Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Dog-Day Afternoon

Pulling out her key, Rainbow Dash unlocked the front door and slipped inside. A deep grunt came from Thunderbolt, who was sitting in the hallway looking at her. His tail thumped, and something low in Rainbow Dash's belly tightened as a result. "After I get us some food, 'kay?"

Thunderbolt had spent an entire day planning for this moment. He pictured "welcoming" his owner home by pinning her down, ripping her clothing off, and screwing her until they were both satisfied. But mention of food shattered the plan like so much chaff on the wind. Jumping upright, he wagged his tail faster.

Rainbow Dash turned the lights on, and kicked off her ruined shoes at the door. "Gonna have to do some shopping after school tomorrow, so I'll be home late again." On bare feet, Rainbow Dash walked up to Thunderbolt, and it was just like old times. She crouched down and ruffed up his fur, even ignored the scaling and slightly slit eyes for the sake of just enjoying his company.

For his part, Thunderbolt enjoyed the contact as well. He wagged his tail in a sure sign of his enjoyment, while Rainbow Dash's hands found all the annoying-to-scratch places. It took some time before either of them thought about food, but when they did, it was because—at exactly the same moment—their bellies rumbled.

"Alright. I guess that run took a bit out of me." Standing up straight, Rainbow Dash walked through to the laundry and opened a fresh can of doggy chow. Thunderbolt, at her side, seemed a lot more composed and less excitable about the food, but that wasn't to say he didn't watch her every move. "How about we eat together?"

Unsure what Rainbow Dash had meant, Thunderbolt tilted his head a bit to one side when she walked back into the house with his food. Following along, he walked into the kitchen after her. She sat his bowl on the bench for a moment and put some of her own food into another bowl—although it wasn't as awesome or large as his own.

Rainbow Dash took both bowls and set them down on the floor. Thunderbolt rushed up, sniffed the salad she had made, and dove back at his own. Still hyped up from Spicy's attention, she didn't feel self-conscious as she crouched down and lowered her face to her own dinner.

Thunderbolt understood what was going on, and despite his love for his dinner, he leaned the short distance over and licked up Rainbow Dash's cheek. A soft rumble left his throat: his bitch was back.

Surprising herself at how effectively she ate from the bowl, Rainbow Dash felt the warmth of Thunderbolt's body in her cheek for some time after he had returned to his own meal. Without distractions, Rainbow Dash ended up with only a little food left in her bowl by the time Thunderbolt finished his, and unceremoniously she was pushed aside by Thunderbolt, as the dog licked the few bits of cheese from among the last of the Caesar salad.

Watching Thunderbolt lick his lips, Rainbow Dash gulped and moved closer to her bowl. Pressing her face back in, she ate up the last of the lettuce. She could taste his mouth, but more than that, she felt heat rush to her tongue and throat.

His saliva is hot, Rainbow Dash thought, working her tongue around her mouth. It didn't hurt, it just felt like she had eaten something overly spicy. The memory of the warmth in her cheek reinforced her conclusion. "Oh, heck, what will this mean if he licks me?"

As if understanding her, Thunderbolt was sitting up and intently watching Rainbow Dash. She smiled up at him and grinned. "I'm pretty sure we both know what we want to do. Sex?" She wanted the whole experience: nothing between them. Rainbow Dash grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and off, then unhooked her bra.

Thunderbolt pressed forward. He didn't ask permission; his bitch had given it by her stance, by her removing her annoying clothing. He had wanted to rip it off, but somehow, having her take her clothing off for him was better. Before she could try to stop him, he pressed his snout in to her belly button, tongue out, and licked.

Fire started in Rainbow Dash's belly. She squealed in surprise as Thunderbolt's tongue washed up her body, strayed to one side, and slid over her breast. Fire consumed her. Rainbow Dash tilted her head back and moaned loudly. Thunderbolt seemed to take her arched back as invitation, and he licked up the other side.

The heat wasn't causing Rainbow Dash pleasure directly. It was more the act of him licking her, of him imparting part of himself upon her, that made such needy sounds tumble from her lips. Rainbow's arms hung limply at her sides as Thunderbolt covered her whole torso with his saliva. When his tongue licked along the waistband of her jeans, Rainbow Dash let out a deeper sound.

Her hands suddenly started fumbling with the fasteners of her jeans. When the pants didn't release their hold on her hips, Rainbow Dash looked down and made sure she got the main fastener and the fly undone. Only then did she stand up. She rose to her feet and pushed down with her hands at each hip.

Thunderbolt was aware of how much taller than he Rainbow Dash was, and though he wanted her out of the silly coverings, he still growled at his bitch. The effect on her pleased him: she practically dropped down to the floor. The fire in his body was joined by an inferno below him. He knew what he needed, what he wanted.

In Thunderbolt's head, his parasite—already a very well-fed example of its species—dosed him with more lust inducing chemicals. Bonding Rainbow Dash and Thunderbolt was a high priority for it. Stability, regular food, another creature to support it; the parasite was digging in for the long-haul.

Rainbow Dash, too, was getting fed a strong cocktail of natural drugs, not that she needed them. Her parasite had conditioned the girl so far only with chemicals, and her libido had grown exponentially.

On her knees, Rainbow Dash's heart beat fast, and she wasn't sure when her wings had sprouted from her spine. She leaned in to Thunderbolt and pressed her face into his neck, nuzzling and filling her nose with his scent. His body still had the scent of dog about it, but there was so much more now. There was spice, heat, power. Rainbow Dash moaned and folded her ears to the sides in submission.

When Thunderbolt's scent changed to a stronger, more musky one, Rainbow Dash knew what he wanted from her. She gave a soft whimper and turned around. There wasn't time to go to a more comfortable room; Thunderbolt wanted her now, and she was not going to tell him no.

Thunderbolt didn't delay. He jumped forward the moment Rainbow Dash was roughly in position, stretched out over her, and clamped his mouth over the back of her neck. He wasn't lined up, and he certainly wasn't in her, but he wanted to make sure she knew her place.

Heat washed over Rainbow Dash's neck and shoulders. Thunderbolt drooled down onto her, even as his teeth pressed at her soft, blue flesh. Despite what could have been a dangerous situation, Rainbow Dash felt calm, relaxed; Thunderbolt was in control.

At the sound of a soft whine from his bitch, Thunderbolt relented on his grip. The fire inside him stoked to new heights, which made his ache to take her grow. Licking her neck just once, he backed himself up. Practice with her parasite-controlled body had taught him the right height to use, and when Thunderbolt jerked his hips forward, he claimed his bitch.

The world contracted around Rainbow Dash. She closed her eyes and could feel the inferno of heat that Thunderbolt shoved into her as if her vagina were her whole body. He was huge, he was fiery hot, and he was inside her. She loved everything about her situation.

As Thunderbolt's forelegs closed around her upper body, Rainbow Dash felt a claw on each side scratch her, but the minor pain was washed from her focus as he started to rut her in earnest. The world was a study in heat. The fire of Thunderbolt's saliva was apparently nothing to the heat of the natural lube his shaft painted her insides with, and when combined with what amounted to a massage of the most sensitive part of her body, Rainbow Dash slumped, grunting with each thrust, with her tongue hanging out the corner of her mouth.

Thunderbolt was in his prime. His bitch was doing everything right, and he would do no less to match her. Each thrust had his slowly swelling knot push in and drag out of her body. He curled his forepaws around and under her, grasping her chest. Pulling with each hump, he drove his groin against her rear each time they slammed together.

Sex with a canine was never set to the bitch's pace, and as Thunderbolt lodged his knot in and couldn't pull it back out, Rainbow Dash realized she wasn't going to climax before him. She let out a needy whimper, and even when an explosion of heat blossomed within her body, she didn't peak.

Having spent himself, Thunderbolt lay down on Rainbow Dash's back. His hot, partly-scaled body pinned his bitch's to the floor, and he started slowly licking her neck. Tied together, Thunderbolt's body wasn't done with Rainbow's yet. One moment to the next, timed to almost every fourth heartbeat, another spray of intense heat shot into Rainbow Dash's body.

Submissiveness settled around Rainbow Dash like a cozy blanket. In her own mind, she didn't care that she hadn't gotten off; Thunderbolt had enjoyed himself, and that was all that mattered. He was huge inside her, locked in place by his knot, and she knew it would be some time yet before he could pull free.

Before his recent changes, Thunderbolt would have tested the tie a few times, and when he was free would have walked away to clean up. He would have ignored his bitch until he was horny again. Thunderbolt felt different now. He nuzzled at Rainbow Dash's neck, he lapped at her shoulders and back, and he didn't test the tie.

Long having given up any struggle, Rainbow Dash lay under Thunderbolt and was relaxed. She floated in a wonderful place where she didn't have to think beyond what Thunderbolt wanted of her. When Thunderbolt shifted and started to rise, Rainbow gave a soft whine and looked back over her shoulder.

Having filled his bitch, Thunderbolt would normally be done with her, but he had come to a decision: he liked hearing her squeal uncontrollably. Sex was fun; eating was too; as was getting pets. But this was the first time a desire more complicated had grown within him. Turning, Thunderbolt pulled his deflated shaft free of Rainbow and started walking from the room.

Rainbow Dash had expected him to leave her. She started to relax onto the floor to sleep, when she heard Thunderbolt's odd, new rumble again. Looking up at her master, she saw he had need of her. Each movement she made to follow his summons caused the heat inside her to leak a little. She crawled toward Thunderbolt, and he turned and walked off again. It was clear: he wanted her to follow him.

Struggling, crawling, doing everything she could despite the burning heat in her loins, Rainbow Dash followed Thunderbolt up the hallway, and eventually into her bedroom. The location confused her, as did the more dog-like bark of encouragement. She didn't make it onto her own bed, but when she slipped and fell to her side, Thunderbolt jumped on her.

Thunderbolt had learned the way to make his bitch, now just Rainbow Dash, squeal. Pressing his snout between her legs, he traced the scent of his own musk on her body until he licked along her folds. The sound came, but not Rainbow Dash. The corners of his mouth curling up, Thunderbolt set to cleaning the mess his seed had made of Rainbow's legs, and then returned to her vulva.

Rainbow Dash realized she was destined to never feel cold again. Each stroke of Thunderbolt's tongue, not matter where it struck, drove heat into her body. She opened her mouth and wordlessly sang his praises when he returned to her folds, and with him licking deeper and deeper between her lower lips, she finally started her final ascent.

He was relentless, his tongue more gentle. It wasn't quite as fulfilling as his shaft, but it had more staying power than his hips did. She was pushed to the very edge of an inferno, and with another lick, threw herself into it. Fire washed through her body, and Rainbow Dash knew she was squealing and calling out—she didn't care how much noise she made, she just had to make a sound.

The sounds were music to Thunderbolt, and despite Rainbow Dash tumbling into her climax and sliding out the other side, he continued. He really liked to hear her enjoying herself.

Waves of pleasure grew, broke over her, and washed back. Rainbow Dash was lost to the sea that Thunderbolt controlled. When he had fucked her, she had been overwhelmed by his control of her body, but this was an order of magnitude greater.

Just as the darkness of unconsciousness threatened to close in around her, Rainbow Dash felt Thunderbolt draw back. She couldn't move, she couldn't even think. Her fiery canine lover stood up and walked around her. Just about to curl up and close her eyes, Rainbow Dash saw Thunderbolt lay down before her. She reached out her arms to hug him, but realized she had the wrong end.

Awareness and realization hit at the same time. Rainbow Dash let out a soft, happy sound, and pressed her head forward. She had to nuzzle aside Thunderbolt's leg, but then she found him. His shaft was bright red, and once again rock hard. It looked different to before, though: there was a slight swelling around the tip, and it seemed to have small bumps on that part.

No wonder he drove me so wild, Rainbow Dash thought. She opened her mouth and caught that strange new tip in her mouth. She doubted she was going to be getting onto her bed tonight, but she didn't care. Angling her neck, she pressed forward and almost choked on the strange shape of him. She backed off a little, lifted one hand up, and worked at Thunderbolt until a second hot rush hit her.

Heat flooded Rainbow Dash's mouth, throat, and stomach. She let go of his shaft and wrapped his hips in a hug. Pulling herself tight against her canine lover, Rainbow Dash felt oblivion finally pull around her.