Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Rivalry ended

Chapter 13

Twilight's pregnant?!

That's all that was on my mind while I sat alone on the edge of my bed.

I just don't believe it. I don't know how to raise a family. Well, it can't be harder than keeping a dog.

A smile began to play across my face. I just realized that me and Twilight are going to have a kid.

Is it going to be a colt or mare? I hope colt, I've always wanted a son.

I wonder what he'll look like? Me or Twilight?

My thoughts was interpreted by my door opening.

Greg walked in smiled stupidly, I could already tell he had smoked a blunt, or two, "Dude, you knocked up... that one pony... Twilight I think... Yeah Twilight."

I stood and sighed, "Yeah, I did."

He laughed crazily, "Hell yeah man." He said as he left my room.

I waited a few seconds and headed for the door. I have something I must do.


David looked at Stormy Vision, a brony. His real name was Zane. He and Greg had ran into him a few weeks ago while looking through the Whitetail forest for Louie's pups. They still didn't know how Louie had had enough time to have sex with that one dog Winona. But who cares, they all had a pup of their own now.

Back to Zane. He was a light black Pegasus with light blue splats dotting his coat, he also had a grayish blue snot. His mane and tail was the color of fire. His eyes was yellow.

Zane looked over at David, "When will I get to meet Lance?"

David shrugged, "I have no idea. When ever he stays at home for more than five minutes. If you want to see him, I suggest going to Ponyville and wait for him to appear."

Zane nodded, "Anything I should know about him?"

"Yeah, you'll know him when you see him, his looks are extremely different from the other ponies. Also, don't ask him to take off his goggles."

"Why?" Asked Zane confused.

"Trust me, you don't want to see them."

"If you say so." Zane turned towards the door, "Well, I'm off. I have a date."

David smiled, "With who?"

"Oh, just a pony." He said as he left the room.


I landed on the door steps of a house made of clouds, the home of a certain Pegasus. I knocked on the cloud door, surprised that it actually made a sound.

A voice from in side yelled, "I'm coming!"

The door opened to reveal Rainbow Dash. She looked at me and glared, "Why are you here? I though I made it clear I didn't want to see you."

I shrugged, "I just came here to..."

She cut me off, "I know why your here. You want to brag about doing that Sonic Rainboom. Well you know what? I don't care, I'm still better than you."

"Well, that's not why I'm here, but I wouldn't call it a Sonic Rainboom since it didn't resemble a rainbow."

She raised her eyes at me, "Oh yeah. What would you call it then?"

I've been thinking of this for a while now, and I already have a name for it, "A Shadow Blast."

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah yeah. Why are you here?"

I held out my hoof, "To apologize to you and to say I'm sorry."

She nodded, "Apology accepted." She shook my hoof, "Only if you give me a kiss."

Damn it! Is it really worth it? I sighed, of course it is. If I want her off my back, this is the only way. "Fine."

She smiled, like she knew I would say yes. She leaned forward, lips pursed.

I sighed again. Its worth it Lance, its all worth it in the end. I leaned forward and gave her a two second long kiss.

She pulled back, grinning, "Come in Giro." She waved me in.

I walked in and looked around her house. Blue walls and floors, furniture made of clouds and everything else a normal home would have. The one thing that stuck out to me was a picture of the Wonderbolts, that was hung up on the wall.

Rainbow Dash walked up next to me and smiled, "So, what do you think?"

"Nice place I guess."

She smiled, a smile full of lust, "Follow me."

Damn it, again!


Twilight stood in the library, reading a book about parenting. She smiled to her self. This book makes being a parent sound so exciting and fun.

She closed the book and thought of Lance, her lover and soon to be husband. If he purposed, which she was sure he would sooner or later.

She smiled to her self. Where is Lance anyway? After they had left the hospital, she had set off for Ponyville, leaving him in Canterlot. Alone.

Twilight's smile faded. She had left Lance all alone in Canterlot, right after finding out she was pregnant.

She bit her lower lip, she would need to do something to fix that.


I ran down the hall and jumped through a door. I twisted around and slammed it shut.

I began gasping for air, "Damn, I need to work out more often."

The door flew open and in walked Rainbow Dash, a lustful smile on her face, "Come on Giro. You know you want to taste me."

I do.. Lance! Bad boy! Remember Twilight! "No Dash, I... I..." I gulped loudly, "I don't want to."

She laughed in a sexy voice, "Yes you do." She said as she backed me into a corner.

As my flank hit the wall, I knew I was trapped, and screwed.

She walked up and licked my cheek.

Shit! I've seen something like this in porn.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do this." She said as she reached forward.

A light flashed around me, forcing me to close my eyes. When I opened them, I was happy to see that I was in the library.

"Hey Lance."

I turned and smiled, "Twilight, you forgot to say bye when you left."

She blushed, "Sorry. Its just that I wanted to get home and read about parenting, and I sort of...."

I cut her off with a kiss. I pulled back and smiled, my right hoof stroking her mane, "You talk to much."

She smiled and blushed at the same time, adorably I might add, "I know."

I nuzzled her neck, "Is there anypony here?"

She shook her head, "Spike is at Rarity's helping. Why?"

I looked at her and took off my goggles. I winked, "I think you know why."

She blushed brightly, "Oh." Then she kissed me, "Somepony can't wait till bedtime."

I smiled, "How could I."

We laughed as we walked up towards her room.


Greg took a drag from is blunt and laughed. "Awww yeah! That is the stuff."

A pup sat in front of him, wagging its tail. The pups name was Weedy, given to Greg by David. The pup was Louie's, but he only seemed to want two of the five that that one dog had had.

Greg smiled down at Weedy, "Dog, you want some?"

Weedy let out a small bark. Greg laughed, and reached into his saddlebag and put a blunt in Weedy's mouth and lit it with his magic, the only spell he knew by heart.

Weedy took a few puffs front the blunt. Causing Greg to go crazy with laughter. "Weedy, me and you are going to get along just fine."

Weedy nodded and took another puff from the blunt.

Greg took a long drag from his blunt and sat back on a couch. Weedy jumped up next to him and sat back on his back, looking to be relaxing with a blunt lit in his mouth.

Greg smiled crazily, "Weedy... I need to get us some bitches. A nice pony for me and nice dog for you."

Weedy nodded lazily, becoming high.

"You know it dog." He said as he held his hoof in front of Weedy.

Weedy raised his paw and hit Greg's.

Greg smiled, "Brohoof man."

The David came down the stairs and looked at them. "Greg! What are you doing?! Giving a dog marijuana!"

Greg waved him off, "He likes it man. See." He pointed to Weedy, who was nodding his head, a smile on his face.

David shook his head, "At least my pup isn't like yours."

Greg sat up, felling the weed taking full affect, "Oh yeah.. What can your's do that Weedy can't?"

David smiled, "Play the drums. I'm already teaching him so we can set up a sort of band."

Greg laughed, the high obvious in his movements and voice, "Sweet! Call yourself's the... the nerds of magic pony land."

David shook his head, "What ever man." He said as he turned and went back up stairs.

Greg looked at Weedy, "I bet you can get the ladies better than his dog."

Weedy smiled and nodded.


I walked out of the library, a smile on my face. Twilight was learning, she knew a lot more about sex now. She must be reading a book or something.

I fixed my suit and smiled. Back to Canterlot.