Power Rangers SUPER Starfleet (Starfleet Humans)

by DakariKingMykan

Episode 25: Part 2: Armies Assault


The jets lay all about on the grounds of the island, and the rangers were all unconscious and unmorphed inside the cockpits. All-in-all, they were not hurt bad, and the jets only suffered a little damage.

Vulcan then appeared by the jets as the minions touched down from the skies. “As you requested, Master Vulcan,” said Bronc “The rangers are here.”

“And better yet,” added Keto “We’ve battled them out a bit, so their powers can’t reactivate.”

“The best part of it is,” said Marla “As long as they’re here, they can’t be detected by their friends back home.”

Vulcan snickered, “Get them all inside the Tower while their still out-cold. The next phase is about to commence, for the end of the rangers, and the beginning of my reign!”

(Que Intro)

The friends at the base were going crazy!

“What’s going on?” cried Pinkie.

“Are they all right?” added Starla.

“What’s going to happen to them?” asked Rarity.

“Can we help them at all?” added Arite.

“PLEASE…!!” Celesto snapped. Everyone quieted down instantly. “Sorry I yelled, but we can’t think with all this noise. I know you’re concerned, and so are we all. We’re doing the best we can.”

Twilight tried and tried all she could, but it was no use, “I can’t get a lock on the jets at all, and I still can’t contact the rangers.

No doubt, they’re at Vulcan’s Tower.”

Celesto was still visibly frustrated for having not seen through the villains plans, and now he didn’t really know what to do.

“We’ve got to do something.” Spike said.

“I don’t mean to sound negative,” said Luna “But considering the rangers are imprisoned in a tower where Vulcan and an entire army of monsters are lurking, I don’t really see many options.”

“It’s worse than that…” said Celestia “If the rangers have been imprisoned, that means our own island is now defenseless.”

Things were only seemingly getting worse and worse.

Celesto then thought of something, “It’s not quite defenseless, not yet.” and he got out his cell phone, and spoke clear to his operator “Get me Washington. This is matter of extreme urgency!”

While he was on hold, he instructed Twilight to send a message to Lightning.

“Darling, what are you planning?” asked Celestia.

Her husband hesitated as he chose his words wisely, “Something I pray will help us all out.” He seemed very worried “I just hope the rangers are all right! I can’t bear to think what must be happening to them now!”

The amnesic friends, though they could still not remember clearly, felt the same way.

“They seem fine people.” said Dyno, “They were only fighting to protect us and the island.”

Myte held his head. “Strange…” he said “Why does that feel so familiar to me?”

All the friends felt the same and could see more clouded memories in their minds; brave warriors fighting against evil creatures before all this, but still the memories were not quite clear enough.

Meanwhile, the rangers were beginning to awakening.

Sunset opened her eyes and came to her senses, only to realize she was trapped in a jail cell with a magic-canceling manacle locked round her neck. “What the--” she grumbled “Hey, guys!” she called out.

The others were all locked in cells of their own and wearing manacles. “What happened?” asked Buddy.

“The last thing I remember… we were crashing in our jets.” added Rainbow.

The sound of a sinister laugh made them all freeze on the spot, and that’s when HE dropped down, “Welcome, Rangers. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

“Vulcan!” cried Fluttershy “So youhavecome back.”

Vulcan snickered, “I think that’s already been established, and I’m sure it won’t take much to realize where you are now.”

The rangers already knew they were locked within the cells of the evil tower, and each cell was barred tight and shielded with magical energy barriers which the rangers couldn’t break.

“Hey!” cried Buddy “Our morphers are gone too!”

Vulcan held them up in his grip, “Much as I should destroy them, they are quite necessary for my plot. With these, I shall gain entry to your secret base, and then I will DESTROY it!”

The rangers felt shocked at such a thought,

“You will never get away with this at all.
If you try to enter our base, you will fall!” warned Rhymey.

“Really…?” hissed Vulcan “What makes you think I’m going alone?” he then motioned to how each and every single other cell on every single floor was empty; not a monster was in sight.

He then held up a small portable monitor to show his entire legion of followers were outside and preparing to disembark, and Bronc and the others with the help of some Lingos were fixing up the star-jets to work on their controls.

“You can’t!” cried Sunset “You won’t!”

Vulcan laughed, “With an army of such powerful monsters, as well as your zords…” he paused and held up the rangers’ confiscated morphers here… I think that I CAN… AND I’M GOING TO!!

And this time, I’ve left nothing to chance. You cannot escape these cells. You can’t morph, you can’t communicate with your allies, and those manacles prevent even the strongest f magic being used or affecting you!”

He was right! The manacles were super strong, and even Sunset couldn’t summon any magic at all to try and break them off.

Rainbow marched right up to the bars of her cell, not touching them for the barrier! “You think you’re pretty smart huh?” she snarled “We’ll find some way out of here, and we’ll kick your miserable can like we did the last time!”

“Rainbow!” cried Fluttershy.

“A mighty fine thought…” chuckled Vulcan “But, I didn’t show you the one final part of my plan.” And then he yelled straight up the tower, “LOWER THE BOMB!!”

“BOMB?!!”exclaimed the rangers, and sure enough a large spherical device was lowered in, and its timer, set at Thirty Minutes, was already counting down.

“Big enough to blow this entire island right off the face of the Earth, and you with it!”

The rangers all grunted in fear in concern.

“I would roast you myself, here and now, but I’m anxious to conquer this planet, and the many other planets out there. Once again I’ll be known as the greatest planet broker in the universe!” he was so confident and excited that he flared up with joy.

“Master!” cried Marla “Careful! The bomb…!”

Vulcan calmed himself at once.

“We’ve just about finished, sir.” Bronc called “We can depart as soon as you’re ready.”

Vulcan nodded, and sent them off. “Ta-Ta, rangers.” he gloated at them, “And don’t feel so bad, when my new business takes off, I’ll be sure to dedicate to the ones that helped me gain it… YOU!!” and he laughed manically as he teleported outside.

Fluttershy whimpered nervously as she looked at the bomb, which had less than twenty-seven minutes to go! “What are we going to do?!” she cried.

“But we don’t have our powers,
And we can’t break these bands of ours.” said Rhymey.

The rangers tried all they could, but the manacles were on good and tight, and the force-fields still blocked them from leaving their cells.

“I’m more worried about home.” said Buddy “There’s a whole army of monsters outside about to attack, and we won’t be there to fend them off, and their going OUR ZORDS too!”

Rainbow, completely enraged and frustrated, angrily kicked her solid steel bed with her foot! “Oh…! Ow….!” she groaned as she held her foot in pain.

Outside, Bronc made his final inspection on the Star-Jets. “Are they ready?” asked Vulcan.

“Yes, Master.” replied Bronc, “I’ve supped them up especially, so not even the strongest of neutralizers may jam our controls.”

“Excellent!” exclaimed Vulcan, and he instructed the Lingos to pilot each jet. “Alright!” he then shouted to his vast legion of monsters, “The time is now! The Earth is powerless against us, and waiting to be conquered! Let’s go out there… AND CLAIM OUR FUTURE!!!”

The monsters roared in cheer, and then all began to head off, teleporting for Mystic Island, and the Lingos rocketed up in the Star Jets, able to fly them quite fine.

Vulcan and his minions laughed wickedly as the army flew off, and soon they all teleported off as well, but Vulcan took one last look at the tower, and then h gazed at the morphers in his hand. “So long, Rangers.” and then he was gone.

The bomb was still going, and now less than twenty minutes were left!

Meanwhile, Celesto had commissioned a complete and total evacuation of Mystic Island. Every single civilian was sent off on boats, planes… anything to get them off the island and to safety, fearing an imminent attack was near. Even shining armor and Cadance were sent away, and instructed to take Castor and Lelani with them and watch over them.

Only police men, firemen, and paramedics were left behind to assist in any certain situations that were about to occur, and that wasn’t all…

Once the island was clear, Celesto had requested the Sentinel and the armed forces to send their best resources to aid in the upcoming battle if the rangers couldn’t make it.

Celesto and the rest of the team were still within the safety of their underground base. Celesto did not reveal this location to the army, nor letting it out that this was the location of the Power Rangers’ headquarters.

The army respected this, and kept in contact with Celesto by phone. “Right… standby.” Celesto said to the General, and he put his phone on hold. “Everything’s ready.” he said to Celestia.

“Good, I just hope it’ll help us.”

“We all hope that, sister.” said Luna.

Suddenly, the alarm sounded, and Twilight could see the problem. “Massive signs of alien activity, heading straight for our island.”

Spike looked at the radar and gasped, “Wow! I’ve never so many red blips before!”

“This is it!” said Celesto, and he got on the phone to speak to the general, “Standby! They’re coming!”

The amnesic friends felt their nerves shooting through the roof.

Many monsters and Lingos appeared in the empty streets of the empty city; one-after-another…

“This island’s empty.”

“Not a soul to be seen.”

“Fine by me… Let’s trash this place!”

That’s what the army of monsters wanted to do, but were unaware of the all the military soldiers and swat forces mobilizer all over waiting for the order to attack.

“GO!!” shouted the General.

The men and women leapt out form their hiding places and began to attack with machine guns, laser pistols, and even explosives.

The Lingos fell easily under all that fire power, while the monsters were all enveloped in the many sparks and explosions, but they didn’t fall over as easy.

“Let’s fight back!” one of the monsters thundered.

Projectiles and magical blasts were unleashed like crazy, making more explosions all over.

Many of the soldiers got hit by the forces of the explosions and were thrown back hard. A few even got injured and were helped out by their comrades.

“We need to bring in heavier artillery!”

The General agreed, “Bring out the big guns! Call in the Wonderbolts…!”

“What are they doing now?” Celesto asked.

“They’re busting out heavier artillery.” replied Twilight, “And they just called out for the Wonderbolts air-squad!”

The amnesic friends could hardly believe this was happening. “This is madness!” cried Rarity “All this fire power could flatten the entire town.”

“Well at the least the town was evacuated.” said Starla “After all, buildings can be rebuilt, but lives can’t.”

Artie agreed, “Sometimes you just have to do what’s best.”

There was a moment of silence as the friends all contemplated what was just said amongst each other. “Why does all that sound so familiar?” asked Pinkie.

They all saw more images in their minds and could even voices this time; voices that sounded very much like their own, saying the exact same things, and the images of the fighters were becoming clearer.

“Ay’-Ay;-Ay;… it’s almost clear enough!” said Dyno, “Si, but what does it mean?!” cried Myte.

The adults could only sigh in dismay, but then they turned back to watch the battle on the screens.

Meanwhile, less than five minutes until the bomb went off, and the rangers were completely hopeless. “This is it! We’re done for!” cried Rainbow.

“Oh, my, gosh…!” wept Fluttershy.

Buddy angrily pounded the wall of his cell, “If anyone can hear us… PLEASE HELP!!” he shouted, but even he knew he was being ridiculous. No one could hear him at all!

However, a loud noise could then be heard. It sounded like rocket-engines. “What’s that?” wondered Sunset.

“Oh, me…!
Could it be…?” asked Rhymey.

Suddenly, there was a loud banging sound coming from up, up at the top of the tower, and the ceiling was busted through letting bits of debris fall way down to the bottom.

The rangers a looked up through all the dust and could see none other than the Comet Striker, and Lightning was controlling it. “Hello, Rangers!” He called “I’m Baaa-aaack!”

“Lightning!” cried Sunset. The others were overjoyed to see him, and Krysta rode atop his massive head. “Hi…!” she called.

“Hurry!” shouted Fluttershy “Only Two minutes left!”

“Right!” snapped Lightning “Stand back away from the bars!”

The rangers did as they were told and moved to the very back of their cells, and Lightning thrusted one of his huge blades right across the row of cells, breaking the walls, bars and everything, and the force-fields were automatically shorted out.

“He did it!” cried Rainbow.

“We’re outta here!” said Sunset.

Lightning retracted his blade and held out his huge metallic-hand. “Quick, get on!”

There were only seconds left, but the rangers all leapt into Ligthning’s hand and he raised them, up, up, and out of the tower. Krysta fluttered down into Fluttershy’s arms as Lightning covered his other hand over the others to keep them safe. “Hang on… here we go!” he shouted as he rocketed away from the tower and the island all together.

…3… 2… 1…!!

KABLAM!! The entire island went up in a huge explosion, and was gone… all of it!! Lightning got shaken by the force of the explosion, and the rangers stumbled about within his hands, but Lightning managed to keep himself steady. “You guys okay?” Lightning asked.

The rangers could hardly believe they had just escaped. However, now that the tower and all of its systems were completely destroyed, the anti-magic manacles around the rangers’ necks lost their powers and just detached right off.

“Mercy me,
We’re free!” cried Rhymey.

“All right!” cheered Buddy, and they all exchanged high-fives and hugs, and Krysta chirped for joy. “How did you find us?” Sunset asked to Krysta. “Mr. Grandruler told us to fly out here.” said Krysta.

“Speaking of which,” said Lightning “What’s going on? Why was the totally empty?”

The rangers explained to him everything, and you can bet, Lightning and Krysta were livid, “This time that Vulcan has officially gone too far!” Krysta sneered. Lightning agreed, and he called into the base.

“I’ve got the rangers… they’re all safe.”

Everyone never felt so relieved and delighted.

“I’m so happy they’re all right!” cried Celestia.

“That’s just the good news…” Lightning cut in “The bad news is…”

“Let me guess…” Spike cut in, “Vulcan’s coming to the island too, and he’s got control of the Star-Jets?”

Lightning felt confused, “How did you know that?”

“Because…” cried Twilight, “They’re almost here! I’m tracking the jets now, and I can’t override the controls!”

Everyone in the room exchanged looked of fear and worry, and the Rangers all felt the same.

Lightning didn’t need to hear much more and put all the power he could into his rockets to take himself and the rangers back to Mystic Island.

…But just as the rangers were warned, Vulcan was approaching the island, riding atop Sunset’s star-jet as it was piloted by a Lingo.

“Alright…!” Vulcan shouted “I want it all destroyed! Buildings, people; everything…!”

The minions, each riding atop another jet, complied, and they along with Vulcan teleported off the jets, straight into town, appeared just outside of Canterlot High.

Suddenly, they were ambushed by a swat team. “Attack!” shouted a guard, and he and his troops opened fire with flame-throwers, rocket launchers, and even threw grenades, shrouding the villains in massive flames and explosions.

“Did we get them?” one of the men asked, but he got his answer when the villains suddenly waved through the smoke, revealing themselves barely even scratched, much to the soldiers’ horror.

“That wasn’t very nice.” hissed Marla.

“Our turn now.” said Keto.

The soldier’ dropped their weapons and began to run for it, but the villains shot a few energy blasts making big explosions that knocked the men all off their feet, but they got up frantically and ran for their lives.

Then came in a squad of air fighter jets; The Wonderbolts! They began to fire their heavier machine guns all around the villains, which made sparks fly, and the villains actually took a little bit of damage.

“Ha! Is that they best they’ve got…?” thundered Vulcan, and he whistled loud into the sky, calling for the star-jets to attack. Naturally, the star-jets, being much bigger and stronger than the Wonderbolt Jets, were able to shoot them all down with ease, and forced the pilots to eject before getting blown to smithereens.

The pilots all parachuted away to safety, riding along the wind, but their jets were totalled, and worse, one of them spun out of control and crashed right into the school, causing it to collapse into a pile of rubble…

Much to the horrors or Celesto and the sisters,“NO!!!”they cried, but the school was in ruins!

Twilight was equally as horrified, and so were the friends. Even though they could hardly remember the school, it seemed like such a nice place to be.

Celestp clenched his fists tightly and growled “I built that school… to help students to learn… and under realize that they do have futures!”

His wife felt just as hurt, and it was actually she who grabbed her husband’s phone and shouted to the general, “I don’t care what happened… GET THOSE CREEPS!!”

He voice echoed all through the base and everyone gawked at her with frightful expressions, but it was understandable. However, the general had bad news, “Our forces are losing! We cannot hold them back; some of the soldiers are starting to retreat!”

Since the phone was one Speaker-Mode everyone heard that, and they were all outraged and concerned. Then again, it was understandable, and rather expected. They couldn’t just order the soldiers back into fighting a losing battle.

The soldiers already ran for the docks or boarded their choppers to escape while they could.

“Look at the cowards run.” laughed Keto.

Vulcan scoffed, “So much for them. Now, let’s trash this island! We’ve still got a whole world to destroy.”

“Yes!” said Bronc “Destroy it all.”

“Oooh, it gives me goosebumps.” added Marla.

Vulcan then whistled for an army of Lingos to come forth, and he handed them the rangers’ morphers. “Seek out their base, and leave nothing behind!”

The Lingos agreed, and began to use the morphers’ tracking systems to locate the secret Jump-Tubes hidden all over the area. They found them, and all began to leap through in massive lineups.

As the Lingos emerged in the base, they found the main chamber completely deserted. The quieted down from their growling and moved about cautiously.

“NOW…!!” Celesto shouted as he flipped on the lights, and everyone leapt out from hiding and tackled the Lingos. There were even some security guards that joined in the fight as well.

Celesto slashed his cane at the creatures, making sparks fly as they fell to the ground.

Celestia punched one Lingo hard, and Luna kicked another.

Twilight threw a chair at three more, knocking them all to the floor. “It’s a good thing Lightning warned us about this!” Twilight said.

Spike agreed, and he growled as he leapt up and actually tackled a Lingo to the ground and began to bite and claw at it.

As for the amnesics…

As the Lingos glared them down a sudden feeling of rage and strength came over the friends, and they just jumped in and began to attack the creatures like skilled martial artists.

Pinkie bounced up high and drop kicked two Lingos in the heads.

Applejack charged like a bull straight through another hoard of them.

“Strange!” Rarity called as she kicked another Lingo down “This feels so familiar!”

“I feel like I’ve done this a hundred times before.” added Starla, and she spun kicked three Lingos down in a Triple-KO!

The friends’ memories became clearer; almost fully in view, but now was not the time to think about it.

Artie corned one Lingo and kicked it hard in the chest, forcing it to drop Rainbow’s morpher. He grabbed it quickly, and then called to the others, “Get the morphers! Get ‘em!”

The others agreed and began to attack through the swarm of Lingos mercilessly looking for the ones that had the other morphers.

“Got one!” cried Pinkie, and she chased after a Lingo that had Fluttershy’s morpher. She leapt over, skid across the floor and snagged the Lingo by the legs, making it fall, and Applejack caught the morpher, “That’s two down.”

The Spanish Twins cornered two more Lingos; one had Rhymey’s morpher and the other held Buddy’s.

“Give it up, hombres!” said Dyno. “We got you know.” added Myte, but the Lingos refused to give in, and saw several of their comrades creeping up from behind the boys.

The boys, however, were not fooled by this, and as the Lingos behind them lunged forth, the boys leapt up, back-flipping high-up causing the Lingos to crash into each other, and the morphers went sailing into the boys’ hands.

“VIVA!!”The boys cheered as they slapped each-other a high-five.

Now all that was left was to get Sunset’s morpher, but more and more Lingos were coming through the Jump-Tubes.

“Seal them off!” shouted Celesto.

Luna managed to fight her way past the Lingos and over to the console. Once there, she activated the emergency seal, which blocked off the Jump-Tubes with solid steel casings, and then reversed the suction, so the incoming Lingos were blown right back out again.

Professor Brain came into the main room where all the action was happening. “I say!” he thundered “What it the name of Elburn is going on here!” and holding a small wrench in his hand, he began to bash the Lingos over the head, conking them out cold.

A swarm of Lingos then rushed him all at once. “Oh, my…!” he cried.

“Hang on!” cried Starla. “We’re coming!” added Rarity.

The girls dashed over and began to pull the Lingos away and attack them ruthlessly. “Take that, you scoundrels!” Rarity thundered as she punched, chopped and kicked the Lingos away.

“Hey!” cried Starla. She spotted the Lingo that had the last morpher, and cornered it into a small, slamming it hard against the thick solidness, and taking the morpher. “I got it!”

“Well done!” shouted Celesto.

Pinkie was losing her temper, and faced against a large swarm of enemies, “Alright! Here I come!” she thundered “AAAAAAAHHH…!!” and she rushed forth like a charging bull and gave the Lingos a huge kick, sending them all flying straight into the main control panel...!!

CRASH!! Big explosions and spark flew all over as the systems began to short out.

The lights began to flicker as the alarm sounded, and more control systems began to spark.“Danger! Danger!”called the automated voice“System Overload! Evacuate Base Immediately!”

That’s when the ceiling began to burst open and loads rock and plaster began to fall in, along with malfunctioning, sparking wires.

“EVERYBODY OUT!!” shouted Celesto.

With the jump-Tubes sealed off, everyone dashed to the far back of the base to take either the elevator or the set of emergency stairs that lead up to the garden to Celesto’s mansion.

The staff, the guards, all the scientists and the Professor, everyone made it out safely, just in time as the entire base collapsed inside, destroying the remainder of the Lingos.

“My research facility!!” cried Celesto. This was very crushing to him. His wife and his sister-in-law comforted him. Even Twilight and Spike were most sympathetic.

“Oh, dear…” sighed the Professor.

Everyone felt a little down, but the sound of large noises in the distance made them look towards the city in the distance, which in a horrible sight as buildings fell and explosions ruptured.

“Oh, my!” cried Rarity.

“This is so not good!” said Artie.

Suddenly, they all heard a loud noise coming straight at them from behind. They all turned round and saw the comet striker coming back towards shore. “It’s Lightning!” cried Twilight, “And he brought the rangers back!” added Spike.

“Hey…!!!” Sunset called as she waved to everyone.

Everyone was delighted to see everyone was safe, and Artie realized they still had the rangers’ morphers.

Krysta flew down to stay with the others, and then it was time for the rangers to take the battle right to the source!

Vulcan and his legion of monsters were breaking up the buildings, burning the forests, smashing the streets, and blasting anything else they could find to bits.

The Lingos had even formed the Jet-Star megazord to help with the destruction! Using the star saber, the megazord sliced building in two and made them fall over and crash into rubble.

Try as any of the remaining soldiers would, their weapons and resources were just no match for Vulcan’s forces, and they all had no choice but to retreat, much to Vulcan’s delight. “So much for them!” he continued to admire the destruction of the city all around him. “Once this island is wrecked, we’ll then proceed to destroy more major cities and counties all over… and then…


“Not if we have anything to say of it!” shouted Sunset.

“What…?!” snapped Vulcan, and he turned round and saw to his horror, Sunset, the rangers, and the Comet Striker all standing there, glaring at him.

“No way!” cried Keto.

“How did they escape?!” whined Marla.

“I helped them.” replied Lightning “Bet you’re wishing you finished me off now, eh, Vulcan?”

Vulcan growled angrily.

Sunset and the others stepped forth, and they all nodded at one another. “It’s Morphin’ Time!”

“Morphing Sequence Ready”


“This is it!” said Sunset “No retreating this time!”

Vulcan felt the same way, and called to his monster army, “GET THEM!!”

The monsters and minions charged forth, and the rangers dashed at them. “Lightning… go after the megazord!” Sunset called.

“Right!” agreed Lightning, and he stomped his way over.

“Destroy him!” Vulcan called up to the megazord. The Lingos inside complied and the two machines collided together, punching and kicking each other.

The megazord then used its sword to slash at Lightning hard, “So you want play swords, huh?” Lightning sneered, and he extended his blades.

He managed to block the megazord’s sword with one blade, and strike the zord itself with the other. Still, he couldn’t believe he was actually battling the megazord. How it used to do so much good for everyone, and now it was being used by the enemy… still, this was no time for sentiments, and he continued to brawl.

Down below, the rangers were battling harder than ever as the army of monsters surrounded them; one-after-another!

Even with their weapons, it was not a fair fight for them…

Rhymey and Fluttershy fought against several monsters at once. Fluttershy blocked their attacks with her shield and Rhymey struck them with his sword.

“There’s too many of them!” cried Fluttershy, and she got her shield knocked away, and she was slashed hard and knocked away.

“No…!!” cried Rhymey, and suddenly his sword was parried, and he was struck, “Whoa!”

“Down for the count.” Marla teased, and she zapped at the rangers with her nails, but the two rangers rolled out of the way avoiding the attacks.

Rainbow fired her cannon as many monsters came at her, but for each one she shot, another one seemed to pop up, and another, and another, making her spin round and around in circles as she fired more shots. “Okay, feeling a bit dizzy!” she groaned, and this was the advantage the monsters needed to knock her cannon away and bash her hard and sent her rolling along the ground.

Celesto and all the others rode in three limousines to an area just near the danger zone where they could see all that was happening.

“They’re getting creamed out there!” cried Celestia. “There are far too many monsters!” added Luna.

Buddy whipped, lashed, and strike many monsters with his plasma whip. “Never saw so many!” he groaned.

Keto then caught his whip around his staff, “Oh, you’ll see worse than this!” he teased “Song of Embernova!” and he bombarded Buddy with a barraged of fireballs.

Finally, sunset battled against both Bronc and Vulcan, and she was losing miserably as the two villains punched, kicked and slashed at her hard. “My, how the tables have turned…” Bronc sneered.

Vulcan snickered, “My thoughts exactly.”

The five rangers huddled together. “We can’t beat them…” panted Sunset “Not like this!”

“We can’t just give up!” said Rainbow.

“You can, and you should!” thundered Vulcan, and he unleashed a wave of flames, blasting the rangers hard and de-morphing them.

Their morphers had completely run out of power, and with the base destroyed they had no way to recharge them.

There was worse to come as Lightning himself was starting to weaken, from all the flying he did and all the power that was used up. The megazord struck him hard several times, and he could barely fight back.

“I… can’t… keep this up… much longer!” he groaned.

The megazord gave him a huge shove and knocking him over.

“Look out!!” shouted Buddy.

“He’s falling near us!” screamed Fluttershy.

Celesto watched in horror and he could only shout out “RANGERS…!!!”

To Be Continued…!