//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies Part 4 // Story: Strange Town // by general_bad //------------------------------// Strange Town 005 part 4 Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies (part 4) Just a moment ago I was in the most mediocre fight of my life, although calling it a fight would be blowing it out of proportion. After Valkyrie, a boy who I made a deal with to pretend to be my friend in exchange for various benefits was assaulted by Spear Wing. I was forced stop step in and carry through my obligation as Valkyrie's friend, and whoop his ass. That was until Vice Principle Luna happened upon us and forced those involved to Principle Celestia's office. Besides me, Valkyrie and Spear Wing. There was also the boy/fake friend in on the deal who orchestrated this fight to test my willingness to play my part, Slow Dancer. Two other boys who were friends with Spear Wing, and who's names I still don't know. And a busty bystander who wasn't smart enough to flee the scene... I think her name was Butterfly. That all happened only moments ago. We were now all currently in Principle Celestia's office, Luna included. Celestia only had three chairs available, one she sat in behind her desk and the other two in front of it. With a total of 8 people now occupying the room, finding seating was a little difficult. While I stood off to the side and leaned against a wall, both Valkyrie and Spear Wing had taken the seats across from Celestia. Luna stood besides her sister the Principle with Butterfly, she was currently doing her best not to bring attention to herself. She was here as a witness which is why Luna had her stand with the Principle and Vice Principle. Slow Dancer on the other hand stood behind Valkyrie while the two boys who's names I didn't know stood on both sides of Spear Wing. Luna was currently reading us our supposed crimes. "Excessive Rough Housing! Disregard and Destruction of School property! Failure to Attend class on time, or at all! Public Disturbance! These are just a few of the rules that have been broken today." Luna finished as she looked to her sister beside her. Luna was looking overly pleased and I think I knew why. This time there was no gettin out of it, Celestia had gone easy on me for a long time, but this was it. "yes, It seems you all have done quite a number today." Celestia replied with a stern expression. But her words seemed to mostly be directed at me. "I was hoping you would change, but perhaps I was wrong." (well there goes my chances at reducing my counseling sessions.) I disheartenedly thought as I looked away. (...Shit, if I'm lucky that will be my only punishment.) My thoughts were interrupted as Luna once again began basking in my unfortunate situation. "It's about time something is done about that one. Cross is the most ill behaved student in our school, how he has managed to avoid expulsion this far is due to your too forgiving nature, sister!" With her same stern expression, Celestia replied. "Before any punishments are to be given, I would to know the details of the event." Luna didn't seem to happy at her responses as her reply was full of agitation. "tis a waste of time dear sister. I have already named all the rules that were broken, if you are hoping to find some ray of hope that this was a misunderstanding don't get your hopes up. I know a lost cause when I see one." Celestia seemed very displeased with Luna's choice of words, but before she could voice her displeasure Slow Dancer interrupted. "hold on a second! I just wanna make one thing clear. I wasn't involved in any fight, I'm just a bystander. That's why I'm not bruised like these guys." Slow Dancer may had instigated this whole fight, but he had never counted on the slim chance of the principles getting involved. All he could do know was try and remove himself from the situation. I however wasn't gonna let him throw us under the bus. "geez Slow Dancer, by that logic I wasn't involved in the fight either." I sarcastically replied as I spread my arms out to show I wasn't bruised either. This seemed to piss him off as he shot me an annoyed glare. To regain our attention, Celestia spoke up. "how involved each of you were will be determined shortly. Once I have all the details we can-" Before Celestia could finish her sentence, Luna interrupted. "oh please sister... Even I could probably guess what happened. These five boys did something that slightly displeased Crosses fragile ego, and with him being a sociopath decided to make them pay for whatever childhood drama he suffered many years ago." "What?" I replied, surprised at Luna's words. It seemed she thought I had also assaulted Valkyrie and Slow Dancer. Once again displeased at her sisters careless words, Celestia spoke up. "Please watch what you say Luna, I'm sure there must be a reason for Cross assaulting these five boys... Even if it is a vain one." (did Principle Celestia just call me Cross?... Usually she calls me by my actual name. Maybe it's cause all these other people are here?... Wait! They both think I assaulted these five... Well given precious events I can see why they would think that. But that's not the case) I thought in a panic. If didn't sort this out I would be in a lot more trouble then I need. "Hold on! I didn't beat up all 5 of these idiots. Only Spear Wing and that dumb ass, the one who doesn't have a bruis on his face" I explained as I pointed to one of the boys beside Spear Wing. "hey!" the boy with the bruis on his face snapped at me. "What about me? you knocked me out cold for a minute!" "No I didn't.... You knocked yourself out by running head first into the lockers" I stated. "Hold on!" Principal Celestia interrupted us before we could continue our arguing. She seemed confused about something as she looked to her Sister Luna for a brief moment, hoping Luna would clear up what ever it was she was confused about. When Luna offered no answers her attention turned back to us. "Cross, if what your saying is true, you claim you are only responsible for the injuries of those three boys." she continued as she cast her gaze towards Spear Wing and his friends. Rolling my eyes I clarified. "No... What I said is that I'm the one who beat up Spear Wing and Dumb Ass 1. Sure I may be partially responsible for Dumb Ass 2's injury, but I think his at more fault then me." "Choice of words aside!" Celestia replied sternly. "are you saying you are not responsible for Valkyrie's current state?" Bruises had already appeared along Valkyrie's arm and face, and while not visible I was certain he had them on his torso. "What are you trying to imply Sister?" Luna interrupted. "knowing Cross, he just didn't notice assaulting Valkyrie! Why when I arrived he was atop Spear Wing mercilessly beating him, while three others lay injured on the floor. You keep deluding yourself with the idea that their is good in him... That's why I have brought Fluttershy here as a witness, to stop Cross from weaselling his way out this time." she finished as she turned to the girl who's name I had apparently gotten wrong. Fluttershy however didn't seem to enjoy the new found attention of Principle Celestia as she shyly looked to the ground as her hair covered part of her face. After a nudge from Vice Principle Luna she bearly managed a few words. Although they were barely louder than a whisper, mice make louder noises. "...i-it's... t-true..." "See dear Sister!" Luna instantly began again. "He tries to Lie to you even when the his caught red handed. You have been far too lenient on that boy and given him too much trust. You can't keep letting this go on." (Well shit. I guess it doesn't matter though, 3 counts of assult wasn't much better than 4 anyway. I don't blame Fluttershy for throwing me under the bus on this. Whether she told the truth or not wouldn't change the outcome... I was already at the end of my rope, guess this is it.) I thought fairly calmly. I wasn't as effected by this as I thought I would be. Perhaps subconsciously I knew I couldn't stay out of trouble... Not like I made much effort either. As I accepted my situation I couldn't help but wonder why Celestia seemed so hung up on this minor detail. What did it matter. As I thought that I noticed Fluttershy nervously fidgeting, like she wanted to say or do something but wasn't sure if she should. Principal Celestia must had noticed it as well as she once again turned her attention to her. "Fluttershy!" Celestia said, gaining the young girls attention. "when you say, it's true. just what are you referring to?" Celestia asked in a calming tone. Becoming a bit braver, Fluttershy responded. "...What C-Cross said... He never hurt Valkyrie." "So Valkyrie had his injuries before the fight, what does that prove!" Luna loudly cut in. Although Luna did have a point. What difference did it make? "I don't think that is the case." Celestia replied. "Valkyrie's wounds are definitely recent." after examining his wounds for a moment she decided to just take a more direct approach. "Valkyrie. How did you obtain those injuries?" a bead of sweat ran down Spear Wings forehead "Injuries?" Valkyrie repeated as he crossed his legs while leaning back into his chair, His arms going over the back. He also seemed to be talking in macho tone for some reason. "oh! you mean my battle scars." at that moment he winked at Fluttershy. "I can't say I quite remember where I got them all from, but its likely that they are from a gang of delinquents I had the unfortunate pleasure of running into yesterday. There were probably 12 of them and they were harassing a young girl. For most people they would think it too dangerous to try and help when there so greatly outnumbered. But I wasn't gonna let that sto- OWWW!" Valkyrie's delusional story had been cut short as Slow Dancer pressed into a Bruise on his arm. (was that idiot trying to impress her with that fake story? He does realise she just watched him get his ass kicked, right?" I thought, thankful that Slow Dancer had put an end to his bull shit. "The Hell Slow Dancer?" Valkyrie whined as he rubbed the bruise that pressure had been applied to. "Oh! I didn't think a big strong man like you would even notice." Slow Dancer replied sarcastically before continuing on normally. "You do realise she was their? So unless she's really into guys who do great impressions of punching bags I don't think you have a chance." "what's the point of asking such an obvious question." Spear Wing interrupted. "Who else here is a psychopath with a violent history!" He was desperate to put this on me, while his cronies nodded and agreed. Meanwhile, Valkyrie's not wanting to look like a loser in front of a girl wasn't helping deflect suspicion that I was somehow involved. Even Slow Dancer kept his mouth shut, but he didn't like me much to begin with and he was against me and Valkyrie's deal. so he wasn't gonna do me any favours. I on the other hand... Didn't care. What difference did it make if I beat up 3 people or 4. I was only half paying attention at this point as I awaited a punishment. With conflicting stories, people staying quiet, and a general lack of investment in the situation Celestia was noticing, she loudly sighed before turning once again to nervous top heavy girl. "Fluttershy! As a unbiased third party witness, could you tell me how Valkyrie acquired his injuries." "...s-sure..."Fluttershy nervously replied, once again becoming the center of attention. "I don't know why, but Spear Wing was hitting Valkyrie... That's how he got hurt." "Hitting?" Luna asked, surprised by this. "you mean to say Spear Wing and Valkyrie were fighting." "Oh, goodness no." Fluttershy responded. "they weren't fighting. Valkyrie never even threw a punch or attempted to fight back." Sweat was running down Spear Wings face after hearing Fluttershy's testimony. Looking nervous, Valkyrie cut in. "oh... Well that's because... Because I was afraid I might accidentally kill him" he was once again full of confidence. "I didn't want Spear wing to end up like one of those 15 delinquents I was telling you about." "15?" Slow Dancer sarcastically questioned. "just a moment ago there were 12." "Oh?..." Valkyrie uneasily replied." Well... if you had let me finish the story you would know 3 more showed up." "So what!?" an irritated Luna asked. "Whether it's 3 or 4 people, the fact remains that Cross has broken multiple rules." "That may be the case, but I would like to know all the circumstances" Celestia patiently replied. "So then, Valkyrie was getting assaulted by Spear Wing. But how did Cross get involved? Did Spear Wing Provoke him in someway?" "...no..." Fluttershy began to reply. "...Cross wasn't provoked in anyway, he helped Valkyrie. When Spear Wing was about to finish off Valkyrie, Cross stepped into the fight and grabbed Spear Wing before kneeling him to the chest." "Helped Valkyrie?... Why?" Celestia Questioned. "hmm!... Oh, I think I was obligated to." I half heartedly reply. "Why would you feel like you were obligated to help?" Celestia asked with an eyebrow raised. "Well isn't that what friends do?" I asked back. I wasn't the most well versed in friendship so I wasn't sure. "...that's right." Luna replied. "but what does that have to do with this?" "Well, he's my friend." I bluntly replied. There was brief moment of silence as both Celestia and Luna just looked at me.... And then Luna burst out laughing. "ha... Haha.... Hahaha,HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!-" Luna reacted as if she had just been told the most funniest joke of her life. It was also somewhat odd seeing her smile for once. "Haha...ha... Sorry about that." Luna continued, regaining her composure. "could you repeat that? I misheard you as I heard something absolutely ridiculous." "ah, yes. Could you say that again." Celestia added. "I seem to have misheard you as well. Begrudgingly I obliged. "I said!... Valkyrie is my... Friend." This was accompanied by another moment of silence as Celestia and Luna exchanged looks of confusion. Luna then turned back to me skeptically with an eyebrow raised. "Bull Shit!" "Sister!" Celestia snapped at Luna. Ignoring Celestia, Luna continued. "That is easily the worst attempt at lying I've ever seen. Usually your a lot more clever than that Cross." "What! No, it's true" I replied before Angrily turning to Valkyrie and Slow Dancer. "Hey Dumb Ass! Tell her!" "What? Oh, right." Valkyrie replied nervously. "yeah, me and Cross are friends". Meanwhile Slow Dancer ignored me. With a stoic look and a roll of her eyes, Luna responded. "Sure, real convincing... It's clear your trying to intimidate him into going with what you say." (Shit! This is looking bad.) I worryingly thought as a looked from Sister to sister. Celestia didn't say anything. She just sat there with a look of disappointment on her face. (there not believing me, and I'm not doing a good job at being convincing. They don't trust me, and for good reason... But there is someone they do trust) "well if you don't trust me, how about her?" I calmly asked a I looked to Fluttershy. "What?" Luna questioned. "you really should learn when to give up... But I'll humour your request!" she smugly continued as she turned to Fluttershy. "w-well..." Fluttershy began. "...after Cross knocked Spear Wing away from Valkyrie, Spear Wing asked why he would bother to step in and help Valkyrie. ...And Cross said, usually he wouldn't, but that pathetic loser is my friend." "See!" Luna triumphantly said. "undeniable proof that you are friends with Valkyrie!." "...but...?" Valkyrie began to question until Celestia cut him off. "just give her a moment" After a moment passed Luna realised what had happened. "wait!... What? No. That's impossible." she looked confused." wait! If their friends, why did it take so long for Cross to step in? Valkyrie must had been wailed on for sometime to get all those bruises." she excitedly asked Fluttershy, thinking she was on to something. "...Cross thought Valkyrie had this." Fluttershy replied. "Which I Did!" Valkyrie added as everyone gave him a brief glance before returning their focus to Fluttershy. "...He didn't" Fluttershy continued. Luna was speechless, whlie Celestia stared at me in disbelief before speaking. "wait! Are you serious?... You've actually made a friend?" With a sigh I responded. "...yeah..." "and you faught to protect your, friend, Valkyrie?" she continued. "...yeah... So what?" I asked. Flustered, Celestia replied "it's just... I mean... Mr Freerights told me you were making progress, that you made a friend. But I didn't actually think he was telling the tru-... I mean, I don't know what to say. This is all happening so fast." (I thought it was weird that she didn't believe I made a friend even though Mr Freerights told her I had.... He was probably confusing her sarcasm for sincerity.) I thought as Celestia collected her thoughts. "erhmm... Anyway." Celestia continued. "one question still remains. why did Spear Wing assult Valkyrie?" "I can answer that" Slow Dancer replied. "on our way to class Valkyrie was telling me a joke. however he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings and accidentally bumped into Spear Wing after telling me the punchline. As I began laughing, Spear Wing misread the situation and thought Valkyrie was trying to make a joke out of him. Losing his temper, Spear Wing Assaulted Valkyrie until Cross stepped in." "I think I see" Celestia replied as she turned her attention to Spear Wing who was currently sweating bullets. "yes. I think I have a real good idea what happened. And Cross" she continued, turning her attention back to me. "I would like talk to you further about your new friend but I may have my hands full for the rest of the day with this, so it'll have to wait till Monday. For now you, Valkyrie, and Slow Dancer can leave. I won't be needing you for this. Although if it wouldn't be much trouble, I would ike you to stick around a little longer Fluttershy." "Fine!" I arrogantly replied. "I'll leave!... but for how long?" For some reason my question gained a look of confusion from the sisters. Before she could respond, Valkyrie grabbed me by the arm and began pulling me towards the door. "don't make trouble, let's just go!" he then turned back to the two highest figures in the school. "Goodbye Principle Celestia, Vice Principle Luna." I didn't put up any resistance as Valkyrie pulled me out of the room. I never liked being in Celestia's office so I didn't need much convincing. As I walked through the door I caught one final glance of the two sisters. Celestia had an odd look of hope, one I hadn't seen in a long Time. Luna on the other hand had a look of anger, once again I managed to avoid any serious punishments. Deciding to follow Valkyrie's example I said my goodbyes. "Good by Principle Celestia" but as I turned to Luna my goodbye was more sarcastic. "and goodbye Principles Assistant Luna". As the door closed behind me I could her Luna yell out to me. "IT'S VICE PRINCIPLE LUNA!" After walking down the hall for a moment I stoped. "so do either of you know how long it's for?" I asked. Looking to me with confusion Valkyrie replied. "how long whats for?" "Our Suspension" I clarified. "What the hell are you talking about?" Slow Dancer asked this time. "she told us to leave but she didn't specify for how long" I answered. "she just meant leave her office, not the school. We just head to class now" Valkyrie replied. "No, trust me on this. After all my fights I usually get suspended for a few days" I confidently replied. After exchangeing confused looks with each other, Valkyrie said. "Cross, as weird and unusual as this might sound, their is no punishment because... In this situation, your the good guy." "or at least the lesser of two evils" Slow Dancer added. "like you can talk." I angrily replied to Slow Dancer, remembering how this all started. "This was all your doing! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kick your ass!" Calmly, Slow Dancer replied. "I would like to say you can't touch me due to the deal you made with Valkyrie... But he made sure to exclude me from any benefits yous agreed on. So how about this. Thanks to this event your claim of having friends will not only seem credible, but it should help spread the story as well. The more people that talk about it, the more real it seems. I don't know why you need that but Valkyrie assured me it was important to you." (seems Slow Dancer doesn't know about my counselling sessions or my dealings with Mr Freerights. Valkyrie must have kept his mouth shut about my personal problems and only gave him vague information. But why not tell him?... Either way, Slow Dancer must trust Valkyrie enough to go along with him.) I thought. "what you say does have some truth, although it still pisses me off!... But I'll let it slide. It did work out for me in the end... Probably." I replied half heartedly. "I guess I'll head of to class then. No point waiting around doing nothing when I could be in class... Sitting around... And doing nothing." "You go ahead. I wanna talk to Valkyrie for a minute" Slow Dancer said as he grabbed Valkyrie by the shoulder. "and Cross, if you think it's about you, that's cause it is. But it's mostly gonna be me repeatedly saying this is a bad idea to associate with you and that Valkyrie's an idiot... So nothing you don't already know." "oh right, your in my Media class... I forgot. ...Also I don't care." I replied. "You played your parts as my friends less then adequately... Or maybe better than I think? I don't really get friendship. But the point is this. Were not friends, so I don't care about your personal feelings or actions towards me. As long as you are somewhat convincing that we get along we won't have a problem." With that I began heading to class. _____________________________________________________________ After a few parting words Cross left. Now alone, Slow Dancer looked to Valkyrie with his usual neutral expression. But before he could say anything, Valkyrie cut him off. "the hell was that Slow Dancer! Why did you have to get my ass kicked just to see if he was willing to keep his end of the deal." Valkyrie snapped at him. "Like I told Cross" Slow Dancer began. "it will help spread the story that were friends with him. Now people like Spear Wing will think twice before messing with us. Although, so will everyone else. I'm surprised Cross would even go along with this, or why he would want this? He doesn't actually want friends, that much I'm certain." "it's no secret really" Valkyrie replied. "he's a delinquent and has been on thin ice for sometime. He desperately needed some good publicity to show he has the potential to become a decent person to the principle, and since Friendship is kinda her trigger word. Well, let's just say it's a case of you scratch my back I'll scratch yours." With a sceptical expression, Slow Dancer replied. "the main issue is how this will go in the long run. I still say it's hopeless and that we should bail." "No way!" Valkyrie immediately replied. "all of last year we were nobodies, and this year hasn't gone much better so far. I'm tired of being in the background. Were in highschool, we should be making memories that will last us years. I don't wanna be a background character, some unpopular nobody. So I'm gonna use Cross to change that. We just need to work on Crosses image a little to make him more social... Or at least change him from an antisocial psycho bully bad boy, into a heart throb bad boy that good girls go crazy for. Our click will become the most popular in the school, we will be able to have any girl we want!" through his speach Valkyrie had become increasingly excited, much to Slow Dancers annoyance. "I don't want any girl" Slow Dancer annoyingly replied. "or guy then. Better?" Valkyrie sarcastically replied. Ignoring Valkyrie's joke, Slow Dancer replied. "No. I don't care about popularity either." Still excited, Valkyrie continued. "The point is with him on our side we could do so much more! I wanted to do this for a long time but never had a chance to approach him. But now that I have something to offer I have a chance to live out all my highschool fantasies. Highschool starts now!" "you watch too many teen dramas." Slow Dancer stoically replied. "Besides, first you have to take the most despised unlikable person and turn them into something likeable. Well, I guess anything else is still arguably better... I got a feeling this is gonna get a lot worse before gets better." ______________________________________________________________ Leaving Slow Dancer and Valkyrie behind I headed to my final class of the day, Media. I didn't care what Those two were talking about, I knew it was about me but I had something else on my mind. (...Why am I still here? Usually after a fight I would be suspended for a few days or at least be sent home for the rest of day. I always assumed that's what happened to everyone involved. I guess even when I made it self-defense they saw through it, though I think I got lesser punishments thanks to that.) I soon arrived to class. Once I entered the teacher took notice of me, the students however were to busy doin their own individual things on the computer. "Cross! So you decide to attend class after all. You better have a good reason for only just showing up." the Teacher asked. I couldn't remember the teachers name, actually, I wasn't sure I even knew it. He had only started working here this year so I wasn't very familiar with him. Didn't help that I'm bad with names and faces either... Or that I treat Media like Art classes, by doing the bare minimum and slacking off. "i don't know. I was pretty certain I wasn't gonna show up at all... But here I em" I vaguely replied to the teachers confusion. Seeing his puzzled expression I elaborated. "I just came from the Principles office, I was in a fight but was told to just go to class." "huh... Well that sounds about right" the teacher replied. "go take a seat. Were just continuing our work from yesterday." Since I missed class yesterday I didn't know what he was talking about ...not like I planned to do any work though, class was already halfway through. Before heading to an empty computer I remembered that Slow Dancer was in this class and that he would be along shortly. "oh right, there's something you should probably know." I stopped and said to the teacher. "On my way to class I passed a student who I think is supposed to be in this class, I think his name is Slow Dancer?... Anyway, he was just loitering in the hall so when I asked why he wasn't in class he didn't answer and instead asked me the same question. I don't think he realised were in the same class, so when he arrives he may try to use my excuse. Although if you look at him he clearly wasn't involved in any fight." Slow Dancers publicity stunt from earlier may help spread the news that I had gathered friends but it still pissed me off. And while I wasn't gonna do anything directly to him I would like to give him that same inconvenience. With scepticism the teacher replied. "huh, I didn't picture you as the type to rat on others." With a smirk I replied before taking a seat at an empty computer. "Just because I break the rules doesn't mean others should." A minute latter Slow Dancer arrived, and just as expected the teacher didn't beleive a word of his story. I may not had been able to hear what they were saying as the noise from other students drowned them out, but their facial expressions and body language said all I needed to hear. The Teacher face became increasingly dissatisfied while Slow Dancer seemed confused, probably due to not knowing why the teacher strongly didn't beleive him. Only after the Teacher pointed at me did his look of confusion get replaced with one of understanding as he gave me a shitty glare. He was soon sent back to the principles office, probably to get a note from Celestia to explain he had been telling the truth. A few minutes later I felt something hit the back of my chair. Turning to see who it was I saw Slow Dancer, he had returned without me noticing. "your an Ass." an irritated Slow Dancer said. "said the guy who instigated a fight that got his friends ass kicked just to prove a point" I bluntly replied as I turned back to the computer. I wasn't doing work as much as I was looking up random facts, I was just running out the clock until school was over. Slow Dancer with nothing else to say went away. He wasn't as cooperative as Valkyrie in making it look like we were friends, although neither was I. Well, that and he got nothing out of the deal... Also he wanted nothing to do with it. Besides looking up random junk I also thought about how eventful today had been. I never really interact much with people before and now here I was with 2 fake friends. I also thought a lot about my fight with Spear Wing. it was unsatisfying, usually I felt some kind of rush or excitement from doing something like that. Even going all the way back to Monday when Blueblood had me tear down all of Mayor Mares propaganda it lacked the usual excitement I got from doing something bad. All the small encounters and conflicts that usually gave me a sense of excitement seemed more like a hassle then anything else. Although thinking back I think it may had been like that for awhile. There were a few times when I felt the rush I was fond of. Before I could continue those thoughts however I was interrupted by the school bell, signaling that at last school was over. I made my way out of class, wanting to leave school grounds quickly as I headed straight for my car. (I don't wanna run into Valkyrie. Thanks to Spear Wing he forgot to get my mobile number, and I hope to keep it that way for as long as I can so I don't have to taxi him around.) I annoyingly thought before realising something. (...Actually, I don't know my mobile number. Even if he asked I wouldn't know it, and I'm not to sure how to find out what it is. I'm not to familiar with mobile phones as this is the first one I've owned. Maybe it's listed in it somewhere?... I'll check later.) It was a short walk from class to my car, luckily I hadn't run into any distractions. Getting into the drivers seat I started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot. I didn't have a destination in mind just yet but I wanted to be sure to avoid my so called, friends, so that I wouldn't have to keep my end of the barging just yet. As I drove I thought about where to go. (I need to go to the library and find my grandfather's book. It's a long shot but it might hold some useful information. Although, if I remember correctly, mum said the Library is run by volunteers and only opens around 3. I don't know how reliable these volunteers are so it may not be open yet. I also remember mum saying I should swing by city hall as she might need a hand setting up for Har-Fest. Sure the last few tasks had me running around and took all day, but she's my mum. And even If I don't like it she's family, and as I was raised, we always come through for each other... Usually. Besides, I'm not in a rush. For whatever reason those bugs aren't coming after me.) With that decided I headed for Cityhall.