Strange Town

by general_bad

Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies Part 1

Strange Town 005 part 1

Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies (Part 1)

The sun rises over the waking town of Ponyville on what most would consider a beautiful Friday morning. I had been lying in bed, watching as my room was illuminated by the sun for the Past 2 hours. I had slept poorly last night as thoughts of my hunters coming for me in the night had me on edge. While I had correctly assumed they wouldn't try anything straight away I was still cautious, although maybe anxious would be a better word.
I had only slept for a few hours and was now just lying awake as I debated what to do.

(...What do I do?... What can I do?... If they didn't know it was me who killed there comrade before they sure do now.) I disheartenedly thought as I rolled over to face the window. (I don't wanna deal with this but it's not something I can avoid. Maybe I should stay home today... No, If I skip school they'll probably just come for me at home when my parents are out, And if not today it'll be tomorrow. Actually, it's probably safer at school, with others around they won't try anything... Probably.)

My thoughts are put on hold as I suddenly hear movement coming from down stairs. Quickly jumping out of bed I grab the lighter from off of the desk. Clutching the lighter tightly I wait, expecting to feel it warm up. Realising I may not be close enough to the source of the noise I cautiously make my way down stairs. Arriving in the kitchen with Still no reaction I let out a sigh of relief as I spot my mother whose busy making coffee.

"What's up Drifting?" My mother, Charity, asks as she sees me enter the kitchen. "And by that I mean what's wrong?"

"Nothing. What makes you think something's wrong?" I ask as I make my way towards to the toaster.

With an inquisitive look she replies. "firstly, You seem way to relieved when you saw me which is already pretty suspicious. Secondly, you look rough!... Rougher than usual anyway. Your face makes you look kinda like a villain even when you smile, but now you got bags under your eyes from lack of sleep which makes you look deranged."

With a roll of my eyes I reply. "Most family's start their day by saying 'Good Morning'. But I guess a 'hey, you look like a deranged villain' is close enough."

"I say it cause I care." Mum casually replied as she sat at the table with her coffee and some files. After a brief glance from her I could tell she was waiting for me to continue.

"I guess I'm kinda on edge at the moment... It's complicated" I vaguely tell her.

"You haven't been watching scary movies again? I know you can't handle them... Even the poorly made one's that aren't scary" she asked, trying to figure out my problem.

"No! Like I said, it's complicated... Besides, I would never watch a scary movie... I know I can't handle them... " I Begrudgingly answer as I grab my toast and make my way to the lounge room.

Wanting to get my thoughts off the monster's hunting me for a while, I turn on the TV.

"GOOOOOD MORNING PONYVILLE" came an overly cheerful voice from the TV. The morning news had just started as the fairly young and overly joyous news caster, Sunny Side, greeted viewers with so much pep it made me contort my face in disgust.
"Looks likes it's gonna be another bright sunny day, great for outdoor activity. Hopefully this weather continues till tomorrow's Har-Fest! For those viewers unaware, the small Town of Ponyville will be holding a Festival Tommorow Morning In the Town Square to both celebrate and help raise funds for local Farmers. So why not go on down!" she cheerfully continued.

(Is this the news or an ad! Why would people want to go to something like that? Who thought making our city smell like a farm would be a good idea anyway? I mean, I'll be there but not cause I want to... Well, with the ways things are going I might not make it to Tommorow...") I disheartenly thought as I ate my toast.
With a lack of sleep and generally no idea of what I was doing I wasn't exactly feeling confident in myself.

I was brought from my self pity as Sunny Side continued. "Our first story today comes all the way from the big city of Canterlot. Seems a Good Samaritan has taken it one step further when it comes to Crime prevention. an unnamed masked civilian dressed from head to toe in black has reportedly been responsible for the prevention of 3 muggings and a break in. Although the individual is unnamed, multiply eyewitness reports all confirm him to be the same person as he exhibits an over the top personality and refers to himself as... Eherm... A Hero of Justice!... When asked, police gave this following statement."
"The efforts of this unnamed civilian have not gone unnoticed. And while you have done an exceptional job so far, we would like to remind civilians that the taking law into your own hands is prohibited and consi-"


The story is cut short as I turn the TV off. While somewhat interesting to hear about a crazy person fighting crime I have my own problems to deal with which I was becoming too distracted from.

"I'm gonna head off in a few minutes." My mother informed me as she filled here coffee cup. "You don't need to worry about your father, he's still at work. Had to pull an all nighter."

(I had thought it was odd he wasn't up yet.) I thought as something crossed my mind. (Once mum goes I'll be the only one here. While I usually don't mind that, I don't think it's a good idea at the moment. No telling when those creatures will come for me. As long as I'm around others they won't try anything.)

Not wanting to be the last one in the house I race up stairs to get dressed. I throw on a pair of dark blue slacks, shoes and a black shirt with the words 'If you need something, don't hesitate to ask Somebody Else,' printed on it.
But something was missing. It was then that I remembered I no longer had my jacket. I had left it with that girl at the Carousel Boutique. Grabbing my lighter, keys, missing kids poster, wallet, and new mobile phone, I place them in my pockets before heading down stairs. My first destination before school being the Carousel Boutique to reclaim my jacket.

Just as I pass mum at the door she stops me. "oh hey, if you have some free time after school you should drop by my office at City Hall. That is if your not too busy looking for your Grandfathers book at Golden Oaks Library. I might have some more work for you."

(right! After school I need to head to Golden Oaks Library to search for grandpa's book and my only lead that may give me some insight. Too bad they only open after school, I really need as much information as I can get.) I thought before responding.
"Yeah, I'll think about it... but... You know. The last two things you had me do took up my whole day... And were Shit!" my reply didn't seem to bother her as we both left the house before driving off separately.

It didn't take me long to arrive at the Carousel Boutique. It was 8:50 giving me 10 minutes to get to school which was plenty of time. The store was open despite most businesses not being open until 9, although the girl was expecting me.
As I enter the store a bell attached to the door chimes. Hearing me enter, the door in the back opens as the same girl from yesterday enters behind the counter. Unlike yesterday her hairs a mess and bags are visible under her eyes, probably due to a lack of sleep. Her customer service skills hadn't seemed to improve as Her un-welcoming stair was still present.

I greeted her as i approached. "You look terrible." By greeted I meant, acknowledged her existence.

With a tired annoyed look she responded. "Yes... well, I was up all night trying to finish an unreasonable clients order. It didn't help that this client is also a sociopath who's threatened my life's work." She somewhat angrily stated as she stared at me.

"hmm... Well, I don't know if this would help but maybe your employees could work on there customer service skills. There's one new girl in particular who's just constantly rude to customers." I boardly reply as I lazily lean against the counter.

With an annoyed grumble the girl responded. "I was referring to you!"

"And I was just making idle small talk until you gave me my jacket. I don't care about your problems, Rarely!" I replied, remembering the girls name.

"Rarely?... Did you just call me Rarely!" the girl whined. "It's Rarity... Rarity Bell!"

"Do you have my jacket or not" I replied, ignoring her whining.

Taking a deepbreath, Rarity calmed down before leaving through the door she entered through. A moment later she returned with my jacket, completely restored. Placing it on the counter I picked it up to examine it.

"Wow! You actually managed to put it all back together... No, this is in much better condition than it was before. It's practically brand new." I said with amazement as I began to take out my wallet. I didn't actually expect her to be able to do it as it was in a really bad condition... Also, I could've sworn I lost some piece's.

"Yes well, that's because it practically is new" Rarity replied. Generally happy with my amazement of her skills.

"oh, is that right?" I inquisitively replied as I stoped just before taking some money out of my wallet.

"Yes." Rarity answered with out paying me much attention. "those rages you bought me were just that, rags. The only part worth saving was the cross emblem on the back. So I had to take another black jacket and modify it to resemble yours. Using information I found online I managed to create a perfect replica."

"I see" I replied as I put my wallet away without taking any cash out as I continued to examine the jacket. It was exactly like my old one.

"I had to do quite a few modifications. Giving it pockets on the inside. Attaching the synthetic white fur to the sleeves and collar." Rarity proudly continued.
"Actually, the back emblem is quite interesting. I had always thought it was a cross, but it's actually arrows pointing in four directions. It's a defect of the companies logo, the bottom arrow is much longer than it should be. The company that made the jacket no longer exists but you see... well... It's actually a woman's jacket." Rarity hesitantly replied.

"huh... Neat, I thought it was a little too... Puffy" I plainly replied as I threw the jacket on and examined the fur sleeves and collar.

"You don't mind?" Rarity questioned. "also, how could you not know it's a woman's jacket? When you purchased it it must have been in the woman's isle."

"I don't care who this jacket was intended for. It's mine now... And if you must know, I didn't buy this jacket, I took it from some guy I beat up. As to why he had it, I don't care." I replied as I moved my arms around to check how the jacket reacted.
"wow, you really went above and beyond what I asked you to do... Too bad your not getting paid."

"yes, with all the effort I put into it it is quite shame I'm not getting... WHAT!?" Rarity yelled, shocked at the realisation of what I said.
"What do you mean I'm not getting paid?"

"That's simple. I'm not paying for this." I plainly replied. It was clear she still didn't understand so I elaborated. "You failed to provide the service I asked for"

"What are you talking about? You asked me to fix your jacket and there it is, one fixed jacket!" she angrily replied as she pointed at my jacket.

"your partially right. I asked you to fix my jacket... But this isn't my jacket. This is another jacket you modified to resemble my old one, you said so your self. The only thing left of my jacket is the emblem." I replied.

"But... But... That's unfair. Your old jacket couldn't be put back together. Not in the short amount of time I had." Rarity whined, knowing I was technically right.

"Whats unfair is you going against out agreement and trying to sell me the wrong product while telling me that's what I ordered. Now if you'll excuse me, I have school." I replied as I looked up at a clock on the wall. It was 8:53 giving me enough time to make it to school on time... Probably.

"hold on." Rarity said as I turned to leave. "There is some truth to what you say... Even if it is stupid and contrived. But I'll let it slide if you... Can you give me a lift to school?" Rarity said in an unhappy manor as she picked up a backpack from behind the counter.

I generally didn't want to, so I did what any rational person would have. "Sure"

"Really?... I mean, thank you?" Rarity replied. Confused at my willingness to help.

We left the store as Rarity locked the door behind her. "you can just put your bag in the boot" I told Rarity as I opened the boot for her.

"Oh, sure" she replied as she put her bag in and closed the boot. "I must confess, I was certain you would refuse to give me a lift... You do have quite a reputation afterall."

"You don't say" I sarcastically replied as I got into the drivers seat.

"yes, well, I guess it doesn't hurt to try. Sometimes people may surprise you. We shouldn't just jump to conclusions about others." Rarity said nervously as she tried to open the passengers side door.

'click' 'click,click' the door however was currently locked.

"Cross, the door seems to be locked" Rarity informed me.

"I know" I replied with a huge grin on my face as I started up the car.

Rarity once again tried to open the door. "Cross, the doors still locked... Cross!... Cross?..."
As the car began moving forwards Rarity became more frantic. "no... nonono... nononononono!"

As pulled onto the road and began my drive to school I heard Raritys final cry.

"HAHAHAHAHAAAA." I laughed hystericaly. "...I really needed that" I say to myself.

It was mean and unfair to the poor girl that I was taking my frustration with my situation out on her... But I really need to have control over my life again.

It didn't take long to arrive at school, The first bell hadn't even gone yet as students were still hanging out by the entrance. Parking my car under a shady tree I began to mentally prepare myself.
(I won't be caught off guard like Yesterday, this time I know one of those things is gonna be following me around, waiting for an opportunity. Luckily there still unaware that I can sense them, but my best course of action is to stall until I can come up with a plan. For know I'll stick to populated areas until after school. Hopefully my Grandfather's book at the Library will give me something to use. Don't know how many I'll be facing, but as long as others are around they won't try anything.)

As I exited the car I remembered I still had Rarity's backpack in the boot. (right, I don't want to have to deal with distractions today, should probably dump the bag. But where?... I know!)
At that moment I remembered that Rarity was friends with Flash Sentry's girlfriend, Sunset, as well as the farm girl Applejack. While I wouldn't know we're to begin to look for Applejack, I did know Sunset usually hangs around Flash by the entrance.

Taking Rarity's bag from my car, It didn't take long to locate Sunset Shimmer and Flash. Besides having a good idea of were to find them, Sunsets red and orange bacony hair makes her easy to see. And as for Flash, well... I knew cause the moment I looked in that general direction I began to feel irritated.

The two of them were sitting at a table right next to the entrance. Besides them there were four others I didn't recognize, three boys and one girl. The boys wore the school sports jacket meaning they were probably part of the Football team like Flash Sentry, Besides that they looked rather generic to me. The girl who also seemed unimportant was probably just a groupie. Because of this I decided to treat them like I treat most people... I would ignore them, they weren't important.

As I walked towards them I called out to Sunset to gain her attention. "Hey! Dumbass!"

Turning to see who had called them, there moods suddenly sour as they see me approach. Flash and the other three boys stop what there doing as they quickly rise to there feet as flash is the first to respond.
"What do you want, Cross!"

"Huh?" I confusingly reply as I stop a few meters away from them. "...oh! Actually, I wasn't talking to you Flash. But I can see where you would get confused" I plainly reply as I turn to Sunset and toss Rarity's backpack.

Sunset who wasn't prepared barley manages to catch the bag as everyone's focus shifts to her. "huh? Why are you giving me t-... Hold on! This is Rarity's bag! Why do you have it?" a shocked Sunset Asks as they all turn there focus to back to where I was. However I wasn't standing there anymore.

My reply came from behind them as I had casual walked past them while they had been focused on Sunset. "Because your friends an idiot... Or because I needed to get back some control in my life. Take your pick, there's no wrong answer."
My answer was vague and made no sense to them, but that was fine... I didn't care. The real task for me was still to come, I wasn't gonna get distracted from this point on.

With a determined mind set I entered the school, putting everything else behind me as the bell rang. Students began making there way to homeroom, as did I.

Just outside my Homeroom class I do my final preparation. (This is were it truly begins. My fight for Survival).
With determination I place a hand on the door. With out hesitation I dramatically push the door open as I step into the Lions Den.
(There's no way I'ld lose! Not to some bug!)

As the door swings open I enter more dramatically than nesicary, gaining the attention of the few students who were already in the class. Seeing it was just me they all went back to what they had been doing, it wasn't the first time I had entered a class dramatically and it wouldn't be the last. I did sometimes have a habit of being over the top.
As I looked over the few students already in class I realized the lighter wasn't reacting, it was still cool. (huh... Guess I beat it to class) I thought as I made my way to my usual seat in the back corner and sat down. (that's fine. At least I can cross these few students off my list of suspects.) I triumphantly continued my thought as I took note of the 8 students already here.

It didn't take long for the class to fill with students followed by our homeroom teacher Mr Freerights, who gave me a quick concerning look which I shrugged off.
Everything was set to begin my man hunt, or bug hunt in this case. With re-nued confidence and 8 people already cleared, I was off to a good start... Except, there was a slight problem.

(What the Hell!) I cautiously thought, looking around the class. Students talked amongst themselves while Mr Freerights talked about global awareness or something to those few students who listened. I noticed Small Stick getting a few weird looks from some students while he quietly sat alone. but besides that class progressed like it always had, which wasn't an issue... Except thats just it. Class was like it usually was. My lighter wasn't reacting to anything. Meaning right now there weren't any of those creatures in here.

(Why isn't one of those things here? Yesterday one followed me just about everywhere I went. Could it be because we have a full class today that it has no one to disguise itself as.) I thought as I looked around once again. Seeing a few empty seats I decided the only way to check that theory was to see the roll on Mr Freerights desk.

I got up and made my way to the front of the class and to the teachers desk. Right now everyone was to busy doing there own thing they didn't pay me any attention.
Picking up the roll, I quickly looked over it and found 3 students were currently absent today.

(well there goes my theory. If it's not because it didn't have someone to disguise it's self as then why isn't it here?... Heck, according to this roll, one person hasn't even shown up all year, that sounds like a good choice for a disguise. In the future I should keep an eye out for... You have gotta be kidding me?) I thought as I read the absent students name. It was my name, Drifting Desire.
Just like yesterday in Shop class, I was on the roll twice. Once as Drifting Desire, who was absent all year. And again as Cross, who while not all ways absent had missed quite a few days.

(One problem at a time) I told myself as I went back to my seat. I thought that might have been the case but I at least thought Mr Freerights knew my actual name.
(Oh well, I'll sort it out later. Right know I have a bigger problem, I need to stay vigilant. For whatever reason it hasn't shown up yet, but that doesn't mean it won't.)

Home room eventually ended without incident and I headed off to my next class, Home Ecc... My most hated class.

As I walked to my next class I barely payed any attention to those around me, right now I was too focused on the lighter in my jacket. I kept waiting for it to suddenly heat up, signaling the appearance of one of those creatures. And if on que, it happened. As I continued on my way to class the lighter warmed up.

(About time you bothered to show up! Not that it'll do you any good. As long as I'm around other people you can't-... Huh?) my self gloating is cut short as just as it appeared it disappeared. I recognize the situation as I've experienced it before. It wasn't following me, I simply passed one amongst the crowd of students.
(...Well... Alright then.)

I soon make it to class and it goes just as poorly as usual... Maybe a little worse. My cooking skills just like my social life barely exist, so for the next hour I make a mess as I have no idea what I'm doing. It doesn't help that my mind is else where as I focused way to much on my lighter, and Just like homeroom there's no reaction. After what feels like hours class ends with no appearance by a monster. With no hesitation I head to my next class, P.E.

(Where is it? What are they waiting for?... I know I planned to avoid them but surely they would make a better effort. They are aware of me, right?) I began to question if they were after me at all.
(What em I thinking! I can't let my guard down.)

During P.E. Couch Play took the class to the oval, he had the class do various running exercises such as hurdles and relays. As most of the schools football team were in our class he wanted to work on there stamina. That meant when me and a few others who weren't on the team decided to sit out, Couch Play didn't care, his only concern was the fooball team members. Usually he supported competition between me and Flash but since he could achieve the same goal without me, he especially didn't mind me not participating. Apparently I'm difficult to work with. This didn't bother me as I didn't want to be worn out incase a monster appeared and tried something. So for the next hour I once again anxiously waited for any reaction from the lighter, only for nothing to happen. This only caused me to question my situation further as class ended and I headed for my counselling session.

As I walked through the crowded hallways I thought to myself. (The HELL! Why hasn't one approached me yet?... Could they really be unaware of me? Am I in the clear? Right now I should be suspect number 1! The disappearance of the one they sent after me yesterday should have raised a couple red flags by now. So then why has it been so quiet?) I was confused and a little frustrated. I wasn't sure if I should be glad at how quiet it was or concerned.
(the one I ran into yesterday did mention other suspect who they beleive were more likely. Are they really just underestimating me?) I eventually decided that for now I would focus on what I could see before me, and right now there were no pursuers. And while I didn't quite know what that meant, I was trying to avoid confrontation any way... At least until I could gather more info.

With that decided I arrived at my Homeroom for my counselling session, entering the class with my mind somewhat at ease.

As soon as I enter I hear Mr Freerights greet me in an overly friendly manner. "Heeey! How's my favorite reforming sociopath!"

"Not sure? I'll have to get back to you on that." I vaguely reply as I close the door behind me. taking my usual seat I continue. "A better question is what's up with you? I noticed that odd look you gave me this morning"

"Wellllll..." Mr Freerights began as he nervously looked off to the side. "I have some good news for you. Principal Celestia agreed to alter our arrangement a little."

"What do you mean?" I asked, unsure of what he meant.

"I mean that your counselling session will be cut down from 5 days a week to 3. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. In other words, we'll give you some breathing room" he answered, losing some of he's nervousness.

"Wait, seriously! That's great!.... That's great?" My excitement quickly disappeared after thinking about it for a few seconds. It seemed suspicious.

"Well, she thought after all your progress you deserved a reward" Mr Freerights told me. "In fact as some added incentive, she said if you keep progressing as you have your counseling sessions will get shorter and shorter until you don't have them anymore."

"Really!" I excitedly replied. This was great news, it looked like things could be turning around for me.
"So eventually I won't have to waste my time with this! As long as I keep.... Progressing? Wait, what the hell are you talking about?"

As great as this all was I still had no idea what he was talking about. "I know you were gonna twist my recent actions into a good sounding story to tell Principle Celestia. But I find it hard to believe she would cut down my counselling so much so soon for talking to others." I stated, sceptical of his words.

Mr Freerights once again looked nervous as he replied. "Well, I told her a 'Story. One that I might have embellished a little... Mostly embellished." he quickly corrected before looking back to me with a bit of hope.
"hey, you haven't by any chance made a... Friend?"
My mixed look of confusion and annoyance was the only response he needed as he continued. "Yeah, I thought so."

"All right, how about we stop whatever this is and you explain this from the beginning." I said, Finally having enough of being in the dark.

"Yeah... Okay, from the beginning" Mr Freerights replied as he held his chin and looked thoughtful.
"It happened yesterday. After you didn't show up to school on Wednesday and gave a bogus note from your parents explaining why you were absent, Principle Celestia becam-"

"That note was 100% legit!" I impatiently interrupted.

"Well we know that now!... But this takes place Yesterday after school, before your mother called to explain" Mr Freerights explained before going back to his story.
"now as I was saying. Celestia came to my class to talk to me about you. Celestia was... Down hearted?... Depressed?... Point is, she wasn't doing to well. She thought that maybe you weren't taking her seriously this time, and that she would need to make good on her threat to hold you back a year. She doesn't like having to be the bad guy."
"after that, her complaints became worse when she started to doubt herself, saying that maybe her sister, Vice Principle Luna might be right. That you should just be expelled, that her forgiving nature was effecting the other students for being to lenient with you. ...And that's when it happened!... She asked for my advice"

"So?" I impatiently asked. From the sound of the story so far I could tell things weren't looking good for me. What little of Celestia's trust I had was apparently gone and I was on the verge of either expulsion or repeating.

Seeing my impatient interest, Mr Freerights continued. "with how hopeless she seemed I didn't want to give her bad news, so I told her about how you've been interacting with students, taking an interests in club activities, and took up a after school activity."

"Once again, I want to point out how much nicer you make my verbal abusing of idiots, using others as tools, and trying to destroy someone's reputation sound!" I proudly said with a malicious smirk.
"So she bought your story and now she's gonna back off a bit."

"No. She's smarter than that. She correctly assumed that by 'interacting', you were just being an ass." he replied, to which I just kinda noded in agreement.
"It's what I told her after that's the problem. I told her how you were really starting to open up to me. And how you told me about your tragic back story that made you into the mean bully you are today."

"Tragic Back Story?" I asked annoyed and confused. "the Hell are you talking about, I don't have a Tragic Back Story! I'm just kind of a dick to everyone!"

"I know you don't have a Tragic Back Story... But that's not the issue, we can come up with something later. I told her it was personal so she let it go for now." He argued as his expression fell grim.
"The real problem is that I told her you made a Friend."

"...What... WHAT!? WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU TELL HER THAT!!!" I angrily snapped at him.

Mr Freerights tried to explain himself as best he could. "I panicked. She was desperately looking for hope and I didn't want to tell her I didn't know what I was doing. The moment she realises I'm underquallified I'm fired."

"No! I mean why a friend? I can bull shit together a tragic back story, but a friend... How the Hell do you expect me to do that." I clarified, now understanding just how hopeless my situation actually was.

"I know you generally hate others, especially the students at this school. But I really need you to take one for the team on this." He pleaded.

"You don't understand!... So okay, we both get that I'm anti-social and hate others to the point of never having or wanting to befriend another. But let's say that wasn't the case... I literally don't know how to make friends." I honestly replied.

After a moment of silence between us, Mr Freerights continued. "Well, Shit!... I don't know how to help you, and I know it's out of your area of expertise. But I need you to figure something out."
After a quick glance at the clock he continued. "looks like our times up. I suggest avoiding Celestia until you can make a friend... So for the rest of your school life." he finished with a shrug.

(That last comment was unnecessarily insulting! But true... Frigen smart ass.) I thought As I got up to leave. As I reached the door I noticed it was slightly open.
(huh? Didn't I close this on the way in. Well I didn't feel the lighter heat up so no monsters were after me.)

Thinking nothing of it, the bell rang and I left for my next class. English.

On my way to class, I once again feel the lighter heat up only for it to cool down seconds later. It reminds me of how my week started, feeling the lighter react at random. Except now I knew what it was reacting to.
Besides that my trip was uneventful, coursing me to once again question if I was actually being hunted or not as I reached my destination.

Entering class I see Blueblood sitting in the middle of the class. Despite him wanting my help to improve his popularity I haven't heard much from him, Although I Honestly have been rather occupied recently. I know he wants me to play the Villan and course trouble so that he can swoop in and look like a hero but were just never around at the same tim, besides one coincidental incident. We hang out at different parts of the school and our only class together is English.

Ignoring Blueblood as usual, I take a seat in the back. As class begins I start to think of my latest problem... Actually, with how things have been going it might be my only problem.

(I actually think those monsters aren't aware of me somehow. Which is great and all, but now I got a new problem.) I thought to myself as I thoughtfully leaned back in my chair, not doing any work.
(I can't beleive Mr Freerights told Principle Celestia I made a friend. How the hell am I gonna get out of this one... I take pride in the fact I'm not friends with anyone, especially from this school!... But what should I do) I continued to think.

As I looked around the class I once again spot Blueblood who's busy doing his work.
(lets say i"m out of options and my only way out is to actually go along with this. I guess Blueblood is a good choice for a friend. He's well connected and he's a terrible person like me, so I know we can tolerate each other. He's also related to Celestia, so that alone could put me back in her good books). I carefully though as I tried to rationalize the crazy notion of making a friend.

It didn't take long to cone back to my senses as I dismissed the idea, seeing the problems with having Blueblood as a friend. (that would never work out. Blueblood might give me fun things to do to occupy my time but he likes to do it secretly. Our connection must remain hidden for both his sake and mine. I've done things most people would consider horrible, if they connect us then they could link me to incidents that benefit him. I'm already on thin ice at this point, better not chance it. Besides, He doesn't want others to know how much of a terrible person he can be, or how controlling he is. He also only hangs out with the super rich, and while i'm well of with my father being a doctor I'm nowhere near his level.)

As class progressed the realization of my hopelessness settled in. I have never made a friend in the last 16 year's and I wasn't any closer.

I managed to do a bit of work as class came to an end. My latest and greatest issue still fresh in my mind as I headed of my forth class of the day, History.
Thinking back to how I thought today would go I couldn't have been more wrong. As it turns out my true enemy wasn't a race of sentient shape shifting monster bugs, it was my non-existent social life.

It wasn't long until I arrived at my next class for the day, History. As I entered the class I spotted the smart lavender girl sitting at the front.
(I think here name was Twilight. While I suspect she might know something about the shape shifting bugs, I can't be sure how much she knows. She may even know less than me... Maybe even nothing. I don't think she's one of the people those bugs suspected. if she was, one would be tailing her. And right now there doesn't appear to any of those creatures in the room.) I think as I feel the lighter push against my chest from within my jacket pocket.

Seeing me, Twilight gives a cautious look to which I return a look of my own, One filled with disdain. She quickly breaks eye contact as I pass her, taking a seat in the back.
Right know I don't feel like following up on that lead. Besides having bigger problem to deal with, I'ld rather not follow up on that possible lead unless absolutely nesicary... By which I mean I'm too frustrated and anti-social.

Within moments Class begins as Mrs Records arrives. Unlike most teachers I'm uncertain of her full name, however she appears to be in her late 40's. Her greying brown hair is tied upon her head in a bun while a small pair of reading glasses sits atop her nose. She also wears an old long brown dress, even though I know nothing about fashion I know her dress hasn't been in style for years.

Looking down at us through her glasses, she addresses the class. "Ahem! Attention class!... As you are aware I was absent during our last class on Monday, During which Mr Freerights substituted for the day. Not only did he not bother to follow the lesson plan, instead choosing to show a movie. He also gave you each an assignment to write about where you see yourselves in the future for extra credit... I must inform you that those assignments are not approved and will not be marked or count towards your grade. No matter how much work you put into it." as she said that last part she seemed to look at Twilight, who nervously looked away.
"If there's anything to take from this it's not to trust substitute teachers."

I couldn'd tell if that final part was for her or us. Either way I had forgotten all about Mr Freerights extra credits assignment. To me this week has been one big blur... Not like I'd had done it anyway.

As class proceeds I once again try and figure out how to make good on Mr Freerights lie to Celestia.
(how the Hell em I supposed to make a friend? The only person I know is Blueblood, but that's not happening. Guess I'm already out of options since I don't know anyone else... Wait! There is one other person I know at this school, Big Mac!... Except.)

As suddenly as I had thought of the idea I quickly realize why that won't work.
(it's true that I know Big Mac, if only recently, but I don't know him well enough to think he would go along with it. He seems like a patient enough person to tolerate me... for now. But I doubt it would go beyond that.... Also, Big Mac isn't his actual name. Who doesn't now there friends name.)

Class eventually ends. I leave feeling frustrated that I'm no closer to solving my problem, It also doesn't help that I basically exhausted what little resources I had.
Glad it's lunch time, I head to the cafeteria in desperate need of a break.