Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Fear and Loving

Rainbow Dash had been about to make her way home after their band practice (for which Sunset had taken over keytar duties), when she decided a detour was in order. With her normal backpack in place, Rainbow Dash slipped into the nearest girls lavatory and locked the door behind her.

"He said it was just for our fun times, but I might as well get used to this if I am going to make a habit of visiting." Swinging her backpack around, she set it on the sink and started rummaging through it. The spray can was easy to find, as was the smaller bottle that Spicy had gotten for her.

She reached to her shirt's hemline and pulled her top up and over her head.

Rainbow Dash looked at the girl in the mirror, admiring the expanse of toned blue flesh, and the two mounds her bra was doing its best to show off. The spray can was light—it was only a gift bag after all—and she twirled it in her hand before holding it under one arm.

When she pressed down on the cap a stream of strong, masculine scent flooded free. Rainbow Dash moved quickly, making sure she was well covered by it, and even gave an extra blast behind her back.

If a guy had come up behind Rainbow Dash just then, she would have assumed it was his scent. She inhaled again and again, getting used to the deodorant. "This isn't so bad." The girl in the mirror smiled, and Rainbow Dash had to agree that this was something worthy of smiling about.

The next thing was the aftershave. Though Rainbow Dash didn't shave her face, she had an idea what this was meant for. Emptying a little of the lotion into the palm of one hand, Rainbow Dash spread it over both palms, then lifted them up and patted around her cheeks, jaw, and chin.

Much stronger initially than the deodorant, Rainbow Dash's eyes widened at how potent the stuff smelled, and she had to agree with Spicy Hot: the stuff smelled good. Washing off her hands, Rainbow reached for her shirt and pulled it back on.

"He can just put up with you girls being up. There is no way I'm running to his place without a bra on." Rainbow Dash put the toiletries away in her bag, hefted it to her shoulders and walked to the door. Unlocking it, she pulled the door and made a run for the front door.

Magic poured through Rainbow Dash, her feet barely seemed to touch the ground, and her wings spread out on each side of her. A rainbow tail trailed behind her as Rainbow Dash left school at a run.

The roads seemed to skip past so fast, and cars barely even moved. Rainbow Dash felt more free than ever before. She reached Spicy's shop, and ran past. Three times she circled the block, before finally coming to a stop.

Walking up the stairs, she turned toward the shop entry and opened the door.

"Rainbow! Is Rarity okay?" Sonata actually jumped over the counter and confronted Rainbow Dash before she even got past the threshold.

"Whoa! Slow down. I was about to go and check on her again." Holding her hands up, Rainbow Dash tried to fend off Sonata. "But first we need to exchange info, so I can call you with what I find."

Reaching to her bag, Rainbow Dash pulled out her phone and was about to read out her phone number when a hand touched her shoulder. Turning slightly, Rainbow Dash saw Spicy Hot behind her, and grinned. "Hi!"

Spicy Hot froze in place as his olfactory sense provided a provocative set of aromas. He didn't think, he leaned forward and pressed his nose to the side of Rainbow Dash's neck and inhaled. There was the faintest hint of whatever scent she had been wearing for most of the day, but three strong notes overwhelmed it. The cologne was strong, but he knew it was short-lived; the deodorant she had used was not as powerful as the aftershave, but it had a good, strong scent; and finally there was sweat from whatever it had been Rainbow Dash had been doing before arriving.

"You smell good." Spicy didn't try to keep the hunger from his voice, and somehow the softer scent of Rainbow Dash's normal deodorant sparked his dominant self into a mental high—having her wear the manly scents was a form of control all its own. "What's up?"

"Rarity didn't come to school today. I was just hooking up with Sonata's phone number, so I could check out Rarity's house and get back to her." Rainbow Dash had a sudden urge to nuzzle against Spicy and let him wrap her in his arms, and when she looked into his eyes, she saw he would likely do the same thing. "It's important, Spicy."

Control. Spicy yanked at his own leash, figuratively speaking. He wouldn't let his sub control him, no matter how inviting they made themselves. "Yeah. You need a lift there?"

Sonata yanked on Rainbow Dash's arm, pulling her out of the doorway and giving Spicy room to enter the shop itself. "Come on, lovebirds, make some room." She let out a silly laugh.

"Th-Thanks, but I can get there faster on foot." Rainbow Dash shot Sonata a smile and a nod, recognizing the need to push the conversation along. Finding her phone still in her hand, Rainbow Dash held it up. Quickly, the two girls exchanged numbers, and Rainbow also put in the shop's number, that she could see on a business card on the counter.

"Did you have a test today?" Outside the immediate area of Rainbow Dash's scents, Spicy managed to keep his head as he walked around behind the counter.

"Yeah. Math." Rainbow Dash checked to make sure her phone had saved Sonata's number. "Think I aced it, no idea yet. I seemed to just—just know everything in it."

Picking up a note of surprise, Spicy grinned. "Did a lot of studying for it? I hope nothing kept you up late?"

Memories of her time with Thunderbolt bounced around Rainbow Dash's head, but of course she had made some time to study during the evening. "Yeah on the studying, no on the late. I passed out pretty early. Maybe that's what happened to Rarity, she was up too late studying for too many nights, and just lost it for a day?"

The words she had just spoken jogged Rainbow Dash's memory, and she connected some dots: she herself had missed a full two days after camp, and it had seemed to be a flu. "Oh, duh! I know what is going on. When we got back from Camp Everfree, I had some kind of flu and was out of it for the whole weekend. I bet this is the same thing."

"Huh." Sonata Dusk's panic seemed to reduce a notch. She blinked and took in the information. "So she and her folks might have just come down with something?"

"Yeah, that's totally what it will be. I'll go around now and see if anyone is awake." Turning for the door, Rainbow Dash strutted from the shop.

Sonata turned from the closing door to Spicy. "You made her wear that—stuff?" She waved a hand in the direction of the door.

"Yeah. Doesn't she smell great?" Spicy felt horny, and with his newest "friend" only just departed (also the cause of the horniness) he had just one thing to do. "Takin' a break. You got this for another five?"

With Spicy already walking toward the staff toilet, Sonata rolled her eyes. "Sure, sure."

It was getting dark outside, and when Rainbow Dash slowed herself down just down the street from Rarity's house, she saw a police car driving away. Startled, she tried to look as casual as possible as she walked up the footpath and turned onto the path leading to Rarity's front door.

Lifting a hand, Rainbow Dash knocked on the door, only for it to move. "What the heck?" She flattened her hand and pushed on the door, swinging it inward. "Rarity? Mr. Flanks? Mrs. Crumbles? Uh, Sweetie Belle?"

Stepping inside, Rainbow Dash could see the kitchen light on at the end of the hall, and the house was silent—except for a very distinct moan from upstairs. "This is not happening. Okay, Rainbow Dash, you are concerned for your friend, found the front door unlocked, and now you are going to catch her doing something you really don't want to catch her doing." As she spoke, Rainbow Dash made her way for the stairs and slowly got to the top of them. The hallway light was on here, and she could see light coming from Rarity's bedroom.

Looking around the corner, Rainbow Dash squinted her eyes closed, then peeled one open slowly. Rarity was sprawled on the covers, her bathrobe open around her mostly naked form. One of her hands was still clutched to a hefty breast, while the other was grasping her thigh.

Every instinct told Rainbow Dash to run and leave her friend to what seemed an intimate moment—all but one. Rainbow Dash knew Rarity was in at least a little trouble, if only for having an odd bout of the flu, so she slipped into the room and closed the door behind her. "Rarity?"

The parasite in Rainbow Dash's head could detect, through terpenes, that the girl on the bed was in the earliest stages of infection. It wasn't completely ready to start exerting modifications on Rainbow Dash's behavior, but when she walked over to Rarity and gently shook the comatose girl's arm, it had to leap forward and act.

Panic suddenly filled Rainbow Dash. The oldest and most animalistic parts of her brain suddenly activated, and she felt her heartbeat rise. "W-W-What the…?!" The softest meow, from Opalescence, startled Rainbow into a blind panic.

Turning for the door, her hand barely made contact before it was swung open, and she was running. Panic unlike any she had felt before gripped Rainbow Dash. Her legs pumped and her wings flapped to get her away from the source of her fear.

When Rainbow Dash could slow down, when her mind could finally work around her fear, she was jogging along the road with forest on either side. Rainbow Dash's heart was racing, and it took a further effort of will to slow down and stop running away.

"Okay. What just happened?" Like a switch turning off in her head, Rainbow Dash felt no more of the fear that had made her run. She looked around. "Where am I?"

It took Rainbow Dash a few seconds of thinking before she reached for her phone and pulled it out. In the moonlight, she thumbed at her device and pulled up the mapping app, and stared at it. "Thirty five miles?!"

Bouncing on the balls of her feet, Rainbow Dash turned around and aimed herself back towards Canterlot. Try as she might, she couldn't remember what was so scary about her friend's room. "Must have been that cat, or something. Just gave me a bit of a surprise, that's all."

Rainbow Dash took two steps—at normal speed—before she realized a problem. Hopping on one foot she lifted up the other and used her phone to inspect the sole, or lack thereof. "Oh man! This is the worst!"

With her phone in her hand, Rainbow let out a deep sigh and tapped through to the dialer, and hit Spicy Hot's shop's number. She heard someone answer it, and Spicy himself started his normal customer-side greeting. "Hey, Spicy!"

"What's up?" Spicy's voice sounded a little confused.

Rainbow Dash blew out a sigh. "Well, you know how I was going to check on Rarity? Well, I found her asleep, but then I got spooked by something and next thing I know, I am a little bit out of town."

Spicy barked a laugh. "Okay. And you're calling me because you need a lift? Why don't you run back?"

Holding back a grumble, Rainbow Dash instead opted for a sigh. "My shoes had an accident. Please?"

"On my way. Where exactly are you?"

"Thirty-five miles west of town, on the side of the highway. I owe you one."

"I'm sure we can come up with a way for you to pay me back. See you soon." Spicy hung up the phone and turned to face Sonata. "Rainbow Dash needs a hand. Turns out Rarity was asleep after all. Heading out for a while." Grabbing his keys and wallet, Spicy made his way for the door.

"What did she mean, 'asleep'? Was she okay?" Sonata picked up the basket of plugs she had been sorting and slid them behind the counter. "What is up with this place and not giving a credible reason for anything?"

Spicy shrugged and left his store in Sonata's hands. Walking down the stairs, he made his way around the corner to where he had his car parked. A big grin suddenly covered his face as he realized Rainbow would have to ride in his old beetle.

Thankfully, there was only one highway leading west out of town, and Spicy got his beetle on it and put some music on. Loud music was best, Spicy well knew, and when it had as much emotion in it as Nightmare Moon put in, he couldn't resist turning it as loud as he could.

The better part of an hour passed before he found Rainbow Dash. Slowing the beetle down, he turned the volume lower. When he pulled up beside Rainbow, he leaned across the car and wound the window down. "Looking for a good time?"

"Spicy, I'm not in the mood." Rainbow Dash opened the door and slid into the car. She turned her head to look across at Spicy, and practically fell sideways into a hug with him. He was soft, and warm, and strong, and all the things she needed right then. "Thank you."

Leaning across, Spicy was acutely aware of one of Rainbow Dash's breasts pressing against him. He tried to focus on other things, like the smell of her body, the warmth of her against him. She was a girl, but she was one that was fun to play with. "You saved the town a few times now, or, so I heard. Call it even?"

Rainbow Dash barked a laugh that was almost a sob. "I don't know what came over me. I just couldn't be there, it was terrifying." She didn't want to let go of Spicy, but there was no way for him to drive with a Rainbow-limpet attached. Rainbow started to ease up on her stranglehold.

"You better now?" Spicy rubbed Rainbow Dash's back and felt the muscles of her shoulders flex.

Rainbow leaned back from Spicy, letting him turn back to the steering wheel. "Yeah. Thanks, again."

"You know, you don't look it, but you have a fair bit of muscle. Do you work out?" Spicy checked his mirrors, put his indicator on, and swung the beetle around. Aiming the car back toward Canterlot, he made sure the road was clear before pulling off the shoulder.

Rainbow Dash waited until Spicy could relax a little before replying. "What, like with weights and stuff? Nah. I run a lot, and play soccer."

"You should come down to the gym. I bet you could load on a sexy six-pack with a little work." Spicy didn't try to hide his enthusiasm.

"Weights and stuff? I wouldn't have any clue what to do with them." Despite her ignorance of working out in a gymnasium, Rainbow Dash's competitive spirit pulled her emotions up, and she found herself growing interested in Spicy Hot's idea.

"I could show you around. Might be fun to have a partner there for a change." The road was deserted, for which Spicy was immensely thankful. "There are other benefits to going to the gym, you know."

"If you tell me it is to ogle guys…" Rainbow Dash trailed off, and thought over what she had been about to say. "Okay. You got me. When and where? And don't think the kicker was the idea of watching big guys working out."

"You practice with your band most nights, right?" With conversation to keep him focused, Spicy didn't need the music. The smell of Rainbow Dash in the car beside him was exciting to his senses, but not quite as overwhelming as it had been in the shop.

"Yeah, Monday through Wednesday."

"Okay, so we make the gym a Thursday thing. Be at my shop just after class on Thursday, and we'll hit it together." As he finished saying it, Spicy Hot realized it was another thing that bound them together, and mentally cursed. Rainbow Dash was just too much like a guy for him, and like a gay guy in particular. She liked guys, she loved sport, and now she was going to hit the gym with him.

Spicy's dominant side prowled around the edge of his mind, and before he knew it, it had control of his mouth. "And wear that deodorant again."

Rainbow Dash shivered at the possessive command. She stretched in her seat and looked askance at Spicy. "Well, of course. And I'll wear something to keep my girls down. Not a rubber shirt, though, that might be a bit much to actually work out in. Hey!"

Accidentally swerving a little, Spicy pulled himself and the car back under control. Now, thanks to Rainbow Dash's words, he was sporting an erection in the tiny car. "Sorry."

"You're imagining me in a tight rubber shirt while working out, aren't you?" It wasn't even shocking to Rainbow Dash that she was flirting with Spicy Hot, he was comfortable for her to talk to, and fun too. "I wonder if I should wear loose or tight shorts?"

Spicy Hot barked a laugh, but his focus on the road didn't waver. "Nice try, but I already imagined you in tight shorts. You're really cool with this idea?"

"Trying something new with a friend? Well duh. And I am not sure if you have noticed, but sports and being awesome is kinda my thing." She looked down and noticed her poor shoes anew. "I really liked these shoes, too. But hey, when Rarity feels better, I will ask her to come shopping with me."

Driving took longer than Rainbow Dash's panicked run, and by the time the pair got back to Canterlot they had organized a schedule for both gym and playtime, ostensibly one being after the other on Thursday evenings.

As he pulled up at Rainbow Dash's house, Spicy Hot had an urge to lean over and kiss Rainbow. It was so strong that he started to lean sideways before knowing what his body's intended target was. The sound of the car door opening startled him enough to abort the goodnight kiss.

Rainbow Dash turned as she got out of the beetle. "I'll see you Thursday, then?" She noticed Spicy leaning across, and put it down to him wanting to catch a better look of her.

Spicy Hot's eagerness, his way of making her athletic side seem more sexy than any "fru-fru" girly things, boosted Rainbow Dash's mood and self-esteem both.

"Sure. Call the moment you hear from Rarity, okay?" Spicy was starting to see past Rainbow Dash's breasts a lot easier. He could start to ignore them, so long as his attention wasn't directly on them. When she turned, his eyes strayed to her rear without fail. The flagging erection in his pants let Spicy Hot know exactly what his body thought of the girl's tight ass.

Rainbow Dash pulled out her phone, and under the expedient of checking it, used the front-facing camera to take a photo of Spicy Hot practically drooling while he watched her walk away. It took just one tap to set the picture as her background.