Strange Town

by general_bad

Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies Part 3

Strange Town 005 part 3

Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies (part 3)

I quietly finished the mystery meat sandwich I bought for lunch, it wasn't anything special but it wasn't terribly either. While I hadn't particularly enjoyed it I really needed the energy. Across from me at the Table were two other boys, Valkyrie and Slow Dancer. Just a few minutes ago they had struck a deal with me. In exchange for leaving them out of my less than pleasant antics and being a taxi when needed, they would claim to be my friends.

While I didn't want a friend, let alone 2, I needed them in order to make good on a lie Mr Freerights told Principle Celestia. In any other situation I wouldn't had bothered, but Principle Celestia had mentioned lessening my counselling days from 5 to 3. I wasn't gonna let an opportunity like that be passed up.

Even though things had progressed much better than I could of hoped, by which I mean find someone willing to pretend to be my friend. I found myself with another issue.
What do I do now? Our deal was made 5 minutes ago but the both of them were still at my table.

"we already made our deal, you two can go now." I told my new fake friends. I was feeling a little uncomfortable that these two had willing stuck around me for so long. I was so use to being by myself that having others around me if they weren't forced to felt odd... Truthfully I preferred to be alone.

"well..." Valkyrie began with a nervous look. "we have an agreement, but it's not really as simple as saying we're friends."

I wasn't to sure what he was getting at, and it must have been clear to them that I didn't understand as Slow Danfer was quick to clarify.
"Sure we could say your our friend, but do you really think people would believe it. People will figure out somethings wrong if we don't act like friends, they'll either think we're being blackmailed or bribed. That's why we need to be convincing."

Unlike Valkyrie, Slow Dancer didn't seem hesitant in talking to me. Although the way he spoke to me wasn't how you would see friends talk to one another. Anger and distrust were clearly present in his tone, probably due to the fact that Valkyrie sold him into this agreement.
He was probably only going along with this because of how much trust he had in Valkyrie... Although it could also be that Valkyrie was his only friend, meaning he didn't have the luxury ditching him unless he was fine with being a loner.

Slow Dancer continued his explanation. "a good way to convince others that were friends is to simply do things that friends would do, Like hanging out. That's why were still here. And FYI, We don't have to enjoy it."

"Well good. In that case I think it's going well" I sarcastically reply to Slow Dancer.

Slow Dancer may had been giving me a lot of attitude but at least he was honest and straight to the point. I felt more comfortable with his attitude than Valkyrie's, I was use to it.

It wasn't long before we returned to quietly sitting there, shortly after I decided I had had enough as it was me to break the silence.
"So I'm new to this whole friendship thing and all, but is there another activity we could do besides sitting across from me and awkwardly staring at me in silence?"

"We could reavaluate our life choices?" Slow Dancers snidely replied, although it seemed to be directed at Valkyrie rather then me.

Valkyrie was quick to catch on as he replied somewhat awkwardly. "haha... Oh Slow Dancer, your such a kidder"

(Slow Dancer didn't seem to be joking, Not that I'ld blame him though.) I thought.

Valkyrie then turned his attention back to me.
"Why don't we start with something relatively easy, like small talk. We can get to know each other better, we might even have something in common" Valkyrie suggested, giving a decent try at relieving some tension.
It was common sense that this arrangement was a bad idea, although it seemed that Valkyrie didn't want to admit it. He was doubling down and trying to get this to work, either out of pride or for some sort of benefit I couldn't see yet.

I didn't care to learn about them but anything was better than the awkward silent stares. "...sure, why not. Although since I don't care about learning about you two I won't be asking questions, I'll only be answering them."

"oh, okay." Valkyrie replied as he thought up his first question. "I'll start with something easy... Tell me about something you like."

"I like it when people don't ask me stupid questions" I sarcastically replied.

My response was quickly followed up by a question from Slow Dancer. "So then what's something you hate"

"I hate it when someone asks me dumb questions" I once again sarcastically answer.

"one step forwards, one step in the same spot" Valkyrie remarked. Despite seeing he was getting nowhere he persisted with more questions to my annoyance. "is it true you once took on 10 guys from Canterlot High and won?"

"pass!" I abruptly replied.

"What's the most illegal thing you've done" Slow Dancer asked, more interested in looking around the cafeteria then our Q&A session.

"...Are you wearing a wire?" I suspiciously questioned back.

"Have you ever had a Girlfriend?" Valkyrie asked with much more enthusiasm than the other questions.

"I've never had a friend" I dryly reply.

"How come that girl over there keeps giving you such a shitty look?" came another question from Slow Dancer.

Before I could ask what he wa talking about Valkyrie beat me to it."Girl? What girl?"

"The purple haired girl over there" Slow Dancer replied as he pointed to a table over on the other side of the room before continuing. "The one with that Farm Girl your always pining over."

Me and Valkyrie looked to were Slow Dancer was pointing, it didn't take long to figure put who he was talking about. It was that Rarety girl, the one who works at the Carousel Boutique. She appeared to be with three others. That Farm girl Applejack who Valkyrie appeared to be interested in. a Plump Pink haired girl who I remembered worked at Sugar Cubs Corner, although I had forgotten her name at this point. And the smart lavender girl Twilight, who may or may not know about the shapeshifting bugs that have recently become a nuesence to my life.

All but Rarety seemed to be to busy with a conversation while she gave her full attention to trying to burn a hole in the back of my skull with a hate filled glare.

"oh, her!" I began to reply to Slow Dancer, placing my attention back towards my new so called friends. "I can think of at least three reasons why, although I'm gonna go with her inability to let things go and move on." my answer just like the rest was vague at best, but I didn't care. I knew and that's all that mattered. I'm sure Rarety was still sore about this mornings incident... And every other time she had to talk to me.

After a shared look of confusion between the two, Slow Dancer sarcastically remarked.
"So to recap everything we learnt from this Q&A session. You don't like socializing, your very likely a bad person, and people don't like you... In short, nothing new"
Once again his remark seemed to be directed at Valkyrie instead of me.

"I guess you know everything about me then" I replied in a simular sarcastic tone.

"Okay, so maybe it's too soon to be asking you personal questions?... We need to take smaller steps." Valkyrie added as he retook control of the conversation. "I know! How about I tell you a bit about myself, you probably don't know much about me."

Instead of replying as he expected, I decided to move things along and tell him what I knew. "Your names Valkyrie, which is more than I care to know. Your only friend is Slow Dancer here, although that seems to be out of situation rather than general interest. You two only hang around each other so your not alone. Your family trains and raises horses which means you likely live out side of town on a ranch. Despite this you consider yourself a farmer, probably because you try to force similarities between your and that Farm girl Applejack you seem to be attracted to even though she clearly has no interest in you. You have a habit of pretending to be confident in an attempt to trick yourself into actually being confident, but once things take a bad turn you quickly cave and give into the other persons demands... Like when you helped me break into Short Stubs locker."

Valkyrie just sat there, amazed and confused at how much I knew about him. Honestly, so was I. I hadn't realised how much info I had gained over these past few days.
It was Slow Dancer who finally broke the silence.
"Who's Short Stub?"

"He means Short Stick" Valkyrie replied, still shocked at how much I knew.

"you mean that guy who died in a fire?" Slow Dancer asked.

"What!?" Valkyrie replied, being snapped out of his shock. "No! He was one of the kids who ran away... No one died in a fire!"

"well I don't listen to gossip... I also don't care. Either way you shouldn't be breaking into people's lockers Valkyrie. I'm pretty sure there's a rule about it." Slow Dancer half heartedly replied, he wasn't really invested in the conversation.
I could see Valkyrie wanted to respond to that but before he could Slow Dancer quickly turned his attention to me, and with much more interest he asked. "So you surprisingly know a lot about Valkyrie. What about me?"

I didn't have to think long about it before replying. "Nothing!"

"The Hell!" Valkyrie suddenly snapped. "What do you mean nothing? You named a whole bunch of things about me including habits but you got nothing on Slow Dancer? You at least know his name"

"That's were your wrong." I calmly replied." I know about you Valkyrie from a few interactions and watching your failed flirting attempt with Applejack a few day ago. But Slow Dancer, I've never spoken to him once. I'm not even sure if his name is one word or two."

"It's two words. Slow, space, Dancer. It's my full name." Slow Dancer answered without me needing to ask, he seemed relieved that I knew nothing about him.
"also Cross, you were right with what you said about me and Valkyries friendship, It's circumstantial. Just like Valkyrie I live outside of town, my parents work on his families ranch. While his family trains and raises horses my parents take care of their medical and nutritional needs. Because of this I've known Valkyrie since I was young. Just like you I don't have much interest in making friends, but I'm comfortable enough with Valkyrie that I don't mind being around him."

"Yeah... Thanks Slow Dancer... That's why your my best friend" Valkyrie said, void of emotion.

(Slow Dancer kinda reminds me of myself a little, except less of an ass. He also seems like a person who doesn't like to stand out, he prefers to go unnoticed.) I thought as I studied him.

Before this uncomfortable conversation could go any further the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. As I got up to leave Valkyrie started to talk again. "hey Cross, what class do you have now?"

Remembering there was only one more class today I felt some relief as I answered, unsure as to why he cared.

Turning to Slow Dancer he continued. "Hey Slow Dancer, don't you have media now?"

With a annoyed roll of his eyes Slow Dancer reluctantly replied. "...Yeah..."

"I guess that means you two are in the same class." Valkyrie continued, to which me and Slow Dancer lightly sighed at. "I've got biology now, and since the science classes are next to the computer room's we can walk to our classes together."
This time our sighs were much louder, besides making an annoyed face to acknowledge our disinterest in the idea he ignored us. Uncomfortable with the idea I began to walk off without them while Valkyrie was distracted by Slow Dancer, seemed like Slow Dancer wanted to tell him something.

"I'm telling you Valkyrie, this is a bad idea. And at best, it's stupid." Slow Dancer quietly whispered to Valkyrie after grabbing him by the arm and pulling him closer. Meanwhile Cross had began walking off.

"Don't worry I know what I'm doing" Valkyrie replied normally, not seeing a reason to whisper like Slow Dancer. "trust me, this deal works out way better for us than him. I mean, sure we may have to deal with some shit from others for hanging with Cross. But now that were with Cross no ones gonna mess with us, not even him!... Plus his got a car. Think about how much easier it will be to get around town now that we've got a friend with a car! That's a big deal for guys like us who live outside of town. Busses don't even come our way, the closest bus stop is 45 minutes away.... And it rarely shows up" he had yet to realise Cross had left.

"People only bully you" Slow Dancer replied as he got up. "and before he drives you anywhere you gotta call him"

"it only costs a few cents to make a call, so what? It's better than nothing" Valkyrie confidently replied.

"No you idiot!" Slow Dancer replied as he started to walk away. "...If you still don't get it, why don't you try calling him now!"

"fine then, I will!" Valkyrie arrogantly replied as he took his mobile phone out of his pocket. After staring at it for a few seconds he understood what Slow Dancer was getting at.
"oh... Right. I don't have his number... Hey! Wait up!" he called out as he ran to catch up to Slow Dancer.

I left the Cafeteria ahead of Valkyrie and Slow Dancer. I understood if I was going to convince anyone that I had friends especially Principle Celestia, then I would have to be open to their suggestions. However I was too prideful to simply go along with what they said. I was out of my element, and while their suggestions sounded like things friends would do it felt weird to me.

I didn't have much time to think about this new development as heard a familiar voice calling me.
"Wait up Cross!" it was Valkyrie, he was running down the hallway to catch up with me, and it seemed he was dragging Slow Dancer by the arm.

I didn't bother slowing down. Quickly catching up to me, Valkyrie began walking ahead while Slow Dancer took a more steady pace next to me.

"I didn't think you would be one to rush off to class" Valkyrie said as we walked to our classes. "You were in such a rush you didn't realise you left us behind."

"yeah... That's why I ditched you" I lazily replied.

"oh hey" He continued. "I realised I don't actually have you number, so it would be kinda difficult to contact you as part of our agreement. It would be pretty handy to for situations like-" Valkyrie began to ramble on as I tuned him out.

(shit! He caught onto the fact that he didn't have my phone number. I was hoping he wouldn't realise for awhile) I annoyingly thought. From the corner of my eye I caught Slow Dancer snickering as Valkyrie continued to ramble.
(Slow Dancer must've made him realise it.)

While Valkyrie continued his constant prattling, I felt Slow Dancer lightly nudge my arm. Turning to face him while we continued walking, I noticed his board expression, reminiscent of my own... Just less angry.

"I don't trust you" Slow Dancer calmly and quietly said to me. Valkyrie was somehow still talking in the background, he seemed to be listing reasons why having my mobile number was good for both of us.

"of course you don't!... You have commonsense... Also, I don't care!" I quietly replied. It's not that I didn't want Valkyrie to overhear us because it might hurt his feelings, I just didn't want to deal with him more than I had to.

"It doesn't matter if you care or not! What matters is how far your willing to go." Slow Dancer replied with the same serious expression. "...and it looks like your about to have an opportunity to show me!"

Quickly stepping forwards, Slow Dancer shoves Valkyrie in the back. This Sent him hurdelling into a group of three boys, all wearing the schools sports jacket, knocking them down.

"THE HELL!!!" Said a surprised Valkyrie as he began to get up.

(The Hell indeed) I thought, both surprised and confused. (why did Slow Dancer just do that? What's he trying to gain?)

"THE HELL!!!" came an unfamiliar angry voice. It was one of the boys Valkyrie had knocked over, getting up he continued. "WATCH WERE YOUR GOING YOU IDIOT!"

Finally getting back on their feet I get a good look at them. The three of them all wore the schools sports jacket just like Flash Sentry and his friends, I assume this meant they were also part of the football team. Among the three it wasn't hard to figure out who the leader was, his body language was much more confident then the other two... also seemed to be the angriest.
The boy had bright yellow short hair with light purple skin. He was tall, taller than me by a bit. his build was quite large and muscular, more so than both me and Flash Sentry but no where near Bulk Biceps. The other two boys were clearly just following his lead. Because of this I didn't take much notice of them.

"OH SHIT! SPEAR WING!" a shocked Valkyrie said. He clearly knew these guys, or more specifically the leader.

(Spear Wing?... I feel like I've heard that name before) I quietly thought to myself as Valkyrie continued.

"S-Sorry Spear Wing... I didn't mea-" he didn't get to finish is rushed apology as he was unexpectedly interrupted.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Slow Dancer suddenly began laughing hystericaly while pointing. "Light Weights! Haha... I get it Valkyrie! Light Weights!!"

It was if he was as if he was repeating a punchline to a joke Valkyrie had just told, except I know Valkyrie hadn't been telling any jokes... Well okay, I wasn't listening to him 100% but I'm pretty he wasn't. I definitely know Slow Dancer wasn't listening to him either, so what was going on.

"LIGHT WRIGHT!!!" the boy apparently named Spear Wing angrily repeated. "What's that supposed to mean Valkyrie!? You been talking trash behind my back again, telling jokes!? You consider yourself a comedian!?... I thought the last time I taught you a lesson it would stick!?"

"WHAT?" a shocked Valkyrie cried as he looked around unsure of what was suddenly happening. Slow Dancer was still laughing his ass off.
"No!... No, you got it all wrong! I don-"

Observing the situation, I was trying to figure out what was going on. (I don't get?... What's Slow Dancer trying to pull? He said something about, while not trusting me he wants to see how far I'm willing to go. Then he shoved Valkyrie into Spear Wing... But what does all of this have to do with it?) Taking a deep breath I continued to observe the scene as Valkyrie continued his frantic apology as Spear Wing became more and more angry.
(Spear Wing?... I know I've heard that name somewhere before, but where?... And what's wrong with Valkyrie? He's loosing the colour in his face. I've seen that reaction before, in people just before I kick their ass. But why's Valkyrie having that reaction, as part of our agreement I can't kick his ass. Even if I could, why would I in this situation?) I continued to think. And just like a light being switched on, it suddenly dawned on me. The answer to my question.

"OH!!!" I loudly interrupted, getting the attention of everyone presented.

"Huh? Cross?" Spear Wing said, now realising I was also here. He didn't look too happy to see me, but then again who is. Valkyrie on the other hand seemed relieved at my interruption as he looked to me with what I would describe as eyes full of hope. He was now somewhat calmer as the colour began to return to his face.

I was relieved as well. Honestly, I was a little embarrassed I hadn't caught on sooner. But finally figuring it out, I loudly explained. "Your Spear Wing! The Dip Shit Jerk Face Valkyrie Was telling me about!"

The Hallway fell silent, besides us their were a few other students present who weren't involved. As a fire ignited in Spear Wings eyes, The hopefull glimmer in Valkyrie's was replaced with a lifeless staire. Slow Dancer had suddenly stoped laughing as he now appeared to be face palming himself. It looked as though Valkyrie wanted to say something, although for now that would have to wait as Spear Wings fist collided into Valkyrie's stomach, winding him.

Taking a few steps back, Valkyrie is grabbed by his shirts collar as Spear Wing pulls him back up so that their face to face before angrily growling. "DIP, SHIT, JERK, FACE!!!" which was then followed up with an overhead punch to Valkyrie's face. Luckily for Valkyrie, his reflexes were quick enough as he managed to raise his arm and defend against the strike. It didn't do much good as the strike carried enough force to send his defending arm into his face... But it's better then nothing I suppose.

Meanwhile I calmly stood off to the side, proud that I had figured out where I had heard Spear Wings name. I was bad with names and faces so I was glad to see some improvement. I stood by and watched the fight, although fight wasn't really how I would describe this. Valkyrie seemed to have good reflexes as he was blocking most of the hits, although despite how open Spear Wing was in his assult Valkyrie never took the offensive.

It was somewhat fascinating to watch however. Usually if theirs a fight at school it's me against some loser, not two losers going at it. After a moment Slow Dancer interrupted me.

"Hey Cross! what the Hell are you waiting for?" Slow Dancer asked.

With a loud sigh I reply. "Yeah, I know... It sucks but your right... We better get to class" as I try to leave Slow Dancer quickly blocks my way.

"No! We can't just leave... I mean we could, but we shouldn't. Aren't you gonna help Valkyrie" Slow Dancer asked.

"Help Valkyrie?" I replied as I slightly turned to the fight. Valkyrie was still on the defense as hit after hit landed. "Help him with what exactly?" I questioned.

"To get a girlfriend..." he sarcastically responded. "What do you think I'm talling about, The Fight!... Do something."

Rolling my eyes I replied. "Fine... There's no need for all that attitude".
Turning my attention back to the fight I thought about what I could do before doing the only thing I could think of. "Valkyrie!" I sternly called out. "do... Better?"

I didn't know what Slow Dancer was expecting of me but this wasn't it as determined by his facepalming. It also didn't help that Valkyrie clearly ignored my advice. He wasn't doing better, in fact calling out to him momentarily distracted him, leaving him open for another shot to the gut.

"What was that?" Slow Dancer asked. "Do better? What does that even mean?"

"Seems pretty self explanatory" I calmly replied.

"by help him, I meant jump in their and save his ass!" Slow Dancer Finally explained.

"You must be joking?" I calmly replied.

"...what are you talking about. Of course I'm not joking." an annoyed Slow Dancer replied. For what ever reason he couldn't see the issue.

With a serious gaze I looked at Slow Dancer. "Are you a fool? Valkyrie doesn't need our help against someone that weak, his reaction time is far superior to Spear Wings. It would only hurt his pride if we were to interfere, he would rather die than except help to beat someone so weak!" I confidently explain.

"WHY ISN'T ANYONE HELPING ME?" Valkyrie loudly cried in the background.

Looking at me with a confuse glare, Slow Dancer continued. "What the Hell are you talking about? He literally just cried for help."

With a chuckle I reply. "oh Slow Dancer, don't be naive. He's clearly testing our friendship. If we were to step in it would means we don't trust him. Ask yourself, would you want someone interfering in your fight."

"THIS IS NOT A TEST! HELP ME!" Valkyrie continued calling in the background. Not that I would fall for it.

With a dull expression, Slow Dancer Facepalmed himself once again. "I think I get it... Cross, those are things you would do isn't it. You prefer to handle things on your own and you wouldn't trust those who didn't trust you to do things." he explained.

With a look of confidence I replied. "That's right!... Why?"

After rolling his eyes Slow Dancer began to respond. "I get it, you don't really know how to act with others... At least not like a normal human being that is. You've been so isolated and anti-social you never learnt. So a lot of customs and behaviors of friendship are gonna seem strange and foreign to you... Hell, even being a decent person confuses you. But you gotta look at this from a different perspective."

With an eyebrow raised I replied. "...what are you getting at?"

"what i'm saying is..." Slow Dancer began as he rolled his eyes. "Don't think about what you would do in his situation. We both know you would find a way to win in this situation, I'm guessing you already have... but imagine Valkyrie can't see what you see."

(Slow Dancer makes a good point... I could easily win this fight.) I proudly thought as I continued to watch the fight. Spear Wing wasn't releanting in his assult as Valkyrie remained on the defense.
(What did he mean about stop thinking about what I would do in this situation? If I can see the openings in Spear Wings clumsy punches surly Valkyrie can as well right?)

My confidence in Valkyrie's ability to win began to falter as he took a few more hits followed by once again calling for help.
(although then again... He hasn't made much of an effort to fight back, what's with that? Maybe he's waiting for Spear Wing to wear himself out?... No, that would take too long and we need to head off to class. So then what's the point of taking all those hits?... Maybe his right, I've thinking about how I would handle this, but what about Valkyrie? His not as confident as me, or as fearless.. Or aggressive... Or experienced... Or me.... No, no his got this... I think?)

My unwillingness to admit being wrong doesn't last however as a hit knocks Valkyrie to his knees. (....Darm it, I see what Slow Dancer was getting at. Valkyrie wasn't waiting for the right opportunity to strike or wearing Spear Wing out, he was getting his ass kicked! I wouldn't usually care but now that his associated with me maybe I should I step in... I mean, that's something a friend would do, right?) still not too sure if I should step in, I looked to Slow Dancer for a sign.

he didn't have to say anything, his board annoyed glare was enough of a sign. He was most likely annoyed at how long I had taken to catch on to something so simple.
(yeah, I better step in. This is probably what he meant by wanting to see how far I'm willing to go, he wants to make sure I'm also willing to play my part as their friend)

"sigh... Quit looking at me like that" I bordly told Slowdancer as I slowly began walking towards the fight. "I got this"

Valkyrie was down on his knees hands raised in defense, Spear Wing looked ready to finish the fight as he brought his fist high into the air, ready to bring it down on Valkyrie. They hadn't noticed me approaching nonchalantly from the side. As Spear wing went for the finishing hit I grabbed his arm from the side just before it makes contact with Valkyrie's face.

"Wha?... Cross! What d-" a startled Spear Wing begins only to be abruptly cut off as quickly jerk his arm to the side throwing him off balance before giving him a knee to the gut. "ouff..." besides winding him, this sends him stumbling backwards a few meters before collapsing to his knees.

"WHAT THE HELL TOOK YOU SO LONG!!" an annoyed and beaten Valkyrie loudly said to me. For someone who's ass I just saved, he didn't seem all that greatful.

"...I thought you had this" I stoically replied.

"Nooo!" Valkyrie immediately replied. "What part of that did it look like I had!"
I didn't want to reply to that, so I didn't.

Catching his breath, Spear Wing got back up. "Cross! What the Hell did you do that for? It's not like you to help some loser out!" he angrily said. His two cronies who had been watching from the side were now beside him with him in the middle.

To which I stoically replied. "yeah, that's usually true. Except that pathetic loser happens to be my... Friend" there was a slight pause as saying, friend, just felt weird to say.

Valkyrie who was still on his knees spoke up. "you know, he only called me a loser. You didn't have to add the, pathetic, part"

Looking down at Valkyrie I replied. "Yes... Yes I did"

"Hold on a second!" Spear Wing called. "I must still be a bit out of it, but it sounded like you said that wimpy pathetic loser was your friend?"

"No you heard me correctly" I disheartenedly replied. "this wimpy pathetic bedwetting loser is my friend." it still felt weird to say, especially with people listening.

"quit adding insults!" Valkyrie snapped at us.

Most people had already left for class. While people usually stick around during fights, Valkyrie's beating was so one sided that most people had lost interest and left. The few people still in the hallway were just me, Slow dancer, Valkyrie, Spear Wing and his two buddy's, and three nobodies who watched from the sides.

With no interest in this situation, I decided to give Spear Wing a chance to back down. "Look, we can continue this if you want. But just a heads up, its gonna be all downhill for you starting now. I can think of 20 different ways this can go and they all end with you in the nurses office."

That only seemed to piss him off as he replied with more anger than before. "You think your so tough just cause you got lucky against me a couple times! Well this time me and my friend's are gonna knock you off your high horse. Face it, we outnumber yous 3 to 2 since Valkyrie's in no condition to continue. Even if he was, he wouldn't be much help."

"got lucky against you a couple times?" I questioned. I had no idea as to what he had been specifically referring to. "I don't remember ever kicking your ass, or even meeting you before. But don't feel to bad about it. your clearly on the school's football team and I've probably fought every member by now, you can't expect me to remember everyone of you."

To my confusion that seemed to pissed him off even more. Luckily for me Valkyrie was willing to clear that up.

"you really don't remember him?" Valkyrie asked as if I did. "You really are bad with names and faces... Anyway, you've kicked Spear Wings ass a few times over the past 2 years. And by a few I mean like 20." Despite that claim I still didn't recognise him.
"on a side note, you haven't fought the whole football team, or half the team at that. It's always Flash Sentry or Spear Wing."

"What?... That can't be right." I objected. "there's no way I would constantly kick this guy's ass and forget about him!... What about the guy on the bus last year? During our teams away game against Cloudsdale?"

"Spear Wing." Valkyrie replied.

"Then what about the guy in the Cafeteria during the first day back to school this year?" I asked again.

"Spear Wing!" Slow Dancer blatantly answered this time.

"oh..."I disheartenedly replied, taking a brief pause to think. "Well... What about the guy in the school parking lot who-"

"Spear Wing!!" the two boys besides Spear Wing interrupted in unison.

Before I could continue further Slow Dancer intervened. "Cross, if there was someone you beat up that was wearing the schools sports jacket, and wasn't someone you know. Then there is a 95% chance that it was Spear Wing."

"...Well what about that other 5%?" I asked, unwilling to let this go.

"Flash Sentry from an odd angle" Slow Dancer quickly replied.

"well, shit..." I disheartenedly said more to myself than anyone else as I crossed my arms and looked up thoughtfully. "I took pride in the fact I had beaten everyone on the football team... This sucks."

"ENOUGH!!" Spear Wing angrily shouted. "I've had it with your arrogance! Are you ready to get your ass kicked or not!"

His yelling snapped me from my thoughts as I calmly looked at him. Him and his two toadies looked ready to fight, there fists up and expressions full of anger. Despite there willingness for a fight I felt nothing. No, that's not true, if anything I felt slightly disheartened at learning my achievement of beating every member of the football team was a lie created from my ignorance. I felt cheated, even knowing how this would end I felt like I was coming out of this with the short stick.

Usually whenever an opportunity for a fight or a chance to do something mean presents itself I feel excited, like you would if you found money on the ground. But this time I felt board, like it was a nuisance, a hassle. I didn't understand why it was different this time.

"Hey!" I unenthusiastically call to the three boys ready to fight. "are you really sure you wanna do this?"

"What?" Spear wing asked, confused at my question.

"well..." I began to reply. "if what everyones says is true. I've kicked your ass on multiple occasions to a point where my victories have been so easy I've never bothered to remember you. What makes you think this times gonna be any different?"

"Shut up!" Spear Wing snapped at me. "You just got lucky a few 20 times. Besides, this time it's three on three."
shooting Valkyrie a sinister glare he continued. "Although Valkyrie won't be much help at this point."

"I don't need Valkyrie to kick your ass." I calmly replied. "besides, I was planning on doing this alone anyway." I could see he wasn't gonna back down, and this time Blueblood wasn't gonna save me the trouble. So I decide to just get this over with.

Not in a hurry, I began slowly walking towards Spear Wing and his friends when Slow Dancer called to me. "hold up Cross. Before you go charging in I wanna let you kno-"

"I don't want your help!" I interrupted. "as a friend you might feel obligated to fight, but I would prefer you stay out of my way."

With a calm demeanor Slow Dancer replied from the side lines. "No, you misunderstand. I wouldn't get involved in something so stupid. What I was gonna say is, no matter what happens, no matter how bad it gets, no matter how beaten or bruised you end up. Even if you were to beg for help. I won't step in. Your on your own."

"huh." I replied turning my attention back to the task at hand. "thanks... I actually mean that. I prefer doing things alone." I was glad he was unwilling to help. This may had been a test to see if I would stand up for them, but he also made it clear that he understood we would never be friends.

As the first boy rushed me, Valkyrie quickly jumped back to the side lines with Slow Dancer. The boy was charging in for a tackle, aiming for my waist as he leaned forwards. He was probably hoping to take me to the ground to lower my maneuverability and allowing all three of them to stomp the shit out of me. I however wasn't planning the just stand around.

Making a sudden dash towards the boy, I preemptively place my hands on top of his shoulders and push myself up. Sending the boy of balance as I go over him while swinging my legs to one side and forwards as I drive my knees into the chest of the second boy who had been following him. The devastating impact of my knee sends the second boy back into some lockers while the first boy who I had vaulted over losses his balance and runs head first into the lockers behind me. With a loud thud the boys face leaves a large dent in the locker before collapsing to the ground. Unlike the one I kneed who was clutching his chest in pain, the boy face planted the locker gave no reaction of pain as he appeared to be past out.

(idiot just knocked himself out) I thought as I focused on the next target

Not giving them a chance to rest I charge the second boy as he begins getting up, using the locker behind him as a crotch. Spear Wing realising he's now one man down races to block my path. As he winds up a punch in an effort to stop me, I use his slight height advantage to my own as I duck under his punch and continue my mad dash to his winded comrade.
Nothing to stop me I deliver a running knee to the boys stomach, putting all my weight and momentum into it. Being against the locker the force causes the locker door to bend inwards as the boys back is planted into it, he spits up saliva as his hunched over body begins to fall to the ground.

Hearing foot steps approach me from behind I instinctively grab to collapsing boy by the hair before he can stumble to the ground. turning around I chuck the boy towards Spear Wing, as the boy stumbles into him Spear Wing Braces him up with his arms. This distracts him long enough that he doesn't see my punch wrap around the boys head and collides with Spear Wings at the same time he catches him. The punch carries enough force to knock him to the ground while the other boy finally collapses.

Rocked and disoriented, Spear Wing attempts to get back up only to be forced back down as I sit on his chest, my legs pinning his arms to the ground.

"oh no! Spear Wing and his toadies just got whooped by Cross! Who could have predicted that" I mocked as I grabbed him by the hair as I pulled my other arm back for a punch. All his confidence had drained away as he looked at me fearfully.
"any one with half a brain, thats who. But seriously, yous bearly lasted 15 seconds and didn't lay a finger on me, no wonder your not memorable.... Although, if it's any consolation, I might remember you this time Silver Wing"

"'s not... My n-name" Spear Wing managed to say.

I knew that, but I also knew it would hurt more if I called him by the wrong name. With a smile I prepared to land the finishing hit.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE" an all to familiar voice interrupted us.

Looking up I saw who it was. Vice Principle Luna was holding both Valkyrie and Slow Dancer by the ear as she glared down at me with a very angry expression.

"hold on! This isn't what it loks like!" I said as I raised my hands in defiance. "I was mercilessly and savagely beating these guys up."

That only caused her scowl to intensify as Valkyrie facepalmed. It seemed the few nobodies who stuck around all ran off when luna appeared. However her scowl turned into a smile which was much more disturbing as she spoke.

"I've waited for this day for a very long time. ALL YOU BOYS TO THE PRINCIPLES OFFICE NOW!" Luna called, Letting go of Valkyrie and Slow Dancer before turning her attention to a row of lockers. "don't think I can't see you hiding over there!"

Looking to see where Luna was facing it seemed as though one student hadn't ran away in time. There were a few long strands of pink hair poking out from behind a row of lockers as a girl nervously stopped out of her hiding spot.
She tried to hide her face behind her long pink hair as she met Luna's gaze. Besides her long pink hair and nervous persona my eyes were drawn to her sweater that she easily filled out.

It was than that I recognised her.
(it's that busty girl from art. The one who hung around that hippee Tree Hugger.... Butterfly!)

After catching their breaths, Spear Wing and his pal picked up the boy who had face planted the locker and helped carry him as Luna marched the Seven of us to the Principles office.