Strange Town

by general_bad

Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies Part 5

Strange Town 005 part 5

Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies (part 5)

I arrived at Cityhall, parking my car under the shade created from the shadow of the tall white building. I had decided to come here to see if my mother needed help setting up for Har-Fest, instead of going to the Library to search for my Grandfathers book that may hold answers I'm looking for. The Library was run by volunteers and only opened around 3. As it was only a bit passed 3 o'clock I decided to go help my mum first as the Library may not be open yet.
Although it seemed I could take my time with going to the Library. The bug monsters I assumed were hunting me didn't seem to be pursuing me at all, so I was in no rush.

As I walked up the stairs leading to the entrance of city hall I hoped whatever task my mother may have for me would be unlike the last two which took up most of the day.
I notice The Townsquare behind me as I entering the building. Just like yesterday it is littered with people doing various tasked to have it prepared for Tommorow.

Now standing in the spacious lobby of Cityhall I notice how quiet it is as I recognize the familiar atmosphere of the uneventful room. Noticing that not even the receptionist, Merry Go-Round, is present to greet me... Not that she would have anyway.
But even without her lackluster drive to do her job to act as a glorified map of Cityhall and point me and the direction of my mother's office, I can manage. I've been here enough times to know where everything is.

It's not long before I arrive at my mother's office, I don't bother knocking as I enter. I see my mother is behind her desk hard at work as usual, I think? Honestly I don't know if her jobs all that hard, but she definitely puts a lot of time and effort into it. Her office is much more messy since yesterday.

Hearing my footsteps she looks up from her desk. Noticing me approach she seems to have a confused look on her face as she asks.
"Shouldn't you be at school?"

Hesitantly I reply as I stand before her desk." only goes till 3"

Looking to a clock on the wall she has a look of realisation. My mother has a habit of loosing track of time when she focuses on a task. She may not be the quickest to do things but shes always willing to put in the time and effort.

"So?... Need any help with anything?" I hesitantly asked.

"hmmmm?" my mother responded, taking a moment to think. "actually, we should be good."

"what? Seriously? What about what you said to me this morning" I complained. I don't know why I bothered complaing, usually hearing I'm not wanted would be good news. Maybe I just wanted to do something normal to get my mind off my supernatural situation... Maybe I just liked complaining.

"well" mum began to reply. "originally I did need your help to just run some small errands for me, but I found someone else to do all those small tedious chores. I talk to Mayor Trade about having- Oh! I think I can hear her coming now."

As if on cue, Merry Go-Round entered the room. She was covered in what I assumed to be mud. She also looked exhausted which wasn't a big change from her usual look, which was a mix of disheartened and board.

"'s done!..." Merry Go-Round tiredly said. " favorite pair of shoes were destroyed... And what little self respect I had was crushed... But it's done!..." she was slouching over, looking like she was ready to collapse at any moment. She hadn't even noticed I was there yet.

"Here's my new assistant now." mum excitedly said as she gestured towards Merry Go-Round. "you know Merry Go-Round the receptionist, right?"

From what I could tell, Merry Go-Round had just returned from running some BS task for my mother. One that had exhausted her both mentally and physically.

Finally noticing I was there, Merry looked up at me with a look of disgust. "oh good. And here I thought my day couldn't get any worse." she spat sarcastically. "well I'm out of magazines to steal but I'm sure you'll find some other way to make this day marginally worse."

"magazine's to steal?... Oh, right." I repeated, only just remembering I swiped her copy of Vanity magazine yesterday.
(I think I dumped it under the drivers seat of my car.) I thought as I tried to recall what I did with the stolen property.

Ignoring Merry Go-Round, mum continued. "I made her my assistant this morning. After the phone and computer in the lobby mysteriously broke, she didn't have much to do as a receptionist. So I talked to Mayor Trade about having her run tedious errands for me as my assistant. He didn't really care, but I managed to talk him into giving me complete control of her as her new temporary boss."

"Mysteriously broke!?... The phone and computer didn't mysteriously brake!" Merry angrily snapped at my mother. "it was you! I saw you do it! This is all a part of your little game to drive me crazy and destroy my sanity." Merry screamed like a mad woman.

Once again ignoring Merry Go-Round, mum continued. "So as you can see, I don't need your help any more. But trust me, the things that needed doing were all very shitty. If anything, I would say you dodged a bullet on this one. ...speaking of work" she continued as she finally turned to Merry before grabbing a stack of papers from her desk. "I need you to go around to all the farms contributing in Tommorows Har-Fest and have them sign these last few forms that say how the proceeds from Tommorows event will be split equally."

"you want me to go back out to all the farms?..." Merry complained. "But I was just there this morning, why not have me do it while I was there? Some of those places are a 2 to 3 hour drive. Plus I only work till 5 o'clock."

"don't be ridiculous" mum replied. "you need to account for return Time as well so it's more like a 4 to 6 hours drive. And I don't mind if you go over time, as long as those forms are filled out and on my desk by Tommorow morning.

"...I hate my job" Merry Go-Round disheartenedly said as she took the stack of papers and left the room.

(Mums pretty good at taking charge of a situation. I'm pretty sure I get my attitude from her.) I admirably thought as Merry left before turning to mum.
"well I guess there's no reason to hang around here anymore. Guess I'll head over to the library and try to find Grandpa's book. What was the title again?"

"you probably wouldn't remember it all if I told you again. ...It's really long and really stupid." Mum replied. "Just ask the librarian for help and tell her the authors name. Should be enough to locate it if they still have it. If they don't you could always get the second copy from your grandmother."

"Second copy?... What are you talking about?" I questioned while mum began rifling through the files on her desk.

"Well I guess the correct term would be, rough draft. But besides the finished copy that he tried to get published he also had another copy, one that was more of a mess." mum replied.

"...Why didn't you tell me about it before!?" I snapped.

Confused by my rash attitude, mum responded. "Should I have? You never asked about it before so I never thought you'ld be interested. You father told me you were asking questions about the copy he received so I only told you about that one."

"yeah okay, I see your point. I've been kinda vague about my interest in it so far." I replied. "Well I'm gonna head off now." I continued as I began to leave.

As I reached the door mum called out to me one last time. "Drifting! Even though you didn't do anything, Thanks for coming to help me. ...And try stay out of trouble."

With that I left her office and began to make my way to the lobby.

(Well I guess dad never actually said their was only one copy of grandfather's book. Although, I guess theirs only one copy of the finished product. I'll focus on getting the one at the Library for now and get the rough draft later if it's related to my issue.) I think as I walk through the lobby of Cityhall, glad to have a backup plan if things don't work out.

But my train of thought is cut short as I reach for the door handle to the front do of Cityhall. I suddenly get a sick feeling in my stomach, like something bad is about to happen. It's like my instincts are trying to warn me about something. Just then the lighter in my jacket pocket warms up for a second before cooling down almost as fast as it warmed up.
The sudden unexpected feeling caused me to freeze up for a moment as I just stood there. After a few seconds I regain my composure.

(shit!... It's been such a peaceful day that I practically panicked for a second when I thought something was wrong.) I thought as I shrugged it off.
(given the range of the lighter one probably walked by outside. I don't know how many of them there are in total, but they must have a few walking around. Hopefully my Grandfathers book will have some information that could be useful.)

Putting the momentary event behind me I left City hall, before getting into my car and heading to my next destination. Golden Oaks Library.

The drive is short thanks to the fact that Golden Oaks Library isn't too far away from City Hall. I Parked right in front of the Library which was technically a drop off point/bus stop, but I didn't plan to stay long. I Make my way up a set of stairs to Wooden doors at the entrance.
The Library itself is a simple large square building with very little detail. Golden Oaks Library is one of a few buildings that have been around since the founding of Ponyville. This means it's quite old, and unlike Cityhall it hasn't exactly been maintained very well.

Pushing open the large wooden doors I'm fairly surprised at how the interior looks. While the Library looks old and poorly maintained from the outside, the inside looks... Also old and poorly main, but with shelves full of books.
I had thought that perhaps the inside would have been updated at some point, but I was wrong. It also didn't help that for awhile Golden Oaks Library had practically been abandoned after the Librarian left and they couldn't find a replacement so they closed it down. Because of this the place became poorly maintained, even after reopening with the help of volunteers it was still clear this place was falling apart. I hadn't been here in a very long time but I didn't expect it to look so run down.

Most of the large room was full of towering shelves filled with books, they covered the walls and formed many isles to walk through. In one corner were a few tables with computers for the public to use, However the computers weren't your current day flat screen monitors. They were large hulking fat models. I honestly hadn't seen computers these old since I was really young, anyone slightly younger then me probably wouldn't have seen this type of model period.

Opposite the computers on the other side of the room in the corner were some empty chairs and tables hidden behind a few shelves. Probably to sit and read.
But in the center of the room with a path leading to it was large wooden counter that squared off a small bit of the area with a pile of books stacked high on it and a computer. This seemed to be the main counter/checkout station. This was where I was heading as I would likely find the Librarian if I hung around it. I could try to find the book myself, but I wouldn't even know we're to begin searching.

As I approach the counter with a set of books stacked high I begin to hear the sound of someone happily humming. It sounds distinctly feminine but I can't see anyone.
Making it to the counter I realize the humming is coming from behind the stack of books.
In an attempt to get whoever is behind the books. Attention, I loudly clear my thoughts.


However it was ineffective as who ever was just out of sight ignored me.
So I try again, this time more rudely.


But just like my first attempt it was ignored.
So I decide to dial my rudeness up to eleven... Out of a possible five.


At that moment a familiar feminine lavender face pokes around the stack of books and begins to quietly tell me off. "Shhhh! This is a Library, you can't go... Cross!!!"

It was that smart lavender girl from school, Twilight Sparkle. Her silent anger had become surprise, only to quickly become confusion.

(Twilight! She's someone I should look into when I have the chance. She seems to know something about the missing people which could mean she knows some thing about the bugs. I think she's hiding something but it could also be nothing). I cautiously thought before replying.

"oh... It's just you!" I disintresedly replied. "I thought you were the Librarian."

"Well, actually. I em the Librarian... Well, a part time librarian if you wanna be technical." Twilight replied. Besides her hesitant uncaring expression she had, She still looked confused to see me here.

"Part time?... I heard this place is now being run by volunteers now, but if there are people willing to work here why not just hire one of them." I questioned not really to interested in the answer. I had a working theory on why that was and I'm sure it had something to do with why Golden Oaks Library only opened after 3.

For some reason her mood suddenly perked up after hearing my question as she gladly replied. "Actually, that's a pretty interesting story."

(why do I suddenly feel regret?...) I thought, having the feeling that I should take a seat. Unfortunately for me there were no seats, so I stood patiently as her story began.

Twilight began. "Golden Oaks Library had been closed for a few years after the previous Librarian quit her job here and a new replacement couldn't be found. Actually, the reason the previous Librarian quit her position Is because she won the lottery and moved away. Do you know the chances of winning the Lottery?" Twilight asked excitedly.

Deciding to humour her I reply. "that depends. How many numbers do I have to guess correctly? Do they have to be in the order I guessed? And finally, what is the highest and lowest number to choose from?"

Twilight hadn't expected me to play along as this caught her off guard. "huh?... Oh, well.... You have to get 6 numbers correct. The order doesn't matter, and a number can't be repeated. As for the lowest and highest, the numbers range from 1 to 60!"

"hmmm?..." taking a moments to think I gave my answer. " would have about a 1 in 50,063,860 of winning."

"what!... I don't actually-... Hold on a second, just give me a moment to work it out..." A surprised Twilight replied as she began rummaging beneath the counter, looking for pen and paper.

"so you asked me without actually knowing the answer?" I asked, irritated that she would bother wasting my time with it. Not that I was in a rush though.
"was it supposed to be rhetorical? ...Look, I get the point. The chances of winning the lotto are low, can you just continue already!"

"oh!... Sure" Twilight nervously replied, she seemed a bit embarrassed for getting so into it. Before continuing I saw her write down my answer. I guess she wasn't gonna let it go.
"anyway, where was I?... Oh right! With the Librarian gone there was no one to run Golden Oaks Library, for some reason no one wanted the job."

Looking around the run down dusty Library I sarcastically responded. "oh yeah... Who wouldn't wanna run this dusty old book rental... This is clearly the hippest place in Ponyville... Where are all the cool kids gonna hung after school now."

"I know!" Twilight excitedly replied. "what was wrong with them!?"

(well she clearly didn't catch my sarcasm." I irritatingly thought as I rolled my eyes.

"anyway" Twilight continued. "with no one to run this place, Golden Oaks Library was forced to close. for a few years Golden Oaks Library's doors remained closed to the public.... until yesterday that is."
Twilight seemed to sound very proud at this point. "a few months ago when I transferred from Crystal Prep to Ponyville High, I heard about how the Library had been neglected. So I went straight to Cityhall with a idea, and after some discussions with the Mayor my idea was approved!... Your probably wondering what that brilliant idea to save the Library was?"

(This is what she considers saved?) I thought as I looked around and the dusty obsolete falling apart Library before answering.
", I think I'm good." I had lost all interest... Or at least I would have if I originally had any.

However Twilight excitedly continued anyway, completely ignoring me.
"I came up with the idea to have it run by volunteer students after school and on weekends! It's counted as a club activity so it will help boost students grades. Unfortunately I can only help out for a few hours since I live in Canterlot, so I need to catch the bus home which is about a two hour ride. And I don't help out everyday since I need time to be with my friends."

"Hold on." I interrupted, hearing something odd in her story. "Crystal Prep, that's Canterlot High right? But more importantly, You said you Transferred to Ponyville High from Crystal Prep. As in, you weren't kicked out but willingly chose to attend Ponyville High?"

"No, Canterlot High is a public school in Canterlot. Why Crystal Prep is a Private school" Twilight replied.

(huh, I always thought they had one school like us so I assumed that was where Blueblood attended school before Ponyville High. But he probably went to Crystal Prep given his dislike of the general public.) I thought, glad I never personally accused him of attending Canterlot High. If I had I probably never would have heard the end of it.

Twilight happily continued. "and yeah, I willingly chose to go to Ponyville High. After that whole mess during the Friendship games I found Ponyville had something no where else could offer."

"what could Ponyville possibly have to offer? The full nineteen hundreds experience?" I sarcastically asked as I once again looked around at the obsolete Library.
"and what do you mean by, after that whole mess durimg the friendship games? Well, we did beat beat yous, and I wouldn't wanna be associated to a school that lost to Ponyville High. Difference is I can't just change school's... I mean I could but the next closest school is like 2 to 3 hours away." I replied.

Twilight gave me a confused stare. "wait! You mean you don't know about what happened during the friendship games?... Didn't anyone say anything to you at least?"

"I usually don't attend most school events. And every time someone tells me about something I missed its always full of shit." I replied.
"let me think, what did they tell me about the friendship games... Oh, right. They said you freaked out after using an invention you made to gain unlimited power. Then you began tearing apart the fabric of reality until the power of friendship stopped you" I sarcastically recalled.

To which Twilight nervously responded. "well... I guess it's not entirely untrue... Wait! What about the fall formal, the battle of the bands, and the camping trip to camp Everfree?"

"the things people told me about those events were just as stupid." I replied.
"heck, you didn't even transfer here until the friendship games yet your prominent in the story's about the fall formal and the battles of the bands despite not even being here yet."

"well that was another Twilight Sparkle... Apparently. She was a different person entirely... Kinda" Twilight tried to confusingly explain.

"yeah I don't really care. I'm just looking for a book." I rudely replied, getting back on topic.

"Oh, right, sure!" Twilight replied as she started clicking around on the computer. "do you know the name of the book?"

"I don't!... it's so long and stupid I forgot. Can I just tell you the name of the author?" I answered.

"That should be fine. Although you'll get a list of everything they wrote." Twilight replied.

"that won't be an issue. He only wrote one book... Well, 2 technically" I responded, remembering the supposed 2nd copy owned by my Grandmother.

"Okay, what's the authors name?" Twilight asked.

"...Selfish Desire!" I replied as Twilight began typing away.

After a moment Twilight spoke. "found it! ...Huh, that's odd? We've got it, but according to this it's never been borrowed out since it was donated." there was brief pause as she lowered her face to the monitor.
" ...The Weird, Wacky and Wonderful encyclopedia of Creatures, Creations, and Culture from Another World. Another Time or What Time Forgot!... Vol 1-ish?..."

"yep... That's the one." I unenthusiastically said as questioned my grandfather's naming ability.

Turning to face me Twilight continued. "I see what you meant by the title being quite long... And stupid... Anyway, for some reason it's listed as not being on any shelf, instead it's in the back. Just give me a minute, I think I should be able to find it." Twilight then walked out from behind the wooden counter and towards the back of the Library before disappearing behind some book shelves.

Since the checkout counter was in the center of the room and had nowhere to store books as it was quite small, I assumed there was another section in the Library that staff could access used for storage and other functions.

After a while, longer than I thought it would take, Twilight returned carrying a thick brown book.
"sorry for the wait. it was way back in storage. Like really way back." she apologetically said as she handed me the book before going back behind the counter. She then began to fiddle with the computer once more.

While she did that I examined the book. It was quite a heavy and thick book, with a brown hard cover. The overly long and stupid title was plastered across the cover taking up the majority of space, it actually said vol 1-ish at the bottom. However just above the vol 1-ish text was a symbol, It was a group of four black arrows spinning in a circle pointing inwards. Whatever it meant I had no idea, but it kinda reminded me of the arrow design on the back of my jacket.

"so... You like reading?" Twilight awkwardly asked me, pulling my attention away from the book.

"what's that supposed to mean?" I hostility asked back.

to which she nervously replied. "nothing! ...Just didn't really picture you as a reader is all."

With annoyance I replied. "I can read!"

"what! No-" Twilight nervously rushed to correct. "-I wasn't implying you couldn't! I just meant-"

"I know what you meant" I interrupted as rolled my eyes. "... I read a few times a month, but I don't usually read things without pictures. And yes, I know that makes me sound stupid." I continued as I placed the book on the counter and began rifling through my wallet.

"...You mean like children's books?" Twilight asked With a quizzical look.

I stopped rifling through my wallet as I gave her an annoyed look. "...I meant comics! ...But it's good to see how highly you think of me."

"oh... Oh! I didn't mean your... I mean, I wasn't trying to make you sound..." Twilight began to nervously fumble with her words. "look, I wasn't trying to offend you. Comics are fine!..."

"Fine?" I questioned. I wasn't offended or bothered in any way. I just liked to make trouble.
"There not good? There fine? Well I'm glad they just meet your standards of approval" I sarcastically continued.

"Th-that's not what I meant..." Twilight nervously replied, trying to find the right words. "I don't have a problem with them at all, In fact I have a friend who's really into them. Well his more like a brother... And then there's my Brother... Oh, there's also Rainbow Dash. You remember Rainbow Dash, right!"

"! And I don't care" I calmly answered as I impatiently taped the cover of the book on the counter.
(I probably could have kept going but I should get going.) I thought as I held what I took from my wallet to her.

"...of course you don't" Twilight defeatedly said as she took the object from my hand. Before I could grab the book off the counter Twilight snatched it away from me before opening it to the back page.
"I'll just stamp it and scan your library card and you can be on your way" Twilight said, suddenly cheering up as she stamped the borrow sheet in the back.
"now to scan your card!" she continued as she grabbed a scanner from her right and ran it over the object I handed her.

As she did that I picked up the book, keeping it open to the last page.

"Huh?... Wait, this isn't your library card." as Twilight examined the object I handed her she realised it wasn't my Library card as she assumed, it was instead $20.
"wait, why did you give me $20?" as she looked back to me her surprise grew as I tore the borrow sheet from the back of the book.

"Hmm! Oh that." I calmly replied as I scrunched up the sheet into a ball and lazily tossed it to the side. "it's to replace the book I lost."

There was a slight twitch in Twilights eye as she replied. "What?... WHAT?... You can't be serious! You didn't lose it, you have it right now!"

"No." I began as I turned to leave. " trust me, it's gone. That's why I gave you the cash to buy a new one."

"Rarety was right! You really are the worst person!" she called from behind me before calming down a little.
"well... At least you reimbursed us so we can buy another copy, I guess."

Hearing her words as I walked away I had a sudden urge. (I really want to gloat that she can never replace this book. That it's one of a kind, the only one in existence... But if I did, it would ruin the surprise.)
So instead I stopped halfway to the exit and Turned to give a smug grin as I waved the book in the air for her to see.

She was puzzled by my actions, but I knew she would figure it out later. ...she is pretty smart after all.

And with that I left the Library with my Grandfather's book.

Standing just outside of Golden Oaks Library, I take a moment to examine my Grandfather's book once more as a sense of Triumph and accomplishment fills me. this feeling is similar to the feeling I had felt years ago when I had my first fight. I had set out to do something and I did it.
Recently I hadn't felt this feeling, not for awhile. The fights I had fought and the dominance I had achieved hadn't given me this rush, not in a long time. Perhaps it was because I wasn't sure if I would succeed or not that gave me this feeling or maybe it was because I felt I was out of my element. Whatever the reason I felt great.
Although whether this lead led anywhere or not was another story. But for now I stood there, basking in my accomplishments. I felt there was nothing I couldn't do, no one could bring me down, I was untouchable!... For at least a moment...

Suddenly my instincts began to scream at me as I felt a strange sickening feeling in my guts. I froze up as I felt a strong malicious gaze pierce through me as was busy patting myself on the back. This feeling was something I hadn't felt in a long time, It was my instincts telling me to run.
Back during my first year in highschool I felt this quite often when I was in an fight that proved to be quite difficult. But as time passed and I became stronger and a more competent fighter, as I became known as Cross. This feeling had disappeared. Even against Flash Sentry this feeling would linger, but I had never felt it so strong.

This instinct had helped me against both the monster named Knockoff who pretended to be Flash Sentry, and the unnamed monster from yesterday in the green jacket who I killed in the school auditorium. Now it was screaming at me to run.
All expression of accomplishment on my face was replaced with caution as I looked away from my Grandfather's book and down the set of steps from the Library to my car.

My eyes go wide with surprise as I see a familiar figure sitting against the hood of my car. It was a tall brown haired man with glasses who wore a business suit. A man I had seen back at Sugar Cube Corner, the same man I followed to the monsters hide out, He was one of them. And while the lighter wasn't reacting as he was just outside its range, I could feel the malice and ill intent he had towards me by his expression. To most his expression would seem board, but his eyes were as serious as they could get.

(Thinking I was safe... How naive of me!)