who still had his lower body under the debri. The shadow of the crate became larger as it came towards Scree until it covered his body. For a moment his emotion and expresion disappeared, becoming blank. "Don't..." he began to say. Than in an instance his eyes exploded with anger as he drew a fist back. "don't... FUCK WITH ME!!!" Scree thrust his arm into the air, it collided with the crate. Cracks began appear as the box began to break. But the moment he touched the crate his expression quickly changed from one of anger, to one of fear. The moment he touched it he noticed something was wrong. An intense heat could be felt. A green glow emanated from the cracks in the crate. "I might not be able to beat you in fist fight, but as long as I win the method doesn't matter" I say as I watch my plan come together. The boxes brakes apart as green flames explode outwards. Burning pieces of Cloth and wood fall onto Scree and the debri from the crates. As it does he realises what I've done. "What!?" Scree screams as he quickly pulls his hand back, now lightly singed. He begins frantically patting the flames in an attempt to put them out but it's no use. The debri begins catching fire, so does his torn dress shirt. The flames around him begin to grow as his assaulted by the heat and fire as an inferno forms around him. Earlier When he Had been under all the debri, I tore up both my jacket and his business suit and placed them both In the crate in the center of the room along with smashed up pieces of the chaire that my fake mum was tied to. I then lit them on fire with the lighter and closed up the crate before tossing it at him. Due to a limited supply of air the flame died down, but once the crate broke and it was once again exposed to air the flame expanded. It was a bit much but I wasn't gonna risk entering his range. "AAHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Scree began to scream as the flames consumed him. It may had just been my imagination but I swear the flames were moving towards him. I could see him frantically dig into the burning debri in a desperate attempt to free himself. I stood away from the fire. Disappointed that I had to resort to this, but satisfied with the result. Whether luck or for a reason I hadn't understood, the fire didn't seem to spread further than 3 meters or so from Scree. I hadn't thought about it before, but this stunt could have burnt the whole warehouse down. After a few minutes the flames die down as something rolls from the ashes, it's Scree. His still alive but just barely, his whole body is charred and can't seem to work his hands or feet. A good chunk of his muscle has been burnt away as well. Realising he was no longer a threat I appreached him. "I know you probably don't have very long to live so if you answer my questions I'll put you out of your misery" I offered. "What are you? Given your grotesque form and the ability to use magic I figure your demon. But they don't exist, although neither should you." Rolling onto his back to face me, he kept his mouth shut. "Not gonna answer!... Then what about this lighter? What is it?" I asked. But he remained silent. After a few more moments his silent expression changed as a smile crept onto his face. "You ready to talk?" I curiously asked. He looked way to gleefull for someone who's dying. Something felt off. 'Clap Clap Clap' A slow clap came from behind. I quickly turned to see where it was coming from, my eyes going wide at what I find. Silver eyes gaze into mine as another dark insect like creature stands only a few feet from me. A huge toothy smile stretched across his face.