Bia Brandy's Origin

by ShinxX

Chapter 5: Unknown sister

Bia Brandy walked into town with a joyful smile, bearing her new bandana around her neck as if it were the newest fashion trend out of manehatten. She was on her way to the grocery store when she overheard some ponies talking about her.

She hid around the corner to eavesdrop on their conversation.

“Hey Zoom, who's she? I've never seen a zebra in town before.”

“Oh yea, that's cuz he only zebras that lived around here lived in Zville.”


“Yea, it burned down years ago during a storm, little survivors and the ones who did survive never returned.”

Bia’s eyes widened, could that be where ahem from?! She thought. She quickly ran back home to confront her parents.

Back at the farm house, her mom was cooking something in a pot while her father sorted out some bills. She walked into the house with a determined look on her face. She stood next to her father, who looked up from where he was sitting.

“Yer back early, Bia. Somethin wrong? Don't tell me they're outta the best manure again.” He said.

“Mama, Paw Paw, where am ah from? Really?” She asked sternly.

“Well, yer.. um.. from some different place..” he said hesitantly, not really knowing wether to lie or not.

“So ahm not from Zville?”

Her parents both stopped in their tracks. They were shocked that she knew about the old, destroyed zebra town.

“H-how'd yah…”. Her mom started.

“Learned it from some ponies in town.. is mah biological family gone? Like.. dead?”

With a long moment of silence, her paw paw sighed before replying, “yes.. as far as we know.. your family is.. gone.. which is why we took yah in.”

Bia looked at her adoptive parents with a bit of relief, but also with more curiosity.

“.. do yah know what they were like?” She asked.

The parents looked at each other for a moment, silently deciding whether or not to tell her about her family.

“Hun, ah think it's time we told er.. she's old enough now.” Hazel Crop told her husband. He nodded and pulled out a seat, motioning for Bia to sit next to him. She did as requested and leaned in to listen to what her adoptive parents had to say.

“Now, we don't really know too much other than the fact that yer the only one in her family to make it outta the fire that wiped out the town all those years ago.. you were just an infant at the time.. but you were lucky..” he told Bia.

“How so?”

“Well.. Niridia.. isn't yer only sister.” Bia’s jaw dropped at her mothers words.


“Yer biological sister is the one that saved yah.. she carried yah from the flames and to our door. She saved yah..” he said

“W-where is she now?”

“Bia, we already told yah, yer the only one in yer family to survive the fire..” when her father finished that sentence, her ears dropped. She just found out she had a biological sister, and at the same moment, learned she was dead. This left a hole in her heart. She almost began tearing up before her mom spoke up.

“We wish we coulda saved er.. but she was on death row when she got here.. yet through the pain and sufferin, all she cared about was you.”

Brandy sat silently for a moment. Her usual, cheerful self wasn't showing. Her parents tried to think of something to cheer her up, to help their adoptive daughter through this. However, they would not be able to help, but instead, one other pony was able to. Before the couple could say anything, a black figure came up behind Brandy and hugged her.

Niridia nuzzled her sister, trying to cheer her up. It seemed to work as Brandy visibly warmed up. She cracked a small smile and said, “ah was wonderin when you'd come outta hidin.”

“I'm so sorry to hear that about your sister. She seems like she would've been the best sister in the world.” Niridia said in a sweet, soothing tone.

“She may have been, but she ain't here cheerin me up.” Niridia smiled and looked at her sister.

“Well, when I save you from a fire, I'll finally be on par with her.”

The sisters shared a giggle.

“While ahm eternally grateful to mah biological sis, you'll always be the best sister I coulda hoped fer, Niridia.”

As they both embraced, their parents looked happily at their adoptive daughters. While they wish they didn't have to go through such tough events to get here, they were happy that they took the two little fillies in. While they seems to be two completely different beings, which in a way they were, they turned out to be inseparable. A parent couldn't ask for any more of their children.