//------------------------------// // Chapter 8: Sorta Home // Story: Bia Brandy's Origin // by ShinxX //------------------------------// It had now been nearly 3 years since Bia moved to Dragontown. The ponies and non ponies there were very nice and allowed her to stay for as long as she needed. CZ would occasionally come by the town to give an update on the search. Sometimes one of his friends from his group they call the ‘Fam’ would give her the message. So far, there little to no leads. They had captured some groups of changelings, but they are very evasive and Niridia hasn't been among any of the groups. Though about a week ago, there was an incident involving the changelings. They had attacked again, but this time, due to a certain changeling by the name of Thorax, most of the changelings had been reformed with the exception of Chrysalis and the changelings that were not in the hive. Bia had no idea about what reformed meant, or if her sister was among the changelings in the hive at the time. However, since Thorax overthrew the queen, she knew her chances of seeing Niridia again were increased exponentially. Bia was tending to the crops as each citizen had to work a job to help the community. Because of her background, this was the obvious choice. She was digging up a rogue weed when she heard a pony from outside of the farm call out. “YAY WE HAVE A GUEST!!!” From the tone of the voice, she could tell it was Snow Stars. She tended to get over excited about things. She was also one of the connections between Dragontown, or they sometimes called themselves, the Selfs, and the Fam. She was dating a Fam pony by the name of Double Lemon. Who also happened to be in town at the time, so she had assumed it was just her. Bia decided that she should go talk to Lemon to see if CZ had found out anything about Niridia. She walked through the gate and into the town square. Then the familiar voice called her over. “Bia!!! Over here!! I has news!!” She looked over to see the yellow pony with the shirt, brown mane waving next to her marefriend. She could only smile whenever she saw Lemons bombastic nature at work. “Howdy, Lemon. CZ find anything bout Niridia?” Bia Brandy asked. “Weeeeeellllllllll, he doesn't have the news, and neither do I. But she does!” She moved aside to reveal a pink, maneless being that looked like a pony, but had a changeling look to them. Her yellow eyes looked sweetly at the zebra. Her back was green and sparkling in the sun. She had a narrow, horn that had a half a hole in it and had bug looking wings. Before Anyone could say anything, Brandy’s jaw dropped. Her eyes became watery with tears. She stepped toward the newcomer and looked into her yellow eyes. Bia didn't need anyone to tell her who was standing in front of her. “N-Niridia?” She asked in a shocked yet happy tone. The pink reformed changeling smiled. “Hey, Sis.. long time no-” Niridia couldn't even finish her sentence before the brown zebra tackle hugged her. Brandy wan crying gets of joy as she nuzzled the pink changeling. “Oh mah gosh!! Sis, ah’ve missed yah so much!! I-I..” Brandy couldn't hold back her emotions, she cried out, so grateful that she was reunited with her sister. “Ah’ve missed you so much.. ah looked for yah for so long. Ah thought ah’d never see you again.” Niridia nuzzled the crying zebra, “I've missed you too, sis. I dreamed of the day I'd see you again.” They continued their embrace for a few moments as the town onlookers watched two sisters, torn apart bye the evils of the world, reunite after four long years of separation. Back at Bia Brandy’s humble home, the two sisters caught up a bit, well, Bia told Niridia what has been happening in the outside world. Niridia wasn't really in the mood to talk about what happened in the changeling hive. As Bia continued talking, she remembered a very important detail. “Wait!” She said, interrupting her own rant about the world. “Hm? What is it, sis?” Niridia asked “Yer missin somethin.”  Niridia knew exactly what Brandy was talking about. The brown zebra ran to her room and quickly grabbed her bag. She came back with a huge smile on her face. She pulled out the pink flower she had given her sister years ago. “I can't believe you kept that.” Niridia said. “It means too much to me. It was all ah had left of you. The thing that probably kept me sane was listening to your voice every night.” Brandy admitted as she put the flower between her head and ear. “I'm gonna pretend that's not creepy.” Niridia said with a giggle. “You have a nice home here, Bia.” “Thanks. Though it's a bit small. I chose it based on mah funds. I didn't have enough for a house for two.” “I'm sure we can find a bigger home here.” “Ah’s sure we could.. it's just.. as nice as everyone's been to me, it just.. doesn't feel like home.. it doesn't feel right.” Brandy said. “Well, what about mom and dad? I'm sure they wouldn't mind us moving back there.” Niridia suggested. Brandy sighed, “as good as that sounds.. ah don't think I could live there anymore..” “What? Why not? I thought you loved mom and dad and the farm life.” Niridia said, a bit shocked by her statement. “Don't get me wrong, I love mama and paw paw, and I love the farm life. It's just.. ah didn't leave on a good note.. ah yelled at them for giving up the search and stormed out. Plus ah’ve been on mah own fer four years now. I kinda like it.” Bia Brandy explained. “Well, I still do wanna see them.” “Oh yeah, ah’m takin yah to see em asap! Just, ah don't wanna live there anymore.” “Alright, I'm ok with that. Anywhere you go, I go. I'm not leaving your side ever again.” Niridia said. Brandy smiled, “thanks, sis.” After a few days, the sisters visited their parents. It would be an understatement to say their parents were surprised. Both by Niridia's return and her new form. Though that didn't stop the happiness and tears of joy. The couple both hugged the pink changeling lovingly. “Oh, Niridia, we’re so glad yer alright! We missed yah so much!” Hazel Crop said, crying. “I missed you too, mom.” They continued to hug until Bia couldn't resist joining in. She squealed and jumped into the hug. Their dad released himself from Bia’s grip and scanned the two sisters. “Ah’m glad to have yah back, Niridia, but I can tell yah aren't stayin.” He shockingly said, prompting a sigh from Niridia. “Well.. I'll let Bia explain.” The changeling said. “Bia?” Corn Graze looked at his zebra daughte. “Well.. I-it's just..” she sighed and stood up straight, “ah appreciate everything you've given me and sis, but these past few years of me being on mah own.. ah’ve gotten used to it. Havin mah own farm, mah own customers, mah own home. I just can't see mahself livin here again like normal. I wanna live with Niridia elsewhere.” Bia looked at her parents who were a bit taken back by her newly found independence. Then her father stepped forward. “Ah honestly can't say ah’m surprised..” “What?!” Bia said, surprised that he wasn't surprised. “Yah knew she was gonna wanna be independent?” Hazel Crop asked. “I figured she would. Ah mean, she's been away for four whole years. That'll entrain independence in the brain. Plus with the way yah left last time.. I was worried that when yah did find er, yah wouldn't..” he paused for a moment, “wouldn't come back..” his head and ears dropped, showing his sadness and regret. “Oh paw paw..” Bia hugged the sad earth pony, “ah’d would never think of not coming back. Yer mah family, and that's everything to me.” Corn Graze sniffles and wiped away a tear, “ah’m so proud of yah, Bia. You and Niridia are everything a father could hope for in his children.” “Aw, paw paw..” the two sisters hugged their father in another emotional embrace, tears falling from every party involved. The two sisters decided to stay the night for nostalgic sake. They departed the next day, and after their goodbyes, the sisters started their new search for a home together. One they would love in for the rest of their lives.