A Twist in Evolution 3: Planewalking

by Dark Nightshade

The Slime Kingdom: Part 1

The group froze for a few seconds and stared at the now empty wall. But only for a few seconds. Starting with Flash, they started looking up at the ceiling of the cave, ready to run at a moments notice. But there was nothing. There was a few seconds of confused silence. Finally, Flash spoke.

"Where did they go?" he asked.

"I think there's a hole up there," Smelting Scorcher said.

'What even was that?" Broiling Striker asked. She was pissed, and a little afraid for her daughter. She crossed her arms and sniffled a little. "We need to find them. And we need to punish whatever it was that took them!"

"Hey, we'll find them," Smelting Scorcher said. "It'll be ok."

"How do you know that?" Broiling Striker asked.

"Because Sunset Shimmer still has her reality phaser," Smelting Scorcher said. "They can track each other." Broiling Striker looked up at him, skepticism clear on her face.

"Your able to track her?" she asked.

"Of course," Smelting Scorcher said. "I made sure that we could find each other and that they won't run out of power. They run off of solar power."

"Well, that's good," Ethereal Whisper said. She shivered, her nipples standing slightly erect. "It is damp here." Broiling Striker looked at her, smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, that's nice," Broiling Striker said. She turned back to Smelting Scorcher.

"Ok, lead us on, then," Broiling Striker said. "I want my daughter back." Smelting Scorcher looked at his reality phaser and flipped it over. He removed a panel which revealed a screen. There were four blips on the screen. Three of them were close together. The other one was near the edge of the screen.

"Now, we could have it show the path that they took to get where they are now, but since we can't get to the roof, that won't really help," Smelting Scorcher said.

"Are you sure that they went through the roof?" Broiling Striker asked. Smelting Scorcher pressed a button, and the screen showed the fourth blip moving upwards, then straight, and Smelting Scorcher nodded.

"Yes, I am sure," he said. "Fortunately, this has allowed a mini-map to be started." Twilight rubbed her temples.

"These.....these have a mapping ability?" she asked. Smelting Scorcher nodded and smiled embarrassedly. His face turned a little red.

"Yeah, that was a last minute thing," he said. "I saw you playing one of those open world video games with and decided to include a mini-map."

"That is incredibly convenient," Twilight said. "Is this information shared between all reality phasers?" Smelting Scorcher nodded.

"Of course," he said. "Now, I suggest that we explore this cave. I think that's a way out over there." He pointed at a section of the wall that was set back, different from the rest of the wall.

"This is all supper convenient," Twilight said.

Sunset Shimmer and Submersive Exploration had been pulled by something though a sort of tunnel. It was sticky and slimy, and just felt weird. After almost a minute, they stopped. They were dropped into a small room, onto a small rubbery mattress like thing. It was very liquid like.

"What the hell just happened?" Sunset Shimmer asked, franticly rolling of the bed and standing up. Submersive Exploration rolled off the bed just a few seconds after Sunset Shimmer, thinking about whatever it was that had taken them.

"I don't know, but whatever those things were felt kinda like water," Submersive Exploration said. Sunset Shimmer looked at Submersive Exploration.

"They did, but what does that have to do with this?" Sunset Shimmer asked. Submersive Exploration rolled her eyes.

"It means that the dominate species are some kind of semi-solid creatures," she said.

"Dominate species?" Sunset Shimmer asked skeptically. "How do you know that they were the dominate species?"

"Well, they dumped us on this water bed," Submersive Exploration said. "And it was after a lot of turns. Even if they weren't the dominate species, they were at least intelligent." Sunset Shimmer nodded.

"Ok, good point," she said. "But how are we going to get back to the others? How are we going to find them?"

"I don't know," Submersive Exploration said with a shrug, "But I do know that that-" she pointed at the hole in the ceiling they had fallen through. "-can't be the only exit out of here."

"Well, yeah," Sunset Shimmer said. "There's a door right behind you." Submersive Exploration turned around to see that Sunset Shimmer was right-there was the outlining of a door, and what looked like a handle on the right side of it. Submersive Exploration looked at Sunset Shimmer.

"You think it's unlocked?" Submersive Exploration asked. Sunset Shimmer shrugged.

"There's only one way to find out," she said. She walked towards the door and pulled the handle.