//------------------------------// // Nobody's whole // Story: Life of a Nobody // by Xinrick //------------------------------// “The guards better not be going behind the people's backs.” I mumble while landing near the royal guard barracks, worried the guards are working for Spoiled so they could protect them from things like Spoiled. “Lets hope I'm wrong.” I mutter while walking in, hoping to meet the head guard, summoning my shield just in case. One of them spotted me, his mane was blue and his coat orange. “Oh, White Knight, or should we be calling you Prince now considering…?” He asked. “All of my fiance’s are pregnant yes.” I tell him. “But calling me prince? Well if you want considering the guards got a shit ton of raw materials without rhyme or reason given.” I say simply, looking around the place with my guard up. “I know I'm not around as much as I should, but life and much worse things keep me busy.” “Oh that, come on, I can show you.” He said, leading me into the warehouse, where I saw ponies of all kinds hammering on armors and weapons. “The Guard got a bonus for our budget to go towards weapon improvements, magic enchanted gems and magical materials are hammered into the weapons and armor to increase their durability, and damage. Been something we always talked about but never had the funds for till now.” I nod. “Sounds good. I suppose you all heard Celestia and Luna talk about the Keyblader school I'm going to open?” I ask him. “Yeah...actually, it’s where the extra funding came from...after Manehattan, us no longer having to spend bits on training for officers up there there was...extra…” He said, trailing off. “At least some good came out of it.” ”Then who's the fuck peddling off the materials to the bad guys to give you all Keyblades?” I ask him simply, taking a shot in the dark here. He gave me a look of pure confusion. “Um...come again?” “Celestia and Luna told me the massive amount of materials would be going to Fillydelphia to be worked on by the blacksmiths there, not here, and especially in such bulk.” I tell him. “Don't you think that's a bit strange? That so many materials in such bulk was being sent here instead of the usual blacksmiths?” “I...still don’t know what you are talking about...But our usual blacksmiths are going under, Manehattan was their main supply line, and with it gone they had to pay more for direct deliveries for their materials and couldn’t afford it anymore...and what in bulk? There was only a hundred or so Mythril gems sent to boost the armor and weapons.” “Where's the highest ranking guard here?” I ask him simply. “That would be Lieutenant Spear, after Captain Shining and his wife went to the Crystal Empire to help it get back on track and modern, he was assigned in charge.” “Where can I find Lieutenant Spear? Cause he's hiding a lot of shit.” I frown. “Uhh...His new office is past the barracks, just down the hall that way.” He pointed me in the direction and I headed there quick. “Shit, this cheeky fuck probably made a deal with Spoiled already.” I mutter, rushing quickly to the office. ”If he's peddling off materials...shits not going to end well.” I think to myself worriedly. I arrived at the office and knocked. “Come in.” I entered, seeing an older, hardened stallion there, his mane a dark violet and coat a pale pink. “White Knight, what brings you to my office?” “You mean besides the fuck ton of materials your peddling off to the people that want to destroy this planet?” I ask. “If not just that did you hear about the fact I'm opening a keyblader school?” “My lad, I have a feeling you don’t trust me.” He said, almost grinning. I show him the paper listing all of the materials he got. “I have ten copies back home, so let me ask why one guard told me you only got one hundred mythril gems and this entire list in non-existent?” I ask him simply, knowing this is a trap. “Ah, Well those materials are for a special side project my lad. You see, I came across a recipe for something called an Ultima Weapon, naturally it intrigued me, and when I made it, I was rather disappointed all I got was this.” He said, pulling out a Keychain from his pocket. “Then, I did this.” He said, putting it on his sword, and it changed into the Ultima from Kingdom Hearts one. “And was rather happy.” “Listen…” I sigh out. “I know why your doing this, believe me I do...but you do know the consequences of giving someone wanting to destroy all life as we know it materials and a side of the deal.” I tell him. “This war is a lot bigger, and much worse than you think.” I say, readying to summon Reunion at a moment's notice to protect myself from him or the person who's obviously going to appear behind me. “Lad, were using all these materials to produce these.” He said, shaking Ultima. “After all, if all the guard and officers in the land have weapons like yours, wouldn’t that make things easier for you?” “And where did you get a Keyblade forge?” I ask. “I don't remember Luxu telling me anything important like that.” “My lad, we don’t have one. We have a friend crafting them for us.” “Spoiled Rich?” I ask him simply. “Or one of her followers that want to see all life die.” He seemed to flinch, barely noticable. “No, but I’m glad you asked, please, follow me.” He said, getting up and leading me out of the office. Walking back across the hall, and reached a door that had a number pad code lock. He entered the code and it opened. Inside the room was boxes of Ultima Weapon Keychains, materials...and a Moogle? “Found the little guy wondering the streets, said he was looking for work, a place to set up a shop. We made a deal, he crafts and sells us the items he wants, he gets the money, and so far it’s worked out great.” “I'll give you a hundred million money and a bigger and better shop.” I tell the Moogle, wondering if it was a real Moogle of it reacted to such a gift. “Nah, I’m good here.” The moogle replied, floating over to the materials and grabbing some. “Been here a week and already I’m a Master Synthesizer!” “Cool.” I nodded. “So Lieutenant, tell me...how do you know Spoiled Rich?” I ask simply. “And don't lie, I saw you flinch. I bet Rejections hiding here somewhere for the obvious ambush cause he really wants my head.” “Hm, glad you asked.” He said, snapping his fingers and the door closed and locked behind him. “You see, my name isn’t just Spear, it’s Speared Milk...Spoiled was my sister…then Manehattan...and then, she came back from the dead.” “Oh~.” I say. “No wonder why your so eager to help her kill everyone, including your niece, who you completely forgot about when she nearly killed herself in grief over her death, and Silvers death. Good thing Joy saved her though...she's a great kid.” I tell him simply, summoning Reunion and preparing for a fight. “Dating Joy actually, never seen her so happy.” “Yeah, I never gave a crap about that needy little twit. The sister I lost in Manehattan loved her, but I didn’t. I was never close to my family, in fact, when I heard about Spoiled being a victim of Manehattan, I laughed. The Spoiled that came to me, I think her more kin than the one I was given. I’d almost say I care for her. Almost.” I sigh out. “But of course you're one of those crazy people. So, what did you promise Spoiled? My head? My heart? The world itself?” I ask him simply, my senses on high alert for anything. “I promised her your heart, so that other you Rejection can crush it, and leave you a Nobody. From what I am told you are the prince of Nobodies, so why not become one?” “Rejection should have already said I was one already.” I said simply. “Come on out Rejection, I know your going to pull some cliche bullshit on me here.” I frown, ready to defend myself against the abomination. “He’s not here, and personally I’m glad, quite the ugly little shit he’s let Spoiled turn him into. And all for you, my my, the fans you gather.” “Oh trust me, I get a lot of fans, some that are good, and some that aren't good.” I say. “So...what are you going to do now? Fight me or something?” “Nah. I feel it’s clear to anyone, I’m outmatched, my blood will be on your hands, turn me in, the guard will be in chaos, right now we are barely keeping those gangs at bay. Kill or turn me in, the guard falls into disorder, long enough for them to step up, take over. Care to take that risk?” “Funnily enough I can actually take that risk.” I say simply. “And it could take...about twenty minutes or so before shit hits the fan.” I tell him. “So, willing to come quietly?” I ask, knowing full well somethings gonna happen. “Nah, I’d rather make it harder for you.” He said, taking out a dagger...and slicing his throat, falling over dead. I frown, buying a Phoenix down and using it on him, reviving him as I took away his weapons. “Not happening today douche canoe.” I say while binding his hands in light chains. He didn’t say anything, in fact he was rather...too silent. I looked at his eyes, seeing they were...empty. I then looked at his dagger, which was now flashing white...fast. “Fuck.” I mutter while encasing the thing in Nothingness, Light and Ice to keep it from causing a massive explosion. Not convinced, I grabbed the moogle and got out of there, just in time for it to go off, the whole side of the building exploding, the already made Ultima Weapon Keychains shooting out everywhere like shooting stars across the sky. “Oh boy...that’s not good.” The moogle said. “How bad is it?” I ask, having a feeling that was a signal of some kind. “Please tell me it's not as bad as I think it is.” I say worriedly. “Well, uh… Those Keychains, if attached to anything will become a Keyblade, and it looks like they’re shooting out all over the city...maybe even passed it, so...bad. Damn, I am so getting in trouble with my supervisor…” “What the fuck do you mean?” I ask worriedly. “And your supervisor isn't the one you should be worried about here.” I tell him, holding him and rushing to find some guards to explain things and keep it together. “I mean, they were going to attach them to some fake Keyblade some small cloaked girl gave Spear, last I knew he handed them to certain pony people, then deliver them their Keychains...to make them stronger, though still fake… He left out the part where they can attach to anything and make a body for themselves, so...look out for folks with Kingdom Key’s….” “Mother of fuck.” I mutter, rushing over to the barracks. “Everyone!” I call out to all the guards, hoping to gather their attention. There were no guards or staff of any kind anywhere. “Huh, guess they skedaddled when the building went boom.” The moogle said. “God damn it…” I growled, getting my clone to tell everyone at home what's going on as I rushed outside. “Let's hope the guards aren't busy.” “...Wanna get lunch?” The moogle asked. “Seriously? Bad shit is happening and you want to get lunch?” I frown. “Also that begs the question, where are all of you? I kinda thought you all had shops in every world?” “We got called back to homeworld for inventory updates. Takes a month but it’s worth it, now we’re scattering all about again.” “Ah.” I say. “Well looks like your gonna need a new shop.” I say while exiting the barracks and looking around for the guards. I saw people all around looking at the display...and in the back of the crowd, I saw Rejection. He looked...normal, but even with the distance I felt something off about him...something that made my k9 senses scream unend. “Okay people!” I call out. “I know you have several questions on why a part of the barracks exploded, and I will get to those questions.” I say while letting of the Moogle. “But I have something to take care of.” I say while flying up in the air and staring at Rejection the entire time. ”Damn it...I got to get him away from the people…” I think to myself worriedly, trying to think of a way to get him away from them without them getting hurt. He looked back at me, smiling. He waved, then walked into a DTD that opened up behind him, and it stayed open. “This is a bad idea…” I mutter while flying down, near the DTD, making sure other people wouldn't get near it, and entered through it to find where Rejection wanted me. When I entered, I exited on a...Station of Awakening, Both Rejection and I posed on it like Ventus and Vanitas in the final battle. “Figured it’s time we...rejoin.” Rejection said, standing across from me. “Winner gains total control over us.” “Hey, you won't hear my depressed thoughts anymore.” I say simply. “Having a light only heart...helped me through some stuff. So, you really want to fight this out instead of doing this like sensible people and not fight?” “Oh relax, I know I’m losing this fight.” He said, taking a step back. “I know, that despite all the hell I’ve done to screw with you, all the pain I put myself through! You. Won’t. Fail.” He took another step backwards. “So I can’t win...but I can give it my all...and let something worse fight for me.” He said, turning around and jumping off the edge of the Station. “Bind!” I shout, thrusting my hand out and a massive line of Nothingness Thorns shot out, trying to grab Rejection before he could do something terrible. They missed, and he fell down. I ran over to the edge, seeing only darkness for all the way down...til a massive beam or red and black energy shot back up. All my animal instincts were screaming, telling me to run and don’t look back. I actually took a few steps back because of it. I saw a hand grab the edge of the Station, then...Rejection crawled over, his body moved twisted and...wrong...and his eyes were solid black with red cat like slits...reverse of Psychopaths. “Insanity?” I ask worriedly, raising my shield and readying Reunion. It looked at me, then began to...try and fix itself up right...cracking and breaking bone sounds with every movement, finally, it was up on two feet...standing backwards...then his head spun around, a sickening crack as it did and it smiled facing me. ”sO niCe to SeE yoU.” “The fuck are you?” I ask it, trying not to feel sick at all its cracking and how it's basically some horror movie monster. It laughed. ”I’M yOu beN. YoUR daRknEsS. All thE pAiN of beComInG a PsYchoPatH, nOnE of thE tRue poWer. I’m twIsTed bEn.” It said, walking towards me, it’s knees making a crack with it’s backwards steps. ”I’m SicK.” He said, his hands grabbing my arms...his fingers breaking as he bent them the wrong way. ”lEt mE joIn. LeT mE be whOlE.” His face was in front of mine. ”LeT Me kiLL eVeryThiNg.” I look at the twisted amalgamation. “Your not Rejection.” I tell him, remembering what Zeke could do with a balanced heart, and given I have a full light heart…”You just need some help.” I say while remembering his heart would be on the right side if he's quite literally backwards. “Just bear with it.” I say before stabbing the middle of his ‘chest’. “Reject Darkness.” I say, hoping this will work and I don't need X for this specific thing. Light came from my hand, through my Keyblade, and into the Insanity. It’s whole body straightened out as Light glowed from it’s eyes and mouth and it screamed. When it all faded Rejection fell back...his body beginning to fade. “Heh. Knew you’d win...you bitch.” He huffed. “You’s a bitch.” I joke, gently putting my hand on his head. “Come on, time to go home.” “Heh, your home. All I do is make you feel like shit for stupid crap. Just let me fade.” “That's not gonna happen you stubborn bastard.” I frown. “I'm depression free, apparently mind over matter is a thing.” “Hah. That’s a laugh. Let me back in if you want, all I want to do right now is...sleep.” Rejection said, closing his eyes. “Get your sleep buddy.” I say gently while letting Rejection back into my heart to help save him. “And when you wake up...you'll see a much brighter side of our life.” Rejection turned into pure dark sludge, which flowed back into my chest, the Station of Awakening glowing a bright white, and when it faded, there was only me, posed like Sora, circles with all my girls, Joy in his own lower on the image, and my weapons taking up any space left. I looked where Rejection was, and saw a Keychain there. It was small, smaller than most I’ve seen, being just what seemed to be a black cloud. “Hmm…” I mutter while switching Reunions keychain with this new keychain, wondering what it'll do. It changed into a Keyblade with what seemed to be two Flood unversed making up the handle, dark something being wrapped in Nothingness thorns, keeping it still, and the Insanity’s eye at the tip, blood flowing off of it. I checked my Assistant. Darkness Sleeps. A Keyblade with terrible power, allowing the wielder to inject enemies with Darkness from the wielders own heart. Att: 15 Def: 7 Mag: -10 Special Ability: Reject Light. “Right then.” I nod, taking off Darkness Sleeps and putting back Reunion. “Not gonna use that for a while hopefully.” I mutter, putting the keychain in my pocket and opening a DTL. “Better get back and set some shit straight before things end poorly.” I mutter, walking into the DTL and going back to Equestria. When I exited the door I was back in Canterlot. “Okay...better start here…” Looking around I saw few ponies still around, most just taking in the look of the damaged buildings, others just taking peaks to see if there was anything more deeper in the building. “Yo.” I say to the people. “I suppose some of you are wanting some questions?” “What...exactly happened?” One of the people asked. “An explosion happened.” I say simply. “Caused by a bad guy.” “But, that was the Royal Guards building...Have the guard turned on us?” That got a lot of not-so-quiet murmuring going. “No they have not.” I state bluntly. “The royal guard are loyal and care for their people, it's too bad that who caused the explosion wasn't loyal or cared about the people in anyway shape or form.” I tell them. “The Royal Guard have given up much to protect the people they swore to protect, one lone man can't make the entirety of the people that fight and die for your safety be all for not.” “Then where are the guard now!? Why aren’t here quarantining the area or something!?” It was then that I looked around...not a single guard in sight. I frowned. “Maybe because the explosion caused something bad to happen that needed their attention. Believe me.” “OH MY STARS!” We all turned around, seeing a mare scream looking down a nearby alley. I ran over...and felt sick. The guard, all of them, other staff too...dead, slaughtered worse than if an animal had done this. On the wall was a message. Protect them all, Heir of Nothing. “Mother of Fuck!” I shout, my clone telling the girls at home urgently that the guard is dead. “Not good...so not good.” I mutter, trying to think about all the places that could be under attack right now. “g...Gah!” I looked at the pile of bodies, an arm crawling out from under them. I ran and pulled, seeing that one I initially talked to there, a gash across his throat, but not too deep. “B-bitch.” He spat. I cast Cure on him and trying to get him back to full health. “Don't strain yourself.” I say worriedly, hoping I got to him fast enough. He was breathing heavily. “It happened so fast, one moment you left for the office...next I’m in the alley, some small crazy kid or something in a black cloak sliced my throat with a sword that...looked like it was made of flowers.” “Well shit.” I frown. “Don't worry, I'll get you healed and feeling better quick...but the families…” I mutter sadly, feeling bad for everyone that died needlessly today as I cast Cure on him again to try and keep in okay. “I got a sister up in the Crystal Empire on Vacation, mom and dad died about two years back. By the way, name’s Flash, Flash Sentry.” “It's good to meet you Flash, but your not dying today.” I say bluntly. ”Could I revive them all? Or have they passed on?” I think to myself worriedly, deciding to do something and using my Assistant to check a dead body to see if they could be resurrected or not. Resurrecting the dead. Depending on decomposition, the dead can be brought back to life one of several ways. Sacrifice, a life for a life. Philosopher's Stone. A Deal with a Demon Necromancy Beating Death in a Battle Dragon Balls Wish Stone Entering the Afterlife and Retrieving the Souls personally. “Good to know but doesn't really answer what I'm asking.” I frown, knowing these bodies have been torn to shreds but wondering if they could be brought back. “You know what, fuck it.” I mutter while buying a bunch revival items and using one of said items on a dead guard in hopes it'll work. None I got worked. “Revival items my ass.” I grumble. “Christ...well I have a lot of families to sadly talk to.” It took some time, but doctors and medics all helped move the bodies and they began cleaning the area. One doctor said he’d send me a list of the deceased guards names when he identified them all. For security reasons, the guard largely wore enchanted armor, making them look almost identical to one another. Most did, not all. I came home and saw someone I...didn’t expect. Well, two someones. Prince Blueblood, and Cadence, Blueblood drinking a beer and Cadence Crying with Celestia and Luna sitting with her, I looked towards another couch and Twilight was crying too, my clone comforting her. “Shining better not be dead.” I frown worriedly. “Cause...I've dealt with enough death as is…” Celestia and Luna gave me this look...and I hit the nail on the hammer. “A black coated child appeared and...decapitated him. The whole of the crystal guard too.” Celestia said. “This was for you.” Luna said, handing me a note. I took the paper and wondered what the assailant could have done here. When I opened it, there was a single word. A name. Ben. I was confused, til a bright light flashed over me, and I found myself in the clearing of the woods. “Hey there pal.” I looked up...and saw that older, Psychopath me. “What brings you into my cage?” “I thought Den killed you?” I ask curiously. “She did damage, but it takes a lot to kill a Psychopath, especially a rather well compatible host, yeah I was hurt but healed up an hour later, damn bitch had trace Humanity power in her teeth so healing took longer than I wanted. After that I wandered a bit, killed a few worlds til some ashy skinned bitch and Spoiled found me, put this on my neck,” He pointed to a large, silver necklace with some kind of ruins around it and a chain going down and then...fading like a ghost. “And now I can’t kill unless she says so. Bitch made me a dog.” “I suppose it's more suppressing the body rather than the power…” I say, thinking about how such a thing could work. “So, someone sent me here, and has been killing all the guards on my planet...what do you know?” “Yeah, that would be Namine, or at least, a well made copy of her, before Core bit the dust he wiped out all the Nobodies of those three kids he had all those reflections of, but their data was still in his computers, and Spoiled made some well made clones with that.” “Roxas, Xion and Namine told me there were no more…” I say. “Do you know where Castle Oblivion is?” I ask him, ready to blow the thing to pieces to keep it away from anyone. “And why would Namine...wait...oh those damned slugs…” I growl. “Yup, they’re Spoiled’s Loyalty Enforcers, or whatever. They keep any normally rogue elements in check and under her thumb. Ever since she started using hearts as fuel rather than just darkness to make clones.” I growled. “She's now desecrating people's lives just to fuel her damned army?” I ask, trying not to get furious here. “Yup. One heart makes a thousand of any clone she wants, and stronger and more solid than the others.” I took a deep breath. “Where's Castle Oblivion?” I ask him. “You can sense the life energy there right?” I ask, thinking Psychopaths could sense life no matter how far. “Not from here.” He said, kicking the dirt. “In this cage I’m cut off from everything, and this necklace keeps my abilities suppressed to Spoiled’s wants. All I know is that it’s someplace near Core’s old Castle in the Realm of Darkness.” “Shit.” I frown. “But...here's a strange thing...why was I teleported here?” I ask, both curious and worried about it all. “That page. You know how that Hundred Acre Woods world worked in the game, same magic, special paper, magic ink, and a fuck ton other spells, and you got yourself a world written on paper you can enter. She made the book itself my cage, and paper from it can act as a portal for others to enter, but unless she opens the book itself I’m stuck here. And she only opens to book to give me an order.” “Interesting…” I mutter. “By the way...how come you're still sane enough being a Psychopath?” I ask curiously. “There are three types of Psychopaths. Sentials, like me, we can keep our own identity of who we are and connect to the ‘hive mind’ to use the power. Eclipsed, like that Light half of Zeke or all those turned Reflections of Cript, totally given into the hive mind, nothing of who they were left. And lastly Insanities, hosts fitted but unable to handle all that power, pain and mental insanity properly, their body gets burned and they become something just plain disturbing.” “Do their eyes happen to be inverted from regular Psychopaths?” I ask him. “Yup. Psychopaths like me and Eclipsed ones usually just ignore them since they’re...unusable. They die a lot easier and aren’t as strong.” “Right…” I nodded. “But…” I start. “Can Psychopaths be saved? Even Eclipsed ones?” I ask y.curiously “Fact is, Cript actually has a way, and cured a bunch, the only ones still out their are largely his Reflections that are turned, and myself. His blood, when he broke from the Hive, being Eclipsed, his own blood became like ours already, but...different, Psychopath blood and Humanity mixed, a combo never before seen. Made special bullets with them and right in front of the first and oldest Psychopaths, cured one, they were still a Psychopath, but their pain, their mental insanity...it stopped. Personally I like being this way, and so do all his Reflections, so now it’s like that.” “You all love feeling pain, being mentally unstable, and killing billions for the fuck of it?” I ask him worriedly. “I am you, remember...It’s better than what we went through, and with the Hive...Not so lonely. I’d take the Physical pain to remind me I am my own person, not a replacement for you on earth before it fell, and the mental instability just further reminds me that there are others worse off out there.” “You are you, and you can live a normal life with someone you love.” I tell him. “I can try and figure out how to stop your pain, and I can take you to Equestria...and you can meet a nice person to date and marry.” I say, sounding like an idealistic idiot. “You don't need to feel so much pain, and you don't need or want to kill so many people for no reason…” I say, wanting to help the version of me that fell so far down. He smirked. “I’d like that, but the thing is, who says you gotta be good to be happy? I got a Ventral lady in hiding, and when I find her, I’m gonna marry her, have kids, and we’re all gonna be a bunch of murdering bastards. After all, not all the Ventrals left crime.” He finished with a chuckle. “Who's the lucky lady?” I ask. “And you know I'm gonna have to stop you and your family from killing so many right?” “Her name’s Cathy, Cathy Ventral, if you find her, tell her I’m here and she might just work with you to free me. Maybe, she’s a crazy bitch, and I love that about her.” “Well at least your not marrying at least...twenty or so women.” I chuckle. “But glad you found someone to love...maybe you can find out Humanity is a lot more important than being a Psychopath.” I say simply, thinking even if he was a bad guy, Humanity can naturally help him recover from his pain if he had a loving family. “Nah, being human is...kinda overrated.” He looked up, and so did I, there were storm clouds now. “Ah, bitch is sending me to the grind. Well, later mutt me, you’d best leave.” He said, pushing me back and everything went white. I then felt myself falling and landed on my back, back in my living room, my wives and clone looking at me. “You okay?” Luna asked. “Well my Psychopath version is on a leash.” I say while getting up. “Not good. And yes I'm fine...just a lot of things to worry about, like the fact the royal guard in Canterlot was also slaughtered...besides Flash Sentry...too many things are happening too fast damn it.” I complain and pout like an upset pup, unintentionally looking rather cute as I pout. “What about Daybreak?” Rarity asked. “Didn’t Zeke say his world is always happy to help?” “They're recovering from an attack that Spoiled threw at them. And I have a shit ton of things to do here, like help set up the school, help keep the people together and stop any criminals from capitalizing on the guards being butchered corpses…” I sigh out. “Hmm...What about your Nobodies?” Pinkie asked. “Can’t you summon up a bunch until things get better sorted out?” “I've been so focused on getting myself stronger I keep forgetting I can just summon things.” I sigh out. “But I can.” I say while snapping my fingers, ten Dragoons appearing. “Well I can call some strong nobod-" I was about to say but one of the Dragoons looked...different. “Huh…” I say, seeing the specific Nobody, the Dragoon looking relatively similar to its counterparts but its spear seemed more...distinct, it's body looking more defined and strong, and all around it looked better. “Nobodies can evolve?” I ask curiously, finding this development a tad strange but cool. “We know as much as you do.” Was the majority reply from my wives. I sent out the Dragoons and some Snipers, and Dusks to Canterlot, the Crystal Empire, and even some here in Ponyville. I was exhausted, today was just...bad. So much death… “Hey Ben.” I looked up, seeing Blueblood handing me a beer. “You look like you need stronger, but all I got now is this.” “Nah I'm fine...but why are you here? Shouldn't you be...well you in Canterlot?” I ask, not wanting to call him an asshole but still. “I got word my Cousin’s husband died and came here where I was told she’d be. Cadence and I were really close growing up. I got to know Shining Armor well also, heck, I threw his Bachelor party. Cadence was more a sister to me than anything and Shining was like the step brother you’d hope to have when your sister marries.” “I'm...sorry I couldn't save anyone…” I sigh out, looking at my clone and thinking I could have just made more of me and stopped so much death. “Heh, if I’ve learned anything in life, it’s that there are things you just can’t stop. When my mother died, I got into Necromancy...If auntie didn’t find out and stop me...I’d be locked in the dungeon or worse. I guess being in your position just feels like shit when bad things happen you only learn about later, right?” “Well it's worse cause I'm supposed to be the hero...the one who's always here to protect the people...and I've barely done that as is. And Rejection, who's back in my heart thankfully, killed my friends and thousands of others to make things worse…” I sigh out, rubbing my temples. “You are just one man.” Blueblood cut in. “A man who carries the weight of the world on his shoulders alone is destined to carry it and never move forward while the world itself does.” “Technically I'm two people and can clone myself more.” I say simply. “But hey...if I have to carry the world to see the people I love move forward and be happy...then that's fine with me.” I tell him. “Heh, true enough.” He said, taking a sip of his beer. “You know, I’ve been thinking about moving out of Canterlot. Things been getting too hectic there lately.” He said with a chuckle. “Do you want to be a captain or something?” I ask him. “Heh, screw that. Shining made Captain of the Guard look easy but if he didn’t have Cadence to...relieve that stress, he’s have gone bald young. Nah...I think I’ll travel, Cutie mark isn’t a Navigating Star for nothing.” “Well I was gonna say a captain of a ship traveling the sea’s because of your cutie mark but works for me.” I nod. “Glad to hear your gonna do something nice with your life. I'm just here with an amazing herd...being a hero…” I trail off. “I'm so tired…” I sigh out. “You best figure out how sleeping in bed’s gonna work considering there’s now two of you.” Celestia tells me. “Don't remind me.” I say, still glad I can feel through my clone. “Gonna be weird not having all my girls laying on top of me anymore...but oh well.” “Well, good luck with that then, I’ll just head back into town and crash at a motel. Besides, there’s something I wanted to check up on in town.” “Besides a girl you find attractive?” I joke with a little smile. “Ha, I don’t know anyone here, no, just wanted to see the sights. Heard Ponyville has some nice ones.” “Ponyville is a sturdy town full of nice people.” I say simply. “If you ever want to live in a place that's welcoming and feels like home, go there.” “Maybe...Maybe.” Blueblood said, finishing off his beer. “See you later.” “See ya.” I nod. “Stay safe.” I headed to the bedroom. The newer girls were all with clone me, the bed being now twice as big as this morning. ”They must have got another new one.” I think, chuckling at my own thought as I crawl in, laying down and Rune hugging me from the front and Chrysalis from the back. “Thanks girls...I love you all.” I tell them gently, cuddling up to the two warmly and feeling safe and whole. To be continued...