Tales of Equestria

by Neroson40

Mother’s Little Monster

Mother’s Little Monster

Silver was being escorted to the throne room of Canterlot Castle by two guards that obviously knew very well where they were going, but they didn’t know what to make of Silver himself. Zecora’s fomulae were working to keep his anger manageable enough for modern society (though his training with some monks from the other side of the Forrest helped him manage his fury into a weapon when he needed it), so he was mildly annoyed by the strange looks at worst. Silver eventually ended up in front of Princess Celestia herself. She looked at him with some surprise, like she expected something to be different about him. He ignored this and bowed before the ruler, one knee on the ground, one hand on the other knee, other hand touching the ground.

“You may rise, stranger,” the Princess said. “May I ask who you are?”

“My name is Silver Streak,” Silver introduced himself “ And honestly I don’t know whether to say ‘nice to meet you,’ or ‘good to see you again,’ your majesty.”

“I know at least the name of every pony in Equestria… but Silver Streak is not one of them.”

“Your student, Twilight Sparkle is pregnant, right?” Celestia looked shocked that he knew this. But in explanation, Silver spread his hands as if the answer was supposed to be obvious.

“You’re her son...” Celestia looked horrified at the revelation. “Would you destroy Equestria?” Silver was confused.

“I could, doesn’t mean I would,” Silver half-heartedly assured. “Then again, all I have to do is get angry beyond belief to do it.” Celestia’s face betrayed her concern. “When I was seven I beat a dragon half to death, after it chased my friend to Ponyville, I took out my rage on the thing and had to be forced to stop. That was when I got my Cutie Mark.”

“Never heard of anger as a special talent,” Celestia said. “But it would explain my sister’s nightmare of the future.” Celestia wouldn’t go into details, but she instead asked something he didn’t want to hear. “You want to see your mother, don’t you?”

“No,” he said. “I’m too much of a disappointment, to myself and her. Probably doesn’t even miss me.” There was a hoof in Silver’s stomach after he said that causing him to keel over in pain. He looked up to see a very angry Celestia looming over him.

“How could you say that!?” She yelled. “It’d be one thing if it were my student, but she’s your mother! I know Twilight Sparkle, and she would miss her son no matter what got between her and her child!” Silver Lay there in shock for a few seconds… then he began to weep.

Rainbow Dash knew that Twilight had heard enough about her son thinking of himself as a failure from this pony. She’d gotten a lot of advice from her own mother on how to be good as a mother, but to hear that she didn’t have the best relationship with him… that hit hard. It was way too obvious to Rainbow Dash, this pony was making her angry, or scared that she wouldn’t be a good mother.

“He doesn’t blame you for being a bad parent,” this Wave Rider said. “you or his father, who he lost contact with after five years.”

“Then why does he hate me!?” Twilight sobbed.

“That’s just how he is, angry,” Rider tried to assure her. “Right down to his Special Talent.”

“I wanna know why he’s so angry,” Rainbow Dash asked. “How could anypony who’s mother is as caring as Twilight be angry enough to kill a dragon!?”
“He… was an Earth Pony… though you’d normally call him an Earthling to appease him.”

“I thought Earthling was a derogatory term,” Spike said. Rider shrugged.

“So… who’s kid are you?” Dash asked. Rider looked at her for a full ten seconds… neither saying a word… before Rainbow Dash got it. “Whoa, What!?”