Bia Brandy's Origin

by ShinxX

Chapter 6: Long Distance

Dawn broke the night sky, the sunlight pierced through Bia’s window, shining directly into her eyes. She pursed her eyes before jolting up in her bed.

“ITS NIRIDIA’S BIRTHDAY!!!!!” She yelled.

As the excited zebra proclaimed, that day was Niridia's date of birth. Bia had planned out the entire day of festivities for her beloved sister’s 18th birthday. She had made a special cider from her family’s old recipe, with an added ingredient. Niridia's favorite foalhood juice. She had hoped it would give her sister nostalgia of their foalhood.

Brandy quickly ran downstairs to set up all of the decorations, hoping Niridia hadn't woken up yet. She put up stringers and balloons around the house with Niridia written all over them.

After she was done, she grabbed the cake from a cooler that said “HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!” If anyone couldn't tell, she was very excited. This wasn't just her birthday, in fact they had no idea if it was or not.

Her brother had not told her parents what her date of birth was, so they decided to make it the day she was brought into the family, so this was also the anniversary of Bia Brandy and Niridia becoming sisters.

She grabbed the cider that she made for her sister and put it next to the cake and wrote a big N on the bottle.

“Oh she's gonna love this!” She exclaimed as she determined it was time to bring down the birthday girl.

She quickly ran up the stairs and burst into her sister's room.

“Happy birthday, Sis! Come down to-” in the middle of her sentence, Bia Brandy noticed that she was alone in the room. Her sister was not there. This was odd because she always woke up before Niridia.

“Sis? Where are yah?” She looked around the room, trying to find any sign of her missing sister. “Sis, this ain't funny. Where are yah?!” After looking for five minutes, she finally found something. Something that made her gasp in shock and fear.

The flower that Bia gave to her sister was on the floor under the bed.

“What in tarnation?!” She grabbed the flower and placed it on top of the bed. As she did, a green aura formed around it, scaring Brandy into cowering back. In her fear, she nearly didn't her an all too familiar voice come from the flower.

“Hey, Sis..” Bia’s jaw dropped at the sound of her sister's voice.


“If you found the flower, then I'm gone.. not at my own will. I found a spell that allows me to attach a voice message to an inanimate object in case this ever happened.. the hive, they found me..” Bia began to tear up as her sisters message continued, “they're coming as I speak.. and they know I know.. I met with them before. They agreed not to hurt mom, dad or you if I didn't resist. So.. this is goodbye. I love you, sis..”

Niridia stopped speaking and the flower stopped glowing. This left Bia Brandy all alone in the room, staring at the flower as tears fell down her cheek. For a few moments, she stayed silent, unable to muster up the strength to say anything, let alone call for help.

Then her parents walked up to the door. They heard the entire message when they were looking for Bia. They too had tears running down their faces, but not as much as the zebra who just had her sister taken away from her once again.

“Niridia..” she mumbled, grimacing at the flowers message. She tried to calm herself until she couldn't anymore, and she let her emotions take over, “Niridia!!”

She stuffed her face into the side of the bed and put her hooves over her head and cried out for her sister. Her parents tried to comfort her, but nothing was working. For hours she continued as what was supposed to be a very happy day became her worst nightmare.