A Twist in Evolution 3: Planewalking

by Dark Nightshade

The Slime Kingdom: Part 2

Smelting Scorcher squeezed through the tight gap that he had pointed out. It was a long, thin passage way that was much darker than had cave they had first been in. Smelting Scorcher still wasn't sure why that was, but he was more concerned with finding Sunset Shimmer and Submersive Exploration. Smelting Scorcher stopped again, rubbing several irritated spots that had been scrapping against the wall for a while. He looked at where they were going, seeing that it seemed lighter than behind them.

"I think we're almost there," he called to the rest of the group. They stayed several feet behind him just in case something dangerous appeared.

"Finally!" Ethereal Whisper exclaimed. "This is tight!" Ethereal Whisper was the second one behind Smelting Scorcher, with Broiling Striker behind Smelting Scorcher.

"That's what she said," Smelting Scorcher muttered to himself as he started shuffling towards the light.

"What was that?" Broiling Striker asked.

"Nothing!" Smelting Scorcher called back. As he neared the light, he noticed where the light was pouring in from. He grinned. It was an exit! He shuffled forward, and tentatively peaked out of the hole. There were several bright burning torches that were in holders on the walls. There were two other ways into the room. Other than that, it was empty. Smelting Scorcher slowly moved out, eyes darting from exit to exit. As he slowly walked out into the room, Broiling Striker poked her head out from behind the passage way.

"I think it's safe to come out," she said. Smelting Scorcher turned around and nodded.

"I think you're right," he said. "Come on, we need to decide which way to go." As the group filed out of the tunnel, Smelting Scorcher looked at the map on the screen.

"Are we closer to Submersive Exploration and Sunset Shimmer?" Broiling Striker asked.

"I don't know," Smelting Scorcher said with a shrug. "The map data is only filled in a little bit, so it's impossible to tell. But we probably are, though. There's like, a 95% chance that we are getting closer."

"What about the other 5%?" Broiling Striker asked.

"The other five percent means we're going away from them," Smelting Scorcher said. "Now, which way should we go?" Flash pointed at the entrance on the right.

"There's some kind of noise coming from that way," he said. "Do we want to go check that out, or avoid it?"

"Is there really? Everyone be quiet!" Smelting Scorcher said. The group was already quiet, but now they stopped moving all together. After a couple of seconds, a faint clatter, accompanied with some faint voices were heard.

"Voices mean someone intelligent, right?" Rarity asked.

"Technically, yes," Twilight said. She had been oddly queit during the whole thing. "But we don't know if they're savage or if their even willing to talk to us."

"That is a good point," Rarity said. She shuddered. "Ugh, I do hope that they aren't savage."

"So do we want to go that way?" Broiling Striker asked. "Raise your hand if we should go that way." Twilight, Rarity, Ethereal Whisper and Smelting Scorcher raised their hands. Flash's hand didn't go up. Smelting Scorcher shrugged apologetically.

"Sorry, but majority rules," he said. Flash nodded.

"I'm not going to complain," he said. They turned back to the passage way with the voices.

Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer pulled the door open. From where she was standing, she couldn't see anything that might be dangerous.

“What’s in there?” Submersive Exploration whispered.

“There isn’t anything,” Sunset Shimmer whispered back. She slowly crept into the room, head swiveling around to see if anything moved. As Submersive Exploration slowly followed Sunset Shimmer, she noticed another door.

“Hey, there’s another one,” Submersive Exploration said, pointing towards it. Sunset Shimmer nodded and started slowly walking towards it. Then they both froze as they heard a noise on the other side of it. It sounded a little like a voice. It continued, and they realized that it was a voice. And even more surprising, it was speaking in English! They couldn’t hear specifically what the person was saying, but it seemed to be getting closer. Suddenly, the door in front of them was flung open, and in walked...something. It looked human, but it looked like it was made up of blue jello, or some other kind of semi-solid. The person was also completely naked. As the door hit the wall, the person in the door frame froze as she stared at Submersive Exploration and Sunset Shimmer. Nothing happened for a few seconds.

“Uh, I think your theory may have been right,” the girl finally said, her head turning to face someone behind her.

“Which one?” Another voice asked. Another semi-solid looking girl appeared in the doorway. This one looked like a darker blue jello. Her jaw dropped. Submersive Exploration awkwardly raised her hand, waving it.

“Hi,” she said nervously. “We come in peace.” After a few seconds, the dark blue girl raised her hands and exclaimed “YES!” making her rather large breasts bounce around. The blue girl sighed and rubbed her temples.

“Oh, boy. Now she’s going to rant,” she said. The dark blue girl put her arms down, her smile wide and a little strange looking.

“Who are you?” She asked. “Where do you come from?” The dark blue girl continued to rapid fire questions at the two, leaving them no time to answere any of her questions. After almost half a minute, the blue girl put her hand on the darker blue girl’s shoulder.

“Calm down a little,” she said. “Let them answer some of your questions, and let’s take them to the queen. She’ll need to know about them.”

“Your....queen?” Sunset Shimmer tentatively asked.

“Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble,” the dark blue girl said. “She’ll just need to see you two. Are there any more like you?”

“There are more like us,” Submersive Exploration said. The darker blue girl grinned.

"Oh, this is amazing," she said. She turned to the lighter blue girl. "Finally, one of my theories was right!" The lighter blue girl sighed.

"Yes, one is," she said. "I'm as surprised as you are."

"Oh, this is great!" the darker skinned girl said. She turned back to Submersive Exploration and Sunset Shimmer. "So what are your names? What species are you?"

"Well, I'm Sunset Shimmer, and I am a unicorn, originally," Sunset Shimmer said. The lighter skinned girl frowned.

"What do you mean, originally?" she asked. "Is that not what you are now?" Sunset Shimmer shook her head.

"No, right now, I'm a human," she said. "A unicorn is basically a horse with a horn on it's forehead."

"What's a horse?" the darker skinned girl asked.

"An equine," Sunset Shimmer said. "It walks on all four legs and is covered in fur." The darker skinned girl nodded, fascinated by what she was hearing.

"I don't think we have something like that, but that sounds cool," she said. She turned to Submersive Exploration. "And you? You're a human, right?" Submersive Exploration shook her head.

"No, actually," she said. "I'm a mermaid. Those are close to humans, but with a fish tail instead of legs." The darker skinned girl and the lighter skinned girl both looked at Submersive Exploration's legs.

"But you have legs," the lighter skinned girl said.

"Yeah, I'm able to swap between legs and a tail," Submersive Exploration said. "Now how about you two? What are your names? What's your species?"

"We're both slimes," the darker skinned girl said. "My name is Puddling Theorizer, and this-" She gestured at her lighter skinned friend- "Is Eternal Skepticism."

"Did you have to tell them our names?" Eternal Skepticism asked, her watery eyebrows furrowed. Puddling Theorizer turned to her.

"Yes!" Puddling Theorizer said throwing her arms in the air again, her large breasts bouncing around again. She turned back to Sunset Shimmer and Submersive Exploration. "Now, we need to take you too our queen. Follow us!" Puddling Theorizer and Eternal Skepticism turned around and started walking in the opposite direction. Sunset Shimmer and Submersive Exploration shared a skeptic look, but followed the two slimes anyway. They were in for some series excitement.